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Wolf Cinema Projector Dcx 500i User Manual

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Page 131

3.85  lPC
lamp ChangedlPC  laMP  ChangeD 
Use LPC to record a new lamp serial number (8 characters max.) in projector memory. This will 
automatically reset the projector’s lamp timer so that it begins to log time for the new lamp. 
lPh  laMP  hoURs of Use 
Use	the	request	LPH	to	find	out	the	number	of	hours	logged	on	the	current	lamp.
lPI  laMP  InTensITY  
Use  LPI  to  specify  a  desired  light  intensity  setting  (0-9999  for  any  model)  for  the  lamp,  and 
automatically put the lamp into...

Page 132

To “nudge” the image down a minimum distance, script in a delay between (LVO K3) and (LVO 
K0).	Depending	on	your	application,	a	delay	of	at	least	20-30	milliseconds	may	be	sufficient.	
MfT MenU fonT 
Use MFT to choose whether menu font size is normal (0) or large (1). 
MlK soURCe MeMoRY loCK 
Use	 MLK	 to	lock	 (1)	or	unlock	 (0)	a	specific	 source	setup.	See	also	 2.5,	Accessing	 Specific	
Source Setups. 
MnU MenU sT aTUs 
The MNU command has two uses. One is to get the current status of the menus...

Page 133

MoT  MoTIon fIlTeR 
Use MOT to control how de-interlacing is managed. 
  0 = Auto — software determines the best option. 
  1 = Still — produces crisp images when there is no motion. 
	 2	=	Motion	—	for	video	not	originally	from	film,	or	for	moving	computer-generated		
  3 = Film — performs inverse telecine operation to reproduce accuratel\
y and crisply  
	 							material	originating	from	24Hz	film.	
Msh  MenU shIfT hoRIzonT al 
Use MSH to move menus horizontally (0 = Left, up to...

Page 134

oTf  oUTPUT foRMaT 
Change output format for Cine-IPM 2K. 
  0 = Single Link on DVI-1 or DVI-2 
  1 = Twin Link 
noTe: DVI-1 has lower 8 bits; DVI-2 has higher 2 bits). 
P aP  PIP  asPeCT Ra TIo PReseT 
Use PAP to select the preferred aspect ratio for your Picture-in-Picture window\
  0 = Default 
  1 = Anamorphic 
  2 = Custom (Response only – The vertical stretch does not correspond to one of the  
PbC  PIP boRDeR ColoR 
Use PBC to select the color for the Picture-in-Picture...

Page 135

3.111  Phs
PIP horizontal sizePhs  PIP hoRIzonT al sIze 
noTe: Not available in v1.0. 
Use PHS to set what percentage (0-100) of the screen width to use for the width of the Picture-
in-Picture window. Height of the window will then be determined by the aspect ratio of the input 
Use PIP to turn picture-in-picture on (1) or off (0).   noTe: Not available in software v1.0. 
Pjh  PRojeCT oR hoURs of Use 
Use  PJH  to  determine  the  number  of  hours  (0-16,777,215)...

Page 136

3.116  PngPingPng  PIng 
Use  PNG  to  request  and  get  basic  projector  information  such  as  the  type  of  projector  &  main 
software version installed on the TIPM (10-bit Image Processor Module). 
  P1 = Wolf Cinema projector type 
   31 = a projector listed on page 3 (always). These all include a TIPM. 
   0 = the projector is not initialized 
  P2 = Major s/w version# (0-99) 
  P3 = Minor s/w version# (0-99) 
  P4 = Maintenance version# with no functional change (a-z) 
  P5 = Beta...

Page 137

3.122  PWRPowerPWR  PoWeR 
Use PWR to turn the projector power on or off, or to use special modes during a download, or to 
see the current power state. 
  0 = Off
  1 = On
  2 = Boot mode (for downloading new code only)  Do noT Use 
  3 = No lamp (powered up, but lamp is off. For downloading only.) 
  11 = Warming up (read only)
PxP  PIxel Phase 
Use PXP to adjust the position of the sampling clock relative to the video data. Available range 
depends on the incoming signal, with a higher frequency...

Page 138

Reading the Configuration of a Port 
P1 = ‘port’  Same values for ‘port’ as above 
  (REM? C2): Returns (REM! C002 r 0115200) 
sending  arbitrary Data out a Port 
P1 = Port   Same values for ‘port’ as above 
P2	=	Data		 The	data	to	send	out	the	specified	port	
  (REM 2 “A123”): The data A123 is sent out the OUT port without any other protocol  
  characters. Some codes are not standard ASCII characters. These can be sent by  
	 using	any	of	the	escape	codes	defined	in	the...

Page 139

3.131  RTe
Real Time eventsRTe  Real TIMe eVenTs 
Use RTE to specify actions to be initiated at a certain point in time or by an external stimulus. This 
action  can be  anything  supported  in the projector, as long  as the action  itself is not embedded 
within  an  RTE  command  (such  as  GIO  input  simulation  and  others).  There  are  four  types  of 
  T = Timed event 
  D = Scheduled/delayed single event 
  G = GPIO port change 
  S = System Status Change 
  F = FUNC key event 

Page 140

P3 = State/details (opt.)  P3 only applies if: P2 = 1 (Power) 
   If P3 is 0 = Power Off 
   If P3 is 1 = Power On 
P2 = 2 (Error) 
   P3 = error number 
P2 = 5 (Signal Input) 
   P3 = Input number 
P2 = 6 (Signal Channel) 
   P3 = Channel Number  This optional parameter further 
defines	the	state.	If	this	is	
omitted, assume the event will 
fire	on	any	system	event	of	this	
type (for example, all signal 
input changes rather than a 
specific	one)
If P1 = F or f Description Meaning
P1 = F or f  FUNC...
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