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Canon printer MAXIFY MB5120 User Manual

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Page 412

InkTipsIsinkconsumedforpurposesotherthanprinting?Ink is sometimes consumed for purposes other than printing.
When you use the Canon printer for the first time after you install the bundled ink tanks, the printer consumes a small amount of ink in the amount to enable printing by filling the nozzles of the Print Head
with ink.
The printing costs described in the brochures or websites are based on the consumption data from not the
first ink tank /ink cartridge but the succeeding ink tank /ink...

Page 413


Page 414

CheckPaperSettingsBeforePrintingBefore printing, complete paper settings on the operation panel or from a computer.Paper comes in many varieties. Some is specially coated for high-quality photo printing, while other paper is
designed for documents.
Each type of paper has specific preset settings that determine details such as ink application and usage and
the distance from nozzles, which ensures optimal print quality for the paper. In contrast, incorrect paper
settings may impair color performance,...

Page 415

SetCassettePaperInformationAfterLoadingPaperWhen you insert the cassette after loading paper, a screen for setting the type and size of paper isdisplayed. Set the paper information for the cassette, indicating the type and size of paper loaded.
To prevent incorrect printing, the machine can compare paper information entered for the cassette to print
job paper settings to ensure they match. Before printing, specify paper settings consistent with the cassette
paper information. If these settings do...

Page 416

CancelingPrintJobsDonotpresstheONbuttontocancelprintjobsPressing the  ON button to turn off the machine during printing may prevent the machine from printing
again if print jobs are not cleared internally.
Press the  Stop button to cancel printing.

Page 417

KeepingPrintQualityHighThe key to maintaining optimal print quality is preventing the print head from drying out or becoming
clogged. To ensure print quality, follow these tips.

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TransportingYourMachineTake these precautions when relocating the machine for changing your living place or repairing it.

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LegalRestrictionsonScanning/CopyingScanning, printing, copying, or modifying copies of the following may be punishable under law.This list is non-exhaustive. When in doubt, check with a local legal representative.

Page 420

SpecificationsGeneralSpecificationsPrintingresolution(dpi)600 (horizontal) x 1200 (vertical)InterfaceUSBPort:
Hi-Speed USB *1
USB flash drive
Wired LAN: 100BASE-TX / 10BASE-T
Wireless LAN: IEEE802.11n / IEEE802.11g / IEEE802.11b *2
*1 A computer that complies with Hi-Speed USB standard is required. Since the Hi-Speed USB interface is fully upwardly compatible with USB 1.1, it can
be used at USB 1.1.
*2 Setup possible through Standard setup, WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup),...
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