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Canon printer MAXIFY MB2020 User Manual

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Page 451

Complete the setup
Click  OK on the  Main tab.
When you execute print, the image data is printed with the adjusted intensity.
Related Topics
Specifying Color Correction
Adjusting Color Balance
Adjusting Color Balance Using Sample Patterns (Printer Driver)
Adjusting Brightness
Adjusting Contrast
Adjusting Intensity/Contrast Using Sample Patterns (Printer Driver)

Page 452

Adjusting ContrastYou can adjust the image contrast during printing.
To make the differences between the light and dark portions of images greater and more distinct, increase
the contrast. On the other hand, to make the differences between the light and dark portions of images
smaller and less distinct, reduce the contrast.No adjustmentAdjust the contrast
The procedure for adjusting contrast is as follows:
You can also set contrast on the  Quick Setup tab by choosing  Photo Printing under Commonly Used...

Page 453

After adjusting each color, click OK.4.
Complete the setup
Click  OK on the  Main tab.
When you execute print, the image is printed with the adjusted contrast.
Related Topics
Specifying Color Correction
Adjusting Color Balance
Adjusting Color Balance Using Sample Patterns (Printer Driver)
Adjusting Brightness
Adjusting Intensity
Adjusting Intensity/Contrast Using Sample Patterns (Printer Driver)

Page 454

Adjusting Intensity/Contrast Using Sample Patterns (Printer Driver)You can look at the print results of pattern print and adjust the intensity/contrast.
When you change the color balance or intensity/contrast of a document, the pattern print function prints the adjustment results in a list, together with the adjustment values.
Described below is the procedure for adjusting the intensity/contrast while looking at the pattern.1.
Open the printer driver setup window
Select the manual color adjustment On...

Page 455

Setting pattern print
When the  Pattern Print  dialog box opens, set the following items, and then click  OK.
Parameters to Adjust
Select  Intensity/Contrast .
Printer Paper Size Select the paper size to be used for pattern printing.
Depending on the paper size selected on the  Page Setup tab, there may be sizes that cannot
be selected.
Amount of Pattern Instances Select  Largest , Large , or Small  to set the number of patterns to be printed.
Largest  and Large  cannot be selected when...

Page 456

On the Color Adjustment  tab, select OK to close the  Manual Color Adjustment  dialog box.
On the  Main tab, select  OK, and then execute printing. The printer then prints a pattern in which the
intensity/contrast that you set is the center value.6.
Adjusting the intensity/contrast
Look at the print results and select the image that you like best. Then enter the intensity/contrast
numbers indicated at the bottom of that image into the  Intensity and Contrast  fields on the  Color
Adjustment  tab.

Page 457

You can also set intensity/contrast on the Quick Setup tab by choosing  Photo Printing under
Commonly Used Settings , and then choosing Color/Intensity Manual Adjustment  under
Additional Features .
Complete the setup
Click  OK on the  Main tab.
Then when you execute printing, the document is printed with the intensity/contrast that was adjusted by the pattern print function.
When  Print a pattern for color adjustment  is selected on the Color Adjustment  tab, the following
items are...

Page 458

Overview of the Printer Driver
Canon IJ Printer Driver
How to Open the Printer Driver Setup Window
Canon IJ Status Monitor
Checking the Ink Status from Your Computer
Canon IJ Preview
Deleting the Undesired Print Job
Instructions for Use (Printer Driver)

Page 459

Canon IJ Printer DriverThe Canon IJ printer driver (called printer driver below) is a software that is installed on your computer forprinting data with this printer.
The printer driver converts the print data created by your application software into data that your printer can
understand, and sends the converted data to the printer.
Because different models support different print data formats, you need a printer driver for the specific
model you are using.
Printer Driver Types
On Windows Vista SP1 or...

Page 460

How to Open the Printer Driver Setup WindowYou can display the printer driver setup window from the application software in use or from the printer icon.
Open the Printer Driver Setup Window through the Application SoftwareFollow the procedure below to configure printing profile when printing.1.
Select the command that you perform printing on the application software In general, select  Print on the  File menu to open the  Print dialog box.
Select your model name and click  Preferences (or Properties...
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