3M Multimedia Projector H10 Operators Manual
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Thank you for purchasing this projector.• The in\borm\ftion in \tthis m\fnu\fl is subje\tct to ch\fnge without n\totice. • The m\fnu\b\fcturer \fss\tumes no responsibili\tty \bor \fny errors th\ft m\t\fy \fppe\fr in this m\fn\tu\fl. • The reproduction, t\tr\fnsmission or use o\b \tthis document or conte\tnts is not permitted \twithout express written \futhor\tity. TRADEMARK ACKNOWLEDGMENT : • VGA \fnd XGA \fre re\tgistered tr\fdem\frks o\b t\the Intern\ftion\fl Busine\tss M\fchines Corpor\ftion.\t • Apple \fnd M\fc \fre re\tgistered tr\fdem\frks o\b A\tpple Computer, Inc. • VESA \fnd SVGA \fre tr\fd\tem\frks o\b the Video Ele\tctronics St\fnd\frd Assoc\ti\ftion. • Windows is \f regist\tered tr\fdem\frk o\b Microso\t\bt Corpor\ftion. All other tr\fdem\frks \fre\t the property o\b their \trespective owners. NOTE Before using, read the Product Safety Guide and these manuals to ensure correct usage through understanding. After reading, store them\ in a safe place for future reference. H10 Multimedi\f Projector \t Oper\ftor’s Guide 4&O 1.

Projector Featuresœ œ œ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œ 3 Preparation œ œ œ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œ 3 Part Names œ œ œ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œ 4 The Projector œœœœœœœœœ 4 Attaching The Base œœœœœœ4 The Remote Control œœœœœœ6 Setting Up œ œ œ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œ 7 Arrangement œœœœœœœœœ 7 Adjusting The Projector’s Elevator œœœœœœœœœœœ 8 Connecting Your Devices œœœœ9 Connecting Power Supply œœœ11 Remote Control œ œ œ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œ 12 Putting Batteries œœœœœœœ12 Operating The Remote Control œ13 Power ON/OFF œ œ œ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œ 14 Turning On The Power œœœœ14 Selecting An Input Signal œœœ15 Turning Off The Power œœœœ16 Operating œ œ œ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œ 17 Adjusting The Volume œœœœ17 Temporarily Muting The Sound œ17 Adjusting The Position œœœœ18 Using The Automatic Adjustment Feature œœœœœœ19 Correcting Keystone Distortions œœœœœœœœœœ 19 Using The Magnify Feature œœ20 Freezing The Screen œœœœœ20 Signal Searching œœœœœœœ21 Selecting The Aspect Ratio œœ21 Temporarily Blanking The Screen œœœœœœœœœ 21Multifunctional Settings œ œ œ œœ œœ œ 22 Using The Menu Functions œœ22 MAIN Menu œœœœœœœœœ 23 PICTURE-1 Menu œœœœœœ24 PICTURE-2 Menu œœœœœœ26 INPUT Menu œœœœœœœœ 27 AUTO Menu œœœœœœœœœ 29 SCREEN Menu œœœœœœœ30 OPTION Menu œœœœœœœœ 31 Lamp œ œ œ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œ 32 Replacing The Lamp œœœœœ33 Air Filter œ œ œ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œ 34 Caring For The Air Filter œœœœ34 Replacing The Air Filter œœœœ35 Other Care œ œ œ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œ 36 Caring For The Inside Of The Projector œœœœœœœ36 Caring For The Lens œœœœœ36 Caring For The Cabinet And Remote Control œœœœœ36 Troubleshooting œ œ œ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œ 37 Related Messages œœœœœœ37 Regarding The Indicator Lamps œœœœœ39 Phenomena That May Easily Be Mistaken For Machine Defects œ41 Specifications œ œ œ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œ 43 Accessories œ œ œ œœ œœ œœ œœ œœ œ œ œœ œ 44 Contents 2 4&O 1.

3 Ultra High BrightnessCrisp, ultra-bright presentations is achieved by using a UHB (ultra hig\ h brightness) lamp and a highly efficient optical system. Whisper Mode EquippedSpecial mode is available for reducing projector noise to achieve quiete\ r operation. User Memory FunctionThis projector can memorize 4 settings by MY MEMORY function. Partial Magnification FunctionInteresting parts of images can be magnified for closer viewing. Keystone Distortion CorrectionQuick correction of distorted images electrically. Preparation Please see the “Quick Start Guide”. Your projector should come wit\ h the items shown there. Contact your dealer anything is missing. Projector Features This multimedia projector is used to project various computer signals as\ well as NTSC / PAL / SECAM video signals onto a screen. Little space is required\ for installation and large images can easily be realized. • Keep the original packing material for future reshipment.NOTE 4&O 1.

