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Acer Aspire E 15 E5-575-33BM User Manual

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    							Internet and online security - 81
    would allow it (i.e. a game connecting to a multi-player server or an 
    encyclopaedia making a content update).
    How to protect your computer
    Cybercrime prevention can be straight-forward - when armed with a 
    little technical advice and common sense, many attacks can be 
    avoided. In general, online criminals are trying to make their money as 
    quickly and easily as possible. The more difficult you make their job, 
    the more likely they are to leave you alone and move on to an easier 
    target. The tips below provide basic information on how you can 
    prevent online fraud.
    Keep your computer current with the latest patches and updates
    One of the best ways to keep attackers away from your computer is to 
    apply patches and other software fixes when they become available. 
    By regularly updating your computer, you block attackers from being 
    able to take advantage of software flaws (vulnerabilities) that they 
    could otherwise use to break into your system. 
    While keeping your computer up-to-date will not protect you from all 
    attacks, it makes it much more difficult for hackers to gain access to 
    your system, blocks many basic and automated attacks completely, 
    and might be enough to discourage less-determined attackers, so 
    they will give up and look for a more vulnerable computer elsewhere. 
    More recent versions of Microsoft Windows and other popular 
    software can be configured to download and apply updates 
    automatically so that you do not have to remember to check for the 
    latest software. Taking advantage of auto-update features in your 
    software is a great start toward keeping yourself safe online. 
    Protect your computer with security software
    Several types of security software are necessary for basic online 
    security. Security software essentials include firewall and antivirus 
    programs. A firewall is usually your computers first line of defense-it 
    controls who and what can communicate with your computer online. 
    You could think of a firewall as a sort of policeman that watches all 
    the data attempting to flow in and out of your computer on the 
    Internet, allowing communications that it knows are safe and blocking 
    bad traffic such as attacks from ever reaching your computer.  
    							82 - Internet and online security
    The next line of defense many times is your antivirus software, which 
    monitors all online activities such as email messages and Web 
    browsing and protects an individual from viruses, worms, Trojan horse 
    and other types of malicious programs. Your antivirus and 
    antispyware software should be configured to update itself, and it 
    should do so every time you connect to the Internet. 
    Integrated security suites such as McAfee Internet Security Suite, 
    which combine firewall, antivirus, antispyware with other features such 
    as antispam and parental controls, have become popular as they offer 
    all the security software needed for online protection in a single 
    package. Many people find using a comprehensive security suite an 
    attractive alternative to installing, configuring and updating several 
    different types of security software. 
    A complete version of McAfee Internet Security Suite is pre-installed 
    on your Acer system. It includes a free trial subscription to protection 
    updates. Make sure you Activate it!
    Choose strong passwords and keep them safe
    Passwords are a fact of life on the Internet today; we use them for 
    everything from ordering flowers and online banking to logging into 
    our favorite airline Web site to see how many miles we have 
    accumulated. The following tips can help make your online 
    experiences secure: 
    • Selecting a password that cannot be easily guessed is the first step 
    toward keeping passwords secure and out of the wrong hands. 
    Strong passwords have eight characters or more and use a 
    combination of letters, numbers and symbols (e.g., # $ % ! ?). Avoid 
    using any of the following as your password: your login name, 
    anything based on your personal information such as your last 
    name, and words that can be found in the dictionary, especially 
    password. Try to select especially strong, unique passwords for 
    protecting activities like online banking. 
    • Keep your passwords in a safe place and try not to use the same 
    password for every service you use online. 
    • Change passwords on a regular basis, at least every 90 days. This 
    can limit the damage caused by someone who has already gained 
    access to your account. If you notice something suspicious with one  
    							Internet and online security - 83
    of your online accounts, one of the first steps you can take is to 
    change your password. 
    Protect your personal information
    Exercise caution when sharing personal information such as your 
    name, home address, phone number, and email address online. To 
    take advantage of many online services, you will inevitably have to 
    provide personal information in order to handle billing and shipping of 
    purchased goods. Since not divulging any personal information is 
    rarely possible, the following list contains some advice for how to 
    share personal information safely online: 
    •Keep an eye out for phony email messages. Things that indicate 
    a message may be fraudulent are misspellings, poor grammar, odd 
    phrasing, Web site addresses with strange extensions, Web site 
    addresses that are entirely numbers where there are normally 
    words, and anything else out of the ordinary. Additionally, phishing 
    messages will often tell you that you have to act quickly to keep your 
    account open, update your security, or urge you to provide 
    information immediately or else something bad will happen. Dont 
    take the bait. 
