Anaheim Stepper DPD60401 Users Guide
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SECTION 9DIRECT PROGRAMMING51 MiscellaneousVNVersion NumberIDIdentify HCHigh speed counter HPHigh Priority MHMotor Hold Current [X/Y/Z] @unit select @.unit select all #indirect register !Error ACAuto Cursor AEAuto Error ALAuto Linefeed CR Cold Reset DLDelay DPDecimal Place ECError Code FDFull Duplex JFJog Fast Input bit/configuration LBLabel WDWait Delay [X/Y/Z] WRWait Read Value WSWait value Scale Factor WWWait Write J-Jog- Input Configuration [X/Y/Z] J+Jog+ Input Configuration [X/Y/Z] JFJog Fast Input configuration [X/Y/Z] FDFull Duplex UPUnlock Program LPLock Program ENCODEREAEncoder Auto-correction [X/Y/Z]EDEncoder Delay Register [X/Y/Z] EMEncoder to Motor ratio [X/Y/Z] EPEncoder Position [X/Y/Z] EREncoder Retries [X/Y/Z] EWEncoder Window (auto- correction) LIMIT INPUTSH-Hard - limit inputH+Hard + limit input HIHome limit Input SISoft Limit Input SLSoft Limits EnableNote: Refer to Chapter 13 for Command Set

SECTION 9DIRECT PROGRAMMING52 TALKING WITH A TERMINAL (TT1R2-1) WARNING: DO NOT CONNECT THE PC AND HANDHELD TO SMC40 AT THE SAME TIME. DOWNLOAD PROGRAM AND THEN TEST WITH HANDHELD AFTER DISCONNECTING FROM PC. Start Communications Press CTRL and SHIFT simultaneously and while holding down on those two buttons press F1. This will now display the terminal parameters. Press F2 to scroll through the parameters. Set the Address and the Baud Rate on the SMC40 Indexer switches first (Pg 24), then set the Baud Rate on the Terminal. Press F1 to scroll through the different settings available. The SMC40 Indexer will communicate by sending the characters back, so be sure to have the Terminal with the Echo = Disable set.. Data Bit = 7, Parity = Space, Display PE = Disable, Repeat = Fast, Handshake = Disabled, and Self Test = Disabled. Note: Always set the Terminal to Full Duplex On (FD1) when programming commands. Standard Communications Settings are 8 Bit with No Parity. The TT1R2-1 will accomplish this buy setting the Data Bit = 7 and the Parity = Space. AL = 1 will allow the commands to be entered one per line as shown in the example below. Connect the Terminal Type @0 ( where 0 is the axis you dialed in SW3 ) Notice that the Status LED should start to blink rapidly on the indexer. Type ID This should return the version number of the chip - like “SMC40” Example of Entering a Short Program @0‘select axis 0 ID‘chip type “SMC40” VN‘version number “0” AL1‘Auto -Linefeed On FD1‘Full Duplex PI1LB TOP‘Label Top PI2XMH1‘Current Motor Hold/ Power Off PI3XMM4000 ‘Program Insert at line 1, Max Speed = 4000 PI4XMB500‘Base Speed = 500 PI5XMN400‘Distance = 400 PI6XGR‘Go Relative PI7XWM‘Wait Motor until motion is complete PI8BG TOP‘Branch Goto Label Top PS‘Program Start Motion should start at this point and your stored program will begin to execute. Note: To stop this stored program inserted you need to type @0 then Enter. Example of a Short Program on the X Program XPI1XMH1‘Current Motor Hold/ Power Off XPI3XMM4000 ‘Program Insert at line 1, Max Speed = 4000 XPI4XMB500‘Base Speed = 500 XPI5XMN800‘Distance = 800 XPI6XGR‘Go Relative PS‘Program Start

SECTION 9DIRECT PROGRAMMING53 Note: To stop this stored program inserted you need to type @0 then Enter. DIRECT PROGRAMMING QUICK START Direct Programming of the Driver Pack can be done with any programming language that can communicate via the serial port. The complete Command Dictionary is located in the directory that the software was installed in. Section 2 A sample of Commands @0The @ (at symbol) is used to select which unit is to be communicated with. This unit, in this case zero, must be the setting on the intended unit. IDEntering this command will return the indexer type. >SMC40 FD1The full duplex command… XMN100 The motor number command enters the distance that the motor will travel when indexed by a go relative command. XMNEntering just MN alone will return the motor number. The default value is zero. >100 XGRThe Go Relative command tells the motor to index the MN number of steps. PI1XGRThe PI is the Program Insert command. Here a go relative command is inserted in line one. If the program is already store in the memory, the PI1 command here will push the whole program down a line. PSProgram Start is used to run the program stored in the memory. PW2Program Window set the number of instructions to be displayed when the Program List command is used. PL1The Program List command list the program starting at the line number proceeding the PL. >1 GR >2 BEThe Branch End is displayed when there is no more instructions in the Indexer’s memory. To List a Program PL0‘Program list starting at line 0 “XMH=1” To Edit a Line PE4 XMN400‘Edit Line 4 to read X Program Motor Number 400 To Delete a Line PD2‘Delete line 2 To Check Memory in a Program PM Example To Stop a Direct Command In Execution @0 XGS‘X Program Go Slew - Motion Activated SA‘Stop All Indexers

