Zeiss Ikon Contarex Special Instruction Booklet
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must be opened for viewing by pressing knob (14) The mognifier (13), which is inside the cover flop, permits criiicolly exqci focusing. By depressing knob (12), ihe mognifier will spring inio lhe working position.The viewfinder units con be interchonged by depres- sing ihe cotch (32), when ihe eniire unit con be lifted off towords ihe bock (Fig. 1). When inseriing the unif, the cotch (32) should snop-in oudibly. The finder qtiochmeni (ground-gloss screen or split- imoge rongefinder ottochmeni) will be occessible when the finder unit hos been removed. By pressing the lock (2,l) upwords, it will be loosened ond con ihen be lified off (Fig. 2). For re-insertion, the clows of lhe finder oilochment should be slipped over the spindle(27) ond should then be firmly pressed bock into ils mounting.The prism unit yields on upright ond loterolly correctimoge when viewed in ihe ioking direction; looking from obove into the focusing hood,the imoge oppeors upright ond Ioterolly reversed. Fis.1 :::.:t:,:::::ili::

b0! rt) -}4 FFBF H ()J< Focusing When using the glound.glass screen, its entire imogeoreo is used for focusing. The focusing ring (7) of thelens mount should be rotoied until the subiect oppeorsshorply focused. When using the split-image rangefinder, you will see inlhe centre of ihe imoge field o circulor oreo horizon-tolly divided into two holf-circles (definition indi-cotor). When ihe lens is not shorply focused, o ver-iicol line which posses lhrough these two holf-circleswill oppeor broken ond loterolly disploced.The focusing ring (7) of lhe lens mouni should beroloted until lhe verlicol line oppeors completelystroight ond unbroken. This operoiion focuses ihe lensio the required disionce. For focusing on horizontollines, fhe comero should be held os for toking uprighlpholos.

The split-imoge rongefinder circle is surrounded by o micro roster ring, which serves the some functionos o ground-gloss screen. The outlines of o subiect will oppeor unshorp in this ring until ihe lens is cor-recily focused (Fig. 3). This micro roster ring should be used for focusing on detoiled siruclures ond pollernsor for copying, etc., ond for subiecls which hove no distinct stroight Iines.The remoining imoge oreo outside the centrol rings is olwoys bright ond shorp but connoi be used forfocusing. Full imoge brightness, however, con only be ensured when the comero is iensioned.The CONTAREX lenses from 35 mm to 250 mm focol length con be focused with either the splil-imoge ronge-finder or ihe micro roster ring*, or with the ground-gloss screen ottochment.After focusing, the octuol distonce ond the depih of field con be reod off from the lens mou.nl. The focuseddisionce is indicoted by the setiing mork (24). To ihe left ond to ihe righl of the setting mork, f/numbersore engroved. The shorp zone (the depth of field) reoches from the disfonce-figure which is opposite theset operiure-volue on the left, io the distonce which is opposite the some f/number on the right (Fig.4. When working with the ground-gloss screen oitochment the ronge of the zone of shorp definition conbe controlled on ihe ground-gloss screen provided lhe comero hos noi been tensioned. Correct depih-of-field figures con be found in the depth-of-field tobles. As the plone of reference from which disionces qre meosured, ihe focol plone is morked by ihe circle (31) to ihe left of the viewfinder eyepiece of theCONTAREX speciol.x CONTAREX lenses of 35 mm - 135 mm should be used with the splil-imoge rongefinder unit, Order No.20.15d4; iheSONNAR 250 mm wifh the splil-imoge rongefinder unit, Order No.20.1565. Fis.3

