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Anaheim Stepper DPC50501 Users Guide

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Page 11

September 2012 L01019411
Step Motor Selection Guide
Anaheim Automation offers motor cable, making hookups quickly and easy!  Contact the 
factory of visit our website www.anaheimautomation.com for motor and cable offerings.
23Y206 3.0A 3.0A 6.0A 60% 100%
23Y210 5.0A 5.0A 10.0A 100% 100%
23Y306 3.0A 3.0A 6.0A 60% 100%
23Y310 5.0A 5.0A 10.0A 100% 100%
34Y108 4.0A 4.0A 8.0A 80% 100%...

Page 12

September 2012 L01019412 Step Motor Confi gurations
Step motors can be confi gured as 4, 6, or 8 leads.  Each confi guration requires different currents.  Refer 
to the lead confi gurations and the procedures to determine their output current.
WARNING: Step Motors will run hot even when confi gured correctly.  Damage may occur to the motor 
is a higher than specifi ed current is used.  Most specifi ed motor currents are maximum values.  Care 
should be taken to not exceed these ratings.
6 Lead Motors
When confi...

Page 13

September 2012 L01019413 Parallel Connection: When confi guring the motor windings in parallel, multiply the per phase (or 
unipolar) current rating by 2.0 to determine the current setting potentiometer value.
Note: After the current has been determined, according to the motor connections above, use 
Table 3 to choose the proper setting for the current setting potentiometer.
Connecting the Step Motor
Phase 1 and Phase 3 of the step motor are connected to pins 1 and 2 on connector TB4.  Phase 
2 and Phase...

Page 14

September 2012 L01019414
Move Number of Steps: The move number of steps command causes the motion to start in the direction 
last specifi ed.  This command will move the motor the number of steps given.  (Range: 0 to 8388607)
Move to Position: The move to position command specifi es the next absolute position to go to.  The 
controller automatically sets the direction and number of steps needed to go to that position.
(Range: -8388608 to +8388607)
Home to Soft, Home Limit (2 Switch Operation): This type...

Page 15

September 2012 L01019415
Jog Inputs: Jog is a manual function.  The user can select the direction and speed (fast or slow) by 
grounding the appropriate combinations of inputs on a particular axis.  These inputs are located on the 
terminal block.  To jog a motor, it is necessary to ground the jog input on the axis for the direction desired.  
For fast jog, both the fast and jog command for the appropriate direction must be low at the same time.  
The closure of jog causes the motor to start at base...

Page 16

September 2012 L01019416
Verify: The verify command causes the controller to send data back to the PC or PLC.  The data is sent as 
an ASCII decimal string followed by a carriage return and a line feed.  The permissible verify commands 
are shown below.
Loop: The Loop instruction allows the user to loop a program a variable number of times.  The program 
will loop to the designated address location of the program.  The address must always be a lower address 
value than the instruction itself.  No nested...

Page 17

September 2012 L01019417
The SMC50WIN software is a handy utility that supports Anaheim Automation’s line of PCL501 and 
PCL511 step motor controllers.  Connecting your PC to the controller, via a serial cable, the SMC-
50WIN software can easily perform the following tasks:
•  Exercise and monitor the controller
•  Write and edit stored programs for stand-alone operation
•  Directly communicate with the controller
Section 3: SMC50WIN Software
•  The SMC50WIN is supplied on a CD,...

Page 18

September 2012 L01019418
“The Unit is Connected” / “The Unit is Not Connected”
On the right of the Toolbar, the user will fi nd the communication status of the controller.  If com-
munication is not established, please refer to the troubleshooting section.
File Menu
Setup Menu
Connect Establish communications with the controller.
Communication Settings... COM port & baud rate settings.
Axis Select axis (0-31) for multi drop units.
Autostart Program Enable/Disable program execution on power up.
New Program...

Page 19

September 2012 L01019419
Tab Sheets
Motion Controls and executes motion on the controller.
Program Write and modify PCL501 stored programs.
Motion Tab Sheet
Set Accel/Decel Send acceleration & deceleration parameter to controller. (step/sec2)
Set Base Speed Send base speed parameter to the controller. (step/sec)
Set Max Speed Send maximum speed parameter to the controller. (step/sec)
Set Jog Speed Send jog speed parameter to the controller. (step/sec)
Set Position Set motor position.
Set Direction CW Set...

Page 20

September 2012 L01019420
Motion Tab Sheet Tutorial
This tutorial will demonstrate the motion tab sheet:
1.  Start the SMC50WIN software and power up the controller.
2.  Click the connect icon and establish communications with the controller.
3.  With the motion tab sheet displayed.
4.  Enter 400 for the “Move number of steps below” button.
5.  Click the “Move number of steps below” button, the motor should move 400 steps - 1 
revolution on a 200 steps/rev motor running in half step mode.
Send Program to...
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