Canon printer MAXIFY MB5120 User Manual
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AssigningPrinterInformationFollow the procedure below to assign/change printer location name or device name. The names appear on DeviceName: and Location: on the IJNetworkDeviceSetupUtility screen. Note
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InitializingNetworkSettingsFollow the procedure below to initializing printer network settings.1. Start up IJ Network Device Setup Utility. Detected printers are listed. 2. Select printer to initialize settings. Select the printer with Available displayed on Status. 3. Select ResetLANsettings on Printer menu. The ConfirmPrinterPassword screen appears. For more on the password, refer to Administrator Password . 4. Enter password and click OK. 5. Click Yes on the displayed screen. 6. Click...
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ChangingAdministratorPasswordFollow the procedure below to change the administrator password.1. Start up IJ Network Device Setup Utility. Detected printers are listed. 2. Select printer to change password. Select the printer with Available displayed on Status. 3. Select ChangePassword... on Printer menu. The ChangePrinterPassword screen appears. For more on the password, refer to Administrator Password . 4. Enter current password and new password. 5. Enter new password in Confirm: again....
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SettingCriteriaforPrinterSearch/SearchingSpecificPrinterYou can set the criteria for printer search when you start up IJ Network Device Setup Utility or update the printer search, or you can search the specific printer. Changing these settings may detect the printer you want to use if it is not detected Note
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2.Select SpecifiedSearching... on Option menu. The SpecifiedSearching screen appears.3. Select item to specify and enter value. 1. IPv4Address Specifies the IPv4 address of the printer you want to search. 2. IPv6Address Specifies the IPv6 address of the printer you want to search. 3. HostName Specifies the host name of the printer you want to search. 4. Click Search . IJ Network Device Setup Utility starts searching by the specified criteria and detected printers are listed. 385
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IfWEPDetailsScreenAppearsEnter the password (passphrase) according to wireless router's encryption method if you change a wireless router to connect to the printer.1. Enter items below when WEPDetails screen appears. 1. WEPKey: Enter the same key as the one set to the wireless router. The number of characters and character type that can be entered differ depending on the combination of the key length and key format. KeyLength:64bit128bitKeyFormat:ASCII5 characters13 charactersHexadecimal (...
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IfWPA/WPA2DetailsScreenAppearsEnter the password (passphrase) according to wireless router's encryption method if you change a wireless router to connect to the printer.1. Enter passphrase when WPA/WPA2Details screen appears. Enter the passphrase set to the wireless router. The passphrase should be a string of 8 to 63 alphanumeric characters or a 64-digit hexadecimal value. If you do not know the wireless router passphrase, refer to the instruction manual provided with the wireless router or...
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CheckingNetworkStatus CheckingWirelessNetworkStatus DisplayingComputerNetworkInformation DisplayingPrinterNetworkInformation CheckingConnectionStatusbetweenPrinterandWirelessRouter CheckingNetworkSettingDifference 388
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CheckingWirelessNetworkStatusFollow the procedure below to check the wireless network status (signal strength) between the printer and computer. If anything is wrong with the wireless LAN connection, check the network status from this menu.1. Start up IJ Network Device Setup Utility. The detected printers are listed. 2. Select printer to check wireless network status from printer list. Select the printer with Available displayed on Status. 3. Select CheckWirelessCommunicationStatus on Printer...
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DisplayingComputerNetworkInformationFollow the procedure below to display the network information of the computer which the printer selected in the IJNetworkDeviceSetupUtility screen connects to and on which IJ Network Device Setup Utility is installed.1. Start up IJ Network Device Setup Utility. 2. Select ComputerNetworkInformation on View menu. The screen below appears. Clicking CopyInfo copies all network information on the clipboard. 3. Click OK to close screen. 390