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Voigtlander Vito Automatic 2 Instructions For Use

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    , POSTED 6-27-04
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    k KtO
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    illi irdlli.4ll.Ar
    Depth of field scqle,used in coniunction with thedistonce scole
    Dislonce ring
    Shutter speed ringwith milled setting rim
    Bock lock
    Film speed scole for DINwith milled setting ring
    Conlrol ring, set to AUTO foroutomotic operture setting
    Fis. I
    7 Shutler releqse
    8 Sighting window for the oulomoticoperture setting
    9 Film type indicolor in rewind knob
    l0 Flosh sockel
    Il Threoded sockel for coble releoseor self-timer
    12 Film speed scqle for ASA,with milled setting ring
    13 ,,MANUA[ operlure scoleon the control ring
    14 Tripod bush
    15 Film frqme counlerwith milled setiing button
    *,I1ow to use
    Set the Dislonce
    On o cleor sunny doy, there is no need to set the distonce ring (2) to the
    exoci footoge. According to your subiect, simply set this ring to one of the
    three symbols which you will find between the footoge figures -
    O : PORTRAITS - corresponding to o distonce of 4Llzleet
    V : GROUPS - corresponding to o distonce of ll feet
    O : VIEWS - corresponding to o distonce of 33 feet
    only when the light is very poor, ond when toking flosh pictures (see p. 12)
    should you set the red triongle V to the exoct distonce by turning the
    distonce ring; this is porticulorly importont in the cose of portroits ond
    You will find o row of operture numbers on both sides of the red index mork
    opposite the dislonce ring; ihedepth of field con be reod off here (see p. 13).
    ... And Shooting is Simple
    Set the control ring lo A; this engoges the oulomotic  exposure control, ond the exposure meter pointer now 1]moves freely in ihe viewfinder (on the right) ond on topof the comero.
    Pre-sef the Shuiler Speed - by turning the milled ring (3) to bring the reddot opposite the required exposure iime. 30 : 1/30 second . . . 500 :l/500 second. See p.12 for informotion on the 8 setting.
    Tqke the picture - by looking through the viewfinder while sighting thesubiect. lf the exposure meter pointer is wiihin the white oreo; press thereleose . . . ond you hove token your picture.
    lf the pointer, even. with lhe longest exposure time of 1/ro second, moves into thetip of ihe red oreo beyond 2.8, tha lighf is insufficient for on expoiure.The dots beiween the operture figur-es 2.8,5.6,l I ond 22 indicote ihe positions forthe intermediote volues 4,8 ond .l5. see olso Aperture ond Depih of Field on p. ,l3.
    Now thot you know how beoutifully eosy
    picture toking is with the VITO outomo-
    iic ll, we sholl show you how to lood
    ond unlood the film. Noturolly, your
    photogrophic deoler will glodly do it for
    you - but it is so simple thot sooner or
    loter you will wont to do it yourself.
    Setting the Film Speed
    Inserting the Cqssette
    Seiling the Film Counler
    Sefiing the Film Type
    Unlooding the Film
    Chonging Portly ExposedFilms
    Setfing the Film Speed
    The scoles for the ASA ond DIN film
    speeds ore situoted on the front of the
    lens. Moke it on obsolute rule to set
    the film speed before looding o film
    cossetie into the comerq. Correct ex-
    posures depend on this setting.
    To sei the speed, turn the lorge milled
    ring (5) to the left or io the right io
    bring the red index mork opposite the
    film speed figure for the film looded.
    The eosiest woy to turn the milled ring
    is io use both thumbs. The film soeed
    is usuolly morked on the f ilm pocking.
    Inserling the Film Cosselte
    Press together ihe locking colches (4) ond open ihe comero bock.
    Push the film reversing lever (20) to the left. The rewind knob (.|9) springs
    up; pull it out fully (see Fig. lll).
    Anchor the beginning of the film to the hook (23). Drow the cossette ocross
    the film trock, inserl it into the cossette chomber, ond fully push bock the I
    film rewind knob. Now turn the milled ring ot the boitom of the toke-up
    spool until lwo teeth of the film sprocket engoge two film perforotions (see
    Fig. lV). Then close the comero bock. t
    You con lood with ony moke of perforoted 35-mm. film on the morket. The usuol doylightcossettes yield 36 or 20 exposures 36 x 24 mm. - in block-ond-white or in colour.
    The cossettes ore light-iight. Nevertheless, do not expose them to sirong light. Above ?
    oll olwoys lood ond unlood the comero in the shode - even the shodow of your ownbody will do.
    Selting the Film Counter
    Turn the milled button (.l5) until the diomond Imork (for o 36-exposure cqssette - illustrotion o)or the Q mork (for o 20-exposure cqssette - illu-strotion c) is opposite the red dot. Alternotelyoperote ihe ropid winding lever ond the releqseuntil the film counter indicotes No.36 (illustro-tion b) or No. 20 (illustrotion d) respectively forthe first exposure.From this point onwords the film counter outomoiicollyshows the number of shots siill ovoiloble every time thefilm is odvonced. In oiher words, it counts bockwordsto No. I.
    The Film Type Indicator (9)is intended only to remind you of the iype of film yourcomero is looded with - bui it hos no effect on the ex-posure. Set the indicoior - by roioiing the disc - ofierhoving pulled out ihe rewind knob -White : block-ond-white film;Blue : doylight type colour film;Yellow : ortificiol light type colour film.-7-
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