Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Basic Call Management System Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Basic Call Management System Instructions Manual
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System Access 3-2Issue 4 September 1995 n715 BCT Typically, one terminal is dedicated to the administration and/or maintenance tasks, while the others are used for the ACD/BCMS features. BCMS Login The switch provides several different categories of login names. The login name identifies the user and his or her permitted capabilities to the system. Generally, each category permits unique capabilities (and restrictions). The BCMS login allows you to display, print, and schedule BCMS reports. The BCMS login is simply bcms, and the password is bcmspw. Since more than one user will typ ically log into the system with this same login, all the users must know the password. NOTE: A BCMS terminal is considered to be a remote Management Terminal. Logging In There are two types of terminal configurations for logging into BCMS: a remote terminal and a local terminal. Although both c onfigurations use the same types of terminals, the remote terminal requires a data module for dialing up the system. Logging In from a Local Terminal To log into BCMS from a local terminal, perform the following steps: 1. Turn on the terminal (if required) and press BR EA K (if no prompt is displayed). — The sc reen dis plays the following prompt: Login: 2. Enter bcms and p ress RE TUR N. — The sc reen dis plays the following prompt: Password: 3. Enter your password and press RE TUR N. The default password is bcmspw. For security reasons, the password is not displayed as you type it. The system verifies that the login and password you entered are valid. — If you entered an invalid login or password, the system d isp lays the following message and prompt: INCORRECT LOGIN Login: Rep eat Step s 2 and 3.

Logging In and Logging Off Issue 4 September 1995 3-3 — If you entered the correct login and associated password, the sc reen dis plays the following prompt: Terminal Type (Enter 513, 4410, 4425): [513] Proceed to Step 4. 4. Enter the appropriate terminal type: nIf you are using a 4410 terminal, enter 4410 and press RETURN. nIf you are using a 4425 terminal, enter 4425 and press RETURN. nIf you are using a 513 terminal, just press RETUR N. 513 (which is displayed in brackets on the screen) is the default. nIf you are using a 610 or 615 MT terminal that has a 513 emulation cartridge, just press RE TUR N. nIf you are using a 610 or 615 MT that does not have the 513 emulation cartrid ge, enter 4410 and press RETURN. nIf you are using a 715 BCT terminal, just press RETU RN. After you enter the appropriate terminal type, the system displays the following prompt: enter command: The system is now ready for you to enter a command to g enerate a BCMS report. Logging In from a Remote Terminal To log into BCMS from a remote terminal, perform the following steps: 1. Turn on the terminal (if required) and press BR EA K (if no prompt is displayed). — The sc reen displays the following prompt: Dial: 2. Enter the hunt group extension number for the Netcon channels and press RETURN. — The sc reen displays the following prompt: Login: 3. Enter bcms and p ress RE TUR N. — The sc reen displays the following prompt: Password: 4. Enter your password and press RE TUR N. The default password is bcmspw. For security reasons, the password is not displayed as you type it. The system verifies that the login and password you entered are valid.

System Access 3-4Issue 4 September 1995 — If you entered an invalid login or password, the system d isp lays the following message and prompt: INCORRECT LOGIN Login: Rep eat Step s 3 and 4. — If you entered the correct login and associated password, the sc reen dis plays the following prompt: Terminal Type (Enter 513, 4410, 4425): [513] Proceed to Step 5. 5. Enter the appropriate terminal type: nIf you are using a 4410 terminal, enter 4410 and press RETURN. nIf you are using a 4425 terminal, enter 4425 and press RETURN. nIf you are using a 513 terminal, just press RETUR N. 513 (which is displayed in brackets on the screen) is the default. nIf you are using a 610 or 615 MT terminal that has a 513 emulation cartridge, just press RE TUR N. nIf you are using a 610 or 615 MT that does not have the 513 emulation cartrid ge, enter 4410 and press RETURN. nIf you are using a 715 BCT, just press RE TUR N. After you enter the appropriate terminal type, the system displays the following prompt: enter command: The system is now ready for you to enter a command to generate a BCMS report. Logging Off Whenever you are not using the terminal, log off the system. To log off the system, perform the following steps: 1. Type logoff. 2. Press RETUR N. The switch automatically disconnects the terminal.

