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Wolf Cinema Projector Dcx 500i User Manual

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Page 121

fRD  fRaMe DelaY 
Use  FRD  to  adjust  the  number  of  lines  of  delay  between  the  input  and  output  frames  (range 
varies with incoming signal). 
fRz  fReeze IMage 
FRZ 1 = freeze the image. FRZ 0 = unfreeze the image. 
fse  f an sensoR enable 
Use FSE if you want the projector to shut down 3 minutes after a critical cooling fan failure. FSE 
1	 =	 enabled,	 FSE	0	=	 disabled. 	NOTE:	 Definition	 of	a	which	 cooling	 fan	is	critical	 varies	with	
projector model. 
fYI  foR YoUR InfoRMa...

Page 122

 examples: (Status code for each FYI is shown as bold) 
  (00030FYI 001 000 "Powered Off")
  (00030FYI 002 00057 "Projector address changed from 30 to 57")
  (00057FYI 003 001 "Projector UI active, RS-232 Inactive")
  (00057FYI 004 38400 "Baud rate changed to 38400")
   (00057FYI 006 000 01573 05994 "Good Signal")
  (00057FYI 006 002 "Bad Sync: HSync is too high")
  (00057FYI 007 000 "OSD Off")
   (00057FYI 009 001 "Shutter Closed")...

Page 123

(GIO?)		 	 	 	 //	Request	state	and	configuration	of	all	pins
(GIO!	"HLLLLHL"	"IOOOOII")		 //	Reply	of	pin	state	and	configuration
(GIO	"HLLLLHL"	"IOOOOII")		 //	Set	Pin	state	and	configuration.	The	above	commands		
        can be used to save and restore Preference information 
(GIO C1 O)       // Set Pin 1 as output
(GIO?	C1)		 	 	 //	Get	Configuration	for	pin	1	
(GIO!C1	O)		 	 	 //	Reply	for	get	pin	configuration	
(GIO C2 “OOIO”)      // Set pin 2=out,...

Page 124

3.63  hDC
DHDM ConfigurationhDC  DhDM ConfIgURa TIon 
When	 the	Dual	 SD/HD-SDI	 module	is	present,	 the	HDC	 command	 specifies	how	the	card	 is	
being  used.    The  module  can  be  used  to  support  a  Dual  Link  setup  or  have  two  independent 
single	 HD	channels.	 By	default	 the	configuration	 is	set	 to	two	 single	 channels.	 You	may	 select	 a	
dual link setup where the 'A' channel on the module is the primary video channel or the selection 
can be made to have the 'B'...

Page 125

3.65  hDl
DhDM look Thru settinghDl   DhDM looP  ThRU seTTIng 
When the Dual SD/HD-SDI module is present, a serial input may be routed to a serial output to 
allow chaining of signal sources using the HDL command. You can specify which input is routed 
to which output. Primary and Secondary sources may also be used as designated inputs to loop 
to	 outputs.	 P1	defines	 the	option 	card	 slot	you	 wish	 to	configure	 and	P2	refers	 to	what	 loop	thru	
inputs and outputs are desired. The table below...

Page 126

hlP  helP 
Use HLP for a list of all serial commands supported in your projector—send the (HLP?) request. 
Each item in the list has 3 parameters stating if the command is disabled (and why), its 3-character 
code, and the menu label or brief description: 
  P1 = current on/off state of the command
    0 = enabled 
    1 = disabled because power is off 
    2 = disabled because the required hardware is missing
    3 = disabled because the function has not been licensed 
    4 = disabled because the...

Page 127

3.72  ITg
Test Pattern greyITg  TesT Pa TTeRn gReY  
Use	 ITG	to	set	 the	 grey	 level	 for	the	 flat	field	 internal	 test	pattern.	 The	range	 of	adjustment	
depends on the bit depth available in your projector model. 
Use	 ITP	to	 display	 an	internal	 test	pattern,	 or	to	find	 out	what	 test	pattern	 is	currently	 displayed.	
The basic test pattern collection is shown listed below - your projector\
 may vary slightly.
Pattern # Description
0 User image - no test pattern displayed.
1 Grid + grey...

Page 128

3.75  KeY
Key CodeKeY  KeY  CoDe
To  emulate  use  of  the  projector’s  keypad,  you  can  send  codes  representing  each  keypress. 
noTe:  For  most  keys,  sending  a  key  code  to  depress  a  key  also  sends  a  code  to  release  the 
key. Key codes for arrow keys and lens keys, however, cause continual adjustment that must be 
stopped with a separate code.
Appendix	B	►	Serial	Communications 

Page 129

3.76  KsT
KeystoneKsT  KeYsTone
Use KST to correct vertical keystone (14-50) so that the sides of the image do not slope away 
from each other, and the image is rectangular. The default value is 32 (no keystone).
For advanced 2D keystone using the Warp Module, see Warp Keystone Corners (WKC).
lbl   lefT blanKIng 
Use LBL to blank the left edge of the image (0-1000). The amount of blanking feasible depends 
on the incoming source data. 
lCb  lens CalIbRa Te 
LCB forces the projector to calibrate the...

Page 130

lDT  leVel DeTeCToR 
Enable  (1)  or  disable  (0)  the  LDT  (Level  Detector  Test)  mode  that  can  aid  in  setting  up  input 
levels.	 Use	in	conjunction	 with	LDV	 (Level	 Detector	 Value),	which	defines	 a	threshold	 below	
which all incoming colors will be turned black, and above which all colors will turn to white. At this 
point, the Level Detector will be enabled. 
lDV  leVel DeTeCT oR ValUe 
Use an LDV setting of 1 to 1023 when the LDT (see above) will be enabled. This is a threshold...
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