Voigtlander Vito Cd Instructions For Use
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Shoofing. . . Frome by Frqme The Voigfliinder cryslol-frome viewfinder -The brilliont reflected-frome findersystem shows you the subiecl in noturol size. When sighting you con thereforekeep both eyes open ond hove o cleor view over the surroundings of thesubiect qs well. Pleose note: with subiects ol obout Jr1, Ieel the limits of the field of view oredisploced downwords or sidewoys (occording to whether you hold the comerohorizontolly or upright) os shown by the iwo short lines on the reflected imogefro me. Releosing - Alwoys press the releose genily ond smoothly - never lerk it osthot would produce blurred pictures. The ropid winding lever - After every shot pull out the lever os for qs it willgo (with one full stroke or severol short ones). This iensions ihe shutter,odvonces the film, ond odvonces the film counter. An outomotic lock prevenisoperotion o second time before you hove mode on exposure. Also, you cononly releose ihe shutier ofier working the ropid winding lever. -8-

Unloading the Comero . . . ofter ihe losf Exposure I Rewinding ond removing rhe film - Push the reversing lever to the teft, teilingthe rewind knob iump up. Turn the knob in the direciion of the orrow untilthe I or the O mork reoppeqrs in the film counter window. Then open lhecomero bock, fully pull out the rewind knob, ond remove ihe cossette. Changing Partly Exposed Films With the VITO CD you con olwoys remove o porily exposed film in the middleond chonge it for onother one (for instonce to switch over from blqck-qnd-white fo colour film). I Remember - or, beiler still, moke o nole of - the number of the lost exposed frome, ond rewind the portly exposed film into its cossette. When relooding this film loter on,proceed os olreody described up to the point of setting the film counter to the I mork. Then press the releose, let go, press down ogoin, ond hold it down in this position.Keep on pulling out the ropid winding lever os for os it will qo, until the film counterogoin indicoles lhe number of lhe frome you noted before. Now let go of the releose,work the ropid winding lever once more, ond corry on shooting. -9- www.orphancameras.com

The Seff-Timer Once you hove set the exposure (shutter speed ond operture) ond the distonce,ond tensioned the shutter, pull the smoll red lever (14) sidewoys os for os ilwill go. On pressing the releose, the exposure now tqkes ploce oulomoticollyofter o deloy of qbout ten seconds. You therefore hove iime to toke yourploce quickly in front of the comero. Do nol, however, use the self-timer withthe shutter set to B. Synchronized Flash Shofs Smoll light-weight flosh guns con be mounted directly in the occessory shoeon top of the comero. Lorger guns or the lomp holders of electronic floshunits qre generolly mounted to one side of the comero with o speciol brocket.The flosh coble completes the electric circuit; it plugs into the flosh socket(,|1) on ihe shutter. The shuiter hos only one synchronizing setting: X. For flosh shots (with or withoutthe self-timer) you must therefore use only lhe shutter speeds shown in the tobleopposite. -t0-

The correcf aperture setting con beobloined from so-colled guide numbers,usuolly quoted on the flosh bulbpocking or in the leoflet issued withthe bulb or electronic flqsh unit. Dividethe oppropriote guide number by ihedistqnce in feet between the subieclond the flosh gun on the comerq: theresult is ihe operture to be used. Aperture = Guide No. ;- Distqnce Exqmple: Guide No. 75 Distonce l5 feei So set the operture between f/4 ondfts.6. Flqsh bulbsShutter speed Philips PF IPF5PF 25Osrom XM IXM5Mozdo 1No. 1G.E.C. r No. 51./go second G.E., M2Sylvonio, M 5etc. No. 0No. 5No. 25 Eleclronic floshShutter speed Instont firingl/so to 1/zso second - ll - www.orphancameras.com

Meler Reodings . . . in o Nutshell Generolly you get o relioble exposuresetting by pointing lhe exposure melerstroight ot the subiect from the comeroposilion. This so-colled reflected lightmeosurement is suiloble for oll overogeconditions without excessive conlrosts oflight ond shode. Out of doors - especiolly with openviews - it is odvisoble to poini thecomero slightly downwords os the brightsky reflects for more light thon theociuol subiect. Exceptions ore cloudstudies wilh figures, buildings, or otherlondscope feolures deliberotely render-ed os silhoueiles; olso beoch ond snowscenes. -12-

A,s/\f^/@ ln some coses o more occuroie woy oftoking reflected light reodings is neces-sory, nomely close-up reodings. Thismoy orise with bright obiecis ogoinsto dork bockground, wilh close-ups withlhe oid of Focor lenses, ond with neorlyoll ,picfures of people, especiolly por-troits. For o close-up reoding go neor enoughto the subiect lo loke in only lhe porlsthot reolly motter. Toke core not locosl o shodow over the oreo which youore meosuring. Pls- t -13- www.orphancameras.com