SECTION 9DIRECT PROGRAMMING54 TERMINAL COMMANDS (SMTNR2-1 AND TT1R2-1) WARNING: DO NOT CONNECT THE PC AND HANDHELD TO SMC40 AT THE SAME TIME. DOWNLOAD PROGRAM AND THEN TEST WITH HANDHELD AFTER DISCONNECTING FROM PC. The terminal commands are used in conjunction with the Panel Mount Terminal (SMTNR2-1) or the Handheld Terminal (TT1R2-1). The commands allow an SMC40 program to prompt an operator per operational information needed to begin a cycle of operation. The instructions are Write Text , Write Value, Write ASCII, and Read Value. Write Text allows the user to transmit a character string to the handheld terminal, which produces a character string on the terminal display. Write Value allows the user to transmit a numerical value to the terminal display. Write ASCII allows the user to transmit an ASCII character/code to the terminal display . The Read Value command waits for a numerical value to be entered- a number terminated by a carriage return from the handheld terminal – and stores it in the RV register. WARNING: Do not connect PC Serial Port to the SMC40 Indexer at the same time the Handle Terminal is connected. Damage may occur to the serial port or handheld. It is best to write your program, download the program via the serial port, enable the autostart from the Program Menu, then power the indexer down. The RS232 cable must now be disconnected from the SMC40 and the handheld terminal connector should be plugged into the telephone connector J1. The final step now is to power up the SMC40 Indexer. The sample program below demonstrates the terminal commands: Lines 1 and 2 are used to clear the terminal display and home the cursur to the top left corner of the display using the ESC E code. Line 3 is a text string that will be displayed on the LCD Screen. Line 4 is the command that drops the cursur to column one of the next line. Line 5 will read a numerical value the user enters when excecuting the program. Line 6 is a math application that will use the Register Value(RV), multiply it by 400 and set the x-axis motor number equal to the result. Line 7 will index the motor the value stored in the Result Register. Line 8 is a branch quit command required at the end of all

SECTION 10SPECIFICATIONS56 SECTION 10 - SPECIFICATIONS Power Requirements 7A Fuse Power Requirements for PCL Versions105/ 125 VAC, 50/60Hz ( Standard Package ) 7 Amp, 5mm, Fast blow type Littlefuse: 217005 210/ 250VAC, 50/60 Hz ( X250 Version ) 7 Amp, 3AG, Fast blow type 9 –12 VAC 50/60 Hz +5VDC @ 1.5 Amp +12 – 16 VDC UNREG @ 1.5 Amp NOTE: Any External Electric Component current (Amp) consumption should be taken into account..Operating Temperature0 to 60 degree CDriver Output Current Rating1 to 7.0 Amp per phase ( DPD72401,DPK Series) 1 to 6.0 Amp per phase ( DPD60401)Control InputsTTL-CMOS Compatible Logic 0: 0 to 0.8 VDC Logic 1: 3.5 to 5.DCPulse Output Range1 to 2,500,000Outputs (CLK, DIR, PWR): TTL-CMOS compatible Logic 0: Logic 1:0 to 0.32 VDC, 4 Ma 4.3 to 5.1 VDC, 4 MaBaud Rate:RS422 Input Logic 0 Logic 1 sensitivity50 to 38400 BAUD-2 to -10 VDC, 1.5 Ma 2 to 10 VDC, -2.5 Ma 200 mVRS422 Output: Voltage Output High Voltage Output Low2.5 VDC min, 20 Ma 0.5 VDC max, 20 MaRS232 Input Logic 0 Logic 1 sensitivity2 to 10 VDC, 1.5 mA -2 to -10 VDC, -2.5 mA 200 mVRS232 Output Logic 0 Logic 10.5 VDC max, 20 mA 2.5 VDC min, 20 mAEncoderQuadrature onlyInputs TTL-CMOS Compatible Logic 0: Logic 1:5 VDC @ 10ma Max 0 to 0.32 VDC, 4 Ma 4.3 to 5.1 VDC, 4 MaData Format: Half-Duplex, 1 start bit, 8 data bits, no parityOutputs (24 programmable I/O): Maximum voltage: Current sink: NOTE: Always use a Diode (Motorola 1N4002 or Equivalent) to clamp any Inductive Loads (Relays, Solenoids, etc.) due to fly back voltages.Open Collector Type 40 VDC 500 ma (total, for outputs 1 - 8) 500 ma (total, for outputs 9 - 16) 500 ma (total, for outputs 17 - 24) Maximum Current Sourcing 0.75 AMPS

