Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr Instructions For Use
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Setting the Distonceon fhe Y|TO CLR You will see the focusing oreo of ihecoupled rongefinder in the form of obright circle in the centre of the view-finder. The outlines of the subiect inthe focusing oreo ore duplicoted oslong os the setting is not correct (seeiop illustrotion). Turn the lens mount(5) uniil the doubleoutlines merge into one in the focus-ing oreo (see lower illustrotion). Thecomero is now sei of the correctdistqnce. You moy, of course, sel fhe distonceon the distonce scole or with fhe helpof the red symbols. -7 -

Aperture and Depth of Field The depth of field zone de,pends on the operture setting ond covers ihoi pqrt of the subiect oreo which, from froni to bock, is reproduced on the film with odequote shorpness. Noie thot: lorge opertures (e. g. ft2.8) - yield limited depth of field, small opertures (e. g. il16) - yield grealer depth of field. Reoding the depth of field: qfter hoving set ihe distonce, hold the comero so thoiyou con reod the operture morks on the depth of field scole (6) os well os ih ditton.e scole (5) ot the some time. The depth of field extends from the distonce figure obove the left hond operiure number on the right of the A mork. Beor in mind the depth of field when odiusting the operture to motch o pre- selected shutter speed. lf your subiect colls for o greoter depth of field zone thqn con be obtoined of the correct operture setting, you moy hove to presel o longer exposure time in order to orrive ot o smoller operture. -8- www.orphancameras.com

Voigtliinder Crystol-Frqme Viewfinder \The brilliont reflected frome viewfinder sysiem shows the subiect in octuol size. When sighting, therefore, you cqn keep both eyes open ond still hove o cleqr view of ihe obiects surrounding the subiect.pleose note: with subiects ot o distonce of between 3rl+ ond 61/2 tee|,.the limiis of theiiJta of ulew ore dispioced downwords or sidew.oys (dependin.g on whether you ho.ld thecomero horizontollyor upright), os shown by the two short ltnes on the crystol Trome Releosing olwoys press the releose gently ond smoothly. Do not ierk ii os this would produce blurred pictures. Rcpid winding lever ofter every exposure pull out the lever os for os it will go. This tensions the shutter, odvonces the film ond moves the film counter. An ouiomotic lock prvnir it from being operoted o second time befors Y9u have mode on exposure. Similorly, the ihutter con only be releosed ofter operoting the ropid winding lever. -9-

. Seff-fimer Hoving set lhe exposure (shutter speed ond operture) ond the distqnce, tensioned ihe shutter, push the smoll red lever(17) sidewoys os for os it willgo. On pressing the releose, the exposure tokes ploce outomoficolly ofter obout ten seconds. You, therefore, hove time to toke your ploce quickly in fronf of the cqmero. However, do nol use the self-timer with the shutlersel ql B. Synchronized Flash Shofs The flosh gun enobles you not only fo toke excellent, lifelike pictures ot night omid your fomily or on sociol ond festive occosions, but olso to give por- lroits token oui of doors on cloudy doys o lovely sunny effect, or lo brighten up dork shodows to o certoin extent. ln the cose of block-ond-white film, the flosh gun con be used on ils own withoutodditionot liohtinq os well os in coniunction with doylight or orlificiol light (electricbulbs). Wheri usirig doylight type.colo-ur film. or ortificiol light typg colour film, referio the insiructions for use regordrng trlms. Your photogropnlc oeoler wlll oovlse youin cose of doubt. -t0- www.orphancameras.com

Mounting the flosh gun Light weight ond smoll flosh guns, such os the Voigtlcinder Flosh Gun, con be insertedin the occessory shoe provided for this purpose. Lorger flosh guns or lomp holde,rs offlosh guns (electronic flosh guns) con be mounted on the side of the cqmero with ospeciol brocket. The electric connection between flosh gun ond comero is effected bythe flosh coble which is plugged into the flosh socket (14). Speed ond operture for flqsh shots The fostest speed for flosh guns with type MX-l/PF-l or AG-l bulbs is 1/so second. Inihe cose of electronic flosh guns, speeds of up to 1/roo second con be used. As for os the operture setting is concerned, you will find detoils on the pocking moteriolor printed literoture of ihe flosh bulbs or electronic flosh guns in the form of so colledguide numbers. The operture setting is obtoined by dividing the relevont guidenumber by the distonce in feet between the subiect ond the flosh gun. T h u s : oper-ture : guide number : distonce. Exo m p r e : Yyil, t:?:!, : operrure setins 4.dtstonce d reel - ll -

