Voigtlander Vito 2a Instructions For Use
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Setting the DistqnceYou cqn determine the subiect distqnceby estimotion, or, better still, with theqid of qn qccessory rongefinder. TheVoigtliinder clip-on rongefinder is porti-culorly suitqble for this purpose. lts robusldesign qnd speciol supqrenl conlrqst mir-ror ensure qbsolute qccurocy over trmeosuring rqnge from infinity to 3 feet. To focus the comero lens, turn the lorgemilled ring corrying the disfonce scoleuntil the oppropriote distonce f igure isopposite the triongulor A index mork(see illustrotion). The scole olso corriestwo odditionol morks: I of obout ll feet,ond O of obout 30 feet. These ore theshopshot focusing settings (see oppositepoge). -20- www.orphancameras.com
Condid oction shots (e. g. of children ot ploy) often yield surprisingly live pictures. On such occosions do not woste time over focusing on on exoct distonce. In- steod, set the focusing scole to the neor zone mork V for subiects between B ond 17 feet, or fo the for zone mork O for subiects between 17 feet ond inf inity. You must, however, stop down to of leost f/5.6 to ensure odequoie depth of field. Provided the light is good enough, these focusing zones ore very usef ul when photogrophing sports subiects, where distonces moy chonge very suddenly. -21 - Snqpshot FocusinE www.orphancameras.com
The Ropid Winder ond Double lnterlock One full movement of the ropid windinglever tronsports the film ond odvonces thefilm counter. The spring then returns thelever to its originol position. The ropid winding lever con of courseolso be worked in o number of shortmovements. In thot cose keep pulling thelever until it locks. The outomotic double interlock preventsthe ropid wind ing lever f rom beingoperoted o second fime before the shutteris releosed. At the some time, the shuttercon only be releosed once the film hqsbeen odvonced. Note: Do not press the reversing lever (.|6)between exposures. Otherwise the doubleexposure lock comes into oction, ond youlose o frome. -22- www.orphancameras.com
Holding qnd Releosing For shooting we suggest you hold thecomero os shown in the illustrotions onthe right. Keep the eye close to the findereyepiece so thot qll four corners of thefinder field ore cleorly visible. When releosing the shutter, hold yourbreoth, ond smoothly depress the releosebutton os for os it will go- never iob of it.Short instontoneous exposures (,/ro secondor f oster) ore usuo lly token with the co-mero held in the hond. Avoid holdingthe comerq unsupported for exposureslonger thon 1/so second; prop up yourorms or leon ogoinst something solid. For time exposures with the shutter set to oBo preferobly mount the comero on o tripod, ondreleose the shutter by rneons of o coble releose.This screws into the coble releose socket (11).-23- www.orphancameras.com
Flqsh Shots Both the Pronlo qnd the Prontor-SVS shutterspermit synchronized f lqsh shots up to f hefqstesl shutter speeds. Any flqsh gun on themqrkel cqn be connecled to the shufier. Pleqse Note: With block-ond-white film the flosh (cleor orblue bulbs, or electronic flosh) con be usedon ifs own, or combined with doylight orortif iciol light sources such os tungstenlomps. With doylight colour film only blue cootedflqsh bulbs or electronic flosh cqn be usedqs supplementory lighf. With the ortificiollight types of colour film only cleor floshbulbs should be used. -24- www.orphancameras.com
Smoll light-weight units, such os the Voigt- lcinder bottery-copocitor flosh gun, con be fitted directly into the occessory shoe on top of the comero (see illustrotion left). Lorger flosh guns or the lomp holders of electronic flosh units qre generolly fitted to the side of the comero with the oid of o speciol mounting brocket. The flosh coble completes the electric circuit between the flosh unit ond the comero shutter. Push the plug of the coble over the f losh socket on the comero shutter (see illusfrotion right). Worning: Never use the shutter to fire flqsh bulbs from lhe ll0 or mqins. Mounting the Flqsh Gun on lhe Cqmero: contqcts 220 volt -25- www.orphancameras.com
