Anaheim Stepper DPD60401 Users Guide
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SECTION 5INSTALLATION31 Note: Both the Input and Output 50PIN Headers require a flat ribbon cable and the 50PIN Breakout Boards if all the I/O is required. The Anaheim Automation Catalog describes all SMC40 Accessories. MOTOR CONNECTORS TABLE 10A: Connector MB1 (2)Figure 4: Six Lead Motor Connection Pinout for BLD72 Driver Series (1 – 7 Amps Bilevel) Pinout for DPF11 Series (2 - 12.5 Amps Bilevel) Table 2D: Connector MB1Pin #Description1 Phase 12 Phase 33 Common Phase 1 & 34Reset Fault Input5Direction (internally connected)6Clock (internally connected)70 VDC8On/Off (internally connected)9Halfstep/ Fullstep10No Connection11 Common Phase 2 & 412 Phase 213 Phase 4Pin #Description1Phase 12Phase 33Common Phase 1 & 34Common Phase 2 & 45Phase 26Phase 4Pin #Description1Phase 1 A2Phase 3 /A3Phase 2 B4Phase 4 /B

SECTION 5INSTALLATION32 Figure 5: Four Lead Motor Connection Pinout for DPD60401 Series (1 - 6 Amps Bilevel) PCL HOOKUP DIAGRAM Note: Contact the factory direct if you have questions regarding the hookup procedures.

SECTION 6COMMUNICATIONS33 SECTION 6 - COMMUNICATIONS TALKING TO THE INDEXER Anaheim Automation’s SMC40 Programmable Indexers communicate by using the RS232C or RS422 standards. Most computers contain at least one RS232 serial port. Some industrial computers have a RS422 serial port. To communicate with the SMC40, use connector P1. P1 is used for either R3232 or RS422, and is set by sliding the two switches to the appropriate direction. P1 is a DB9 Female. To communicate with subsequent axes, use P2, the RS422 output port. P2 is a DB9 Male, and is always set for RS422, regardless of the switch setting for P1. The switches affect only the Input Port P1. The difference between the two types of communications is discussed below. RS232 This serial communication mode is single ended. This means that for each signal there is one wire, and a common ground reference used by all the signals. For the four signals, RD, TD, CTS and RTS to be transmitted, RS232C requires five wires. The signal line maintains levels of +5VDC to +15VDC (LOW LOGIC INPUT) and -5VDC to -15VDC (HIGH LOGIC INPUT). The receiver for the RS232 looks for a voltage potential of +3 to +25 volts for a logic LOW, and -3 to -25 volts for a logic HIGH. For a valid logic level, the voltage must be +/-3 volts. RS232 works well at 9,600 baud over distances of up to 50 feet maximum. RS232 is susceptible to electrical noise, and should not be used in noisy areas. Always use the shortest cable connection possible. Note: Keep control wiring separated from motor cable/wiring. RS422 To talk to the SMC40 in RS422 set the switch to RS422, and use P2. The RS422 serial communication standard is differential. This means that from each signal, there are two wires. For the four signals transmitted there needs to be nine wires including the ground reference. The signal line maintains a voltage level of up to +12 volts on either line. The polarity of the line switches is used to obtain the logic levels. For example, if RD+ is more positive than RD- then it is a logic HIGH. If RD- is more positive than RD+, then it is a logic LOW. For a valid logic level, the voltage difference between RD+ and RD- needs to be greater than 200 millivolts. RS422 is unsusceptible to noise due to the differential lines. RS422 is specified at a maximum of 9600 Baud at up to 4000 feet.RS232C25 PIN CONNECTORFUNCTIONRS232 FUNCTION1CGChassis Ground2TDTransmit Data3RDReceive Data4RTSRTS - Request To Send5CTSCTS - Clear To Send7O VDCSG - Signal GroundTABLE 12: RS422 Connector Pinout

SECTION 6COMMUNICATIONS34RS4229 Pin ConnectorFUNCTIONDESCRIPTION1SGsignal ground2CTS+clear to send3CTS-clear to send-4TD+transmit data+5TD-transmit data-6RTS+request to send+7RTS-request to send-8RD+receive data+9RD-receive data-TABLE 13: RS422 Connector Pinout HANDSHAKING SIGNALS There are two handshaking signals: RTS (Request to Send) and CTS (Clear to Send). Some devices use these handshaking signals and others do not. It is important to know if your device supports certain handshake signals. Anaheim Automation Indexers support both of these signals. DTE VS DCE (THE COMPUTER IS THE DTE......THE INDEXER IS THE DCE)Signal9 PINConnectorDIRECTIONFUNCTIONSG50 VDCSignal GroundTD3DTE to DCEtransmitted dataRD2DCE to DTEreceived dataRTS7DTE to DCErequest to send (DTE ready)CTS8DCE to DTEclear to send (DCE ready)TABLE 14: Pin Description for RS232 with a DB9 There are two types of devices defined. The first is called DTE (data terminal equipment). Examples of this would be a terminal, or an IBM Compatible Computer. The second type of device is a DCE (data communication equipment). Examples of this would be a modem or an Anaheim Automation Indexer such as the SMC40. DTEs have input pins of one type corresponding to output pins on the DCEs. NOTE: THE SIGNAL NAMES ARE FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE DTE COMPUTER. FOR EXAMPLE, PIN 3 IS CALLED TD (TRANSMIT DATA) BY BOTH SIDES, EVEN THOUGH THE DTE (COMPUTER) SENDS IT AND THE DCE (SMC40) RECEIVES IT. With a DB9, a DTE (such as a computer) transmits on pin 3 and receives on pin 2. With a DB9, a DCE (such as a SMC40) transmits on pin 2 and receives on pin 3.

