Xerox Travel Scanner 150 User Guide
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Xerox Travel Scanner 150 User’s Guide41 5Scanning and Configuring One Touch This chapter includes: •Default One Touch Settings on page 43 •Scan from the One Touch Button Panel on page 44 •Changing the Button Settings on page 46 •Selecting Options for One Touch on page 48 •Scan Configurations on page 51 •File Formats on page 58 •Configure Before Scan on page 62 •Open Scanned Document(s) on page 64 •Transfer to Storage on page 65 •Burn to CD-ROM on page 71 •Printer or Fax on page 73 •PaperPort on page 75 •SharePoint on page 77 •FTP Transfer on page 80 •SMTP on page 82 •Email Applications on page 85 •Te x t E d i t o r s on page 87 •Image Editors on page 91 •PDF Applications on page 94 •Send to Application on page 97 •Scanning to Multiple Destinations on page 100 •Scanning with Job Separation on page 103 •Scanning with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on page 106 •Selecting One Touch OmniPage OCR Options on page 110 •One Touch with Visioneer Acuity Technology on page 118 •Hardware Properties and Interface Behavior on page 122 Based on the recommended full installation of the scanner driver and the Visioneer One Touch software, One Touch is your main scanning interface for using the scanner. The One Touch buttons, on the scanner, mirror the One Touch button panel on-screen.

Xerox Travel Scanner 150 User’s Guide 42 The One Touch Button Panel, that you see on the computer screen, shows the pre-set function for each button (such as Email) and the icon of the destination (called the Destination Application) where the images will be sent when scanning is finished. The One Touch button panel shows which application the button is configured to send images to.

Xerox Travel Scanner 150 User’s Guide43 Default One Touch Settings When you installed the scanner, the software configured each One Touch button with appropriate settings consisting of: a Destination Application, a Scan Configuration, and a File Format. The button names, such as Email or Copy, indicate the original factory settings for a button. You can change any of these settings. Please see Changing the Button Settings on page 46 for instructions. For example, the Email button is set up to scan documents then immediately attach them to a new email message in your default email program. The email application will default to the email program specified in the internet options of Internet Explorer. A folder icon for a button means that the button is set up to archive the scanned item. The scanner sends the scanned image directly to a folder without opening the image first in a software application. A question mark for a button means your computer does not have the appropriate software or hardware for the initial factory settings. If OmniPage or the One Touch OmniPage Module is not installed, then the options for sending to word processing applications such as Microsoft Word will not be available. Note: The default page size in each configuration is based on your computer’s Windows Measurement system selection of U.S. (United States) or Metric units. • If U.S. is the selected measurement, the default page size in each profile will be based on the Imperial standard paper sizes such as 8.5” x 11”. • If Metric is the selected measurement, the default page size in each profile is based on the ISO 216 standard and the majority of the profiles will default to A4.

Xerox Travel Scanner 150 User’s Guide 44 Scan from the One Touch Button Panel Scanning from the button panel on your computer’s screen works like inserting a page in the scanner when AutoLaunch is turned on. To scan from the One Touch Button panel: Follow the steps in the previous section to turn off the AutoLaunch feature before scanning with the One Touch panel. If AutoLaunch is turned on, the scanner will automatically scan when a page is inserted in the scanner. 1. Place a page fa c e d ow n in the paper feed slot, aligned to the arrow on the right side of the scanner. 2. Click on the One Touch icon in the Windows notification area (at the lower right corner of the screen.) 3. The One Touch panel opens. 4. Click on the PaperIn button. 5. A scan progress window opens and the image is sent to the selected application for the One Touch button. In this example the Destination Application is the PaperPort desktop. 6. You can now work with the image in the Destination Application. One Touch Icon

