D-Link Dir825 B1 Manual
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26D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Se\fect PPPoE.(Username/Password) from the drop-down menu. Advanced Domain Name System (DNS) services enhances your Internet performance by \bettin\b you the information and web pa\bes you are \fookin\b for faster and more re\fiab\fy. In addition, it improves your overa\f\f Internet experience by correctin\b many common typo mistakes automatica\f\fy, takin\b you where you intended to \bo and savin\b you va\fuab\fe time. Disc\faimer: D-Link makes no warranty as to the a\failability, reliability, functionality and operation of the Ad\fanced DNS ser\fice or its features. Check to enab\fe true Gi\babit routin\b. This wi\f\f increase the throu\bh-put of the WAN-LAN connectivity of the router. Se\fect Static.IP if your ISP assi\bned you the IP address, subnet mask, \bateway, and DNS server addresses. In most cases, se\fect Dynamic. Enter the IP address (Static PPPoE on\fy). Enter your PPPoE user name. Enter your PPPoE password and then retype the password in the next box. Enter the ISP Service Name (optiona\f). Se\fect either A\bways-on, \fn-Demand, or Manua\b. My Internet Conne\ftion: Enable Advan\fed DNS Servi\fe: Enable True Gigabit Routing Conne\ftivity: Address Mode: IP Address: User Name: Password: Servi\fe Name: Re\fonne\ft Mode: Internet Setup PPPoE (DSL) Choose PPPoE (Point to Point Protoco\f over Ethernet) if your ISP uses a PPPoE connection. Your ISP wi\f\f provide you with a username and password. This option is typica\f\fy used for DSL services. Make sure to remove your PPPoE software from your computer. The software is no \fon\ber need\ued and wi\f\f not work throu\bh a router.

27D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Maximum Idle Time: DNS Addresses: MTU: MAC Address: Enter a maximum id\fe time durin\b which the Internet connection is maintained durin\b inactivity. To disab\fe this feature, enab\fe Auto-reconnect. Enter the Primary and Secondary DNS Server Addresses (Static PPPoE on\fy). Maximum Transmission Unit - you may need to chan\be the MTU for optima\f performance with your specific ISP. 1492 is the defau\ft MTU. The defau\ft MAC Address is set to the Internet port’s physica\f interface MAC address on the Broadband Router. It is not recommended that you chan\be the defau\ft MAC address un\fess required by your ISP. You can use the Copy.Your.PC’s.MAC. Address button to rep\face the Internet port’s MAC address with the MAC address of your Ethernet card.

28D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Se\fect PPTP.(Username/Password) from the drop-down menu. Advanced Domain Name System (DNS) services enhances your Internet performance by \bettin\b you the information and web pa\bes you are \fookin\b for faster and more re\fiab\fy. In addition, it improves your overa\f\f Internet experience by correctin\b many common typo mistakes automatica\f\fy, takin\b you where you intended to \bo and savin\b you va\fuab\fe time. Disc\faimer: D-Link makes no warranty as to the a\failability, reliability, functionality and operation of the Ad\fanced DNS ser\fice or its features. Check to enab\fe true Gi\babit routin\b. This wi\f\f increase the throu\bh- put of the WAN-LAN connectivity of the router. Se\fect Static if your ISP assi\bned you the IP address, subnet mask, \bateway, and DNS server addresses. In most cases, se\fect Dynamic. Enter the IP address (Static PPTP on\fy). Enter the Primary and Secondary DNS Server Addresses (Static PPTP on\fy). Enter the Gateway IP Address provided by your ISP. Enter the Server IP provided by your ISP (optiona\f). Internet Setup PPTP Choose PPTP (Point-to-Point-Tunne\fin\b Protoco\f ) if your ISP uses a PPTP connection. Your ISP wi\f\f provide you with a username and password. This option is typica\f\fy used for DSL services. My Internet Conne\ftion: Enable Advan\fed DNS Servi\fe: Enable True Gigabit Routing Conne\ftivity: Address Mode: PPTP IP Address: PPTP Subnet Mask: PPTP Gateway: PPTP Server IP:

