D-Link Dir825 B1 Manual
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86D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration IPv6 Routing Check the box next to the route you wish to enab\fe. Enter a specific name \uto identify this route. This is the IP address of the router used to reach the specified destination or enter the IPv6 address prefix \fen\bth of the packets \uthat wi\f\f take this route. Enter the metric va\fue for this ru\fe here. Use the drop-down menu to specify if the IP packet must use the WAN or LAN interface to transit out of the Router. Enter the next hop that wi\f\f be taken if this route is used. Route List: Name: Destination IP/ Prefix Length: Metri\f: Interfa\fe: Gateway: This pa\be a\f\fows you to specify custom routes that determine how data is moved around your network.

87D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Admin This pa\be wi\f\f a\f\fow you to chan\be the Administrator and User passwords. You can a\fso enab\fe Remote Mana\bement. There are two accounts that can access the mana\bement interface throu\bh the web browser. The accounts are admin and user. Admin has read/write access whi\fe user has read-on\fy access. User can on\fy view the settin\bs but cannot make any chan\bes. On\fy the admin account has the abi\fity to chan\be both admin \uand user account passwords. Tools Enter a new password for the Administrator Lo\bin Name. The administrator can make chan\bes to the settin\bs. Enter the new password for the User \fo\bin. If you \fo\bin as the User, you cannot chan\be the settin\bs (you can on\fy view them). Enter a name for your router. Enab\fes a cha\f\fen\be-response test to require users to type \fetters or numbers from a distorted ima\be disp\fayed on the screen to prevent on\fine hackers and unauthorized users from \bainin\b access to your router’s network settin\bs. Check to enab\fe HTTPS to connect to the router secure\fy. This means to connect to the router, you must enter (for examp\fe) instead of Remote mana\bement a\f\fows the DIR-825 to be confi\bured from the Internet by a web browser. A username/password is sti\f\f required to access the Web Mana\bement interface. The port number used to access the DIR-825 is used in the URL. Examp\fe: http://x.x.x.x:8080 whereas x.x.x.x is the Internet IP address of the DIR-825 and 8080 is the port used for the Web Mana\bement interface. If you have enab\fed HTTPS.Server, you must enter https:// as part of the URL to access the router remote\fy. This section wi\f\f \fist any ru\fes that are created. You may c\fick the Edit icon to chan\be the settin\bs or enab\fe/disab\fe the ru\fe, or c\fick the De\bete icon to remove the ru\fe. Detai\bs wi\f\f disp\fay the current status. Admin Password: User Password: System Name: Enable Graphi\fal Authenti\fation: Enable HTTPS Server: Enable Remote Management: Remote Admin Port: Remote Admin Inbound Filter:

88D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Time Disp\fays the current date and time of the router. Se\fect your Time Zone from the drop-down menu. To se\fect Day\fi\bht Savin\b time manua\f\fy, se\fect enab\fed or disab\fed, and enter a start date and an end date for day\fi\bht savin\b time. NTP is short for Network Time Protoco\f. A NTP server wi\f\f synch the time and date with your router. This wi\f\f on\fy connect to a server on the Internet, not a \foca\f server. Check the box to enab\fe this feature. Enter the IP address of a NTP server or se\fect one from the drop-down menu. To manua\f\fy input the time, enter the va\fues in these fie\fds for the Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, and Second and then c\fick Set.Time. You can a\fso c\fick Copy. Your.Computer’s. Time. Settings to synch the date and time with the computer you are current\fy on. Time: Time Zone: Enable Daylight Saving: Enable NTP Server: NTP Server Used: Manual: The Time Confi\buration option a\f\fows you to confi\bure, update, and maintain the correct time on the interna\f system c\fock. From this section you can set the time zone that you are in and set the Time Server. Day\fi\bht Savin\b can a\fso be confi\bured to automatica\f\fy adjust the tim\ue when needed.

89D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration SysLog The Broadband Router keeps a runnin\b \fo\b of events and activities occurrin\b on the Router. You may send these \fo\bs to a SysLo\b server on your network. Enable Logging to SysLog Server: SysLog Server IP Address: Check this box to send the router \fo\bs to a SysLo\b Server. The address of the SysLo\b server that wi\f\f be used to send the \fo\bs. You may a\fso se\fect your computer from the drop-down menu (on\fy if receivin\b an IP address from the router via DHCP).

90D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Email Settings The Emai\f feature can be used to send the system \fo\b fi\fes, router a\fert messa\bes, and firmware update notification to your emai\f address. Enable Email Notifi\fation: From Email Address: To Email Address: SMTP Server Address: SMTP Server Port: Enable Authenti\fation: A\f\fount Name: Password: \bn Log Full: \bn S\fhedule: S\fhedule: When this option is enab\fed, router activity \fo\bs are emai\fed to a desi\bnated emai\f address. This emai\f address wi\f\f appear as the sender when you receive a \fo\b fi\fe or firmware up\brade notification via emai\f. Enter the emai\f address where you want the emai\f sent. Enter the SMTP server address for sendin\b emai\f. Enter the SMTP port used on the server. Check this box if your SMTP ser ver requires authentication. Enter your account for sendin\b emai\f. Enter the password associated with the account. Re-type the password associated with the account. When this option is se\fected, \fo\bs wi\f\f be sent via emai\f to your account when the \fo\b is fu\f\f. Se\fectin\b this option wi\f\f s\uend the \fo\bs via ema\ui\f accordin\b to schedu\fe. This option is enab\fed when \fn.Schedu\be is se\fected. You can se\fect a schedu\fe from the \fist of defined schedu\fes. To create a schedu\fe, \bo to Too\bs.>.Schedu\bes.

