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Yamaha Hs 8 User Manual

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    							HS8/HS7/HS5/HS8I/HS7I/HS5I/HS8S Owner’s Manual11
    Recommended cables
    Cables for connecting the audio source (audio 
    interface, etc.) to the HS8S
     For connection to a balanced phone jack input.
     For connection to a balanced XLR input.
     For connection to an unbalanced phone jack input.
    Cables for connection between the HS8S and 
    NOTERefer to “Connectable cables” on page 5 for more connector 
    details. The configurations of the balanced and unbalanced 
    phone jack connectors are different.
    Settings for Speakers Plus Subwoofer
    Once the subwoofer connections have been made and 
    the layout is finalized, you can begin making the 
    following settings.
    1Turn the level/volume controls on all 
    source equipment (audio interface, etc.) all 
    the way down.
    2Set the HS8/HS7/HS5 LEVEL control to the 
    12-o’clock position, and set both ROOM 
    CONTROL and HIGH TRIM switches to 0 
    3Set the HS8S LEVEL control to 0, the HIGH 
    CUT and LOW CUT controls to their 12-
    o’clock positions, and set the LOW CUT 
    switch to OFF.
    4Turn power on in the following order: audio source devices, then subwoofer, and finally 
    the full-range speakers.
    Turn power off in the following order: full-range speakers, then 
    subwoofer, and finally audio source devices.
    5Play some source material and gradually 
    raise the level/volume controls on the 
    source equipment.
    Be careful not to suddenly apply an excessively loud signal to the 
    system. Excessive level can damage the speakers.
    6Set the HS8S LEVEL control to between 10 
    and 12 o’clock, and turn the LOW CUT 
    switch ON.
    7Set the listening level to a level at which 
    you can listen comfortably without fatigue 
    for an extended period of time.
    NOTE If necessary, adjust the ROOM CONTROL and HIGH TRIM 
    switches for the most natural response (refer to page 6).
    If necessary, adjust the LOW CUT and HIGH CUT controls 
    and the PHASE switch for the most natural response (refer 
    to page 7).
    Installing Brackets 
    (HS8I/HS7I/HS5I only)
    HS8I/HS7I/HS5I can be installed with optional brackets. 
    Two screw holes for installing the brackets are located 
    on each of the four surfaces (top, bottom, left and right).
    HS8 HS7
    Refer also to the bracket installation manual. 
    Note that there are two sets of screws: those that are 
    originally installed in the speaker cabinet (to plug the 
    installation holes) and those (for bracket installation) 
    that are included in the product package. When 
    installing brackets to the speaker, remove the original 
    screws and make sure to use only the screws included 
    in the product package for bracket installation.
    Screw holes for installing 
    							HS8/HS7/HS5/HS8I/HS7I/HS5I/HS8S Owner’s Manual12
    Construction work should be carried out by a professional 
    Do not install the speaker transversely.
    Make sure not to touch the cone when installing.
    For optimum safety, the installation should be checked thoroughly at 
    regular intervals. Some fittings may deteriorate over extended periods 
    of time due to wear and/or corrosion, or the mounted parts may 
    When choosing the installation location such as wall and ceiling and mounting hardware (bolts, nuts), make sure all are strong enough to 
    support the weight of the speaker.
    Make sure to properly use the safety wire to prevent the speaker from 
    falling down in the event of an installation failure.
    When installing the safety wire to the ceiling or wall, install it highe\
    r than the wires attachment point on the speaker to reduce slack. Also, 
    ensure that the installation height and location would pose no danger 
    to people should the speaker fall.
    Yamaha does not assume any responsibilities for accidents such as  dropping due to insufficient strength at attachment points or 
    inadequacy of the mounting method.
    The recommended tightening torque for installing the included screws for bracket installation is 6.2 Nm for the M8 screw (HS8I and HS7I) 
    and 2.4 Nm for the M5 screw (HS5I).
    Use safety wires with the following specifications.
    NOTEDo not use the speaker if the screws at locations where 
    brackets are not installed have been removed. This causes air 
    leaks to occur from the enclosure, resulting in undesirable 
    Diameter Ø3.0 mm or more
    Length Less than 600 mm
    Material Stainless steel
    Breaking load 6,370 N (650 kg) or more
    Screws included 
    with the product  Included screws 
    for bracket 
    HS8I: 25–50 mm
    HS7I: 25–30 mm
    HS5I: 20–25 mm Enclosure
    Washer, etc.