How to Change the BCMS Password Issue 4 September 1995 3-5 How to Change the BCMS Password To maintain the security of the system, the System Manager (or any user with special privileges) can change the password associated with the BCMS login. The BCMS login cannot be administered and does not change. Only the password for the BCMS login can change. NOTE: The BCMS login does not have the privilege to change the BCMS password. The password should be changed: nWhen the system is installed (change the password from the default bcmspw) nEach time a new person takes over the associated login name nIf an unauthorized person has discovered the password Once the password is assigned, keep the following things in mind: nDo not give the password to anyone nKeep the written password in a locked place To change a password, perform the following steps: 1. At the enter command: prompt, enter change password bcms and press RETUR N. — The system displays the Passwor d Change screen (Screen 3-1). The cursor is positioned on the Your Current Password: field. Screen 3-1. Password Change Screen change password bcms Page 1 of 1 PASSWORD CHANGE Change Password For Login Name: bcms Your Current Password: _______ New Password For Login Name: _______ New Password (enter again): _______

System Access 3-6Issue 4 September 1995 2. Enter your current password and press RETU RN. — The cursor is positioned on the New Password For Login Name: field. 3. Enter your new password and press RETUR N. NOTE: Valid passwords contain four to seven alphabetic or numeric characters, or a combination of alphabetic and numeric characters. — The cursor is positioned on the New Password (enter again): field. 4. Re-enter your new password and press RETUR N. — The system displays the following prompt: command completed successfully enter command:

Issue 4 September 19954-1 Overview This chapter helps you understand the Acceptable Service Level and the Percent Within Servic e Level, and it provides information on generating BCMS reports. It also provides descriptions of each of the reports. Acceptable Service Level Before using BCMS, you must understand the concept of Acceptable Service Level and then set the acceptable service level field on various forms. Acceptable Service Level is the desired time to answer for a given VDN or hunt g roup. Timing for a call begins when the call encounters a VDN or enters a hunt group queue. If the number of seconds to answer the call is equal to or less than the administered acceptable servic e level for the VDN or hunt group, the call is recorded as acceptable. Percent within Service Level A servic e level can b e administered for each hunt group or VDN, if the customer option has been set to y and if the hunt group or VDN is administered by BCMS. The service level is the amount of time (number of seconds) allowed the switch to answer calls. To calculate the perc entage of calls within the acceptable service level, BCMS divides the number of acceptable calls by the calls offered . 4 BCMS Report Generation

BCMS Report Generation 4-2Issue 4 September 1995 For hunt group s, BCMS calculates the Perc ent Within Service Level as follows: where accepted — Is the number of calls answered for which the queue time was less than or equal to the administered service level for the sp lit dequeued — Is the number of c alls that encountered t he split’s queue, but were NOT answered, abandoned, or outflowed. This occurs with multiple split queuing. For VDNs, BCMS calculates the Percent Within Service Level as follows: where accepted — Is the number of answered calls ( num ans) for which the answer time was less than or equal to the administered service level for the VDN. num ans here refers to the data item on the form of the same name. calls offered — Is the total number of ended calls that accessed the VDN during the current interval. Acceptable Service Level Administration The Acceptable Service Level field is administered on the System-Parameters Customer-Options, VDN, and Hunt Group forms. On the System-Parameters Customer-Options form (only changeable by an AT&T technician) set the field BCMS Service Level to y to activate BCMS. On the Hunt Group Form (user changeable) set the field BCMS Ac c eptable Service Level to a number between 0 and 9999. Set the Measured field to either internal or both. On the Vector Directory Number form set the field BCMS Ac ceptable Service Level to a number between 0 and 9999. Set the Measured field to either internal or both NOTE: The column % IN SERV LEVL may be blank for one or more of the following reasons: nThe BCMS Servic e Level field on the Customer Options form is set to n. %IN SERV LEVL= ACDcalls+abandons+out f lows+dequeued accepted *100 _ ________________________________________ %IN SERV LEVL= calls o ff ered accepted *100 _ _____________

