D-Link Router DIR-865L User Manual
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6D-Link DIR-865L User Manua\f Section 1 - Product Overview 1Power LEDA so\fid \breen \fi\bht indicates a proper connection to the power supp\fy. The \fi\bht wi\f\f b\fink \breen durin\b the WPS process. The \fi\bht wi\f\f b\fink oran\be durin\b boot up. 2Internet LEDA so\fid \fi\bht indicates a \bood connection on the Internet port and to the Internet. If the LED is oran\be, the connection is \bood but the \urouter cannot connect to the Internet. 3WPS ButtonPress to start the WPS process. The Power LED wi\f\f b\fink dur\uin\b this process. 1 2 3 Hardware \bverview LEDs
7D-Link DIR-865L User Manua\f Section 2 - Insta\f\fation Before you Begin Installation This section wi\f\f wa\fk you throu\bh the insta\f\fation process. P\facement of the router is very important. Do not p\face the router in an enc\fosed area such as a c\foset, cabinet, or in the attic or \bara\be. • P\fease confi\bure the router with the computer that was \fast connected direct\fy to your modem. • You can on\fy use the Ethernet port on your modem. If you were usin\b the USB connection before usin\b the router, then you must turn off your modem, disconnect the USB cab\fe and connect an Ethernet cab\fe to the Internet port on the router, and then turn the modem back on. In some cases, you may need to ca\f\f your ISP to chan\be connection types (USB to Ethernet). • If you have DSL and are connectin\b via PPPoE, make sure you disab\fe or uninsta\f\f any PPPoE software such as WinPoet, Broadjump, or Enternet 300 from your computer or you wi\f\f not be ab\fe to connect to the Internet.
8D-Link DIR-865L User Manua\f Section 2 - Insta\f\fation Wireless Installation Considerations The D-Link wire\fess router \fets you access your network usin\b a wire\fess connection from virtua\f\fy anywhere within the operatin\b ran\be of your wire\fess network. Keep in mind, however, that the number, thickness and \focation of wa\f\fs, cei\fin\bs, or other objects that the wire\fess si\bna\fs must pass throu\bh, may \fimit the ran\be. Typica\f ran\bes vary dependin\b on the types of materia\fs and back\bround RF (radio frequency) noise in your home or business. The key to maximizin\b wire\fess ran\be is to fo\f\fow these basic \buide\fin\ues: 1. Keep the number of wa\f\fs and cei\fin\bs between the D-Link router and other network devices to a minimum - each wa\f\f or cei\fin\b can reduce your adapter’s ran\be from 3-90 feet (1-30 meters.) Position your devices so that the number of wa\f\fs or cei\fin\bs is minimized. 2. Be aware of the direct \fine between network devices. A wa\f\f that is 1.5 feet thick (.5 meters), at a 45-de\bree an\b\fe appears to be a\fmost 3 feet (1 meter) thick. At a 2-de\bree an\b\fe it \fooks over 42 feet (14 meters) thick! Position devices so that the si\bna\f wi\f\f trave\f strai\bht throu\bh a wa\f\f or cei\fin\b (instead of at an an\b\fe) for better reception. 3. Bui\fdin\b Materia\fs make a difference. A so\fid meta\f door or a\fuminum studs may have a ne\bative effect on ran\be. Try to position access points, wire\fess routers, and computers so that the si\bna\f passes throu\bh drywa\f\f or open doorways. Materia\fs and objects such as \b\fass, stee\f, meta\f, wa\f\fs with insu\fation, water (fish tanks), mirrors, fi\fe cabinets, brick, and concrete wi\f\f de\brade your wire\fess si\bna\f. 4. Keep your product away (at \feast 3-6 feet or 1-2 meters) from e\fectrica\f devices or app\fiances that \benerate RF noise. 5. If you are usin\b 2.4GHz cord\fess phones or X-10 (wire\fess products such as cei\fin\b fans, \fi\bhts, and home security systems), your wire\fess connection may de\brade dramatica\f\fy or drop comp\fete\fy. Make sure your 2.4GHz phone base is as far away from your wire\fess devices as possib\fe. The base transmits a si\bna\f even if the phone in not in use.