Xerox Travel Scanner 150 User’s Guide45 Features of the One Touch Button Panel The One Touch panel is your on-screen set of controls for the scanner. From the panel you can access the hardware settings for your scanner and configure the PaperIn button. Click on the One Touch icon to open the panel. The Title Bar • Green arrows—click to cycle through the panel’s 2 views. • Scanner icon—click to open the scanner’s hardware properties. •Red “X”—click to close the One Touch panel. The Button View •Left-click on a Destination Application icon to start scanning. •Right-click on a Destination Application icon to open the One Touch Properties. •Single-click on the detailed information to open the One Touch Properties. The Hardware View •Left-click on the scanner icon to return to the Button view. •Right-click on the scanner icon to open the scanner’s hardware properties. The Hardware ViewThe Button View

Xerox Travel Scanner 150 User’s Guide 46 Changing the Button Settings 1. Click on the One Touch icon. 2. Right-click a button on the One Touch Button Panel. 3. The One Touch Properties window opens. Some of the options on the One Touch Properties Window are “grayed out” and are not available, these options are not appropriate for your scanner model. 4. Select the destination you want One Touch to send the scanned image to in the Select destination list. If you select a word processing program such as Microsoft WordPad or Microsoft Word that can be used for OCR (such as TXT or RTF), the text in scanned images is automatically converted to word processing text. 5. Select a file format in the Select format panel. The formats are based on the type of Destination Application you select. The icon names indicate their file types. See File Formats on page 58 for more information about the available formats. 6. Select a scanning configuration in the Select configuration list. The configuration’s basic settings include: scanning mode, resolution (dpi), page size, brightness (Br), and contrast (Cr). To see a selected scan configuration’s settings, click its icon. Click the icon again to close the detailed information. Refer to Scan Configurations on page 51 and Configure Before Scan on page 62 for instructions on creating and modifying scan configurations. 7. Click on OK to save the changes. 8. Place an item in the scanner and click the One Touch button to start scanning. Select the Destination Application that will open when you are finished scanning. You use the destination application to view and work with your scanned images.Select a configuration for scanning the item. Select a file format for your scanned images. Scanner button configuration tab

Xerox Travel Scanner 150 User’s Guide47 The scanner scans and sends the image to the selected destination, with the file format and scan configuration you specified. Properties button—displays a window for selecting properties for a destination. This button is disabled if the selected destination application does not have global configuration properties. Refresh button—updates the links between all your computer’s Destination Applications and One Touch. If you install new software that can be used as a Destination Application, click the Refresh button to link the new software to One Touch. New/Copy/Edit/Delete buttons—click New or Copy to add new scan configurations to the list. Click Edit or Delete to change or remove them. OK/Cancel/Apply buttons—OK accepts any changes and closes the window. Apply accepts any changes but leaves the window open so you can continue making additional changes. Cancel closes the window without accepting any changes.

Xerox Travel Scanner 150 User’s Guide 48 Selecting Options for One Touch Use the Options tab to configure how One Touch works with the selected button, such as which destinations are available, or what the file name should be. Show all destinations—this option selects all of the Destination Application categories. The list of Destination Applications available for the selected button will include all the applications on your computer that fall into these categories. Select destinations—select this option to individually choose the types of applications to include in the list of Destination Applications. Check the boxes for the type of application to include. Destination Categories: •Document management includes Nuance PaperPort and other applications for processing and keeping track of your scanned documents. This category includes the Send to Application and Open Scanned Document(s) destinations. •Image editors include Microsoft Paint and other drawing and graphics applications. •Te x t e d i t o r s include Microsoft Word and WordPad, Microsoft Excel, and other word processing and spreadsheet applications. Select this option if you want OCR processing to convert your scanned documents to text that you can edit. •PDF applications are for viewing and/or editing Adobe PDF files. •Email includes Microsoft Outlook and other email applications, as well as the SMTP destination which allows you to scan directly to the SMTP server without opening an email client application. •Storage and CD-R/W is for scanning directly to a folder on the computer, server, FTP server, SharePoint site, or to the Windows CD temp directory for burning the files to a CD. •Fa x a n d Pr i n t is for sending your scanned documents directly to your printer or fax software. Enable scanning to multiple destinations—select this option to allow for multiple destinations to be selected, in the destination list, on the One Touch configuration tab. This feature allows you to scan one time while distributing the file to multiple destinations. Please refer to Scanning to Multiple Destinations on page 100.

