Voigtlander Vito Cd Instructions For Use
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VITO CD 24 x 36- 35 mm 1 Distqnce scqle with 3,point settings 2 Depth of field scqle 3 Shutter speed scqle 4 Exposure vqlue setling lever 5 Bqck lock 6 Shutler speed ring 7 Scqle ring with operture ondexposure vofue figures 8 Releqse 9 Exposure meler - see poge 4 l0 Film indicotor in rewind knob t I Flqsh sockel 12 Cqble releqse socket t 3 Exposure vqlues with setting index 14 Self-timer lensioning lever 15 Film counler with setting button 16 Tripod bush
Confenfs:pogeSetting the film speed 2 lnserting the film 2 Setting the film counter 3 Thefilmindicotor ....... 3 Setting the exposure ... 4-5 Setiing the distonce .... 6Aperture qnd depih of field 7 Finder - releose - ropid winding lever . .. . I Unlooding lhe comero 9Chonging portly exposed films . I Self-timer - flosh shots . ]0-1] Meter reodings in o nutshell ... . 12-13 Close-ups with Focor lenses 14,-15 Filters -t- www.orphancameras.com
Getting the Camera Reodf . . . with Every New Film I Siling the film speed - Turn the setting control (k) on the exposure meter (seepoge 4) to the leff or right until the film speed figure is opposite the blockindex mork on the oppropriote scole. For exomple, sei it to 32, correspondingto 32 ASA; or lo 17, corresponding to 17 degrees DlN. I This film speed setting is essentiol lo ensure correci exposures with the outomoticI exposure conlrol. I tnserting the film - Press together the locking cotches (5) ond open thecomero bock. Push the film reversing lever (2.|) to the left. The rewind knob(20) springs up; pull it out fully (see illustrotion lll). Push the beginning of the film into the slit of the toke-up spool ond onchorit to the hook (24 ond 28) by o perforotion hole. Drow the cosseite ocross thefilm trock,insert in the cossette chomber,o.nd fully push bock the rewind knob.The rewind shoft (25) must engoge the centre spool of ihe cossette, ond ihesprocket of the ironsport shoft (27) should engoge the film perforotion (seeillustrotion lV). Close the comero bock. -2-
Irf I Setting rhe film counter - Turn{he milled button (15)until lhe diqmond I mork (for o 36-exposure cossette - illustrotion o) or the O mork (with o 20-exposure cossette- illustrotion c) is opposite the red dot. Alternotelyoperote ihe ropid winding lever ond the releose untilihe film counter indicqtes No. 36 (illustrotion b) or No. 20(illustrofion d) for the first exposure. From this point onwords the film counter oulomoticollyshows lhe number of shols still ovoiloble every time thefilm is odvonced. In other words, it runs bockwords loNo. l. The Film lndicotoris intended to remind you of the type of film you hove loodedin lhe comero - it hos no effect on the exposure. Set it before [:tH i^iJ1i[ililIif,[ffi :#i:Linfi lTH fficofour film; ond € : ortificiol light type colour film. 4U L \ftjd www.orphancameras.com
Seffing the Exposure o o i Shutter Speed qnd Aperture Shutter speed ring Setting index Ifor the exposure voluesScole ring with operture ondexposure volue figuresSetting index Ifor the operture-speed combinotion Indicotor windovr of exposure meter Milled ring to turn the red settingpointer in the window (e)Window showing the exposirre volueobtqined DIN filnn speed scole ASA film speed scqle Controlfor setfing the DIN qnd ASA figures
I Toting lhe meler reoding - Turn the milled ring (f) - preferobly with the thumb from behind - to line up both pointers in the window (e). Do ihis whilepointing the comero oi the subiect. For speciol hints see poges 12 to 13. The exposure meter does nol cover brightness ronges in which the pointers connolbe lined up becouse of insufficient or too intense light. ) Sefiing the exposure - Reod off the exposure volue figure obtoined (or inter- medioJe volue) in the window (g). Set this volue on the red scole of the ring (c), by pressing in the lever (4) ond rototing ihe scole ring (c) ond ihe shutter speed ring (o) ogoinst eoch olher os for os required. The operture-speed combinotion octuolly set by this operotion is now visibleopposite the index (d). lf your subiect colls for o different combinotion, turn theshutter speed ring to the left or right until the required speed or operture engogesopposite the triongulor l, mork. Exposure times from llzst lo rho second ore timed outomoticolly by the shutter.When sei to B, the shutter remoins open os long os you keep ihe releosedepressed. A cqble releose con be screwed into the socket (12). -5- www.orphancameras.com
Simpfe Dislsnce Seffings ln oddition to the ocluol djstonce figures, the distonce scole (1) olso corriesthe following red symbols for eosy 3-poini settings: o = PORTRAITS - sublect distqnce 4t/qfeet V = GROUPS - subiect distonce ll feet O = VIEWS - subiect distonce 33 feet According to your subiect, sei the distonce scole simply fo one of these threesymbols. This gives you, omong others; the following depth of field zones: Aperture Io (41lr feet)[ (11 feet) f /5.6flBf /11 3/t to 5 ft.3r/, lo 51/ett.3t/t +o 6 ft. 8r/r lo 161/rtt.7t/z to 23 ft.61/z lo 40 ft. I o (3ileeil _l, 16rt.,ft. to oo 1 13t/z ft. to oo i l0 ft. to oo distonce scole. Here theYou con of course set individuol subiect dislonces on theoccessory Voigtldnder rongefinder is o greof help. -5-
Aperlure clnd Depth of Field The depth of field zone depends on the operture setting, ond covers thot pori of the subiect qreo in front of, ond behind, the focused distonce, which is reproduced on ihe film with occeptoble shorpness. Note thot: lorge operlures (e. g.t2.8) yield limited deprh of field; smoll opertures (e. g. fil6) yield greoter depth of field. Reoding off the depth of field - After seiting the distonce, hold ihe comero in such o wqy thot you con see lhe operture figures on the depth of field scole (2) oi lhe some time os the distonce scole (l). The depth of field zone now extends from lhe distqnce figure obove ony given left-hond operture number to the distonce figure obove the corresponding operture number to the right of the A mork. -7 - www.orphancameras.com