    HS8I/HS7I: Ø18, HS5I: Ø12
    HS8I/HS7I: M8, HS5I: M5
    * This example 
    shows how to  
    install to a wall.
    SymptomPossible CauseSolution
    Power won’t turn on / 
    front panel logo 
    doesn’t light.
    The power cord might not be connected 
    Check and connect the power cord.
    The power switch might not be turned on. Turn the power switch ON. If the problem persists,  contact your Yamaha dealer.
    No sound. One or more cables might not be  connected properly. Check that all cables are properly connected.
    The source equipment might not be 
    supplying an audio signal. Make sure that the source equipment is 
    functioning properly and delivering the required 
    The level setting might be too low. Adjust the output level setting of the source  equipment, or use the LEVEL control to increase 
    the output level.
    Are cables connected to both the XLR and 
    phone jack INPUT connectors? The XLR and phone jack input connectors can not 
    be used simultaneously. Use only one input 
    connector at a time.
    Noisy or distorted 
    sound. One or more cables might be corroded, 
    shorted, or otherwise broken. Replace faulty cable(s).
    The system might be picking up external 
    noise. Try changing the positions or layout of the cables.
    Try changing the location of other electrical/
    electronic devices that are near the speakers. 
    Information for Users on Collection and Disposal of Old 
    This symbol on the products, packaging, and/or accompanying 
    documents means that used electrical and electronic products 
    should not be mixed with general household waste.
    For proper treatment, recovery and recycling of old products, 
    please take them to applicable collection points, in accordance 
    with your national legislation and the Directives 2002/96/EC.
    By disposing of these products correctly, you will help to save 
    valuable resources and prevent any potential negative effects on 
    human health and the environment which could otherwise arise from 
    inappropriate waste handling.
    For more information about collection and recycling of old products, please 
    contact your local municipality, your waste disposal service or the point of sale 
    where you purchased the items.
    [For business users in the European Union]
    If you wish to discard electrical and electronic equipment, please contact your 
    dealer or supplier for further information.
    [Information on Disposal in other Countries outside the European Union]
    This symbol is only valid in the European Union. If you wish to discard these 
    items, please contact your local authorities or dealer and ask for the correct 
    method of disposal.
    Verbraucherinformation zur Sammlung und Entsorgung 
    alter Elektrogeräte
    Befindet sich dieses Symbol auf den Produkten, der Verpackung 
    und/oder beiliegenden Unterlagen, so sollten benutzte 
    elektrische Geräte nicht mit dem normalen Haushaltsabfall 
    entsorgt werden.
    In Übereinstimmung mit Ihren nationalen Bestimmungen und den 
    Richtlinien 2002/96/EG bringen Sie alte Geräte bitte zur 
    fachgerechten Entsorgung, Wiederaufbereitung und 
    Wiederverwendung zu den entsprechenden Sammelstellen.
    Durch die fachgerechte Entsorgung der Elektrogeräte helfen Sie, wertvolle 
    Ressourcen zu schützen, und verhindern mögliche negative Auswirkungen auf 
    die menschliche Gesundheit und die Umwelt, die andernfalls durch 
    unsachgerechte Müllentsorgung auftreten könnten.
    Für weitere Informationen zum Sammeln und Wiederaufbereiten alter 
    Elektrogeräte kontaktieren Sie bitte Ihre örtliche Stadt- oder Gemeindeverwaltung, 
    Ihren Abfallentsorgungsdienst oder die Verkaufsstelle der Ar tikel.
    [Information für geschäftliche Anwender in der Europäischen Union]
    Wenn Sie Elektrogeräte ausrangieren möchten, kontaktieren Sie bitte Ihren 
    Händler oder Zulieferer für weitere Informationen.
    [Entsorgungsinformation für Länder außerhalb der Europäischen Union]
    Dieses Symbol gilt nur innerhalb der Europäischen Union. Wenn Sie solche Artikel 
    ausrangieren möchten, kontaktieren Sie bitte Ihre örtlichen Behörden oder Ihren 
    Händler und fragen Sie nach der sachgerechten Entsorgungsmethode.
    Information concernant la Collecte et le Traitement des 
    déchets d’équipements électriques et électroniques.
    Le symbole sur les produits, l'emballage et/ou les documents 
    joints signifie que les produits électriques ou électroniques 
    usagés ne doivent pas être mélangés avec les déchets 
    domestiques habituels.
