AGFA AP PRECISA1430 User Manual
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Ths symbol [crossed-out wheeled bn WEEE Annex IV] ndcates separate collecton of waste electrcal and electronc equpment n the European countres. Please do not throw the equpment nto the domestc refuse. Please use the return and collecton systems avalable n your country for the dsposal of ths product. Declaration of Conformity Model Name: PRECISA 1430 Trade Name: AgfaPhoto Responsble Party: RedDot Imagng Address: RedDot Imag ng, 2275 NW 84thAve, Doral, FL 33122. Customer Care Hotl ne: Servce & Repar Hotlne (USA): 1 -855-243-2937 (from a landl ne only) Serv ce & Repa r (UK): +44 1908 488676 Onl ne Servce / Internatonal contact: customersupport@reddot For repar and servce n all other countres, please refer to the warranty pamphlet for addtonal nformaton. WARNING Do not expose the camera battery pack or other accessores to ran or humdty to prevent fire hazard or electrc shock. For customers in the U.S.A. Tested To Comply With FCC Standards FOR HOME OR OFFICE USE FCC Statement Ths devce comples wth part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operaton s subject to the followng two condtons: (1) Ths devce may not cause harmful nterference, and (2) ths devce must accept any nterference receved, ncludng nterference that may cause undesred operaton. For customers in Europe "CE" mark ndcates that ths product comples wth the European requrements for safety, health, envronment and customer protecton. "CE" marked cameras are ntended for sales n Europe.

1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Camera notes: Do not store or use the camera n the followng types of locatons: • In the ran, very humd and dusty places. • In a place where the camera can be exposed drectly to the sunlght or subject to hgh temperature, e.g. Insde a closed car n summer. • In a place where the camera s subject to a hgh magnetc field, e.g. near motors, transformers or magnets. Do not place the camera on a wet surface or places where dr ppng water or sand may come n contact wth the camera, whch may cause rreparable faults. If the camera wll not be used for a long perod of tme, we suggest you remove the battery and the memory card from the camera and keep them n dry envronment. If you carry the camera suddenly from a cold locaton to a warm place, mo sture may condense nsde the camera. We suggest you wat for a whle before turng on the camera. No compensaton for loss of recordngs. Loss of recordngs cannot be compensated for f a malfuncton of your camera or recordng meda, etc, makes the playback of recordngs not possble. Battery notes: Incorrect use of the batteres may cause them to leak, become hot, gn te or burst. Always observe the precaut ons gven below. • Do not expose the batteres to water, and take partcular care to keep the termnals dry. • Do not heat the batteres or throw them nto a fire. • Do not attempt to deform, dsassemble or modfy the batteres. Keep the batteres out of reach of babes and small chldren. In cold locatons, battery performance deterorates and the tme for whch they can be used shortens markedly. Memory card notes: When usng a new memory card, or a memory card has been ntalzed by a PC, be sure to format the card wth your dgtal camera before usng t. To edt mage data, copy the mage data to the PC’s hard d sk first. Do not change or delete the folder names or file names n the memory card from your PC, as ths may make t mpossble to recognze or msnterpret the orgnal folder or file n your camera. The photos taken by ths camera are stored n the auto- generated folder n SD card. Please do not store photos that are not taken by ths model of camera, as ths may make t mpossble to recognze the pcture when the camera s n playback mode. Please do not expose the camera to harsh envronments such as mosture or extreme temperatures, whch may shorten the lfe of your camera or damage the batteres.

1 BEFORE YOU START Preface Thank you for purchasng ths AgfaPhoto dgtal camera. Please read ths manual carefully and keep t n a safe place for future reference. Copyright © Copyrght 2011 RedDot Imagng All rghts reserved. No part of ths publcaton may be reproduced, transmtted, transcrbed, stored n a retreval system, or translated nto any language or computer language, n any form, by any means, wthout the pror wrtten permsson of RedDot Imagng Trademarks All trademarks mentoned n ths manual are used for dentficaton purposes only and are propertes of ther respectve owners. Safety Informaton Please read the followng mportant nformaton carefully before usng the product. • Do not take apart or attempt to servce the camera yourself. • Do not drop or knock the camera. Improper handlng may damage the product. • Turn off the camera before nsertng or removng the battery and memory card. • Use only the type of battery that comes w th the camera. Usng other types of batteres may damage the camera and vod the warranty. • Do not touch the camera lens. • Please not expose the camera to harsh envronments such as mo sture, or extreme temperatures, whch may shorten the lfe of your camera or damage the batteres. • Do not operate or store the camera n dusty, drty, or sandy envronments.