SECTION 10SPECIFICATIONS57 +5VDC Output ( PCL401 ,DPD72401, and DPD60401) +5VDC Output ( PCL402, PCL403, DPK72402,and DPK7403)Maximum Current Sourcing 0.75 AMPSMODULE SPECIFICATIONS SMC40 to Input Module Cable Maximum Length 5 feetInputs Internal pull-up Resistor to 5V1k ohmsMounting:DIN RailAdditional Expansion Modules Connector (Refer to Section 4) J2PERFORMANCE CURVES –DPD6040134N214 With DPD60401 Driver, Series, Divide By Ten 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 05101520253035404550 SPEED (RPS)TORQUE (oz-in)0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200POWER (Watts)TORQUEPOWER34N214 With DPD60401 Driver, Half Coil, Divide By Ten 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 05101520253035404550 SPEED (RPS)TORQUE (oz-in)0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200POWER (Watts)TORQUEPOWER23L310 With DPD60401 Driver, Series, Tenth Step 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 05101520253035404550 SPEED (RPS) TORQUE (oz-in)0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200POWER (Watts)TORQUEPOWER34N108 With DPD60401 Driver, Tenth Step, Parallel 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 05101520253035404550 SPEED (RPS)TORQUE (oz-in)0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200POWER (Watts)TORQUEPOWER

SECTION 10SPECIFICATIONS58 PERFORMANCE CURVES - DPD72401 SERIES23L310 With DPD72401 Driver 0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 05101520253035404550 SPEED (RPS)TORQUE (oz-in)0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200POWER (Watts)TORQUEPOWER23L306 With DPD72401 Driver 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 05101520253035404550 SPEED (RPS)TORQUE (oz-in)0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120POWER (Watts)TORQUEPOWER34N214 With DPD72401 Driver 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 05101520253035404550 SPEED (RPS) TORQUE (oz-in)0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250POWER (Watts)TORQUEPOWER42N112 With DPD72001 Driver 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 05101520253035404550 SPEED (RPS)TORQUE (oz-in)0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200POWER (Watts)TORQUEPOWER

SECTION 11TROUBLESHOOTING59 SECTION 11 - TROUBLESHOOTING MY COMPUTER WON’T TALK TO THE SMC40 When using a computer to communicate to the SMC40, you must use Anaheim Automation communications program such as Hyper Terminal, or a programming language such as BASIC or C. The communication parameters must be set up correctly for 8 Data Bits, No Parity Bits, and 1 Stop Bit. The Baud Rate can be set up for rates between 50 Hz to 38400 (50, 300, 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200, 38400). Check the Baud Rate setting on the yellow and black rotary switch on the side of the unit. This setting must match to the baud rate you specified (see Table 6). The Request To Send (RTS) signal is supported by some software and not others. Refer to the software manual to see what you need, or just use trial and error - it will not damage anything. Generally use RTS on, or the first 8 positions of the dip switch. Once the communications are set up you finally need to talk to the SMC40. This is done by selecting the axis you want to talk to. Position the Axis Select for the desired axis number for your unit. If you chose axis 0 for example, the rotary dip switch would be pointing to 0. To communicate to this axis, type ID then ¿Enter. MOTOR IS STALLING Check the kick current pot setting on the driver, be sure it is set to motors current rating. Check the wiring of the motor to the driver. Different step motors have different performances, some may be able to start faster than other. If your motor is stalling at start up or during ramping, then lower the base and max speed and increase the acceleration time (BASE SPEED 500, MAX SPEED 1000, AND ACCEL/ DECEL 10000 are settings that should be good for testing most motors). THERE IS NO POWER TO THE UNIT If the fan of the DPD72401 is not running, check the fuse in the fuse tray in the power connector terminal (use 7 amp fast blow fuse only). If the fuse continues to blow call factory for assistance. STATUS LED TURNS OFF WHEN I PLUG INTO THE UNIT The communication switches on the side of the unit are most likely incorrect.

