Christie Projector Mirage 5000 User Manual
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,167$//$7,21 6(783 0LUDJH 8VHU·V 0DQXDO In a typical network, broadcast serial communications or messages destined for a specific projector travel through all serial ports in each projector regardless of whether the messages originate from an RS-232 or RS-422 source (refer back to Figure 2.27, bottom example). The communication path depends on the serial cabling connected at each projector. You may prefer the option of two separate communication paths—RS-232 or RS- 422—in your network, essentially creating a redundant “back-up” communication path that can take over should a failed projector (or controller) prevent communications via the other path. For this setup, connect each projector to the next using both RS-232 and RS-422 ports. Then enable the “Split Network” setting in the Communications menu for each projector present so that RS- 232 communications remain on RS- 232 paths only and RS-422 communications remain on RS-422 paths only (Figure 2.28). Each projector can then receive and send either type of message depending on which controller initiates the commands—should one path fail, the second “back-up” network path can be used. Only one network should be active at a given time, as determined by the controller (whether it is RS-232 or RS-422). Note that the “Broadcast Key” option is OFF. ,03257$17 :KHQHYHU GRZQORDGLQJ QHZ SURMHFWRU VRIWZDUH WR QHWZRUNV XVH D VLQJOHURXWH QHWZRUN RQO\ ,6&211(&7 DQ\ UHGXQGDQW VHULDO FDEOLQJ DQG 81&+(&. WKH ´6SOLW 1HWZRUNµ FKHFNER[ IRU HDFK SURMHFWRU 7ZR LIIHUHQW ´6SOLWVµ There are two different split network configurations possible (Figure 2.29). Set up whichever option best suits your application needs: / 63/,7 1(7:25. :,7+ 21( &21752//(5² If you have a single controller and want a back-up serial link, connect one controller standard (e.g., RS-232) to one physical end of the network and the other controller standard (e.g., RS- 422) at the other physical end of the network. Make sure the “Split Network” option is enabled in the Communications menu. If a projector should then fail anywhere in the network, communication with the remaining projectors can be resumed in the opposite direction using the other standard. NOTE: This configuration requires that both standards be available from a single controller, or that you use an RS-232/RS-422 adapter. 0 63/,7 1(7:25. :,7+ 7:2 &21752//(56² If you have two controllers (one RS-232 and one RS-422) and want one to be a back-up, connect each controller to the appropriate port on the first projector in the network. Then connect projectors together using both RS-232 and RS-422 ports as shown. Make sure the “Split Network” option is enabled in the Communications menu. Now, if either controller fails, you can simply switch to the other controller and communicate via the other standard. %DFNX SRU ´6SOLWµ 1HWZRUNV )LJXUH (QDEOH ´6SOLW 1HWZRUNµ
,167$//$7,21 $1 6(783 0LUDJH 8VHU·V 0DQXDO )LJXUH 7ZR 7\SHV RI 6SOLW 1HWZRUNV Each projector can be assigned a unique 3-digit projector number (for example, 001). These numbers are necessary when you are working with multiple linked projectors, enabling you to direct commands to a certain projector rather than always broadcasting to the entire network. For complete information on how to assign projector numbers, see 3.7, Adjusting System Parameters and Advanced Controls. NOTE: To loop a single incoming video source through to another projector or display device on a network, see Video Loop Through in 2.4, Source Connections. 3URMHFWRU 1XPEHUV