Fi1.4 The dislonce con olso be sei by using the depth-of- field scole (25). Turn ihe lens so os io ensure ihe deptn- of-field required ot ony given operiure setting ond ihenset ihis operture by meons of fhe operture setting wheel (2). Further dislonce seiling is fhen unnecessory. Ihe aperture is set by roioting the wheel (2) (Fig. 5). The required volue should be sei lo ihe operture setting mork (,l5). The operiure to be set depends on the required depth-of-field. The smoller lhe operlure figure the lorger is the lens opening ond the smoller the depih-of-field ronge. With the BIOGON f/4.5, 2l mm ond fhe SONNAR t/4, 250 mm the operiure should not be sei on ihe wheel (2) but on ihe lens setiing ring. The mosl suiioble shutter speed depends on the move- ment of lhe sublect; the more ropid the movement ihe foster must be the shuiler speed. The shutier-speed setting ring (16) shows simplified figures, for instonce

a d -h H (t) ,}{P FFB- ,F ().v F Fig.5 60 forllrolh second eic.; ihe shutier speed ring isprovided with click-stops, ond will snop in when the morked volues ore sel to the lriongulor mork obove the ring (Fig. 6); the ring should not be set to inter- medioie volues. When sei to 8 the shutter remoins open os long os the releose knob is depressed. The significonce of ihe coloured figures is exploined onpoge 17. Exposures from r/rmo sec, to %o sec. moy be ioken by hond without feor of camero shoke when the stondord lens is used. The use of o iripod is odvisoble when moking longer exposures. With lenses of longer focol lengih foster shutter speeds should be used for hond- held exposures. Shutter speed and aperture ore interdependeni, i. e. ihe fosler ihe shuiter speed the lorger should be fheoperture ond vice verso. Which of the shutter speed operture couplings is required depends on the speed of ihe film, fhe generol brightness of ihe ovoilqble Fis.6

light ond,when using colour filters, on the filler foctor. Correct shutler speed ond operiure setiings con be oscerlqined from the tobles, or, more reliobly, wilh the ZEISS IKON IKOPHOT photo-electric exposure meter (Fig. 7). The exposure meter is indispensible for colour phoiogrophy since colour film must be exposed wiih o hight degree of occurocy. Fig. 7

Exposure {rio. a) When shuiier speed ond operiure ore correci-ly sei, the shulter con be releosed. The riqhi-hond index finger should dep.g5t ihe .eleoseknob gently. Do not ierk, but squeeze theknob, toking up the slock in the releose me-chonism slowly. This will couse the mirror toflip upwords, the diophrogm to close downfo ihe pre-set position ond ihe shuiter to runoff oi the pre-set speed. Then ihe mirror re-turns to fhe finder position whilsi the dio_phrogm remoins oi the pre-sei volue in orderto remind you thot the nexr exposure con bemode only ofier ihe ropid wind lever (19) hosbeen tensioned (Fig. 9). With +he operoiionof the lever, the film is odvonced by onefrome, the shutter is tensioned once oooinond ihe diophrogm opened to its full o-per-lure. After exposure-setting ond focusing, thenext exposure con be mqde. I v FJ^ R

Flash exposures The focol-plone shuiter ofi ihe CONTAREX speciol con be coupled to oll lypes of flosh equipment. Seiiingthe shuiier speed will outomolicolly odjust the corresponding flosh contoct so thot ihe vorious floshbulbs or electronic flosh units will be fired oi ihe oppropriote insionl, olwoys provided, however, thoi the shulteris sei to the correct speed. The shuiter speeds qre morked by coloured figures. They ore: 1 Block (1-%o sec. ond B) for firing normol floshbulbs (Closs M) or electronic flosh lubes. 2 Yellow (1/ro sec.) for firing elecfronic flosh tubes. 3 Red (r/rzs-rlrooo sec. for firing slow-burning floshbulbs (FP Closs), which ore speciolly mode for use with focql-plone shutters. The opertures to be employed wiih ihe vorious types of flosh ore indicqted in ihe tobles provided with the flosh lomps. The oppropriote operture should be set by meons of the operture wheel (2). The deloyed oction device (self-iimer) con olso be used for flosh exposures with oll shutler speeds fromI-1/rooo sec. The flosh leod should be connecied to the flosh coniqct (10) beside lhe lens (Fig. 10). The floshholder itself con either be slipped inlo ihe occessory shoe (4) or screwed io o brocket which is fiited to ihe tripod bush of the comero. 17