    Pour un traitement, une récupération et un recyclage appropriés 
    des déchets d’équipements électriques et  électroniques, veuillez 
    les déposer aux points de collecte prévus à cet effet, 
    conformément à la réglementation nationale et aux Directives 
    En vous débarrassant correctement des déchets d’équipements électriques et  
    électroniques, vous contribuerez à la sauvegarde de précieuses ressources et à 
    la prévention de potentiels effets négatifs sur la santé humaine qui pourraient 
    advenir lors d'un traitement inapproprié des déchets.
    Pour plus d'informations à propos de la collecte et du recyclage des déchets 
    d’équipements électriques et  électroniques, veuillez contacter votre 
    municipalité, votre service de traitement des déchets ou le point de vente où 
    vous avez acheté les produits.
    [Pour les professionnels dans l'Union Européenne]
    Si vous souhaitez vous débarrasser des déchets d’équipements électriques et  
    électroniques veuillez contacter votre vendeur ou fournisseur pour plus 
    [Information sur le traitement dans d'autres pays en dehors de l'Union 
    Ce symbole est seulement valable dans l'Union Européenne. Si vous souhaitez 
    vous débarrasser de déchets d’équipements électriques et  électroniques, 
    veuillez contacter les autorités locales ou votre fournisseur et demander la 
    méthode de traitement appropriée.
    Información para los usuarios acerca de la recogida y 
    desecho de equipos antiguos
    Este símbolo en los productos, embalajes y/o documentos 
    adjuntos indica que los productos eléctricos y electrónicos 
    usados no deben mezclarse con la basura doméstica normal.
    Lleve los productos antiguos a los puntos de recogida 
    pertinentes, de acuerdo con la legislación nacional y la Directiva 
    2002/96/CE, para conseguir así un tratamiento, recuperación y 
    reciclaje adecuados.
    Si se deshace correctamente de estos productos, contribuirá a ahorrar valiosos 
    recursos y a impedir los posibles efectos adversos que sobre la salud humana y 
    el medio ambiente podría provocar la incorrecta manipulación de la basura.
    Póngase en contacto con su ayuntamiento, con el departamento de eliminación 
    de basuras o con el establecimiento donde adquirió los artículos y obtenga más 
    información acerca de la recogida y reciclaje de productos antiguos.
    [Para usuarios profesionales de la Unión Europea]
    Si desea desechar equipos eléctricos y electrónicos, póngase en contacto con 
    su distribuidor o proveedor para obtener más información.
    [Información acerca del desecho en países fuera del ámbito de la Unión 
    Este símbolo solo es válido dentro de la Unión Europea. Si desea desechar 
    estos artículos, póngase en contacto con las autoridades municipales o con su 
    distribuidor, e infórmese acerca del método correcto de hacerlo.
    Informazioni per gli utenti sulla raccolta e lo smaltimento 
    di vecchia attrezzatura
    La presenza di questo simbolo sui prodotti, sull’imballaggio, e/o 
    sui documenti che li accompagnano avverte l’utente che i prodotti 
    elettrici ed elettronici usati non devono essere associati ai rifiuti 
    domestici generici.
    Per il trattamento, recupero e riciclaggio appropriati di vecchi 
    prodotti, consegnarli ai punti di raccolta specifici in accordo con 
    la propria legislazione nazionale e la direttiva 2002/96/CE.
    Smaltendo correttamente questi prodotti, si contribuisce al risparmio di risorse 
    preziose e a prevenire alcuni potenziali effetti negativi sulla salute umana e 
    l’ambiente, che altrimenti potrebbero sorgere dal trattamento improprio dei rifiuti.
    Per ulteriori informazioni sulla raccolta e il riciclaggio di vecchi prodotti, 
    contattare la propria amministrazione comunale, il servizio di smaltimento dei 
    rifiuti o il punto vendita dove i prodotti sono stati acquistati.
    [Per le aziende dell’Unione europea]
    Se si desidera disfarsi di prodotti elettrici ed elettronici, contattare il rivenditore o 
    il fornitore per ulteriori informazioni.
    [Informazioni sullo smaltimento negli altri Paesi al di fuori dell’Unione 
    Il presente simbolo è valido solamente nell’Unione europea. Se si desidera 
    disfarsi di questi articoli, contattare le autorità locali o il rivenditore per informarsi 
    sulle corrette modalità di smaltimento.
