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Xerox Travel Scanner 150 User Guide

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Xerox Travel Scanner 150
User’s Guide91
Image Editors
Image editors include Microsoft Paint and other drawing and graphics applications. 
Supported file formats—the available file formats are based on the selected destination application. For example, 
you can scan to Microsoft’s Paint application as a BMP, GIF, PNG, or JPG, but not as TIFF or JP2 as Paint cannot open 
those two file types. Please refer to Image Formats on page 58 for more information on which image formats 
One Touch supports....

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User’s Guide 92
Image Documents Properties
These properties apply to Microsoft Paint and other image processing applications.
•Add application—click this button to open the Add Simple Image Link dialogue so you can add other image 
editing applications to One Touch. 
•Delete application—select an application in the list then click this button to remove the application from the 
One Touch destination list. You can only delete an application that you have added, the destinations...

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User’s Guide93
Adding Image Editor Applications to One Touch
1. To add another application to the list, click the Add application button. The Add Simple Image Link dialog box 
2. Click Browse to find the application you want to add to the list.
When you select the application using the Browse button, Steps 1 and 2 on the dialog box are automatically 
filled in, and the application icon appears in Step 3.
3. Select the icon in Step 3 of the dialog box. That is the icon that...

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User’s Guide 94
PDF Applications
PDF destinations are applications that can open and/or edit the Adobe PDF file format. 
Supported file types—applications in the PDF destination group support the *.pdf file format. When the OmniPage 
module or software is installed, One Touch includes an option to scan as sPDF or nPDF. Selecting either of these two 
formats still creates a *.pdf file, but the “s” and “n” letters indicate that OCR will process the image before sending 
the file to...

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Xerox Travel Scanner 150
User’s Guide95 3. Click on one of the default text editors such as WordPad.
4. Click on the Properties button.
5. To add another application to the list, click the Add application button. The Add Text Based Link dialog box 
6. Click Browse to find the application you want to add to the list.
When you select the application using the Browse button, Steps 1 and 2 on the dialog box are automatically 
filled in, and the application icon appears in Step 3.
7. Select the icon in...

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User’s Guide 96 8. In Step 4 of the dialog box, select Adobe PDF format and Adobe searchable PDF. 
Adobe PDF format—select this option if you are adding a PDF viewing or editing application to the list. This 
PDF format is an image format only, it will not recognize the document using OCR, and you will not be able to 
search or edit the text in the final file. The application you are adding must be able to open *.pdf files.
Adobe searchable PDF—this is the PDF image format with a...

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User’s Guide97
Send to Application
The Send to Application link allows you to select any application on your computer as the scan destination. 
Supported file types—all file formats in One Touch are available when scanning to this destination. After you 
configure the link, as described below, make sure you select a file format that the application can open. Please refer 
to Te x t  Fo r m a t s  on page 61 to see a list of text file formats that are available when OCR is...

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Xerox Travel Scanner 150
User’s Guide 98 To configure a destination application for the Send to Application link:
1. Click Browse to open the Windows file browser and navigate to the location of the application’s executable 
(*.exe) file. 
In most cases, the application’s directory is located in the programs directory on the C: drive. Because you can 
select any executable file, make sure you select an application that can receive image or text files.
2. Select the application’s *.exe file then click on...

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Xerox Travel Scanner 150
User’s Guide99 Configure advanced features—select this option to change the default settings for this link. Only advanced users 
and application developers should modify these settings.
•Launch application for every image—when this option is selected, the application will open one time for 
each image scanned. You should deselect this option only if the application you are scanning to will accept 
multiple page files. 
For example, Microsoft’s Paint application can only accept 1...

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User’s Guide 100
Scanning to Multiple Destinations
Scanning to multiple destinations works the same as when scanning to a single destination, One Touch simply 
distributes the final scan to several destinations. This option is enabled separately for each One Touch button. 
1. Open the One Touch Properties window and click on the Options tab.
2. Select Enable scanning to multiple destinations, then click back on the configuration tab.
3. Click each destination where you want to...
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