Xerox Travel Scanner 150 User’s Guide49 Instant delivery—enables image transfer to the destination while scanning is in progress, provided that Create Single Image Files is also selected. If Create single image files is not selected, image transfer occurs after all pages have been scanned. Show progress window—select this option to display the progress window of the document(s) during scanning. Use job separator when scanning multiple pages—select this option to have the scanner separate multiple page scan jobs into separate files when scanning is complete. •When a blank page is detected—select this option to have a new file created each time a blank page is detected in the stack of pages being scanned. Note that when scanning duplex, both sides of the page must be blank. •When the number of images reaches—select this option, and input a number in the box, to have a new file created each time the number of images scanned reaches the number you input in this field. Note that when scanning duplex, the number of images detected is twice the number of pages scanned. For example, if you input “5” in the field, and scan 10 pages, 20 images are captured, and you will get 4 separate files with 5 images in each file. Please refer to Scanning with Job Separation on page 103 for detailed information about scanning with job separation, and how it works with other options in One Touch. Use custom file naming—select this option to enable the input field so that you can specify the file name for your scanned document(s). You can specify a different file name for each One Touch button. When this option is not select, the file name is automatically generated by One Touch for all scans. • The preview area, to the right of the Use custom file naming text, shows an example of the filename as you type into the input field and/or select token options from the list. • Type the file name you want into the input field. Note that you cannot input these characters in a file name: / : * ? “ < > | When inputting a file name, the file name must be unique, otherwise every scan created would overwrite the previous scan. The menu to the right of the input field contains a list of tokens you can select to create unique file names. These tokens include counting numbers, date and time values, number of pages scanned, and so on. If the button name is not unique, you will see an on-screen notification that a {BatchID} and/or {#b} will be inserted into the name.

Xerox Travel Scanner 150 User’s Guide 50 • Click the down arrow and selected a token value from the list, then click the arrow button to add that value to the file name field. The token values are: {FN}—inserts the scanner name. {#b}—inserts the image number without adding zero (1). {#03b}—inserts a 3-digit image number in the scan batch (001). {D}—inserts the numeric day of the month without a zero added to single-digit days (4). {DD}—inserts the numeric day of the month with a zero added to single-digit days (04). {DDD}—inserts the abbreviated 3-letter day (Mon). {DDDD}—inserts the full name of the day (Monday). {M}—inserts the numeric month without a zero added to single-digit months (8). {MM}—inserts the numeric month with a zero added to single-digit months (08). {MMM}—inserts the abbreviated 3-letter month (Aug). {MMMM}—inserts the full name of the month (August). {YY}—inserts the two-digit year (97). {YYYY}—inserts the four-digit year (1997). {h}—inserts the 12-hour clock hour without a zero added to single-digit time values (2). {hh}—inserts the 12-hour clock hour with a zero added to single-digit time values (02). {H}—inserts the 24-hour clock hour without a zero added to single-digit time values (2). {HH}—inserts the 24-hour clock hour with a zero added to single-digit time values (02). {m}—inserts the minute without a zero added to single-digit time values (7). {mm}—inserts the minute with a zero added to single-digit time values (07). {s}—inserts the second without zero added to single-digit time values (9). {ss}—inserts the second with zero added to single-digit time values (09). {User}—inserts the user name. {Mach}—inserts the computer name. {Dest}—inserts the destination application name. {Bttn}—inserts the button name. {Mode}—inserts the scan color mode. {Size}—inserts the page size. {BatchID}—inserts a unique batch identification number. Te c h n i c a l N o t e Some destination application links, such as the NewSoft Presto! BizCard software, require a specific filename format for the images that have been sent to the link to open correctly in the application. For example, when scanning duplex, if the image token {#03b} is not included in the filename, then each image sent will be regarded as a separate scan, and instead of one file with 2 pages you will have 2 files. As each destination application link is different, there is no standard filename type you can create to use for all destinations. If you scan and the images are not grouped in the file(s) as needed, try deselecting “Use custom file naming” and then scan again.