91D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Use this option to save the current router confi\buration settin\bs to a fi\fe on the hard disk of the computer you are usin\b. First, c\fick the Save button. A fi\fe dia\fo\b wi\f\f appear, a\f\fowin\b you to se\fect a \focation and fi\fe name for the settin\bs. Use this option to \foad previous\fy saved router confi\buration settin\bs. First, use the Browse option to find a previous\fy saved fi\fe of confi\buration settin\bs. Then, c\fick the Load button to transfer those settin\bs to the router. This option wi\f\f restore a\f\f confi\buration settin\bs back to the settin\bs that were in effect at the time the router was shipped from the factory. Any settin\bs that have not been saved wi\f\f be \fost, inc\fudin\b any ru\fes that you have created. If you want to save the current router confi\buration settin\bs, use the Save button above. C\fick to reboot the router. Save Settings to Lo\fal Hard Drive: Load Settings from Lo\fal Hard Drive: Restore to Fa\ftory Default Settings: Reboot Devi\fe: System This section a\f\fows you to mana\be the router’s confi\buration settin\bs, reboot the router, and restore the router to the factory defau\ft settin\bs. Restorin\b the unit to the factory defau\ft settin\bs wi\f\f erase a\f\f settin\bs, inc\fudin\b any ru\fes that you’ve created.

92D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Firmware Browse: Upload: After you have down\foaded the new firmware, c\fick Browse to \focate the firmware update on your hard drive. C\fick Up\boad to comp\fete the firmware up\brade. Once you have a firmware update on your computer, use this option to browse for the fi\fe and then up\foad the information into the access point. You can up\brade the firmware of the access point here. Make sure the firmware you want to use is on the \foca\f hard drive of the computer. C\fick on Browse to \focate the firmware fi\fe to be used for the update. P\fease check the D-Link support website for firmware updates at http://support.d\fink.com. You can down\foad firmware up\brades to your hard drive from this site. After you have down\foaded the new \fan\bua\be pack, c\fick Browse to \focate the \fan\bua\be pack fi\fe on your hard drive. C\fick Up\boad to comp\fete the \fan\bua\be pack up\brade. Language Pa\fk You can chan\be the \fan\bua\be of the web UI by up\foadin\b avai\fab\fe \fan\bua\be pack\us. Browse:

93D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Dynamic Domain Name System is a method of keepin\b a domain name \finked to a chan\bin\b IP Address. Check the box to enab\fe DDNS. Se\fect your DDNS provider from the drop-down menu or enter the DDNS server address. Enter the Host Name that you re\bistered with your DDNS service provider. Enter the User name or key for your DDNS account. Enter the Password or key for your DDNS account. Enter a timeout time (i\un hours). Disp\fays the current connection status. DDNS.for.IPv6.Hosts Enable Dynami\f DNS: Server Address: Host Name: Username or Key: Password or Key: Timeout: Status: Dynami\f DNS The DDNS feature a\f\fows you to host a server (Web, FTP, Game Server, etc…) usin\b a domain name that you have purchased (www.whateveryournameis.com) with your dynamica\f\fy assi\bned IP address. Most broadband Internet Service Providers assi\bn dynamic (chan\bin\b) IP addresses. Usin\b a DDNS service provider, your friends can enter in your domain name to connect to your server no matter what your IP address is. Enable: IPv6 Address: Check the box to enab\fe DDNS for IPv6 Hosts. Enter the IPv6 address of your computer/server in your \foca\f network. You can c\fick the

94D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration Host Name: IPv6 DDNS List: Enable: Host Name: IPv6 Address: Edit/Delete: Enter the IPv6 Host Name that you re\bistered with your DDNS service provider. Once you save your entry, the IPv6 DDNS host information wi\f\f be disp\fayed here. Check to enab\fe the entry. Disp\fays the name of your IPv6 DDNS host. Disp\fays the IPv6 address of your computer/server associated with the IPv6 DDNS host. C\fick the edit icon to make chan\bes to the entry or c\fick the de\fete icon to remove the entry.

95D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f Section 3 - Confi\buration The Pin\b Test is used to send Pin\b packets to test if a computer is on the Internet. Enter the IP address that you wish to Pin\b and c\fick Ping. Enter the IPv6 address that you wish to Pin\b and c\fick Ping. The resu\fts of your pin\b attempts wi\f\f be disp\fayed here. System Che\fk Ping Test: IPv6 Ping Test: Ping Results: