Voigtlander Vito Automatic 2 Instructions For Use
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Unlooding lhe Film ... qfier lhe Losl Exposure Push ihe reversing lever (20) to the left, letting the rewind knob (24) iump up Turn the knob in the direction of the orrow until the I or the Q mork reoppeors in the film counter window (15). Then open the comero bock, fullypull out the rewind knob, ond remove ihe cossette. Chonging Portly Exposed Film With the VITO ouiomotic ll you con olwoys remove o portly exposed film in the middle ond chonge it for onother one (for instonce to switch over from block-ond-white io colour film). Remember - or, better still, moke o note of - the number of lhe lost exposed frome, ondrewind the poitly exposed film into its cossette os described obove.- When reloodingthis film loier oh, pioceed os olreody described up lo the point of setting the filmcounter to fhe I or Q mork. Then press the releose, let go, press ogoin, ond hold it down in this position. Keep onpullinb out the ropid winding lever os for os it will go, until the film counter ogoinindicotes the number of the frome you noted before. Now lel go of the releose, workthe winding lever once more, ond corry on shooling. -8- I IFi I / www.orphancameras.com
fl I Ir:) ei I I We ore olso going to give you o few furtherhints for correct ond ropid opero- tion of ihe VITO outomolic ll. Finolly, you will leorn something more obout the scope of your comero, how to use filters, ond whot to nole with colour shots. The Crystol-frqme Finder The Releose - The RopidWinding Lever Monuql Conlrol Flosh Exposures Aperlure ond Depfh of Field Using Filters Colour Shofs -9- www.orphancameras.com
The Chryslol-frome Viewfindershows exoctly ond cleorly whol will be included on the film. More- over, ihe finder shows the subiect in full noturol size. When sighting, you con therefore keep both eyes open ond hove o cleor view of the surroundings of your subiect os well. The dot indicotes the frome centre.With subiects qi obout 31/z feet thelimits of the field of view ore disploceddownwords or sidewoys, occording towhether you hold ihe comero horizontol-ly or uprighf. This displocement is shownby the iwo short lines neor the top ofthe brilliont imoge frome. -10- www.orphancameras.com
The Releose Hold the comero perfectly still during exposure, ond press thereleose (7) ge.ntly ond smoothly. Never ierk it, os thot wouldproduce blurred pictures. The threoded socket (11) below thereleose will toke o coble releose for longer exposures (see p. l2). The Ropid Winding lever Afier every shot pull out the ropid winding lever(21)os for os it will go (either with one full swing, orwith severolshort ones). This fensions the shutter, odvonces the firm by onefrome, ond odvonces the film counter. An outomotic lock prevents operotion of the ropid windinglever o second time before you hove mode on exposure. Also,you con releose the shutter only ofter operoting the ropidwinding lever. The outomotic confrol with operture indicotiononly comes into oction then, too. - ll - www.orphancameras.com
Without Aulomofic Control When you turn the conirol ring to the Monuell ronge, you disengoge theoutomotic exposure control. You con now combine ony one of the operturenumbers with ony shutter speed ot will. On setting the shutter speed ring ioB, the shutter remoins open os long os you keep he releose depressed. This monuol setiing of the comero controls is obove oll necessory for floshshots. Here the following hints moy be useful: - o Mountinge - Fit the flosh gun into the occessory shoe on the top of lhe comero, ondplug the flosh coble of the gun into the flosh socket (10). o Shutter speed - Turn the milled ring (3) io 1/ao second. You con use ony flosh bulbsor electronic flosh unit on fhe morket. o Aperture - The correct setting on the scole (13) con be obtoined from the so-colledguide numbers usuolly quoted on the flosh bulb pocking or in the leoflets issuedwith the flosh unit. To obtoin the required operfure, divide the oppropriole guidenumber by the subiect distonce in feel. Aperture: guide number : distonce. -12- www.orphancameras.com