    Informações para os utilizadores sobre a recolha e 
    eliminação de equipamentos velhos
    Este símbolo nos produtos, embalagem e/ou documentos que os 
    acompanham significa que os produtos elétricos e eletrónicos 
    velhos não devem ser misturados com o lixo doméstico geral.
    Para o tratamento, recuperação e reciclagem apropriados de 
    produtos velhos, leve-os para os pontos de recolha aplicáveis, de 
    acordo com a legislação nacional do seu país e com a Diretiva 
    Através da eliminação correta destes produtos, ajudará a poupar recursos 
    valiosos e a prevenir quaisquer potenciais efeitos negativos sobre a saúde 
    humana e o meio ambiente, que poderiam ocorrer do manuseio inapropriado de 
    Para mais informações sobre a recolha e reciclagem de produtos velhos, 
    contacte a autoridade local responsável, o serviço de recolha de resíduos ou o 
    local de venda onde comprou os produtos.
    [Para utilizadores comerciais na União Europeia]
    Se quiser eliminar equipamentos elétricos e eletrónicos, contacte o seu 
    revendedor ou fornecedor para mais informações.
    [Informações sobre a eliminação nos países fora da União Europeia]
    Este símbolo é válido apenas na União Europeia. Se pretender eliminar estes 
    itens, contacte a autoridade local responsável ou o seu revendedor e informe-se 
    sobre o método de eliminação correto.
    *  The contents of this manual apply to the latest specifications as of the publishing date. To obtain the latest manual, access the 
    Yamaha website then download the manual file. Since specifications, equipment or separately sold accessories may not be the 
    same in every locale, please check with your Yamaha dealer.
    * Der Inhalt dieser Bedienungsanleitung gilt für die neuesten technischen Daten zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung. Um die neues te 
    Version der Anleitung zu erhalten, rufen Sie die Website von Yamaha auf und laden Sie dann die Datei mit der 
    Bedienungsanleitung herunter. Da die Technischen Daten, das Gerät selbst oder gesondert erhältliches Zubehör nicht in jedem 
    Land gleich sind, setzen Sie sich im Zweifel bitte mit Ihrem Yamaha-Händler in Verbindung.
    * Le contenu de ce mode d’emploi s’applique aux dernières caractéristiques techniques connues à la date de publication du manuel . 
    Pour obtenir la version la plus récente du manuel, accédez au site Web de Yamaha puis téléchargez le fichier du manuel concerné . 
    Étant donné que les caractéristiques techniques, les équipements et les accessoires vendus séparément varient d’un pays à 
    l’autre, adressez-vous pour cela à votre distributeur Yamaha.
    * El contenido de este manual se aplica a las últimas especificaciones según la fecha de publicación. Para obtener el último man ual, 
    acceda al sitio web de Yamaha y descargue el archivo del manual. Puesto que las especificaciones, los equipos o los accesorios 
    que se vendan aparte podrían no ser iguales en todos los sitios, consulte al distribuidor de Yamaha.
    * O conteúdo deste manual se aplica às especificações mais recentes a partir da data de publicação. Para obter o manual mais  recente, acesse o site da Yamaha e faça o download do arquivo do manual. Como as especificações, os equipamentos ou os 
    acessórios vendidos separadamente podem não ser iguais em todas as localidades; consulte o revendedor Yamaha.
    *  Il contenuto del presente manuale si applica alle ultime specifiche tecniche a partire dalla data di pubblicazione. Per ottenere la  versione più recente del manuale, accedere al sito Web Yamaha e scaricare il file corrispondente. Dal momento che le specifiche  
    tecniche, le apparecchiature e gli accessori venduti separatamente potrebbero variare a seconda del paese in cui viene distribu ito il 
    prodotto, verificarli con il rivenditore Yamaha.
    *  В содержании  данного  руководства  приведены  последние  на  момент  публикации  технические  характеристики . Для  
    получения  последней  версии  руководства  посетите  веб -сайт  корпорации  Yamaha и загрузите  файл  с  руководством . Так  как  
    технические  характеристики , оборудование  и  отдельно  продаваемые  принадлежности  могут различаться  в  разных
    нах , 
    обратитесь  за  информацией  к  представителю  корпорации  Yamaha в своем  регионе .