29D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Enter your PPTP username. Enter your PPTP password and then retype the password in the next box. Se\fect either A\bways-on, \fn-Demand, or Manua\b. Enter a maximum id\fe time durin\b which the Internet connection is maintained durin\b inactivity. To disab\fe this feature, enab\fe Auto-reconnect. The DNS server information wi\f\f be supp\fied \uby your ISP (Internet Service Provider.) Maximum Transmission Unit - you may need to chan\be the MTU for optima\f performance with your specific ISP. 1400 is the defau\ft MTU. The defau\ft MAC Address is set to the Internet port’s physica\f interface MAC address on the Broadband Router. It is not recommended that you chan\be the defau\ft MAC address un\fess required by your ISP. You can use the C\bone.Your.PC’s.MAC. Address button to rep\face the Internet port’s MAC address with the MAC address of your Ethernet card. Username: Password: Re\fonne\ft Mode: Maximum Idle Time: DNS Servers: MTU: MAC Address:

30D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Se\fect L2TP.(Username/Password) from the drop-down menu. Advanced Domain Name System (DNS) services enhances your Internet performance by \bettin\b you the information and web pa\bes you are \fookin\b for faster and more re\fiab\fy. In addition, it improves your overa\f\f Internet experience by correctin\b many common typo mistakes automatica\f\fy, takin\b you where you intended to \bo and savin\b you va\fuab\fe time. Disc\faimer: D-Link makes no warranty as to the a\failability, reliability, functionality and operation of the Ad\fanced DNS ser\fice or its features. Check to enab\fe true Gi\babit routin\b. This wi\f\f increase the throu\bh-put of the WAN-LAN connectivity of the router. Se\fect Static if your ISP assi\bned you the IP address, subnet mask, \bateway, and DNS server addresses. In most cases, se\fect Dynamic. Enter the L2TP IP addr\uess supp\fied by your ISP (Static on\fy). Enter the Subnet Mask supp\fied by your ISP (Static on\fy). Enter the Gateway IP Address provided by your ISP. Enter the Server IP provided by your ISP (optiona\f). My Internet Conne\ftion: Enable Advan\fed DNS Servi\fe: Enable True Gigabit Routing Conne\ftivity: Address Mode: L2TP IP Address: L2TP Subnet Mask: L2TP Gateway: L2TP Server IP: Internet Setup L2TP Choose L2TP (Layer 2 Tunne\fin\b Protoco\f) if your ISP uses a L2TP connection. Your ISP wi\f\f provide you with a username and password. This option is typica\f\fy used for DSL services.

31D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Username: Password: Re\fonne\ft Mode: Maximum Idle Time: DNS Servers: MTU: Clone MAC Address: Enter your L2TP username. Enter your L2TP password and then retype the password in the next box. Se\fect either A\bways-on, \fn-Demand, or Manua\b. Enter a maximum id\fe time durin\b which the Internet connection is maintained durin\b inactivity. To disab\fe this feature, enab\fe Auto-reconnect. Enter the Primary and Secondary DNS Server Addresses (Static L2TP on\fy). Maximum Transmission Unit - you may need to chan\be the MTU for optima\f performance with your specific ISP. 1400 is the defau\ft MTU. The defau\ft MAC Address is set to the Internet port’s physica\f interface MAC address on the Broadband Router. It is not recommended that you chan\be the defau\ft MAC address un\fess required by your ISP. You can use the C\bone.Your.PC’s.MAC. Address button to rep\face the Internet port’s MAC address with the MAC address of your Ethernet card.

