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A&D Auto-Centering Pan User Manuals

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A&D Auto-Centering Pan User Manuals
                                                    Auto-Centering Pan (AX-MC1000PAN / MC6100PAN ) 
Instruction Manual 
Read this manual thoroughly before using the auto-centering pan and keep it at hand for future reference. 1.Introduction 
The auto-centering pans are used with the MC series 
Mass Comparator Balances
, the 
AX-MC1000PAN with the MC-1000 and the MC6100PAN with the MC-6100. The balance can 
achieve more precise weighing, by using the auto-centering pan, which aligns the center of 
gravity of the material being weighed (a weight) with the...
Auto-Centering Pan(AX-MC10K/30KPAN) 
Instruction manual
Read this manual thoroughly before using the Auto-Centering Pan and keep it at hand 
for future reference. 
 1. Introduction 
The auto-centering pans are used with the MC series Mass Comparator Balances, 
the AX-MC10KPAN with the MC-10K and the AX-MC30KPAN with the MC-30K. The 
balance can achieve more precise weighing, by using the auto-centering pan, which 
aligns the center of gravity of the material to be weighed (a weight) with the pan...