     \w	{
    General Specifications
    TypeBi-amp 2-way powered speaker Powered subwoofer
    Crossover Frequency 2 kHz –
    Response -3dB
    47 Hz – 24 kHz 55 Hz – 24 kHz 74 Hz – 24 kHz 33 Hz – 124 Hz
    -10dB 38 Hz – 30 kHz 43 Hz – 30 kHz54 Hz – 30 kHz 22 Hz – 160 Hz
    Mounting Points –
    Four surfaces x 2 x M8 
    (120 mm pitch)–Four surfaces x 2 x M8 
    (120 mm pitch)–Four surfaces x 2 x M5 
    (60 mm pitch)–
    Dimensions (W x H x D) 250 x 390 x 334 mm
    9-13/16 x 15-3/8 x 13-1/8" 210 x 332 x 284 mm
    8-1/4 x 13-1/16 x 11-3/16"170 x 285 x 222 mm
    6-11/16 x 11-1/4 x 8-3/4"
    300 x 350 x 389 mm
    11-13/16 x 13-3/4 x 15-5/16"
    Weight10.2 kg 
    (22.5 lb.)10.7 kg
    (23.6 lb.)8.2 kg 
    (18.1 lb.)8.7 kg
    (19.2 lb.)5.3 kg 
    (11.7 lb.)5.5 kg
    (12.1 lb.)
    12.5 kg (27.6 lb.)
    Speaker Components
    Speaker Components LF: 8" cone
    HF: 1" dome LF: 6.5" cone
    HF: 1" domeLF: 5" cone
    HF: 1" dome
    8" cone
    Enclosure Bass-reflex type, Material: MDF
    Amplifier Unit
    Output PowerTo t a l
    120 W (dynamic power) 95 W (dynamic power) 70 W (dynamic power)
    150 W, 4 ohms (dynamic 
    LF75 W (4 ohms) 60 W (4 ohms) 45 W (4 ohms) –
    HF 45 W (8 ohms) 35 W (8 ohms) 25 W (8 ohms) –
    Input Sensitivity / Impedance-10 dBu/10k ohms
    Output Level/Impedance – -10 dBu/600 ohms
    Input Connectors (Parallel) 1: XLR-3-31 type (balanced)
    2: PHONE (balanced)
    Output Connectors –
    XLR-3-32 type (balanced) x2 
    ControlsLEVEL control (+4 dB, center click)
    EQ: HIGH TRIM switch (+/- 2 dB at HF), 
           ROOM CONTROL switch (0/-2/-4 dB under 500Hz)
    LEVEL control
    PHASE switch (NORM./REV.)
    HIGH CUT control 
    (80 – 120 Hz, center click)
    LOW CUT control 
    (80 – 120 Hz, center click)
    LOW CUT switch (ON/OFF)
    Power ON (White LED)
    Power Consumption 60 W 55 W 45 W 70 W
    250 (9-13/16")
    390 (15-3/8")
    334 (13-1/8")
    2-M8(HS8I Only)
    120 150
    2-M8(HS8I Only)
    Unit: mm (inch)
    210 (8-1/4")
    332 (13-1/16")
    284 (11-3/16")
    2-M8(HS7I only)
    2-M8(HS7I only)
    75 29
    120 120
    Unit: mm (inch) 
    Performance Graph
    Block Diagram
    170 (6-11/16")
    285 (11-1/4")
    222 (8-3/4")
    2-M5(HS5I only)
    2-M5(HS5I only)
    97 17
    11 0
    Unit: mm (inch)
    300 (11-13/16")389 (15-5/16")
    350 (13-3/4")
    Unit: mm (inch)
    INPUT 1
    INPUT 2
    R ch
    L ch
    P. A M P
    Tilt Angle (HS8I/HS7I/HS5I only)
    Wall mount
    Ceiling mount
    ModelBracketMaximum tilt angle
    BWS251-300 30°
    BWS251-400 45°
    BWS50-260 0°
    BWS50-190 Not compatible
    BWS251-300 35°
    BWS251-400 45°
    BWS50-260 0°
    BWS50-190 Not compatible
    HS5IBWS20-190 0°
    BWS20-120 Not compatible
    ModelBracketMaximum tilt angle
    BCS251 45°
    BWS50-260 30°
    BCS251 45°
    BWS50-260 30°
    							Yamaha Pro Audio global website
    Yamaha Downloads
    Manual Development Department© 2016 Yamaha Corporation
    Published 05/2016 MWZC-B0 Printed in Indonesia 
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