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Anaheim Stepper DPY50611 Users Guide

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September 2012 L0101951
Programmable Driver Pack
User’s Guide
910 East Orangefair Lane, Anaheim, CA 92801
e-mail: info@anaheimautomation.com(714) 992-6990  fax: (714) 992-0471
website: www.anaheimautomation.com

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September 2012 L0101952
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction.................................................................................................................................3
Electrical Specifi...

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September 2012 L0101953
The DPY50611 is a single-axis 5A bipolar microstep driver/controller containing 2 kbytes of non-
volatile stored programming space, quadrature encoder feedback, and a 125W power supply, all 
enclosed in a package.  It provides fl exible, independent control of bipolar stepper motors with 
a current range from 0.5 to 5.0 amps/phase with microstepping resolutions from 200 steps per 
revolution to 12,800 steps per revolution from a computer, or any machine controller with...

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September 2012 L0101954
Electrical Specifi cations
Power Requirements:
90-135 VAC 50/60Hz
Operating Temperature:
0 to 60° C
Pulse Output Range:
1 to 50,000 Hz
10ɥS negative going pulse width
Inputs (TTL-CMOS):
Logic “0”: 0 to 0.8VDC
Logic “1”: 3.5 to 24VDC
Analog Input 1: 0 to 5VDC
Output Current Rating:
5.0 A/phase maximum running
3.5 A/phase maximum standstill
Baud Rate:
38400 Baud, Fixed
Data Format:
Half-Duplex, 1 start bit, 8 data bits,
no parity, 1 stop bit
Outputs (8 programmable):
Open Drain Type...

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September 2012 L0101955
Dimensions/Switch Locations
Wiring Diagrams 

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September 2012 L0101956
Position Description - Driver Inputs
1 Step Clock Input Anode (+): Internally Connected to controllers +5VDC
2 Step Clock Input Cathode (-): Internally Connected to controllers clock output
3 Direction Anode (+): Internally Connected to controllers +5VDC
4 Direction Cathode (-): Internally Connected to controllers direction output
5 ON/OFF Anode (+): Internally Connected to controllers +5VDC
6 ON/OFF Cathode (-): Internally Connected to controllers on/off output

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September 2012 L0101957
Connector Descriptions - Controller
Slide Switch Descriptions - Controller
Position Description - Encoder
1 +5VDC supply for encoder
2 A channel for encoder
3 B channel for encoder
4 Ground return for encoder
Position Description - Limit Switch Inputs
1 Home Limit
2 Jog + 
3 Jog - 
4 Fast Jog
5 Hard Limit +
6 Hard Limit - 
7 Soft Limit +
8 Soft Limit - 
9 Ground
Position Description - Inputs
1 Input 1 - Analog Input
2 Input 2 - Index on the fl y input
3 Input 3 
4 Input 4
5 Input 5...

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September 2012 L0101958
Motor Selection
The DPY50611 incorporates a Bipolar Microstep Driver that is compatible with both Bipolar and 
Unipolar Motor Confi gurations,  (i.e. 8 and 4 lead motors, and 6 lead tapped motors).
Step motors with low current ratings and high inductance will perform better at low speeds, pro-
viding higher low-end torque.  Motors with high current ratings and low inductance will perform 
better at higher speeds, providing more high-end torque.
Since the DPY50611 is a constant...

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September 2012 L0101959
Microstep Selection - Driver SW1 Settings
Switches 2, 3 and 4, of the DIP switch select the number of microsteps per step.  Table 6 shows 
the standard resolution values along with the associated positions for the select switches.  The 
standard waveforms are sinusoidal.
Resolution Steps/Rev Select 1  Select 2 Select 3 Select 4 Auto Reduce Current
1 200 OFF ON ON ON Disabled
2 400 OFF ON ON OFF Disabled
5 1000 OFF ON OFF ON Disabled
8 1600 OFF ON OFF OFF Disabled
10 2000 OFF OFF...

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September 2012 L01019510 Reducing Output Current
Reducing the output current is accomplished by setting switch 1 of the DIP switch to the ON position 
and occurs approximately 1 second after the last positive going edge of the step clock input.  The 
amount of current per phase in the reduction mode is approximately 50% of the set current.  When 
the current reduction circuit is activated, the current reduction resistor is paralleled with the current 
adjustment potentiometer.  This lowers the total...
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