,167$//$7,21 6(783 0LUDJH 8VHU·V 0DQXDO At manufacture every keypad is assigned “A” as its default protocol, which is simply a collection of settings that determine how the keypad operates. Once assigned, this protocol remains in effect until it is changed—that is, the keypad will operate as it currently does until you change its protocol. Protocols are most useful for multiple-projector applications. For example, you might want to change a keypad protocol if you are working with two projectors and two remote keypads in the same room and need to control each projector independently (Figure 2.30). When Keypad A has a different protocol than Keypad B, each keypad communicates only with the projector having a matching protocol. Or, if you have a network of two or more projectors connected together via RS-232 serial ports, you may want only certain projectors to respond to a wired keypad, thus you can use different protocols to limit responses. NOTE: Matching the protocol on the projector to that of a keypad is done through a setting in the Communications menu. See 3.7, Adjusting System Parameters and Advanced Controls for further information on how to change the projectors infrared sensor (rear and front) protocol. A protocol for either type of remote keypad — IR or wired — can be changed through software commands entered on the keypad. A new protocol set through software commands remains in effect until the keypad batteries are removed and replaced (if an IR remote), or until the keypad is unplugged (if a wired remote). A remote can also be changed manually —you can hard-wire new jumper settings inside the keypad so that they remain in effect until you change the hard-wiring. Note that a hard-wired protocol can be temporarily overridden by the software protocol change, effective until the keypad is unplugged and plugged in again (if a wired remote) or until a battery is removed (if an IR remote). )LJXUH ,QGHSHQGHQW .H\SDGV DQG 3URMHFWRUV The standard IR remote keypad or the optional wired remote can be set to one of two different protocols — “A” or “B”. To hard-wire a protocol to “A” or “B” in either remote, follow Steps 1 through 5: 6WHS Unplug the keypad from the projector (applies to wired remote only). 1 23 5HPRWH .H\SDG 3URWRFRO ³ ,5 25 :,5( .(
,167$//$7,21 $1 6(783 0LUDJH 8VHU·V 0DQXDO 6WHS Unlatch and open the empty battery compartment on the back of the keypad as shown in Figure 2.31. NOTE: A wired keypad opens as shown, but a cable passes through the battery compartment cover. )LJXUH 2SHQLQJ WKH .H\SDG 6WHS Find the 4 jumpers located along the latching side of the battery compartment. These jumpers set the keypad protocol and other settings so that the keypad functions in a certain manner. 6WHS 6HW WKH -XPSHUV Set the jumpers as shown in Figure 2.32. Take care to refer to the correct part of the drawing — IR or wired (optional). Use tweezers or needle-nose pliers to remove and replace each jumper as necessary. x -jumper: For either remote, set between pins 1 and 2 to set as Protocol “A”. Set between pins 2 and 3 to set as Protocol “B”. x -jumper: For either remote, set between pins 2 and 3 as shown; otherwise, the projector will not respond correctly to keypad commands. x -jumper: For the IR remote, make sure that the jumper is set between pins 2 and 3 as shown. For the wired remote, make sure that the jumper is set between pins 1 and 2 as shown. x -jumper: For the IR remote, make sure that the jumper is set between pins 1 and 2 as shown. For the wired remote, make sure that the jumper is set between pins 2 and 3 as shown. 6WHS Replace battery compartment cover. Plug into projector (wired keypad only) and test.
,167$//$7,21 6(783 0LUDJH 8VHU·V 0DQXDO )LJXUH /RFDWLQJ DQG 6HWWLQJ WKH -XPSHUV NOTE: A wired keypad can be converted into an IR remote keypad, and vice versa. Follow the settings shown above, adding or deleting the cable and batteries as required. The cable with 3-pin XLR connector is available separately from your dealer. 6+257&87 0(7+2 You can also issue software protocol settings through the keypad. These software commands will be lost when the keypad is either unplugged or when a battery is removed — the keypad will revert back to the hard-wired jumper settings (see above) until you enter the software commands again. Press ,QSXW &RORU 3L[HO 3RVLWLRQ = Protocol “$” Press ,QSXW &RORU 3L[HO 3RVLWLRQ = Protocol “%” NOTE: If you change any keypad to a new protocol and the projector stops responding, the projector may be set to a conflicting protocol. Use the projectors built-in keypad to access the Communications menu. Under “Front IR” or “Back IR” or Wired Keypad, select the protocol that matches the new protocol of the keypad at hand. The projector should now respond properly.