Aperfure ond Depth of Field The depth of field zone covers thot port of the subieci oreo (in froni of, ond behind, the focused disionce) which is reproduced in ihe picture with occept- oble shorpness. This depth of field depends on ihe operture setting, which you con reod off in the viewfinder or in the little window on top of the comero, when set to AUTO. Note the following rule: - Lorge operlures (e. g. I/2.8) yield limited depth of field; Smqll operlures (e. g. f/.|6) yield greoter deplh of field. After setting the distonce, the depth offield con be eosily reod off : it extends fromthe distonce figure below ony given left-hond operture number to the distonce figurebelow the corresponding operiure number to the right of the index mork y. lf you need o smoller operture thon shown by lhe pointer, pre-sei o longer exposureiime (if permissible for the subiectl). This outomoticolly yields o smoller operture ondincreoses the deoih of field. -t3- www.orphancameras.com
Using Filters With the VITO outomoiic ll you. con .ignore oll filter foctors for speciol exposureisimply mouni the {ilter in front of lhe lens ond lhe exposure is outomqticolly correcti Filter Lightens DorkensApplicotions lisht Yellow I 1..Medium Yellow i ureen G 3 Oronge BlueI Sport ond oction shots,I pictures with low sun J Londscopes (summer, snow),I ouidoor portroils Green Gr 4GreenRedVioleJB lue Spring ond summer subiects,ortificiol light poriroits,copying of coloured originols Oronge Or 5OrongeRedYellow BlueG reenLondscooes, cloud effects,distont v;ews Ultro-violetUVCuts down ullrq-violet rodiotion ot hioh olliiudes oT neoT rne seo,Eliminotes unpleosonl blue cosls in colour shols. Sky filler -14- A combinqtion of the ultro-violet filfer ond o weok conversion filterll completely eliminqtes the ultro-violel port of the spectrum. www.orphancameras.com
Colour Shols ore iust as eosy io toke os block-ond-whiie pictures. Subiects with lorge oreos of colour, but without greot brightness differences, moke lhe best colour pictures. PIoce people ogoinst o quiel neutrol bockground whenever possible, to moke them stond oui; outdoor porlroits qre best token by slightly hozy su nlighi. Wiih londscopes oim io gel o colourful ond live foreground inio ihe piclure. For mounioin ond seoside pictures use ihe ulfro-violef (UV) or the sky filter, which both eliminote disiurbing blue cosis. With doylight shots you con light up shodows by whiie refleciing screens or with o blue flosh bulb or electronic flosh. Avoid mixed lighiing (e. g. tungsten lomps used iogether wiih doylight), os this leods io colour disiorlion. -15- www.orphancameras.com
Useful Smoll Accessories o lf you hove ony difficulty in estimoting distonces, use ihe Voigtlcinder slip-in rongefinder. O Voigtlcinder olso moke o flosh gun. This will enoble you to moke delightful shots indoors, in dull weoiher, ond even in twilight. This flosh gun gives oll the light your picture needs ond qssisls you in the recording of lively scenes in oll iheir nqturolness. a Our speciol brochure Aiming high tells you in detoil obout our full ronge of comero occessories. Your Deoler will be pleosed to give you o copy. _16_ www.orphancameras.com
Successful Resulls ond long life of your voluoble VITO outomotic ll dependlorgely on proper cqre qnd correcl operqtion. o Therefore olwoys hondle ihe comero gehtly, ond neveruse force. a Prolecl the cqmero ogoinsi hord knocks ond do nol dropit. When trovelling by cor, do not keep the cqmerq inthe glove deporlment. ln the long run ihe vibrolion lheremoy horm the photo-electric exposure meler. o Cleon the lens only wifh o sofl, fluffless, cloth. Firstcorefully dust off coorse porticles of gril (or sond ot theseoside) with o sofl soble brush. Finger morks ond olhertroces of greose on ihe lens surfoce or lhe viewfinderwindow con be removed with o piece of colton woolmoistened with pure olcohol or ether. www.orphancameras.com