The Synchronizing Settings Flqsh bulbs qnd eleclronic flqsh units differ in their chqrqcteristics such os firingdelay qnd light outpul; the tqble opposite clqssifies them in severol groups. Toensure thqt the peok brighlness of the flqsh co-incides with the instqnt when fheshutter is fully open, there qre lwo types of synchronizqtion. Mt qnd X. o The Pronto shutter is only X-synchronized. Flosh shots (with or without the self-timer) ore possible only with the types of flosh ond shutter speeds given in thetoble under X (red). The shutter requires no speciol setting. c The Prontor-Svs shutter is X- ond M-synchronized. Before toking o flqsh shottherefore select the oppropriote synchronizotion by moving the synchronizinglever to the red dot morked X or the yellow dot morked M. You con then use oltthe types of flosh ond oll shutter speeds listed in the toble opposite underX (Red) or M (Yellow). For flosh shots with the self-timer (with the synchronizing lever of the Pronlor-SVS sel to the green dot mqrked V) use only the shutter speeds listed in the tobleunder X (Red). -26- www.orphancameras.com
9oPo 3ar aF -.IE =6i,r -LL.coIi-g 3vr=x 6i*:E=EEiE aOof, oo\o OOoc oO\o Loo-lutxgFi Ia---=og.nF(,tr3n oo(Y) oro(\l o oc/) o oq?. o o0.tF*DEs-noVVElr- O= =.nu-.nav, FtO;=il= i =cuXo-Xrooc) to d. o R?-tngIL9o.= CL6Ft-rFIglI| ,hDo9oo.=g lJ-tnc u.9 .9 .9- !- r- t-frE t r6q) o sofrur lrr;ur.+ Or--a^lr\Ul d= = a= .9 .9t- l-.F11Uooo3 E 3 E -E -=-9g9i9E= ; = ; ot c)f 6 f o O.h= .9 .9.9 u.9 ut- t- r-i- r- i-{-ra--l-!_u-u_E!_uEoru trr ur E ur E; .= gg*,8*S;t -27 - oEootl-.tltiorF{-fF-at, 9-aoa:3}tl www.orphancameras.com
Voigtliinder Filters qre mqde of spectroscopicolly tested opticol gloss, dyed in the mqss, qnd hqrdcoqled. The filter fqctors given below qre qpproximqle vqlues, qs they necessorilydepend on the colour sensitivity of the blqck-qnd-white film used, qnd on the pre- voiling ligth conditions qt the lime of the exposure. Yellow Filter G 1.5 x Yellow Filter G3x Green Filter Gr 4 x Oronge Filter Or 5 x Ultrq-violet Filter UV -28- Slight filtering effect for outdoor shots requiring short exposures,such os sports ond oction subiects, ond pictures with low sun.Filter fqctor z ltlz times, or open operture by tlz stop.Universol fitter for londscopes ond other outdoor subiects;indispensqble for snow pictures.Filter fqctor: 3 times, or open operture by l1lz stops.Lightens green tones in londscopes. Recommended for ortificiollight portroiture ond copying of coloured originols.Filter fqctor: 4 times, or open operture by 2 stops.Strong filter effect through opprecioble suppression of blue light.Reduces otmospheric hoze in distqnt views.Filter foctor: 5 times, or open operture by 21lz stops.Cuts out ultrq-violet rqdiotion in high mountqins or neqr the seo.Eliminotes qny unpleosont blue cost in colour shots. No exposureIncreose requlreo. www.orphancameras.com
Voigtliinder Focqr Lenses The Focor supplemenlory lenses €x- tend your scope to the highly inleresl- ing field of lorge close-ups of smqll obiects qnd qnimqls (f lowers, coins, insecls, elc.). They ore qlso eminently suitqble for copying book pqges, postcge slomps, qnd smqll illustrqtions. In effect, the Focor lenses shorten the focol length of the comero lens, ond thus permit the Comero to opprooch closer to the subiect thon the normol limit of 3tlz feet. We sholl be pleosed to supply on request o detqiled in- struction booklet with doto for scoles of reproduction, depth of field, etc. Focqr Clos€-Focusing Tqble Co meroset toSubiect-lens distonce withFocor l I Focor 2 lFocor2*l oo60 o201s12 Vt0876s1.s13.s 2 Tlzo2 6rlt2 Srlt242 3z 22 11122lll13lt11101lo\ 831t10 8ul7u1 6 1 #lzulsl 431tl 4112l 41 !12,1 3rlt\ 3rltI ?l{l Vlzl 21 lrlzl ltlt11l Uzu 11rlt11110l03la 10rlzlUlz10rlt10rlt10010931tVlzo9rlE98rlt -29 - www.orphancameras.com