4 Part Names The ProjectorIndicates the corresponding reference page Attaching The Base Zoom knob Focus ring Air filter cover (An air filter is inside.) Elevator button Elevator feet Lens (The picture is projected from here.) Remote sensor Projector (Front/Right) 1Turn off the projector, and unplug the power cord. Allow the lamp bulb to cool for at least 45 minutes. 2After making sure that the projector has cooled adequately, slowly flip over the projector, so that the bottom is facing up. 3Put the base on the bottom of the projector, as shown in the fugure. Then slide it to the back of the projector until it locks into position. To remove it, slide the base to the front of the projector pinching the lever of the base. 4Slowly turn the projector so that the top is facing up. Lever Back BaseBottom of the projector CAUTION• Be careful not to pinch your finger on the occasion of the handling of a base. • Do not hold the base, lens or other project part to move the projec\ tor. • Do not use the base to suspend the projector. • Do not push or put anything on the both sides of the top of the pro\ jector. 4&O 1.

5 AC inlet video port audio port (from a computer) s-video port component video - Y component video - CB/PB component video - CR/PR audio R port L port (from a video equipment) Power switch rgb port control port Projector (Rear/Left) Part Names (continued) The Projector (continued) Control buttons power indicator tells the state of power supply. Refer to the section “Power ON/OFF”. reset button cancels the adjustment in progress. * The adjustments of the volume etc. are not reset. rgb button selects the input signal of rgb port. menu button opens/closes the menu. on/off button prepares for turning the power on/off. video button toggles between the signal ports of video, s-video and component video . keystone button turns on/off the KEYSTONE mode. In the KEYSTONE mode, To adjust the keystone, use the cursor / buttons. temp indicator lights or blinks when any problem about internal temperature has happened. lamp indicator lights or blinks when any problem about the lamp has happened. cursor buttons works for adjusting or menu controlling. 4&O 1.

6 The Remote Control STANDBY/ON button prepares for turning the power on/off. VIDEO button toggles between the signal ports of video, s-video and component video . MENU button opens/closes the menu. RGB button selects the input signal of rgbport. BLANK button blanks the screen temporarily. SEARCH button searches for an input signal between the following signal ports of rgb, video , s-video and component video . VOLUME button turns on/off the VOLUME mode. In the VOLUME mode, To adjust the volume, use the cursor / buttons. MUTE button mutes/restores the sound. KEYSTONE button turns on/off the KEYSTONE mode. In the KEYSTONE mode, To adjust the keystone, use the cursor / buttons. ASPECT button toggles between the modes for aspect ratio. AUTO button executes automatic adjustment. MAGNIFY ON/OFF buttons turns on/off the MAGNIFY mode. In the MAGNIFY mode, To move the magnified area, (1) Press the POSITION button. (2) Use the cursor buttons to move the picture. (3) Press the POSITION button again to finish. To shift the magnify level, use the cursor / buttons. FREEZE button freezes/reactivates the picture. POSITION button turns on/off the POSITION mode. (for RGB input) In the POSITION mode, To move the picture, use the cursor buttons. ESC button returns to the previous display at the menu functions.,,, (Cursor) buttons works for adjusting or menu controlling. RESET button cancels the adjustment in progress. * The adjustments of the volume etc. are not reset.ENTER button proceeds to the next operation at the menu functions. VIDEO ASPECT MUTE KEYSTONE FREEZE MENU POSITION ENTER ESC RESET VOLUME STANBY/ON MAGNIFY AUTO BLANK RGB SEARCH OFF ON Part Names (continued) 4&O 1.

7 Setting Up Arrangement WARNING• Install the projector in a suitable environment according to instructions of the “Product Safety Guide” and this manual. • The power outlet should be close to the projector and easily access\ ible. Refer to the illustrations and tables below to determine the screen size\ and projection distance. The values shown in the table are calculated for a full size screen:854 ·480 (a):Distance from the projector to the screen (±10%) (b):Distance from the lens center to the top of the screen (±10%)\ Reference for the 16:9 aspect ratio Lens center Screen Reference for the 4:3 aspect ratio 4&O 1.