32D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Internet Setup DS-Lite Another Internet Connection type is DS-Lite. DS-Lite Configuration: Se\fect the DS-Lite DHCPv6 option to \fet the router a\f\focate the AFTR IPv6 address automatica\f\fy. Se\fect the Manua\f Confi\buration to enter the AFTR IPv6 address in manua\f\fy. AFTR IPv6 Address: After se\fectin\b the Manua\f Confi\buration option above, enter the AFTR IPv6 address used here. B4 IPv4 Address:Enter the B4 IPv4 address va\fue used here. WAN IPv6 Address: Once connected, the WAN IPv6 address wi\f\f be disp\fayed here. IPv6 WAN Default Gateway Once connected, the IPv6 WAN Defau\ft Gateway address wi\f\f be disp\fayed here. DS-Lite is an IPv6 connection type. After se\fectin\b DS-Lite, the fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration:

33D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Wireless Settings If you want to confi\bure the wire\fess settin\bs on your router usin\b the wizard, c\fick Wire\bess.Security .Setup .Wizard .and refer to pa\be 38. C\fick Add.Wire\bess .Device .with .WPS if you want to add a wire\fess device usin\b Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) and refer to pa\be 41. If you want to manua\f\fy confi\bure the wire\fess settin\bs on your router c\fick Manua\b Wire\bess. Network. Setup.and refer to the next pa\be.

34D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Check the box to enab\fe the wire\fess function. If you do not want to use wire\fess, uncheck the box to disab\fe a\f\f the wire\fess functions. Se\fect the time frame that you wou\fd \fike your wire\fess network enab\fed. The schedu\fe may be set to A\bways. Any schedu\fe you create wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe in the drop-down menu. C\fick New.Schedu\be to create a schedu\fe. Service Set Identifier (SSID) is the name of your wire\fess network. Create a name for your wire\fess network usin\b up to 32 characters. The SSID is case-sensitive. Se\fect one of the fo\f\fowin\b: 802.11b.\fn\by - Se\fect on\fy if a\f\f of your wire\fess c\fients are 802.11b. 802.11g.\fn\by - Se\fect on\fy if a\f\f of your wire\fess c\fients are 802.11\b. 802.11n.\fn\by - Se\fect on\fy if a\f\f of your wire\fess c\fients are 802.11n. Mixed.802.11g.and.802.11b - Se\fect if you are usin\b both 802.11\b \uand 802.11b wire\fess c\fients. Mixed.802.11n.and.802.11g - Se\fect if you are usin\b both 802.11n\u and 802.11\b wire\fess c\fients. Mixed.802.11n,.11g,.and.11b - Se\fect if you are usin\b a mix of 80\u2.11n, 802.11\b, and 802.11b wire\fess c\fients. The Auto.Channe\b. Scan settin\b can be se\fected to a\f\fow the DIR-825 to choose the channe\f with the \feast amount of interference. Indicates the channe\f settin\b for the DIR-825. By defau\ft the channe\f is set to 6. The Channe\f can be chan\bed to fit the channe\f settin\b for an existin\b wire\fess network or to customize the wire\fess network. If you enab\fe Auto.Channe\b. Scan, this option wi\f\f be \breyed out. Se\fect the transmit rate. It is stron\b\fy su\b\bested to se\fect Best.(Auto) for best performance. Enable Wireless: S\fhedule: Wireless Network Name: 802.11 Mode: Enable Auto Channel S\fan: Wireless Channel: Transmission Rate: Manual Wireless Settings 802.11n/g (2.4GHz)

35D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Se\fect the Channe\f Width: Auto.20/40 - This is the defau\ft se\uttin\b. Se\fect if you are usin\b both 802.11n\u and non-802.11n wi\ure\fess devices. 20MHz - Se\fect if you are not usin\b any 802.11n wire\fess c\fients. Se\fect Invisib\be if you do not want the SSID of your wire\fess network to be broadcasted by the DIR-825. If Invisib\fe is se\fected, the SSID of the DIR-825 wi\f\f not be seen by Site Survey uti\fities so your wire\fess c\fients wi\f\f have to know the SSID of your DIR-825 in order to connect to it. Refer to pa\be 38 for more information re\bardin\b wire\fess security. Channel Width: Visibility Status: Wireless Se\furity: