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Boxlight Projectowrite User Manual

Here you can view all the pages of manual Boxlight Projectowrite User Manual. The Boxlight manuals for Projector are available online for free. You can easily download all the documents as PDF.

Page 31

Interactive Projector             
Software and Hardware install
2.Section two(A):  
Step 5: Install

Page 32

Interactive Projector             
Software and Hardware install
2.Section two(A):  
Step 6: Finish (“LightPen” software installation)

Page 33

2.Sectiontwo(B):SP driver setup
Step 7:”Choose Setup Language” as Step 1,then select”OK” to 
            install “USB Camera driver”. 
Please execute” LightPen \SP Driver\Setup.exe”.
Step  1
Ifs h o w n ”Th e USBCar e m a -S P  h a s n ot fo und!” p l e a se
p l u g inth e USBC a b l e a n d  th e n r uni n sta llati o n ag a i n.
Pl e a sec l i c k ”  O K” as b e l ow.

If LightPen work correctly,please don’t install from Step 7
to step...

Page 34

Interactive Projector             
Software and Hardware install
2.Section two(B): 
Step 8:Next

Page 35

Interactive Projector             
Software and Hardware install
2.Section two(B): 
Step 9:Finish(SP Driver installation)

Page 36

Interactive  Projector             
3.Section three: Functional key of “Pointer”
LED lamp 
Button:Mouse left key

Page 37

Interactive  Projector             
4.Section four: Calibration
Step 1: Execute “LightPen” shortcut
on the Windows
Step 2: Located the “LightPen” Icon in your  toolbar &  then  right click   
 with your mouse to select  Calibration.

Page 38

Interactive  Projector             
4.Section four: Calibration
Step 3:  Locate the green square in the upper-left of the screen.Place the E-Wand/E-Pen in the center of the square and
 click the button on the handle to execute. Repeat this   process nine times to complete the calibration process.

Page 39

Interactive  Projector                 
4.Section four: Calibration 
How to use the  “Right Mouse Click  ”? 
Point to the top or bottom  of the screen just outside the border
of the image  and push the button to bring up the menu. 

Page 40

Interactive  Projector             
4.Section four: Calibration
There is another quick way to move the toolbar from one side of the 
screen to the other or even hide it.
Point to the left or right of screen just  outside the border &  push the  
button on the  “Pointer”.
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