Close-up s w ith Suppfemen - iary Focsr Lenses Do not miss this foscinoting ondinteresting f ield - you enter ocompletely new world, o microcosmof smoll obiects ond onimols. Whether you ore interested in blos-soms, oquorium or insect life, coinsor postoge stomps - you ccrn re-cord it oll iust os you see it, withthe Voigtlcinder Focor lenses ondthe Proxirect viewing unit. The Focor lenses permit the comeroto opprooch ihe subiect closer thonthe usuol 3rlz-tool focusing limit; inthis woy the subiect is reproducedoppreciobly lorger. -14- Focor Focusing Toble DistonceScoleSetting Distonce fromSubiecttoFrontof FocorlenrFocorl I Focor2 | F1+2ItlillIV oo60onl512V9.s87651.s1a3.5 2 7Llz26Llr2 5rlr2 42 32 22 11122 rtzltlltl a1111lIl8tlr\8\7l 7tlz\6 1 5112Is7t 4tlt\ 1rlzl 4013rlzl3Ur\31231r1 2112I2u1t 1112111h1 101 11 r!r, 1171t1111lElt1Uh10rlr10tl t10rlt10109lt9rlz9rlt998tl r

Using the Focqr Lenses Setting the dislonce - Bring the comero (preferobly mounted on o tripod) close to thesubiect until the lotter oppeors in the desired size in the finder. Then fit the cor-responding Focor lens, or both lenses (No. I ond 2) together, in front of the comerolens - occording to the subiect distonce involved (see columns ll to lV in the tobleopposite). Next meosure the exoct distonce from the front of the lens to the centre of lhe subiect.Look up this disfonce in columns ll to lV, ond troce ocross to column I find thenecessory disionce scole setling on the comero. Set the focusing mounl to this figure. Aperlure ond depth of field - To obtoin sufficient depth of field, stop down to otleost f/5.6 or f/8. When copying documents even f/ll or fl16 is odvisoble. The finder imoge - Insert the PROXIRECT into the occessory shoe of the comero soihot the unit is in front of the finder window. Then set the front ond the reor scolerings to the distonce corresponding to the exoct subject distonce. This now gives youo porollox-free finder imogg. The slight dorkening in lhe corners of the finder imoge,due to the round shope of the PROXIRECT, does nol, of course, oppeor in the picture. Exposure - The exposure is virtuolly not offected by the Focor lenses. Filters shouldbs mounted in front of the Focor lens (remember to ollow for the filter focior). -t5- www.orphancameras.com

Voigtliinder Filters ore hord cooted ond corry o 32 mm. dio. push-on mount. Every filter (exceptfor the ultro-violei filier) needs some extro exposure. The exposure increosein the form of o filfer foctor, is morked on the filter, e.g.4x (exposure without.filter 1/tzs second - with filier r/:o second). Yellow filter G l.5x Slight filtering effect for outdoor shots. ldeol for sports ond Ff;[?,:.?#io.811 ts..:;:*,il:3N, t:ln,,e by r/2 stop.Yellow filter G 3 x Universol filter for londscopes ond other outdoor subiects;indispensoble for snow pictJres.Filter foctor: 3 x, or open the operture by 1172 stops.Green filter Gr4x Lightens green tones in londscopes. Recommended for ortifi-ciol light portroiture ond forcopying coloured oriqinols.Filter foctor: 4x, or open the opertuie by 2 stops.Oronse filter Or 5 x ip:l|1 d.trh?lX?1.r: dromotic effecis. Reduces otmospheric - Filter foctor:5x, or open the lens operture by 2112 stops.Ultrq-violet filter UV Culs out ultro-violet rodiotion in hiqh mountoins or neor fheseo. Eliminote.s unpleosont blue.costs in colour shots. Requiresno exposure Increose. -t6-

17 Viewf inder eyepiece 18 Film trqck t 9 Cqssette chomber 20 Rewind knob fully extended 21 Film reversing lever 22 Ropid winding lever for tensioningthe shutter ond odvoncing the film 23 Film tronsport shofl 24 25 28 Film leqderfixed to the toke-up spool Toke-up spool with hook forottoching the film leoder Shqft of rewind knobto engoge the cossette spool Rewind knobpushed into comero body Sprocket of fronsport shqftengoged in the f ilm perforotions 26 27 You con lood the VITO CD with oll mokes of film on lhe morkel,wherever you moy buy it. Stondord doylight cosselfes of perforoled35 mm. minioture film yield 36 or 20 exposvres24 x36 mm. qnd qreqvqilqble in blqck-qnd-whiie os weli qs colour negotive ondcolour reversql film (for tronsporencies). Mffi +i::#rlli;.i.i:..i*inii+liilii:ll:it.::iil.ii:tiiixtiiiiiaii#lliii\ l*ixililii::H| | lustrotion lV www.orphancameras.com