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Xerox WorkCentre 5735 User Manual

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Page 81

Fa x
WorkCentre™ 5735/5740/5745/5755/5765/5775/5790
Fa x81
Image Quality
The Image Quality options provide access to the features 
which enhance the image quality or output quality. To 
access the Image Quality options, select Services Home 
and Fa x. Then select the Image Quality tab.
Image Options
Lighten / Darken
This provides manual control to adjust the lightness or 
darkness of the scanned images.
• Move the indicator down to darken the scanned 
image, for light originals such as pencil images.

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Fa x
WorkCentre™ 5735/5740/5745/5755/5765/5775/5790
Fa x 82
Layout Adjustment
The Layout Adjustment options allow you to specify the 
type and size of document for scanning, for example a 
custom size or book original. You can also specify how to 
process documents that are too big for the receiving fax 
machine. To access the Layout Adjustment options, select 
Services Home and Fa x. Then select the Layout 
Adjustment tab.
Original Size
Select Original Size to enter the size of your document when...

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Fa x
WorkCentre™ 5735/5740/5745/5755/5765/5775/5790
Fa x83
Book Faxing
CAUTION:Do not close the document feeder when scanning bound originals.
Select Book Faxing to specify which page or pages of a book are to be scanned. The book original is 
placed face down on the document glass with the spine of the book lined up with the marker on the 
rear edge of the document glass. Align the top of the bound original against the rear edge of the 
document glass.
The device will identify the size of the original...

Page 84

Fa x
WorkCentre™ 5735/5740/5745/5755/5765/5775/5790
Fa x 84
Fax Options
The Fa x  O p t i o n s allow you to specify how your fax 
document is transmitted and how it is printed at the 
receiving fax machine. To access the Fa x  O p t i o n s, select 
Services Home and Fa x. Then select the Fa x  O p t i o n s  tab.
Confirmation Report
Select Confirmation Report to print a broadcast report to identify the success or failure of a fax job. 
The options displayed depend on the settings enabled in Tools....

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WorkCentre™ 5735/5740/5745/5755/5765/5775/5790
Fa x85
G3 (14.4 Kbps)
• The standard Group 3 fax transmission rates. These are used in fax environments where there is 
existing noise or stress on the phone network which prevents higher speed fax transmissions 
working well.
• Selects the transmission rate based on the maximum capabilities of the receiving fax machine.
• Initial transmission speed is 14,400 Bits Per Second (bps). This rate minimizes transmission errors 
by using Error Correction Mode...

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WorkCentre™ 5735/5740/5745/5755/5765/5775/5790
Fa x 86
Mailboxes are areas of device memory where incoming faxes are stored or from which outgoing faxes 
can be polled. Mailboxes enable you to store all received fax documents until it is convenient to retrieve 
them. Conversely, storing fax documents in a mailbox for Polling allows a remote user or users to 
retrieve the fax on demand.
Mailboxes must be set up by the System Administrator before fax documents can be stored in them. 

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WorkCentre™ 5735/5740/5745/5755/5765/5775/5790
Fa x87
Store to Local Mailbox
This feature allows you to store documents to be polled. The document is stored in your mailbox and 
automatically sent to a remote fax machine when requested.
1. Select the Store to Mailbox button.
2. Select the Mailbox Number entry field and enter the 
mailbox number, between 001 and 200.
3. Select the Mailbox Passcode entry field and enter the 
4-digit mailbox passcode.
4. Load the originals and select Start.
Your fax...

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WorkCentre™ 5735/5740/5745/5755/5765/5775/5790
Fa x 88
Using the Polling function, documents stored on a remote 
fax machine can be retrieved and printed on your device. 
Alternatively, documents stored on your device can be 
polled by a remote fax machine. Polling is a useful way of 
constantly providing access to updated information 
without having to re-distribute it. 
Local Polling
The Local Polling feature allows a fax document to be left in the memory of your device to be retrieved 

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WorkCentre™ 5735/5740/5745/5755/5765/5775/5790
Fa x89
Poll Remote Fax
The Poll a Remote Fax feature allows you to call a remote fax machine. The call locates and retrieves 
faxes stored at the remote machine. Remote Polling allows you to poll a remote machine immediately 
or at a specified time. More than one remote machine can be polled at a time.
1. Select the Poll a Remote Fax button and select On. 
Then select Save.
2. Enter the fax numbers of the devices which are being 
polled. Use Add to add...

Page 90

Fa x
WorkCentre™ 5735/5740/5745/5755/5765/5775/5790
Fa x 90
Fa x  Re p o r t s
Various fax reports are available for printing on your device. Select one of the following reports to print:
•Activity Report prints details of the last 50 fax transactions.
•Address Book Individuals Report prints details of all entries in the individual directory.
•Address Book Group Report prints details of all groups in the group directory.
•Options Report prints details of the fax card configuration.
•Pending Jobs Report...
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