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Boxlight Projectowrite User Manual

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Page 21

Setting Up the Projector 
The projecto r su pports the following fo ur different proj ec tion methods 
Front pr ojection
A  sp ecial method of insta llation is require d in orde r to suspend the 
projector fro m the ce iling. Plea se ask yo ur dealer for  deta ils. 
Interactive Projector                

Page 22

Interactive Projector                
Rear ceiling  proj ection
A  sp ecial method of insta llation is required in orde r to suspend the 
project or fro m the ce iling. Plea se ask yo ur dealer for  deta ils. 
Front ceiling projection

Page 23

Interactive Projector                
Size and Projection Distance 
The distance  between the projector an d  screen determ ines the actual im age 
  Refer to the table below  to  determ ine the im age size at a gi ven 
Dist ance (m) 
 Image Siz e 
Tele  Wide 
40 1.37 1.11 
60 2.08 1.7 
80 2.78 2.29 
100 3. 49 2.88 
150 5. 26 4.36 
200 7. 03 5.83 
300 10.57 8.79 

Page 24

Interactive Projector                 
Adjusting the Image Position 
Use the ad justable foot at the front of the  projector to  set the im age height. 
  the ad justable foot  at the rear of the proj ector to  fine-tune the image 
pos iti on.  
When the foot is adju sted, it may ca use the sh ape of the projected im age 
  beco me distorted,so use the keystone correction function to correct the  
distor tion. 
To retract the  front adjust ab le foo t, press the f oot release bu tt on....

Page 25

Interactive Projector                
Moving the projector 
1.Use the  carr ying hand le when m oving the proj ector. 
2.    Shut  the lens cover and retract the front adjustable feet when 
transporting   the projector to prevent damage.  
carry bag
( O p t i o n a l ,  p l e a s e  c o n t a c t  y o u r  d e a l e r  f o r  m o r e  i n f o r m a t i o n )
Theoptionalcarrybagisintendedtoprotectthe projector
fromdustand scratches on thesurfaceof the cabinet.Itis
notdesignedtopr otectthep...

Page 26

Interactive  Projector             
Open the lens cover.
Connect the projector’s power cable with the projector,and insert the 
power cable into a wall socket.
Turn on the AC power switch of projector.The power indicator is  
green and slowflashing. Projector is in standby mode.
Press the [Power] button to turn on the projector. The power
LED appears  green and lamp LED appears red,Indicating the
         lamp is lit.  
Turning on projector (1)

Page 27

Interactive  Projector             
Po wer
M o use
If no image is displayed ,  ch an g e  th e  in p u t
When using a laptop or a PC with an in built monitor, select 
external video output on the computer. 
Turnung on projector (2)

Page 28

Interactive  Projector             
Computer in 1orComputer in 2
Connecting PC to the projectorFirst 
 First connect VGA cable then the USB cable. 

Page 29

Interactive Projector                 
S o f t w a re   a nd   H a r d w a re  i n s tal l 
2. S e c tion   t w o(A) : LightPen software Setup.   
Step 3 : Next.
System Requirements 
OS Required                 Microsoft Windows2000(SP4)XP(SP2)above
Processor Type Intel Pentium IV or above 
RAM 256 MB or above 
Min. Free disk space 30 MB 
CD-ROM Driver & available USB 2.0 port 
Step 1:Insert the Disc to the PC.
Step 2:Execute LightPen\ setup.exe
Please connect VGA cable and USB cable before setup....

Page 30

Step4: Next
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