    •Dont respond to email messages that ask for personal 
    information. Legitimate companies will not use email messages to 
    ask for your personal information. When in doubt, contact the 
    company by phone or by typing in the company Web address into 
    your Web browser. Dont click on the links in these messages as 
    they make take you to fraudulent, malicious Web sites. 
    •Steer clear of fraudulent Web sites used to steal personal 
    information. When visiting a Web site, type the address (URL) 
    directly into the Web browser rather than following a link within an 
    email or instant message. Fraudsters often forge these links to 
    make them look convincing.  
    A shopping, banking or any other Web site where sensitive 
    information should have an S after the letters http (i.e. https://
    www.yourbank.com not http://www.yourbank.com). The s stands 
    for secure and should appear when you are in an area requesting 
    you to login or provide other sensitive data. Another sign that you 
    have a secure connection is the small lock icon in the bottom of your 
    web browser (usually the right-hand corner).  
    							84 - Internet and online security
    •Pay attention to privacy policies on Web sites and in software.
    It is important to understand how an organization might collect and 
    use your personal information before you share it with them. 
    •Guard your email address. Spammers and phishers sometimes 
    send millions of messages to email addresses that may or may not 
    exist in hopes of finding a potential victim. Responding to these 
    messages or even downloading images ensures you will be added 
    to their lists for more of the same messages in the future. Also be 
    careful when posting your email address online in newsgroups, 
    blogs or online communities. 
    Online offers that look too good to be true usually are
    The old saying theres no such thing as a free lunch still rings true 
    today. Supposedly free software such as screen savers or smileys, 
    secret investment tricks sure to make you untold fortunes, and 
    contests that youve surprisingly won without entering are the enticing 
    hooks used by companies to grab your attention. 
    While you may not directly pay for the software or service with money, 
    the free software or service you asked for may have been bundled 
    with advertising software (adware) that tracks your behavior and 
    displays unwanted advertisements. You may have to divulge personal 
    information or purchase something else in order to claim your 
    supposed content winnings. If an offer looks so good its hard to 
    believe, ask for someone elses opinion, read the fine print, or even 
    better, simply ignore it. 
    Review bank and credit card statements regularly 
    The impact of identity theft and online crimes can be greatly reduced if 
    you can catch it shortly after your data is stolen or when the first use 
    of your information is attempted. One of the easiest ways to get the 
    tip-off that something has gone wrong is by reviewing the monthly 
    statements provided by your bank and credit card companies for 
    anything out of the ordinary. 
    Additionally, many banks and services use fraud prevention systems 
    that call out unusual purchasing behavior (i.e. if you live in Texas and 
    all of the sudden start buying refrigerators in Budapest). In order to 
    confirm these out of the ordinary purchases, they might call you and 
    ask you to confirm them. Dont take these calls lightly; this is your hint  
    							Internet and online security - 85
    that something bad may have happened and you should take 
    necessary action.
    Protect your computer with Windows security tools
    Windows provides a variety of protection applications.
    Windows Updates
    If you have an active Internet connection, Windows can check for 
    important updates for your computer and install them automatically. 
    These updates include security patches and program updates that 
    can improve your computing experience and help protect your 
    computer against new viruses and attacks.
    How do I know when my computer is at risk?
    If the Action Center reports an alert, or if your computer behaves 
    erratically, crashes unexpectedly or if some of your programs do not 
    work correctly, your computer may be infected by malicious software. 
    However, do not blame every computer problem on a virus! If you 
    suspect your computer is infected, the first thing to do is update, if you 
    have not already done so, and run your antivirus and anti-spyware 
    							86 - Playing Blu-Ray or DVD movies
    If your computer is equipped with a Blu-Ray or DVD drive, you can 
    play movies on your computer or on a high-definition TV via the HDMI 
    1. Insert the disc into the drive.
    2. After a few seconds, the movie will start playing.
    3. If the movie does not start playing, open your movie playback 
    program and open the disc from the File menu. 
    When you launch the DVD player for the first time, the program asks 
    you to enter the region code. DVDs  are available for 6 regions
    Region codeCountry or region
    1 USA, Canada
    2 Europe, Middle East, South Africa, Japan
    3 Southeast Asia, Taiwan, South Korea
    4 Latin America, Australia, New Zealand
    5 Former USSR, parts of Africa, India
    6 People’s Republic of China
    To change the region code, insert a DVD movie of a different region into the 
    DVD drive.
    Once your DVD drive is set to a region code, it will only play DVDs for that 
    region. You can set the region code a maximum of five times (including the 
    first time), after which the last region code set will remain permanent.
    Recovering your hard disk does not reset the number of times the region 
    code has been set. 
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