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Panasonic Projector User Manuals

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Panasonic Projector User Manuals
                                                    Thank you for purchasing this Panasonic product.
 ■The Operating Instructions correspond to the firmware’

s main version 3.00 and higher.
 ■This manual is common to all the models regardless of suffixes of the Model No.
 : White model, the standard zoom lens supplied  L W  : White model, the lens sold separately
: B
 lack model, the standard zoom lens supplied  
: B
 lack model, the lens sold separately
 ■Before operating this product, please read the instructions carefully and save this...
                                                    Thank you for purchasing this Panasonic product.
 ■The Operating Instructions correspond to the firmware’

s main version 3.00 and higher.
 ■This manual is common to all the models regardless of suffixes of the Model No.
 : White model, the standard zoom lens supplied  L W  : White model, the lens sold separately
: B
 lack model, the standard zoom lens supplied  
: B
 lack model, the lens sold separately
 ■Before operating this product, please read the instructions carefully and save this...
                                                    Smart Choice.
PT-EZ580 Series
LCD Projectors
PT-EW640/EW640LWUXGA 5,400 lm
5,0 0 0 :
WXGA 5,800 lm
5,0 0 0 :
PT-EW540/EW540LWXGA 5,000 lm
2,000 :
PT-EX510/EX510LXGA 5,300 lm
2,000 :
PT-EX610/EX610LXGA 6,200 lm
5,0 0 0 :
Bright, Quiet, and Economical Projection Solutions 
                                                    Thank you for purchasing this Panasonic product.
 ■This manual is intended for products manufactured from Jun. 2014 and bey\
 ■This manual is common to all the models regardless of suffixes of the Model No.
 zWithout L : The standard zoom lens supplied  With L : The lens sold separately
 ■Before operating this product, please read the instructions carefully an\
d save this manual 
for future use.
 ■Before using this product, be sure to read “Read this first!” (x pages 2 to 11).
                                                    Thank you for purchasing this Panasonic product.
 ■This manual is intended for products manufactured from Jun. 2014 and bey\
 ■This manual is common to all the models regardless of suffixes of the Model No.
 zWithout L : The standard zoom lens supplied  With L : The lens sold separately
 ■Before operating this product, please read the instructions carefully an\
d save this manual 
for future use.
 ■Before using this product, be sure to read “Read this first!” (x pages 2 to 11).
                                                    LCD Projectors
PT-EZ590 Series
PT-EX620/PT-EX620L PT-EW550/PT-EW550L
Flexibility and Performance to Meet Your Needs 
                                                    Thank you for purchasing this Panasonic product. 
■ This manual is intended for products manufactured from Aug. 2016 and beyond.
■ This manual is common to all the models regardless of suffixes of the Model No.
z for Taiwan
T: The standard zoom lens supplied
z for India 
D: The standard zoom lens supplied
z for Asia (except for Taiwan, India, Korea) 
A: The standard zoom lens supplied    LA: The lens sold separately
z  for other countries or regions
Without L: The standard zoom lens...
                                                    Thank you for purchasing this Panasonic product. 
■ This manual is intended for products manufactured from Aug. 2016 and beyond.
■ This manual is common to all the models regardless of suffixes of the Model No.
z for Taiwan
T: The standard zoom lens supplied
z for India 
D: The standard zoom lens supplied
z for Asia (except for Taiwan, India, Korea) 
A: The standard zoom lens supplied    LA: The lens sold separately
z  for other countries or regions
Without L: The standard zoom lens...
                                                    Thank you for purchasing this Panasonic product. 
■ This manual is intended for products manufactured from Aug. 2016 and beyond.
■ This manual is common to all the models regardless of suffixes of the Model No.
z for Taiwan
T: The standard zoom lens supplied
z for India 
D: The standard zoom lens supplied
z for Asia (except for Taiwan, India, Korea) 
A: The standard zoom lens supplied    LA: The lens sold separately
z  for other countries or regions
Without L: The standard zoom lens...
                                                    Thank you for purchasing this Panasonic product. 
■ This manual is intended for products manufactured from Aug. 2016 and beyond.
■ This manual is common to all the models regardless of suffixes of the Model No.
z for Taiwan
T: The standard zoom lens supplied
z for India 
D: The standard zoom lens supplied
z for Asia (except for Taiwan, India, Korea) 
A: The standard zoom lens supplied    LA: The lens sold separately
z  for other countries or regions
Without L: The standard zoom lens...
                                                    LCD Projectors
PT-EZ590 Series
PT-EX620/PT-EX620L PT-EW550/PT-EW550L
Flexibility and Performance to Meet Your Needs 
                                                    Smart Choice.
PT-EZ580 Series
LCD Projectors
PT-EW640/EW640LWUXGA 5,400 lm
5,0 0 0 :
WXGA 5,800 lm
5,0 0 0 :
PT-EW540/EW540LWXGA 5,000 lm
2,000 :
PT-EX510/EX510LXGA 5,300 lm
2,000 :
PT-EX610/EX610LXGA 6,200 lm
5,0 0 0 :
Bright, Quiet, and Economical Projection Solutions 
                                                    Thank you for purchasing this Panasonic product.
 ■This manual is intended for products manufactured from Jun. 2014 and bey\
 ■This manual is common to all the models regardless of suffixes of the Model No.
 zWithout L : The standard zoom lens supplied  With L : The lens sold separately
 ■Before operating this product, please read the instructions carefully an\
d save this manual 
for future use.
 ■Before using this product, be sure to read “Read this first!” (x pages 2 to 11).
                                                    LCD Projectors
PT-EZ590 Series
PT-EX620/PT-EX620L PT-EW550/PT-EW550L
Flexibility and Performance to Meet Your Needs 
                                                    Thank you for purchasing this Panasonic product. 
■ This manual is intended for products manufactured from Aug. 2016 and beyond.
■ This manual is common to all the models regardless of suffixes of the Model No.
z for Taiwan
T: The standard zoom lens supplied
z for India 
D: The standard zoom lens supplied
z for Asia (except for Taiwan, India, Korea) 
A: The standard zoom lens supplied    LA: The lens sold separately
z  for other countries or regions
Without L: The standard zoom lens...
                                                    Thank you for purchasing this Panasonic product. 
■ This manual is intended for products manufactured from Aug. 2016 and beyond.
■ This manual is common to all the models regardless of suffixes of the Model No.
z for Taiwan
T: The standard zoom lens supplied
z for India 
D: The standard zoom lens supplied
z for Asia (except for Taiwan, India, Korea) 
A: The standard zoom lens supplied    LA: The lens sold separately
z  for other countries or regions
Without L: The standard zoom lens...