SECTION 6COMMUNICATIONS35 “A MANNER OF SPEAKING” The communication signals supported by Anaheim Automation Indexers are: RECEIVE, TRANSMIT, CLEAR TO SEND (BUSY), AND REQUEST TO SEND. The method in which the Computer and the Indexer communicate is as follows: When the computer wants to send some information, it looks at the CTS (Clear To Send) line. This will inform the computer if the Indexer is ready to receive information. If a logic LOW is read (meaning it is clear to send), the computer will send information on pin 3, in which the Indexer will receive on pin 3. When the Indexer receives data that requires some computational time, it will pull the CTS HIGH meaning it is not clear to send data.When the Indexer is ready to send something to the Computer it looks at the RTS signal which will inform the Indexer that the Computer is busy. If the RTS is low then the Indexer will send information on pin 2, which will be received by the Computer on pin 2 also. RTS DEFINED On the SMC40, there is an option to either enable, or disable the RTS. If RTS is enabled, then the above description applies. If RTS is disabled, then when the SMC40 wants to send information to the Computer, it will send it without looking at the RTS line. This is used when the computer does not support the RTS line. CTS DEFINED The CTS line must always be supported. No information should be sent to any indexer unless the CTS line is low. Otherwise the data sent may be lost, and the indexer could possibly stop communicating. NOTE: THE SIGNAL NAMES ONLY MAKE SENSE FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE DTE. FOR EXAMPLE, PIN 3 IS CALLED TD (TRANSMIT DATA) BY BOTH SIDES, EVEN THOUGH THE DTE SENDS IT AND THE DCE RECEIVES IT.Pin #NameDescription1CGChassis Ground2TDTransmit Data3RDReceive Data4RTSRequest To Send5CTSClear To Send70 VDCSignal GroundTABLE 15: RS232C 25 Pin Connection (computer port)

SECTION 7INTELLIGENT SOFTWARE36 SECTION 7-INTELLIGENT SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION Included with a SMC40 purchase Driver Pack is a Windows software package that is used to program the SMC40 indexer. This software will allow for easy programming of the Driver Pack. The SMC40 software runs on Microsoft Windows 3.1 (Version 1.12) or Windows 95/ 98/ NT (Version 1.13). INSTALLATION Windows 3.1 To install the software you need to go into Windows. From the Program Manager select the menu File, and then Run. Put the Intelligent Indexer Disk in the appropriate disk drive and select Setup. It might look like:A:\setup .exe Follow the instructions on the screen. Windows 95/ 98/ NT Put the Intelligent Indexer Disk in the appropriate disk drive. Go to the Start Button, and Select Run. Choose A:\setup.exe and follow the instructions on the screen. SOFTWARE DEFAULTS Run the Intelligent Indexer Software by Double Clicking the SMC40 Program File in Windows. The Defaults are: Com PortCom1 Baud Rate9600 UnitsSteps Number of Axes1

SECTION 7INTELLIGENT SOFTWARE37 THE FOUR PROGRAMS There are four different program areas available. These are the Main Program, Program 1, Program 2, and Program 3. When running the Driver Pack, these programs can run simultaneously. They have access to the same set of registers, and can affect the other program with some of the appropriate commands. This allows a programmer to write sophisticated routines that would not be possible with other similar products. MAIN PROGRAM This is area where most programs will reside. When a program is started by the Menu Item START, or powered up after setting the Autostart Flag, the Main Program will start running. At this point, the other 3 program areas will be idle. There are commands that can start the other three programs. The program can be 1000 lines or longer, depending on the type of commands used and the space used in the other programs. PROGRAM 1, 2 and 3 These are the secondary programs that will run concurrently with the Main Program. The user must enter a Branch Quit statement in all Programs 1,2, & 3 before sending/ compiling the Main Program. MULTITASKING The word multitasking in this context means that four programs can run at the same time. This use of the multitasking environment will allow PLC-like functions to be programmed into this unit. One example would be to turn an output on for one second whenever an input goes on. To do this with standard sequential programming, the programmer would constantly have to check for that input, while the program is still doing all that it has to do as well. This can often overburden the program so that another module has to be purchased to do that function. With the multiple programs available in this unit, it is like having four separate modules all wrapped up into 1. With this unit, that program can be put into Program 1, 2, or 3. This off-loads the Main Program from having to continuously check for that condition. ADDING, INSERTING, CHANGING OR DELETING A COMMAND To add a command to the program, select the appropriate choice from the main screen – ADD, INSERT, CHANGE or DELETE. ADD:This command allows the user to place additional commands at the bottom of the program. INSERT:This command allows the user to insert additional commands at the cursor location. CHANGE:This command allows the user to change commands at the cursor location. DELETE:This command allows the user to delete commands at the cursor location.