SECTION 12ERROR CODES60 SECTION 12 – ERROR CODES SMC40 (V0.957) 57. Warning_ErrorQueueOverflow 58. MotorErrors 59. XMotor_AutoCorrectionFailure 60. XMotor_EncoderTrackingOverflow 61. XMotor_HardLimits 62. XMotor_JoggingHardLimits 63. XMotor_ErrorOverflow 64. YMotor_AutoCorrectionFailure 65. YMotor_EncoderTrackingOverflow 66. YMotor_HardLimits 67. YMotor_JoggingHardLimits 68. YMotor_ErrorOverflow 69. ZMotor_AutoCorrectionFailure 70. ZMotor_EncoderTrackingOverflow 71. ZMotor_HardLimits 72. ZMotor_JoggingHardLimits 73. ZMotor_ErrorOverflow 74. TerminationErrors 75. Execution_IndexerNotPresent 76. Execution_XIndexerMotionInProgress 77. Execution_YIndexerMotionInProgress 78. Execution_ZIndexerMotionInProgress 79. Execution_ReadOnlyRegister 80. Execution_ReadOnlyBit 81. Execution_ProgrammableOnlyInstruction 82. Execution_ProgramAlreadyRunning 83. Execution_ProgramNotRunning 84. Execution_ProgramNotPaused 85. Execution_LabelNotFound 86. Execution_InstructionNotFound 87. Execution_BranchNumberValueRange 88. Execution_GosubLevelOverflow 89. Execution_BranchReturnWithoutGosub 90. Execution_NoForLoopInstruction 91. Execution_NoThumbWheelModule 92. Execution_BranchSubroutineWithinMESubroutine 93. Math_DivideByZero 94. Communications_ReceiveBufferOverflow 95. Communications_InstructionBufferOverflow 96. Communications_TransmitBufferOverflow 97. Communications_BreakCommandReset 98. Programming_MemoryFull 99. Programming_CannotDeleteBEInstruction 100. Programming_CannotInsertBEInstruction 101. Programming_AssignmentValueRequired 102. Programming_NeedCLEARConfirmation 103. Programming_CannotProgramProgrammingCommand 104. Programming_ExecuteOnlyInstruction 105. Programming_ExecutionInProgress 106. Programming_ControllerProgramInstructions 107. Programming_MemoryAlreadyLocked 108. Programming_MemoryAlreadyUnlocked 109. Programming_UnableToUnlockMemory 110. Programming_MemoryLocked 111. Programming_AutoStartMemoryLocked 112. FatalErrors 1. WarningCodes 2. Syntax_UnexpectedPrefix 3. Syntax_CarriageReturnExpected 4. Syntax_RegisterPrefixExpected 5. Syntax_RegisterOrNumberExpected 6. Syntax_BitOrBinaryExpected 7. Syntax_NumericalChannelExpected 8. Syntax_BitPrefixExpected 9. Syntax_TextStringExpected 10. Syntax_InstructionNumberExpected 11. Syntax_NegativeNumberLiteralExpected 12. Syntax_UnknownRegister 13. Syntax_UnknownBit 14. Syntax_BinaryLiteralExpected 15. Syntax_UnknownPatternCharacter 16. Syntax_NumericalIndexExpected 17. Syntax_BitPatternOverflow 18. Syntax_UnexpectedNumeric 19. Syntax_UnexpectedSymbol 20. Syntax_UnknownInstruction 21. Syntax_InvalidLabel 22. Syntax_LabelExpected 23. Syntax_InvalidInstructionNumber 24. Range_InputChannelValue 25. Range_OutputChannelValue 26. Range_BidirectionalChannelValue 27. Range_RegisterIndexValue 28. Range_BitIndexValue 29. Range_ProgramTextWindowValue 30. Range_InstructionNumber 31. Range_DelayValue 32. Range_CounterValue 33. Range_ThumbWheelDigitValue 34. Range_DecimalPlacesValue 35. Range_WriteKeyValue 36. Range_EncoderDelayValue 37. Range_EncoderPositionValue 38. Range_AbsolutePositionValue 39. Range_EncoderRetriesValue 40. Range_EncoderWindowValue 41. Range_MotorNumberValue 42. Range_BaseSpeedValueLimits 43. Range_MaximumSpeedValueLimits 44. Range_SpeedLimitValue 45. Range_AccelDecelValue 46. Range_JogFastSpeedValueLimits 47. Range_JogSlowSpeedValueLimits 48. Range_JogInputValue 49. Range_HomeTypeValue 50. Range_MotorPositionValue 51. Range_InstructionNotFound 52. Range_OutputInternalRegisterValue 53. Range_AutoErrorValue 54. Range_OutputExternalRegisterValue 55. Range_ResultBinaryValue 56. Range_ProgramLockKey