,167$//$7,21 $1 6(783 0LUDJH 8VHU·V 0DQXDO If desired, you can convert an IR remote keypad into a wired remote keypad and vice versa (available February 2000). 72 &+$1*( )520 ,1)5$5( 72 :,5( x Remove battery compartment cover from back of keypad. x Remove batteries. x Wait 1-2 minutes. x Plug the keypad cable (available separately) into the empty battery compartment. Make sure that the battery cover is notched smoothly to accommodate the cable. x Set keypad protocol as desired, using “wired” jumper settings. x Replace battery compartment cover. x Plug into the 3-pin XLR port at the rear panel of the projector. 72 &+$1*( )520 :,5( 72 ,1)5$5( x Unplug the keypad from the projector. x Open the keypad back and unplug the keypad cable. x Wait 1-2 minutes. x Install batteries (see Section 4). x Set keypad protocol as desired, using “IR” jumper settings. x Replace battery compartment cover. &RQYHUWLQ JD.H\SDG
& 0LUDJH 8VHU·V 0DQXDO This section explains how to use the projector once it has been installed. Please read through these pages before using the projector for the first time. An understanding of projector features and how to access them will help you to take full advantage of the capabilities of the projector within minutes. NOTE: Installation involves locating the projector and adjusting it for use at that location. If you have not yet installed the projector, refer to Section 2, Installation and Setup. Most projector functions and adjustments are entered through keypad commands that either control the projector directly or activate a system of intuitive menus. Variations in settings can be defined and retained in the projectors internal memory as a custom channel, with up to 99 different channels possible. Components and functions are illustrated below. )LJXUH %DVLF 3URMHFWRU &RPSRQHQWV =220 Accessed manually (or via the keypad if a motorized zoom lens is present), the lens barrel of a zoom lens (optional) rotates to adjust the size of the image without moving the projector. Minimum and maximum image sizes depend on which zoom lens is installed — see Section 5, Specifications. & $ 0 &RPSRQHQWV )HDWXUHV
23(5$7,21 0LUDJH 8VHU·V 0DQXDO )2&86 Accessed manually via 2 “tabs” on the lens (or via the keypad if a motorized lens mount is installed), focus adjusts the sharpness and clarity of the image at the current throw distance. /(16 2))6(7 ² Accessed manually using the 2 front knobs (or via the keypad if a motorized lens is present), vertical and horizontal offsets shift the lens and move the image up or down and left or right. See Section 2, Installation and Setup for the offset ranges for any given lens. These are also listed on page 5-1. 6+877(5 RSWLRQDO Closing the shutter blocks the lens internally and turns the image to off. The shutter is controlled via a dedicated key on the keypad. /$03 6,( 3$1(/ For accessing the interior lamp door and replacing the lamp module. NOTE: Lamp replacement requires a qualified service technician. ),/7(5 6,( 3$1(/ Louvered grille for air intake. Remove to replace air filter. &20326,7(69,(2 ,1387 RSWLRQDO Accepts a composite video and S-Video signal from devices such as VCRs. Requires optional video decoder module. 5*% ,1387 Accepts RGB and sync signals from devices such as computers, as well as composite video, S-Video or YPbPr component signals. 56 6(5,$/ ,17(5)$&( :,7+ /223 7+528*+ Allows one or more projectors to be remotely controlled by a computer or controller, and provides a communications connection for Christie’s Marquee Signal Switchers . 56 6(5,$/ ,17(5)$&( :,7+ /223 7+528*+ Allows one or more projectors to be remotely controlled by an RS-422 compatible computer or controller (such as the Two-Way Controller accessory). RS-422 communications can travel greater distances than can RS-232 communications, but require RS-422 compatible equipment.
23(5$7,21 0LUDJH 8VHU·V 0DQXDO $& /,1( &25 ,1387 The Mirage 2000 requires input power of 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz @ 9 amps (@ 100 V). The Mirage 5000 requires input power of 200-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz @ 8.5 amps (@ 200 V). Use the line cord provided with the projector. See Section 5. :$51,1* R QRW DWWHPSW RSHUDWLRQ LI WKH $& VXSSO\ LV QRW ZLWKLQ WKH VSHFLILHG YROWDJH DQG SRZHU UDQJH 8VH WKH VSHFLILHG OLQH FRUG 67$78632:(5 /(6 Two LEDs (light emitting diodes) located in the lower right corner of the rear connector panel indicate projector Status (top) and Power (bottom). During normal operation, the Power light is steady green and the Status light flashes green each time a key is pressed or when the projector receives a serial command. Use the following as a guide: )LJXUH 5HDGLQJ WKH 6WDWXV /(V NOTE: A steady red power light accompanied by a coded pattern of red and yellow flashes from the status light indicates an internal system error. Consult the rear LCD display for an explanation, and see 3.10, Error Conditions. Should the problem persist, contact a qualified service technician available through your dealer. 5(027( :,5( .(
23(5$7,21 0LUDJH 8VHU·V 0DQXDO The keypad appears in three locations: x Built-in to the rear of the projector x Infrared (IR) Remote for tetherless control up to 100 feet away x Wired Remote (optional) tethered to the rear of the projector While each keypad is identical in layout and provides complete control of the projector, you may find one keypad more convenient than another for your specific installation and application. The built-in keypad is located at the rear of the projector. An LCD window above this keypad provides feedback regarding current status and activities of the projector. )LJXUH .H\SDG 4 23 %XLOWLQ