Voigtlander Vito Cl Clr Instructions For Use
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This manual is for reference and historical purposes, all rights reserved. This page is copyright@ by M. Butkus, NlThis page may not be sold or distributed without the expressed permission of the producerI have no connection with any camera company On-line camera manual library - www.orphancameras.com This is the full text and images from the manual. This may take 3 full minutes for the PDF file to download depending on your connection type. If you find this manual usefulo how about a donation of $3 to: M. Butkus, 29 Lake Ave., High Bridge, NJ 08829-1701and send your e-mail address so I can thankyou. Most other places would charge you $7.50 for a electronic copy or $18.00 for a hard to read Xerox copy. This will allow me to continue to buy new manuals and pay their shipping costs. Itll make you feel better, wont it? If you use Pay Pal or wish to use your credit card, click on the secure site on my main page.

i.i:i:.i:it:l:i:i.*ili:lilrii r,:::i;::.l:::: rr -:lI: ::tr.: :::ji,l.rlii,I:.,lrii,trl.:,,:::iijl,;,.,,it:, I Fihn speed scqle for DIN rotings 2 Lever of operlure ring 3 Uncoupling lever to disengoge the shutter speed ring when settingthe film speed 4 Bqck lock 5 Lens mount with distonce scole 6 Depth of field scqle 7 Shutter speed ring 8 Shutter speed scqle I Shutler releqse 10 Aperture ring lllustrotion I 1l Film indicqtor in rewind knob 12 Honeycomb cell windowof exposu re meter 13 Control window for exposuremeter when looking from obove 14 Flosh socket t5 Cqble releose sockel 16 Film speed scole for ASA rotings 17 Self-timer lensioning lever I8 Film counler with setting button 19 Tripod bush lllustrotion ll

RGHT HERE is the most imporfont piece of odvice in this cqre- fully prepored booklet: pleose reod it corefully before doing onything else. Prqctice mokes for per- fection, so try out the vorious controls without q film in the cqmerq. Also remember thot the VITO, though extremely siurdy, is qn opticol ond mechonicol precision in- strument. lt, therefore, needs coreful ond sensible hondling. The cqmero will repoy coreful treotment with pe,rfect pictures for mony yeors to come. www.orphancameras.com

Pogelndex: Setting the film speed ......... 2Inserting the film 2Setting the fi lm counter 3Film indicotor 3Setting the exposure ond operfure 4-sSetting the distonce 6-7Aperture ond depth of field 8Viewfinder - releose - ropid winding lever 9Self-timer - flqsh shots 10-11Filters - close-up shots 12-15Photogrophing ogoinst the light 16Hints for colour shots 17H ints for exposu re reod ing 1 8-1 9Unlooding the comerq 20Chonging portly exposed films 20 -I-

Gelting the Camera Recdy . . . with Every New Film Selting the fitm speed: depress the uncoupling lever (3) .ond hold it in this positi6n. Turn the shutter speed ring (7) to the right or left until the speed ioting on the red DIN or ASA scole (1 ond 16) corresponding to the speed of the film in the comero, is opposiie lhe red dot on the shutter speed ring. Then releose the uncoupling lever. This film speed setting is essentiol, os the correct funciioning of the outo- motic exposure control depends on it. Inserting the film: press the locking cqiches (4) together qnd 90.9! the comero. Push thJ film reversing lever (23) to ihe left. The rewind knob (11) springs up; pull it out fully (see illustrotion lll). Anchor the beginning of the film to the hook (26) by o perforotion hole. Drow the.orsJtte ocross the film trock ond insert in the cossette chomber. Now turn the toke-up spool by its lower milled ring until both perforoied edges of the film engoge the sprocket of the tronsport shofi, ond push bock rewind knob fully (see illustrotion lV). Shut the comero. -2- www.orphancameras.com

Setfing the film counter: turn the milled knob (,|8) uniilthe diomond I mork (for o 36 exposure cossette - illus-trolion o) or the O mork for o 20 exposure cossette - illuslrotion c) is opposiie the red dot. Operote the ropidwinding lever ond the releose olternotely uniil the filmcounter indicotes No.36 (illustrotion b) or No.20 (illus- trotion d) for ihe first exposure. From this point onwords the film counter outomoticollyshows the number of exposures still ovoiloble everytime the film is odvonced. ln other words, it runs bocktowords No. l. The film indicqtoris merely intended to remind you of the type of film inseriedin the comero; it does not offect the exposure. Set it beforelooding the film (while the rewind knob is pulled out) byturning the disc: white : block-ond-white film; blue :doylight type colour film, ond yellow : ortificiol light typecolour film. -3-

Seffing lhe Exposure . . . shutfer Speed ond Aperture @ Presel the shutter speedTurn the shutter speed ring (7) until fhe required speed setting clicks intoposition opposite the triongulor A mork. The exposure times from 1/soo lo 1hs second ore outomoticolly timed ofter depressing the shulter releose (9). Atthe B setting the shuiter remoins open os long os you keep the releosedepressed.Speeds of from 1/soo to 1/oo second ore suiloble for monuolly held exposures. For longertimes, porticulorly ot 8, hold lhe comero firmly or moilnt it ono iripod. A coblereleose con be screwed into the socket (15). @ Align the two pointers in the viewfinder by turning the operture ring ilever (2) while pointing the comero ot the subiecf. This is oll: you hqve now lset the correct operture corresponding to the shutter speed.lf the two pointers connot be oligned in the viewfinder within the ronge of the operture r scole (from fl22 to fi2.8), light conditions ore not suitoble for on exposure with thepreselected shutler speed. ln this cose seleci o different spe.ed, provided ihis is possiblein ihe cose of the subiect to be token. - In unfovouroble light conditions the reflecledimoge of the meter ndedle moy disoppeor from view. _4_ r www.orphancameras.com

The olignment of the pointers is normolly mode in the viewfinder, in other words inthe exposure position. Looking from obove into the control window (13) is onlyrequired if the operture, ond thus the depth of field zone, hos first to be determined.The olignment of the pointers in ihe viewfinder, however, musl olwoys be checked priorlo exposure ond, if necessory, correcled. poinlers not oligned r;-l 1_-J correcf olignment -5-

Seffing the Distonce on the VITO CL The red symbols of the three-point setting ore found on the distonce scole (5) between the distqnces o = PORTRAIT: subiect dislonce 4r/tfeet V = GROUP: subiect dislonce 1l feet O = LANDSCAPE: subieci disionce 33 feet Depending on the subiect, either sei the octuql distonce on the scole or simply riit to one of ihe three symbols. This gives you the following depth of field zones, omong others: Aperture I o (!ttrteel)Y (11feet)O (33 feet) f /5.6 tlB +/11 -6- 3rlo to 5 feet 3./, lo 5rl+ feet 3r/t lo 6 feet 81/n to 161/zfeet 71/z lo 23 feet 6/, to 40 feet 161lz feet to oo.|31/u feet to oo10 feet to oo www.orphancameras.com