9D-Link DIR-865L User Manua\f Section 2 - Insta\f\fation 1. Turn off and unp\fu\b your cab\fe or DSL br\uoadband modem. This is required. Manual Setup 12V3A USB LAN4 3 2 1 INTERNETRESET POWER 2. Position your router c\fose to your modem and a computer. P\face the router in an open area of your intended work area for better wire\fess covera\be. 3. Unp\fu\b the Ethernet cab\fe from your modem (or existin\b router if up\bradin\b) that is connected to your computer. P\fu\b it into the LAN port \fabe\fed 1 on the back of your router. The router is now connected to your computer. Modem DIR-865L Computer
10D-Link DIR-865L User Manua\f Section 2 - Insta\f\fation 4. P\fu\b one end of the inc\fuded b\fue Ethernet cab\fe that came with your router into the ye\f\fow port \fabe\fed INTERNET on the back of the\u router. P\fu\b the other end of t\uhis cab\fe into the Ethernet port on your modem. 12V3A USB LAN4 3 2 1 INTERNETRESET POWER INTERNET 5. Reconnect the power adapter to your cab\fe or DSL br\uoadband modem and \uwait for two minutes. 6. Connect the supp\fied power adapter into the power port on the back of the router and then p\fu\b it into a power out\fet or sur\be protector. Press the power button and verify that the power LED is \fit. A\f\fow 1 minute for the router to boot up. 12V3A USB LAN4 3 2 1 INTERNETRESET POWER INTERNET 7. If you are connectin\b to a Broadband service that uses a dynamic connection (not PPPoE), you may be on\fine a\fready. Try openin\b a web browser and enter a web site. If you connect, you are finished with your Internet setup. P\fease skip to pa\be 13 to confi\bure your router and use the manua\f setup procedure to confi\bure your network and wire\fess settin\bs. If you did not connect to the Internet, use the D-Link Setup Wizard (refer to pa\be 14). DIR-865L DIR-865L Modem Computer Modem Computer
11D-Link DIR-865L User Manua\f Section 2 - Insta\f\fation Note: It is strongly recommended to replace your existing router with the DI\b-865L instead of using both. If your modem is a combo router, you may want to contact your ISP or manufacturer’s user guide to put the router into Bridge mode, which will ‘turn off ’ the router (NAT ) functions. If you are connectin\b the DIR-865L router to an existin\b router to use as a wire\fess access point and/or switch, you wi\f\f have to do the fo\f\fowin\b to the DIR-865L before connectin\b it to your network: • Disab\fe UPnP™ • Disab\fe DHCP • Chan\be the LAN IP address to an avai\fab\fe address on your network. The LAN ports on the router cannot accept a DHCP address from your other router. To connect to another router, p\fease fo\f\fow the steps be\fow: 1. P\fu\b the power into the router. Connect one of your computers to the router (LAN port) usin\b an Ethernet cab\fe. Make sure your IP address on the computer is 192.168.0.xxx (where xxx is between 2 and 254). P\fease see the Networking. Basics section for more information. If you need to chan\be the settin\bs, write down your existin\b settin\bs before makin\b any chan\bes. In most cases, your computer shou\fd be set to receive an IP address automatica\f\fy in which case you wi\f\f not have to do anythin\b to your computer. 2. Open a web browser, enter (or http://d\binkrouter.\boca\b) and press Enter. When the \fo\bin window appears, set the user name \uto Admin and \feave the password box empty. C\fick Log.In to continue. 3. C\fick on Advanced and then c\fick Advanced .Network. Uncheck the Enab\be .UPnP checkbox. C\fick Save .Settings to continue. 4. C\fick Setup and then c\fick Network .Settings. Uncheck the Enab\be .DHCP .Server checkbox. C\fick Save .Settings to continue. Conne\ft to an Existing Router
12D-Link DIR-865L User Manua\f Section 2 - Insta\f\fation 5. Under Router Settin\bs, enter an avai\fab\fe IP address and the subnet mask of your network. C\fick Save. Settings to save your settin\bs. Use this new IP address to access the confi\buration uti\fity of the router in the future. C\fose the browser and chan\be your computer’s IP settin\bs back t\uo the ori\bina\f va\fues as in Step 1. 6. Disconnect the Ethernet cab\fe from the router and reconnect your computer to your network. 7. Connect an Ethernet cab\fe in one of the LAN ports of the router and connect it to your other router. Do not p\fu\b anythin\b into the Internet (WAN) port of the D-Link router. 8. You may now use the other 3 LAN ports to connect other Ethernet devices and computers. To confi\bure your wire\fess network, open a web browser and enter the IP address you assi\bned to the router. Refer to the Configuration and Wire\bess Security sections for more information on settin\b up your wire\fess network.
13D-Link DIR-865L User Manua\f Section 2 - Insta\f\fation There are severa\f different ways you can confi\bure your router to connect to the Internet and connect to your c\fients: • QRS.Mobi\be.App.- Use your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch to confi\bure your router. Refer to pa\be 21 • D-Link.Setup.Wizard - This wizard wi\f\f \faunch when you \fo\b into the router for the first time. Refer to pa\be 14. • Manua\b.Setup - Lo\b into the router and manua\f\fy confi\bure your router (advanced users on\fy). Refer to pa\be 26. Configuration
14D-Link DIR-865L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration If this is your first time \fo\b\bin\b into the router, this wizard wi\f\f start automatica\f\fy. This wizard is desi\bned to \buide you throu\bh a step-by-step process to confi\bure your new D-Link router and connect to the Internet. C\fick Next to continue. Qui\fk Setup Wizard If this is your first time insta\f\fin\b the router, \faunch your web browser and you wi\f\f automatica\f\fy be directed to the Wizard Setup S\freen. If you have a\fready confi\bured your settin\bs and you wou\fd \fike to access the confi\buration uti\fity, p\fease refer to pa\be 26. P\fease wait whi\fe your router detects your internet connection type. If the router detects your Internet connection, you may need to enter your ISP information such as username and password.
15D-Link DIR-865L User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration If the router does not detect a va\fid Ethernet connection from the Internet port, this screen wi\f\f appear. Connect your broadband modem to the Internet port and then c\fick Try.Again. If the router detects an Ethernet connection but does not detect the type of Internet connection you have, this screen wi\f\f appear. C\fick Guide.me. through .the .Internet .Connection .Settings to disp\fay a \fist of connection types to choose from. Se\fect your Internet connection type and c\fick Next to continue.