8 Adjusting The Projectors Elevator CAUTION• If you press the elevator buttons without holding the projector, the projector might crash down, overturn, smash your fingers and possibly re\ sult in malfunction. To prevent damaging the projector and injuring yourself, AL\ WAYS HOLD THE PROJECTOR whenever using the elevator buttons to adjust the elevator\ feet. You can use the elevator feet to make adjustments if the surface on whic\ h you need to set the projector is uneven or if you otherwise need to adjust the angle of \ projection. The adjustment range of the elevator feet is 0 to 9 degrees. 1Press and hold in the elevator buttons. 2Raise or lower the projector to the desired height and then release the elevator buttons. When you release the elevator buttons, the elevator feet will lock into position. 3As necessary, you can also finely adjust the height of the projector by twisting the elevator feet by hand. Elevator buttons Elevator feet Setting Up (continued) 4&O 1.

9 Connecting Your Devices WARNING• Incorrect connecting could result in fire or electrical shock. Whenever attempting to connect other devices to the projector, please th\ oroughly read the Product Safety Guide, this manual and the manual of each device to\ be connected. CAUTION • TURN OFF ALL DEVICES prior to connecting them to the projector. Attempting to connect a live device to the projector may generate extrem\ ely loud noises or other abnormalities that may result in malfunction and/or dama\ ge to the device and/or projector. ATTENTION • Make sure that you connect devices to the correct port. Incorrect connection may result in malfunction and/or damage to the device and/or \ projector. Refer to the section “TECHNICAL” of this manual for the pin assign\ ment of connectors and RS-232C communication data. • Some cables have to be used with core set. Use the accessory cable \ or a designated-type cable for the connection. For cables that have a core on\ ly at one end, connect the core to the projector. • Secure the screws on the connectors and tighten. • Whenever attempting to connect a laptop computer to the projector, \ be sure to activate the laptop’s RGB external image output (set the laptop to C\ RT display or to simultaneous LCD and CRT display). For details on how this is done, ple\ ase refer to the instruction manual of the corresponding laptop computer. About Plug-and-Play Capability • This projector is compatible with VESA DDC 1/2B. Plug-and-Play can \ be achieved by connecting this projector to computers that are VESA DDC (display data \ channel) compatible. Please take advantage of this function by connecting the acc\ essory RGB cable to the rgbport (DDC 1/2B compatible). Plug-and-Play may not work properly if any other type of connection is attempted. • Plug-and-Play is a system composed of the computer, its operating s\ ystem and peripheral equipment (i.e. display devices). • Please use the standard drivers in your computer as this projector \ is a Plug-and-Play monitor. NOTE • Some computers may have multiple display screen modes. Use of some \ of these modes will not be possible with this projector. • For some RGB input modes, the optional Mac adapter is necessary. • When the image resolution is changed on a computer, depending on an\ input, automatic adjust function may take some time and may not be completed. I\ n this case, you may not be able to see a check box to select “Yes/No” for the \ new resolution on Windows. Then the resolution will go back to the original. It might be r\ ecommended to use other CRT or TFT monitors to change the resolution. NOTE Setting Up (continued) 4&O 1.

10 Please refer to the following for connecting your devices. See the rear of the projector. You can see the ports. L-audio-R video s-video audio Y component video CB/PBCR/PR rgbcontrol L-audio-R video s-video audio Y component video CB/PBCR/PR rgbcontrol L-audio-R video s-video audio Y component video CB/PBCR/PR rgbcontrol L-audio-R video s-video audio Y component video CB/PBCR/PR rgbcontrol L-audio-R video s-video audio Y component video CB/PBCR/PR rgbcontrol L-audio-R video s-video audio Y component video CB/PBCR/PR rgbcontrol Connecting to a computer RGB out RGB cable (D-sub 15 pin) Audio out Audio cable (Stereo mini) RS-232C port RS-232C cable Connecting to a DVD/VCR player Video out Audio out (L) Audio/Video cable Audio out (R) If using a SCART RGB input, Video AUDIO-L AUDIO-R SCART SCART cable G out port B R If using a S-video input, S-video out port S-video cable Audio out (L) Audio cable Audio out (R) If using a component input, Component (Y) out Component (C B/PB) out Component cable Component (C R/PR) out Audio out (L) Audio cable Audio out (R) If using a component input from rgb port, Component (Y) out Component (C B/PB) out Component cable Component (C R/PR) out (with D-sub 15 pin) Audio out Audio cable(Stereo mini) Setting Up (continued) 4&O 1.