Anaheim Stepper PCL601USB Users Guide
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31 #L010183September 2005 M - Max speed and analog speed Format 1: M[value] Description: This command sets the maximum (running) speed for motion. This value must be set before motion begins, and be greater than the base speed. Range: 1 - 50000 Format 2: M Description: This command uses the voltage on input 1 to calculate and set the max speed. The analog speed must be enabled for this command to work. This command is used in conjunction with the analog speed “;”, the analog speed lower limit “[“, and...
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32 #L010183September 2005 P - Absolute position and analog position Format 1: P[value] Description: This command calculates and sets the number of clocks for the PCL601USB to send out following a G command. Motion is not activated by this command; it only sets the register. (N = P - Z) Range: -8388607 to +8388607 Format 2: P Description: This command uses the voltage on input 1 to calculate and set the number of clocks for the PCL601USB to send out following a G command. The analog posi- tion must be...
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33 #L010183September 2005 Z - Position Format: Z[value] Description: This command sets the current position as a reference. This register can contain a positive or negative value but, cannot be changed while motion is in progress. Range: -8388607 to +8388607 ! - Error codes register Format : ! Description: This command requests the PCL601USB controller to get the current error code and print it to the screen. For a description of the error codes see page 39. $ - Version number register Format : $...
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34 #L010183September 2005 % - Verify address register Format : % (No address is needed before this function. @% will return the address) Description: This command requests the PCL601USB controller to return its internal address number to the PC or PLC. ‘ - Index on the fly enabled Format: ‘[0 or 1] Description: This command will either enable or disable the index on the fly function. To enable the function, use a 1. To disable the function use a 0. This command is used in conjunction with the number of...
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35 #L010183September 2005 . - Stop Motion Format: . Description: This command will stop all motion. It can also be used to stop the current program that is running. / - Thumbwheel index enabled Format: /[0 or 1] Description: This command will either enable or disable the ability to use the thumbwheel switches for indexing. If enable, SW2 must be in the TWS position for the thumbwheel to be connected to the processor. : - Analog position enabled Format: :[0 or 1] Description: This command will either...
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36 #L010183September 2005 ^ - Number of outputs during output on the fly Format: ^[value] Description: This command sets the number of times output 1 will turn on during an output on the fly move. This command is used in conjunction with the output on the fly en- abled “(“ command. Range: 0 - 255 { - Analog position lower limit Format: {[value] Description: This command sets the lower limit that is used during the calculation following a P command for the analog position input. This command is used in...
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37 #L010183September 2005 Section 5: Troubleshooting Problem: Cannot establish communications with the PCL601USB. Possible Solutions: 1) Make sure the PCL601USB controller has power. Is the Green LED on? 2) Check the USB connections. 3) Check for loose cable connections either on the PCL601USB controller or USB Port. 4) Was the software installed successfully? 5) Go to Setup | Com Port Settings and verify COM port and baud rate settings. 6) Go to Setup | Axis and verify address settings are the same....
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38 #L010183September 2005 Problem: The PCL601USB controller has a fault condition. Possible Solutions: 1) Verify your program for improper syntax that may cause an error code. 2) Physically press the reset button on the PCL601USB to clear an error. 3) Another way to clear an error is by using either the SMC60WIN software or the direct mode command instructions set. 4) The SMC60WIN can clear an error in the real time motion tab section by clicking on the verify parameters button. 5) The direct...
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39 #L010183September 2005 Section 6: Tutorial Sample Program 1: Sample Program 1 illustrates a typical application where a system moves to a specific position required. The sample program shows how to use the motion and goto instruction commands. 0 4000 8000 Start Initilize Values Move 4000 Steps Repeat Last Move Move to Position 0 then wait 500mSec Quit
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40 #L010183September 2005 Sample Program 2: Sample Program 2 illustrates a typical application where a system is first sent home to a datum or 0 position. This sample program shows how a motor will move to 3 different positions utilizing some of the motion commands, loop routines and encoder routine. 0 Position (Home Position)2” 4”6” 1st Position2nd Position3rd Position Labeler Dryer Capper