Wolf Cinema Projector Dcx 1500fd User Manual
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Page 101
B-2 DCx Projector serial Communications Protocol: baud Rate: 115200 Data bits: 8 Parity: None stop bits: 1 flow Control: None Controls: Power Command string ON (PWR 1) OFF (PWR 0) Input select Command string Channel 1 (CHA1) Channel 2 (CHA2) Channel 3 (CHA3) Channel 4 (CHA4) Channel 5 (CHA5) Channel 6 (CHA6) Channel 7 (CHA7) Channel 8 (CHA8) Channel 9 (CHA9) Channel 10 (CHA10) Channel 11 (CHA11)...
Page 102
B-3 overview This document describes how to use ASCII text communications to control one or more of the following Wolf Cinema projectors from a remote location:DCX-500i • DCX-500FD • DCX-1000i • DCX-1000FD • DCX-1500i • DCX-1500FD • ConneCTIon and Use: Once you have connected your computer to either the Rs232 In or Rs422 In port (depending on which standard is supported by your computer) or to the eTheRneT port on a projector listed above, you can remotely access...
Page 103
B-4 2.1 basic Message structurebasIC Message sTRUCTURe The following component fields comprise a standard ASCII message. Optional fields, such as extra characters for special modes, restrictions or added functionality, are shown in shaded areas. sT aRT anD enD of Message: Every message begins with the left “(“character and ends with the right “)“ character. Note that if the start character is received before an end character of the previous message, the partial...
Page 104
B-5 Within each message, multiple parameters of data must be separated by one “ • space” character. Data pertaining to a source setup other than the current source setup is preceded by: the • letter “S”, the source setup number (i.e., channel), and a space. This is similar to an “extra” parameter P0. Text parameters such as channel names are enclosed in double quotes following the data, • as in “Name”. TexT P aRaMeTeRs: Most data is simply a numerical value,...
Page 105
B-6 (( ( ( $ $( ( ( Code Code Data Code Dest. Ad dr. Data Code Code Code Dest. Ad dr. Dest. Ad dr. Dest. Ad dr. Dest. Ad dr. Checksu m Data Data Data Code Code Code (002 005CON!064) Code (5 2con?) ($5 2con?) Src. Src. Src. Data (5pwr1 ) ($5pwr1) Data Data ? ! ( ( ( $ & $ ) (con64) ) ) (Con?) ? ) (CON!064) ) ($con64) ) (&CON64 240) ) ) ) )SET (set contrast to 64 ) SET (turn proj.#5 on) REQUEST ( whats current contrast?) REPL Y (contrast is 64 ) REQUEST (get contrast from proj. #5 to controller #2 ) SET...
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B-7 2.4 Maximizing Message IntegrityMaxIMIzIng Message InTegRITY For additional reassurance and/or maximum message integrity, you can insert one or two special characters: aCKnoWleDgMenTs: If you want assurance from the projector (or group of projectors) that a set message has been processed, request this simple acknowledgment by inserting a “$” just after the start code “(“. When the projector executes the required action (such as a source switch, for...
Page 107
B-8 2.5 Accessing Specific source setupsaCCessIng sPeCIfIC soURCe seTUPs For ASCII messages described in this document, it is assumed you are adjusting the current source setup (channel) rather than a different specific one. However, for several commands (for example, ASR, Auto Source) you can direct the message to particular source setup. To do this, insert an “s” and a source# (such as “S5”) before the parameter value—the source setup number can be thought of as a “P0”...
Page 108
B-9 helP TexT: To have the Help Text for a specific command returned as a reply from the projector, add the letter “h” to your request message. For example: (Con?h) What is the help text for the Contrast Control? (Con! “The Contrast is crushed”) Reply from the projector. global InQUIRY: Add the letter “g” in your request message to find out if the control is global. A reply of “001” is returned if the control is global. For example:\ (bDR?g) Is BDR a global control?...
Page 109
B-10 The parameters for control types are: 0 = special format 5 = Text 1= slide bar 6 = “Reserved Control” 2 = Checkbox 7 = Date 3 = list 8 = Time 4 = number 9 = IP (dotted quad) examples: (sTD?T) What type of control is STD? (sTD! T003) STD is a List. (Con?T) What type of control is CON? (Con! T001 %000) CON is a slidebar that is currently at 0%. (ebb?T8) What type of control is index parameter 8 of EBB? (ebb! T004 237) EBB is a number control and...
Page 110
B-11 3. asCII CodesasCII Codes This section lists all ASCII message codes for controlling the projectors listed on page 3. To fully understand how an adjustment works or what it does in the projector and/or image, always consult the User’s Manual provided with your projector. general notes to Remember: When a parameter for a specific source setup is accessed (see 2.5 Accessing Specific • Source Setups) an “S” is inserted between the command code (spac\ e) and P1 (no space The...