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Canon printer imageCLASS MF3010 User Manual

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Page 1

2Installing the \fachine
 P. 9
 P. A-1
Before Using the \fachine
 Next Page
Installing the Drivers Software
 P. 15
Read this guide fi\Grst.
Please read this guide before o\berating this 
After you finish reading this guide, store it in 
a safe \blace for future reference.
Starter Guide   

Page 2

As these instructions are intended to \brevent injury to the user and othe\hr 
\bersons or to \brevent destruction of \bro\berty, always \bay attention to 
these instructions and o\berational requirements.
Also, as it may result in unex\bected accidents or injuries, do not \berform 
any o\beration unless otherwise s\becified in t\hhe manual.
• Do not install the m\hachine in a location near alcohol, \baint thinner, or 
other flammable sub\hstances. If flammable substa\hnces come into contact...

Page 3

• Always gras\b the \bower \blug when un\blugg\hing the \bower \blug. Do not 
\bull on the \bower cord, as this may ex\bose the core wire of the \bower 
cord or damage the cord insulation, causing elec\htricity to leak, resulting 
in a fire or electrical shock.  
• Leave sufficient s\bace around the \bower \blug so that it can be 
un\blugged easily. If objects are \blaced around the \bower \blug, you may 
be unable to un\blug it in an e\hmergency.  
• Do not disassemble \hor modify the...

Page 4

• Confirm that the \bower \blug or \bower connector is inserted com\bletely after 
cleaning the machin\he. Failure to do so can result in an overheating and fire.
• If you accidentally s\bill or scatter toner, carefully gather the toner \barticles together 
or wi\be them u\b with a soft, dam\b cloth in a way that \brevents inhalation. 
Never use a vacuum cleaner that does not have safeguards against dust 
ex\blosions to clean u\b s\billed \htoner. Doing so may cause a malfunction in 
the vacuum...

Page 5

As  an  ENERGY  STAR?  Partner,  Canon  U.S.A.,  Inc. 
has  determined  that  this  \broduct  meets  the 
ENERGY STAR Program for energy efficiency.
T h e   I n t e r n a t i o n a l   E N E R G Y   S TA R   O f f i c e 
Equi\bment Program is an international \brogram 
that \bromotes energy saving through the use of 
com\buters and other offic\he equi\bment.
T h e   \b r o g r a m   b a c k s   t h e   d e v e l o \b m e n t   a n d 
dissemination  of  \broducts  with  functions  that 

Page 6

imageCLASS \fF3010: F\h162100
This device com\blies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. O\beration
is subject to the following two conditions:
 his device may not cause harmful interference, and
 his device must acce\bt any interference received, including 
interference that may cause undesired o\beration.
This equi\bment has been tested and found to com\bly with the 
limits for a class B digital device, \bursuant to Part 15 of the FCC 
Rules. These limits are designed to \brovide reasonable...

Page 7

S e t t i n g   U \b   t h e   \f a c h i n e   t o   S u i t  Yo u r   N e e d s
Determine which machine f\hunctions (Co\by, Print, Scan) you intend to use, and make setting\hs according to the flowchart 
Required O\berations
Pre\baring the Toner Cartridges  P. 10
Loading Pa\ber 
  P. 12
Connecting the Power Cord 
  P. 13
Settings are now com\blete. Start settings.
Carrying the \fachine to the Installation Site and Removing the Packing \faterials  
P. 9
Connecting a USB Cable...

Page 8

C h e c k i n g   t h e   S u \b \b l i e d   A c c e s s o r i e s
1. Confirm that all the su\b\blied accessories are contained in the box.If an item is missing or d\hamaged, \blease contact our Canon 
Authorized Service Facilities or the Canon Customer Care 
Place this guide near t\hhe 
\brinter for effective usage.
The machine unit
The toner cartridge is 
already installed.
Power cord
Limited Warranty NoticeStarter Guide (This manual)
Quick Reference Guide
S u \b \b l i e d  To n e r   C a r...

Page 9

U s e r   S o f t w a r e   C D - R O \f
About the Drivers and Software
The drivers and software included in the C\hD-RO\f su\b\blied with this\h machine are as follows.
MF Drivers
Printer driver You can \brint from an a\b\blication using the mach\hine by installing the \br\hinter driver on your com\buter. You can \brocess \brint data at high s\beed by com\bressing the \brint data using the 
com\buter's \brocessing ca\babilities\h.
Scanner driver You can use the mach\hine as a scanner i\hf you...

Page 10

A b o u t   t h e   S u \b \b l i e d   \f a n u a l s
Read this manual fir\hst.
This manual describes the settings f\hor 
setting u\b the machi\hne and installing \h
the software. Be sure to read this 
manual before using the machine\h.
Starter Guide
Quick Reference Guide
Read this manual next.
This manual describes the basic use \hof 
the machine.
Place this guide near t\hhe \brinter for 
effective usage.
Read the desired cha\bter to suit your needs.
The e-\fanual is categorized by subject...
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