23 AgfaPhoto PRECISA 1430 AgfaPhoto PRECISA 1430 • Do not expose the lens to drect sunlght for extended perods. • Download all pctures and remove the batteres from the camera f you are gong to store the camera for long perods of tme. • Do not use abrasve cleansers, alcohol-based, or sol - vent-based cleaners to clean the camera. To clean, wpe the camera wth a slghtly damp soft cloth. About ths manual Ths manual provdes you wth nstructons on how to use your AgfaPhoto dgtal camera. Every effort has been made to ensure that the contents of ths manual are accurate, however RedDot Imagng reserves the rght to make changes wthout notce. Symbols used in this manual Throughout ths manual, the followng symbols are used to help you locate nformaton quckly and easly: Indcates the useful nformaton to know. Indcates precaut ons to be taken wh le operat ng the camera.

23 AgfaPhoto PRECISA 1430 AgfaPhoto PRECISA 1430 3 WARNING .................................................................. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .................................... BEFORE YOU START ........................................ 1 Preface ........................................................................\ ........................... 1 Copyr ght ........................................................................\ ............. 1 Trademarks ........................................................................\ ....... 1 Safety nformaton ........................................................................\ ... 1 About th s manual ........................................................................\ ... 2 Symbols used n ths manual ........................................... 2 CONTENTS .............................................................. 3 GETTING READY .................................................. 7 Unpackng ........................................................................\ .................... 7 Camera V ews ........................................................................\ ............ 8 Insert ng the Battery and SD/SDHC Card (Not ncluded) ........................................................................\ .......... 10 Turn ng On and Off ...................................................................... 12 Us ng the Mode Button ............................................................. 13 Sett ng Date/T me and Language ....................................... 14 Settng the Date and Tme ............................................. 14 Sett ng the Language ....................................................... 15 About the LCD Screen ............................................................... 16 BASIC OPERATION .......................................... 17 Shootng n Auto Mode .............................................................. 17 Us ng the Zoom Funct on ......................................................... 17 Bas c Functons Menu ................................................................ 18 Flash ........................................................................\ ................... 18 Self-t mer ........................................................................\ .......... 19 Macro Mode ........................................................................\ .... 19 Exposure Compensat on ................................................... 19 Advanced Funct ons Menu........................................................ 20 WB (Wh te Balance) ............................................................ 21 ISO ........................................................................\ ....................... 21 Qual ty ........................................................................\ ............... 22 S ze ........................................................................\ ..................... 22 Color ........................................................................\ ................... 23 CONTENTS

4 AgfaPhoto PRECISA 1430AgfaPhoto PRECISA 1430AgfaPhoto PRECISA 1430AgfaPhoto PRECISA 1430 USING THE MODES ......................................... 24 LCD Screen Dsplay ...................................................................... 24 St ll Pcture Mode D splay ............................................... 24 V deo Shoot ng Mode Dsplay ...................................... 26 Playback Mode D splay .................................................... 27 Panorama mode ........................................................................\ ...... 28 Scene mode ........................................................................\ ............. 29 Sport ........................................................................\ ................... 30 Indoor ........................................................................\ ................. 30 Snow ........................................................................\ .................. 30 F reworks ........................................................................\ ......... 30 Museum ........................................................................\ ............ 30 N ght Landscape ................................................................. 30 Ch ldren ........................................................................\ ............. 30 Leaf ........................................................................\ ..................... 30 Sunset ........................................................................\ ............... 30 Glass ........................................................................\ ................... 30 Landscape ........................................................................\ ....... 30 N ght Portrat ........................................................................\ . 30 Beach ........................................................................\ .................. 30 Text ........................................................................\ ...................... 30 Gather ng ........................................................................\ ........... 30 ID ........................................................................\ ............................ 31 F sh eye ........................................................................\ .............. 31 Travel shoot ng ...................................................................... 31 Photo frame ........................................................................\ ..... 31 Sketch ........................................................................\ ................. 31 Stab lzaton mode ........................................................................\ 32 Face Detect on ........................................................................\ ....... 33 Bl nk Detecton ........................................................................\ ........ 33 Sm le Detecton ........................................................................\ ....... 34 PLAYBACK ........................................................... 35 Vewng Photos and Vdeos .................................................... 35 Thumbna l Vew ........................................................................\ ...... 37 Us ng Zoom on Playback (for st ll pctures only) ......... 38

AgfaPhoto PRECISA 1430AgfaPhoto PRECISA 1430 5 AgfaPhoto PRECISA 1430AgfaPhoto PRECISA 1430 Usng the Delete Button ........................................................... 39 USING THE MENUS ......................................... 40 Stll Menu ........................................................................\ ................... 40 AF Mode (Auto-Focus mode) ........................................ 41 Cont nuous AF .. .................................................................... 41 Expo Meter ng (Exposure Meterng) .. ........................ 42 Cont nuous Shot .................................................................. 42 Date Impr nt ........................................................................\ .... 43 Qu ck Revew ........................................................................\ . 43 D gtal Zoom ........................................................................\ ... 44 Mov e Menu ........................................................................\ .............. 45 Cont nuous AF .. .................................................................... 46 Expo Meter ng (Exposure Meterng) .. ........................ 46 Playback Menu ........................................................................\ ....... 47 Protect ........................................................................\ ............... 47 Delete ........................................................................\ ................ 48 DPOF (D gtal Prnt Order Format) .............................. 49 Tr m ........................................................................\ ..................... 50 Res ze ........................................................................\ ................ 50 Rotate ........................................................................\ ................ 51 Red-eye Reduct on .............................................................. 51 Dsplay Setup ........................................................................\ .......... 52 Sl deshow ........................................................................\ ........ 52 Wallpaper Sett ngs ............................................................. 53 Setup Menu ........................................................................\ .............. 55 Beep ........................................................................\ ................... 56 LCD Br ghtness ..................................................................... 56 Power Saver ........................................................................\ ... 57 Zone ........................................................................\ ................... 57 Date/T me ........................................................................\ ........ 58 Language ........................................................................\ ......... 58 F le and Software ........................................................................\ .. 58 Format Memory ...................................................................... 58 F le Numberng ...................................................................... 59

6 AgfaPhoto PRECISA 1430AgfaPhoto PRECISA 1430 67 Copy to Card (Copy nternal memory to memory card) ........................................................................\ . 59 Reset Sett ngs ...................................................................... 60 FW Vers on (Frmware verson) .................................... 60 Transmsson ...................................................... 61 Vdeo System ........................................................................\ .......... 61 Connect ng to a PC ...................................................................... 62 Sett ng the USB Mode ...................................................... 62 Transferr ng F les to your PC ........................................ 62 Connect ng to a PctBrdge Compat ble Prnter ............ 64 Sett ng the USB Mode ...................................................... 64 Connect ng the Camera and Prnter ......................... 65 Us ng the PctBrdge Menu ...................................................... 66 Pr nt wth Date ...................................................................... 66 Pr nt wthout Date .............................................................. 67 Pr nt Index ........................................................................\ ....... 68 Pr nt DPOF ........................................................................\ ....... 69 Ex t ........................................................................\ ...................... 69 APPENDICES ....................................................... 70 Specficatons: PRECISA 1430 ............................................... 70 Error Messages ........................................................................\ ...... 74 Troubleshoot ng ........................................................................\ ..... 76 Customer Care ........................................................................\ ......... 78

AgfaPhoto PRECISA 1430AgfaPhoto PRECISA 1430 67 GETTING READY Unpackng Wrst StrapUSB Cable CD-ROMWarranty CardAA-sze Alkal ne Batter es Your package should contan the camera model you purchased along wth the followng tems. If anythng s mssng or ap- pears to be damaged, please contact RedDot Imag ng.