Voigtliinder Filters These ore hord cooted ond hove o 32 mm dio. push onmount., Every filter, with the excepiion of the ultro-violel ond skylight filter, colls foro slighily lohger exposure or o cbrrection of the operture. Yellow filter G l.5x Slight filtering effect fo,r outdoor shots. ldeol for sports,oction subjects ond pictures ioken when the sun is low in the sky.Filter foclor; l.5x or open the lens operture byllz stop.Yellow filter G 3 x lrt;::tJ.[i!ililllo;i.1[::..d other outdoor subiects; Filter focior: 3x or open the operture by l1lz slops.Green filter Gr 4x Brightens green lones in londscopes. Recommended for orti-ficiol light portroits ond for copying coloured originols.Filier foctor: 4x o.r open ihe operture by 2 stops.Oronse filter Or 5 x i[:*il o::l:?lYiJ:r dromotic effecis Reduces otmospheric Filfer foctor:5x or open the lens operiure by 2t/z stops.Absorbs ultro-violet rodiotion in high mountoins or ot theseoside. Eliminotes unpleosont blue costs in colour shots.Requires no increose in exposure.Its effect corresponds to thot of the ultro-violet filter com-bined with o weok conversion filter. The ultro-violet rodioiionof the light is fully obso.rbed. Requires no increose in exposure. Ultrq-violet filter UV SkylighiTlter Sf : -12- www.orphancameras.com

Cfose-ups with the VITO CLR Proximeter DO not miss this foscinoting ond interesiing field. You enter on eniirely new world, o microcosm of smoll obiects ond onimols. Whether you ore interested in flowers, fish or insect life, coins, smoll obiets dqrt or postoge sfomps, you ore oble to record it oll iust os you see it with the Voistldnder PROXIMETER. The speciol odvontoge of this ideol focusing unil is thot it mokes possible monuolly held close-ups down to o distonce of l0 inches from the subiect. The comerq is reody to shoot of ony time, on importont foctor in the cose of moving or live obiects. At the some time the proximeter compensotes for the finder porollox. The Voigtlcinder PROXIMETER system uses two supplementory lenses. One is o positive meniscus which fiis in front of the comero lens, the other is. o spheiicol-prismotic lens unit which fits over fhe rongefinder ond deflects the two meosuring roys. This couples the rongefinder ond the lens for the close ronge os occurotely os over the normol focusing ronge from 3t/z feet to oo -13-

Cfose-ups with . the VITO C[ Ccl merrr The VITO CL comero hos no cou-pled rqngefinder. The PROXIMETER,therefore, connof be used with it.But you con ochieve the identicolpicture effect for close-ups of lessthon 3rln teet by using FOCAR len-ses ond the PROXIRECT ottochmentto compensqte for the finder po-rollox. We sholl be pleosed to forwordyou upon request o comprehensivetoble of settings with detqils ofpicfure scoles, depth of field rongeetc. -14- Focqr Focusing Tqble Scole I Distonce between f ront of lens ond subiectseftingFocorl I Focor2 | f1+2t_t__il | ilr I rv 2 7rlr111h11ullu103/+101/210U2101h101/+1}9Uz9rlzu9r/tu9rh983/s83/t 65 | 2 6tl+O | 2 Srhu23 | 2 31/216 | 2 3t13 | 2 2rlroV | 2 11/2l0 | 2 03/r8 | l113h61/z | 1 101/zus 11g41/z | 1 8o | l 7tl24 117u31/z | 1 6n31h | 1 5112 www.orphancameras.com

lnstructions for use of focqr lenses t Focusing: opprooch the subiect with the comero, preferobly on tripod, until you seeit in the viewfinde,r in the desired size. Then, occording to the distonce (see toble,columns ll to lV), fit the oppropriote Focor lens or both lenses (l in front of 2) overthe comero lens mounf.Meosure the exoct distonce between the centre of the lens ond the centre of thesubiect ond set the lens to the oppropriote distonce shown in column I of the toblecorresponding to columns ll to lV. oAperlure ond depth of field: io ensure odequote depih of field, set the operturedown to of leost f/5.6 or f/8. When copying documetris, f/l 1 or f/16 is recommended. o Viewfinder imoge: fit the Proxirect ottochment into lhe occessory shoe of the comeroso thot it is situoted in front of the viewfinder. Then turn the front ond reor scolerings to the exoct distonce between the lens cenire ond subiect. You con now see theviewfinder imoge free from porollox. The slight shodow in the corners, which is dueto the circulor shope of the Proxirect ottochmeni, will of course not oppeor in theoctuol picture. o Exposure: The Focor lenses do not offect the exposure time. The filters must be plocedin front of lhe Focor lenses, ot the some time ollowing for the increose of exposurefoctor.-15-

Photogrophing ogoinsf the Light This is one of the most beoutiful photogrophic subiects. Inleresting outlinesof lighf on people ond obiects, os well os shqdows proiected to the front,give the picture o depth which it is impossible to ochieve wiih ony otherform of lighting. When toking these pictures, however, do not omit to use the lens shodewhich cleors the woy to the lens only for those roys which ore required tobuild up the picture, ond eliminotes ony hormful sidelight. The lotier, regord-less of whefher it comes from the sun, the sky, from woler or from onoriificiol source of light, would be lioble to couse slight refleclions or wouldhove the effeci of diminishing shorpness ond controsi. The lens shode is not only essentiol when photogrophing ogoinst the lighior with ortificiol light, it is equolly useful when toking photogrophs in bodweother to protect the lens ogoinst roin or snow. -16- www.orphancameras.com