Overview Issue 4 September 1995 4-3 nNo service level is defined for the split or VDN (it cannot be set if BCMS Service Level is set to n). nNo call ended in the interval. BCMS Commands After you log into BCMS, the system prompts you to enter a command. BCMS command s consist of the following three components: 1. The ACTION to be taken 2. The OBJECT for the specified action 3. The QUALIFIER(S) for the specified object

BCMS Report Generation 4-4Issue 4 September 1995 Table 4-1 lists all of the commands you can perform with the BCMS login. NOTES 1. Items depicted within brackets, such as [print], are optional. 2. You may enter a single number, a list of numbers, or a range of numbers (for example 100-200). Table 4-1. Permitted BCMS Administration Commands BCMS Administration Commands Action Object Qualifiers monitor bcms split split number [print] (Note 1) bcms system [split number] [print] (Note 2) bcms vdn extension [print] (Note 2) list bcms agent ext.|loginID [time] [start time] [stop time] [ print|schedule] (Notes 2, 3, 4) bcms agent ext.|loginID [day] [start day] [stop day] [print|schedule] (Notes 2, 4) bcms summary agent ext.|loginID [time] [start time] [stop time] [ print|schedule] (Notes 2, 4) bcms summary agent ext.|loginID [day] [start day] [stop day] [print|schedule] (Notes 2,4) bcms split split number [time] [start time] [stop time] [print|schedule] bcms split split number [day] [start day] [stop day] [print|schedule ] bcms summary split split number [time] [start time] [print|schedule] (Note 2) bcms summary split split number [day] [start day] [print|schedule] (Note 2) bcms trunk group number [time] [start time] [stop time] [print|schedule] bcms trunk group number [day] [start day] [stop day] [print|sc hedule] bcms summary trunk group number [time] [start time] [stop time] [print|schedule] (Note 2) bcms summary trunk group number [ day] [start day] [stop day] [print|schedule] (Note 2) bcms vdn extension [time] [start time] [stop time] [print|schedule] bcms vdn extension [day] [start day] [stop day] [print|schedule] bcms summary vdn extension [time] [start time] [stop time] [print|schedule] (Note 2) bcms summary vdn extension [day] [start day] [stop day] [print|schedule] (Note 2)

Real-Time Rep orts Issue 4 September 1995 4-5 3. Whenever the command line qualifier [schedule] is initially executed, the system defaults the report for immediate printing (unless a day/time of day is scheduled) and generates a Job Id. The Job Id is required by the Report Scheduler feature for up dating and deleting the schedule of reports. The Report Scheduler (desc ribed in Chapter 6, Use of BCMS Reports for ACD Plannin g) is used to administer a time/day schedule for each desired report. 4. If BCMS/VuStats Log in IDs is enabled on the System-Parameters Customer-Options form, then you must enter an agent’s login ID or a range of login IDs in place of the physical extension or range of extensions. Online Help If you are unsure of a command, press HELP to obtain the list of permissible command s. For example, sup pose, you wanted to generate a BCMS Split Report. The c ommand to generate this report is monitor bcms split #. However, you only know the beginning of the command (in this case, monitor bcms). To find out the rest of the command, you would perform the following steps: 1. At the command prompt, enter monitor bcms 2. Press HE LP. — The system displays the following list of secondary commands for the monitor command: sp lit system vd n Real-Time Reports BCMS provides three real-time reports: nBCMS Split Status Report nBCMS System Status Report nBCMS VDN Status Report The BCMS Split Status Report provides the current (real-time) status and cumulative measurement data for those agents assigned to the split you specify. The BCMS System Status Rep ort provides current (real-time) status information for either all BCMS splits or selected splits. The BCMS VDN Status Report p rovides the current (real-time) status and cumulative measurement data for VDNs monitored by BCMS. You may generate these reports using the monitor c ommand, which is discussed below.