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Canon Digital Ixus I Zoom User Guide

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Page 81

Selecting an Image Date or Folder for 
Playback (
 / )
1Select   or   and press  .
2Use the   or   button to select the 
date or folder to be played back and 
press .
Selecting Images for Playback ( – )
Select only the images that you wish to play back and save 
them as a slide show (Custom 1, 2 or 3). Up to 998 images can 
be selected. They will be played back in their order of selection. 
1Select ,  or  and press  .
zOnly the   icon will display at first. When you set  , 
the icon...

Page 82

Selecting All Images
1 After selecting  –  in step 1 (p. 79), use the   
button to select [Mark all] and press the FUNC./SET 
2 Use the 
 button to select [Mark all], press the 
FUNC./SET button.
3 Use the   button to select [OK] and press the 
FUNC./SET button.
To deselect all images, select [Reset].
Adjusting the Play Time and Repeat Settings
zPlay Time
Sets the duration that each image displays. Choose 
between 3–10 seconds, 15 seconds and 30 seconds. 
Displaying time can vary slightly...

Page 83

You can protect important images and movies from accidental erasure.
Protecting Images
1 (Play) Menu .
See Menus and Settings (p. 30).
2Select an image to 
protect and press  .
zPressing the FUNC./SET button 
again cancels the setting.
zYou can also protect images in the 
index playback mode.
Protection Icon

Page 84

Please format the memory card when you want to erase not only 
image data but also all the data contained on the card (p. 26).
Erasing All Images
zNote that erased images cannot be recovered. Exercise 
adequate caution before erasing an image.
zProtected images cannot be erased with this function.
1 (Play) Menu .
See Menus and Settings (p. 30).
2Select [OK] and press  .
zTo exit instead of erasing, select [Cancel].

Page 85

  Print Settings/Transfer Settings
Print Settings/Transfer Settings
You can select images on a memory card for printing and specify 
the number of print copies in advance using the camera. This is 
extremely convenient for printing on a direct print compatible 
printer, or for sending the images to a photo developing service that 
supports DPOF. 
Single Images
Setting the DPOF Print Settings 
The   icon may display for a memory card with print 
settings set by a different DPOF-compliant camera. These...

Page 86

All the Images on a Memor y Card 
3Select images for printing.
zSelection methods differ for the 
Print Type settings (p. 85).
-  (Standard)/ (Both)
Select an image, press the 
FUNC./SET button and use the 
 or   button to select the 
number of print copies 
(up to 99).
-  (Index)
Select an image and the press 
FUNC./SET button to select or 
deselect it.
zYou can also select images in the 
index playback mode.
1 (Play) Menu .
See Menus and Settings (p. 30).
2Select [Mark all] and press  .

Page 87

  Print Settings/Transfer Settings
zImages are printed in order according to the file number.
zA maximum of 998 images can be selected.
zWhen [Print Type] is set to [Both], the number of copies can 
be set. When it is set to [Index], the number of copies 
cannot be set (only one copy will be printed). 
zDo not set the date in the DPOF print settings when printing 
images that have had the date embedded with the [Date 
Stamp] function. This may cause the date to be printed 
Setting the Print...

Page 88

zThe Date and File No. settings change according to the 
Print Type as follows.
- Index
[Date] and [File No.] cannot be set to [On] at the same 
- Standard or Both
[Date] and [File No.] can be set to [On] at the same time, 
however, the printable information may vary between 
zEmbedded dates in   (Postcard Date Imprint mode) 
(p. 40) print out even when [Date] is set to [Off].
zDates print in the style specified in the [Date/Time] menu 
(p. 33).
2Select [Set up] and press 

Page 89

  Print Settings/Transfer Settings
You can use the camera to specify settings for images before 
downloading to a computer. Refer to the Software Starter Guide for 
instructions on how to transfer images to your computer.
The settings used on the camera comply with the Digital Print Order 
Format (DPOF) standards.
Single Images
Setting the DPOF Transfer Settings
The   icon may display for a memory card with transfer 
settings set by a different DPOF-compliant camera. These 
settings will be...

Page 90

All the Images on a Memor y Card
zImages are transferred in order according to the file 
zA maximum of 998 images can be selected.
1 (Play) Menu .
See Menus and Settings (p. 30).
2Select [Mark all] and press  .
zSelecting [Reset] cancels all 
transfer order settings.
3Select [OK] and press  .
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