SECTION 7INTELLIGENT SOFTWARE38 AUTOSTARTING The programs that have been tested and ready for execution can be downloaded to the SMC40 Indexer and Autostart Enabled. This feature will now allow the SMC40 Indexer to be disconnected from the PC and the program stored can now start independent of the PC. The program can also be Autostart Disabled when the program needs editing. Please reconnect the PC to SMC40 Indexer and note that the check mark to the left of the Disable Command of the SMC40 Menu Commands will appear when the Disable Command has been clicked/ selected twice.

SECTION 8COMMAND DESCRIPTIONS39 SECTION 8 - COMMAND DESCRIPTIONS This section covers the broad range of commands available in the SMC40. Commands are grouped together with other similar Commands. They include Branching, Start/Stop, Motion Parameters, Outputs, User Entry, Encoder Commands, Math, Terminal Commands, Jog Inputs and Program 1,2,3. After clicking the Insert, Add or Change Button, the Select a Command screen comes up to select commands. Select the Button of your choice and it will offer you a selection of commands from that group. Below is a list of Command Groups, and the commands that correspond to those groups.BranchingLabelGotoIf (bit) ThenIf (Reg) ThenGosubReturnQuitWait DelayFor LoopStart/StopGo AbsoluteGo RelativeHomeSlewStop HardStop HardWait MotorMotion ParametersBase SpeedCurrent HoldDir+Dir-Max SpeedPositionAccel/ DecelSpeed LimitSlow Jog SpeedFast Jog SpeedOutputsSet OutputsUser EntryUser EntryEncoder CommandsEncoder PositionEncoder AutocorrectionEncoder DelayEncoder RetriesEncoder WindowEncoder Motor RatioMath+ Addition of Registers- Subtraction of Registers/ Division of Registers* Multiplication of RegistersTerminal CommandsWrite TextWrite ValueWrite ASCIIWrite ValueJog InputsJog+Jog-Fast JogProgram 1,2,3Start Program 1Start Program 2Start Program 3Stop Program 1Stop Program 2Stop Program 3

SECTION 8COMMAND DESCRIPTIONS40 BRANCHING COMMANDS Branching Commands cause the program to go to a specific line number or label. This sometimes will occur if a condition exists, like an input being activated. The most common use will be to have a machine operator activate a switch before the machine begins operation. Another use of these types of commands would be for a program to continuously go from the bottom of the program back to the top of the program. The Branching Commands cause the program to ‘branch’ to another part of the program based on a set of conditions, like a switch being pressed, a register value equal to a number, a bit set, or many other conditions. GOSUB COMMAND When the Gosub Command is implemented, the program will go to the specified line and then the Return Command will send it back to the line below the original Gosub Command. This must be used in conjunction with the Return Command. This sample will cause the next instruction to go to the label Function 2, execute the lines 68 through 74, and then return to line 15..LineCommandParameter 1Parameter 2Comments14GosubFUNCTION2*67LabelFUNCTION2*75ReturnReturns to Line 15GOTO COMMAND The Goto Command causes the program to go directly to the specified line. This line can be described by a Line Number, a Register Value, or a Label. When using a Register Value, you must make sure that there is a value stored in that Register. If there is a value, for example 10, then this command will cause the program to jump to line 10 for the next command. This sample will cause the next instruction to go to the Label Top.LineCommandParameter 1Parameter 2Comments14GotoTOPIF BIT COMMAND The IF BIT COMMAND is a conditional statement used to execute another command based on whether or not a certain Input condition is met.LineCommandParameter 1Parameter 2Comments1If I1 = 0Then TOPElse CONTINUEIF REGISTER COMMAND The IF REGISTER COMMAND is a conditional statement used to execute another command based on whether or not a certain Register condition is met.LineCommandParameter 1Parameter 2Comments1If R1 = 0Then TOPElse CONTINUELABEL COMMAND The LABEL command is simply used to label a line. As mentioned before, labels are commonly used with branching statements.LineCommandParameter 1Parameter 2Comments1LabelTOP