Voigtlander Vito 2a Instructions For Use
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Setting the Film Counter Fully pull out the ropid winding lever (20).Push the revers-ing lever (.|6) to the left (this extends the rewind knob),ond keep pushing the film counter setting button (2.|) to the aright until the letter F oppeors below the red triongulor V index in the curved film counter window (14).(See illu-strotion). Push the rewind knob bock into the body, ondpull out the ropid winding lever qs fqr qs it will go. Work the reversing lever o second time, ond immediotely 1 push bock the extended rewind knob into the body. Fullypull out the ropid winding lever once more. No. I (for the first exposure) is nowbelow the red V index (see illustrotion). Every time the film is odvonced, thefitm counter outomoticolly shows the coirect frome number. 1 Setting the Film IndicotorRotote the disc in the rewind knob in lhe direction of the orrow until the index line on themilled ring is opposite the oppropriote morking. The block figures indicote film speeds ofblock-qnd-white film in ASA index numbers ond DIN degrees; the red letters stond for one lof the following types of colour film looded into the comero:D (T) : Doylight fype reversol film I ND (NT) : Doylight type negotive filmA (K) : Artificiol light type reversol film I NA (NK) : Artificiol light type negotive film-r0- www.orphancameras.com

After the lost shot the exposed film must be rewound into its cqsselle. Proceed qs follows: o Push the reversing lever to the left toextend the rewind knob (see illu-strotion). o Turn the rewind knob smoothly in thedirection of the orrow. At the some timewotch the film counter window; the f ilmcounter will now count bockwords fromthe number of the lost exposure. o When the letter oFo reoppeors belowthe red Y index mork in the counterwindow, the film is fully rewound. ltcon now be removed by opening thecomero bock ond fully pulling out therewind knob. Unloqding the Cqmerq - ll - www.orphancameras.com

Chqnging Portly Exposed Films Wirh the VITO llo you cqn qlwoys unloqd q portly exposed film qnd chonge over lo qnother one (e. g. from blqck-qnd-white to colour) without q dqrkroom. 1 o Rewind the portly exposed film into its cossette, os olreody described on poge ll. But moke o note of the number of the lost exposure which oppeored in the curved film counter window. 1 c When relooding the portly exposed film, proceed os described on poges B to10, up to setting the film counter to No. l. c Then push the reversing lever to the left (extending the rewind knob), ond keep ) working the ropid winding lever until the triongulor ! index mork in the filmcounter window indicqtes two fromes beyond the number noted when you unlooded the film. \o Finolly push bock the rewind knob into the body, once more pull the ropid winding lever os for os it will go, ond corry on exposing the film in the normol woy. -12- www.orphancameras.com

Briefly press the button (17) underneoth the comero to releose the boseboord (see illustrotion). Pull it out by its two corners until the struts engoge firmly. The lens ponel is now in its toking position. To close, simultoneously depress both keys (10), ond push f he boseboord bock ogoinst the body. Pleqse note especiolly: During oll these operotions ovoid pressing on the releqse button which rises out of the edge of the boseboord during opening, ond outomotic- olly disoppeqrs ogoin on closing. Opening ond Closing the Bqseboqrd -13- www.orphancameras.com

Setting the Shutter Sp,eed qnd Aperture The VITO llo is ovqiloble with either the Pronlo or the Pronlor-Svs shutter withexposure vqlue scqle. Setting the shutter ond operture on models with the Prontoshutter is described below ond opposite. See poges 16 to lB for directions for setting the Prontor-Svs shutter. The Pronto shutter co n be set to B ,X-synchronized (see poges 24 lo 27). To1/25, 1/50, 1/.|00, ond 1/200 second. lt is set the speed, turn the shutter speed ring until the red index line is obove the re-quired exposure time. When set toBu the shutter remoins open os long os the releose button is depressed. The Pronto shutter must be tensioned before every exposu re even when set to B. For this purpose pull the tensioning lever upwords os for os it will go (see illustrotion). -14- www.orphancameras.com

The iris diophrogm of the lens controls the omount of light reoching the film - ondthus indirectly the exposure - os well os the extent of the depth of field. The opert-ure numbers ore 3.5 (moximum operture), 4, 5.6,8, 11, ond 16 (smollest operture).Remember thot the lorger the operture number, the smoller the octuol lens opening,ond vice verso. lt is thus reloted to the exposure time: if for instonce the correctshufter setting ot f/5.6 is 1/50 second, the corresponding volue ot f/B will be 1/25second, ond of f/4 it will be l/.|00 second. For furfher detoils obout operture onddepth of field, see poge 31.To set the operture, move the operture leverso thqt the edge lines up with theindex line corresponding to the requiredoperture number (see illustrotion). After some experience it becomes reoson-obly eosy fo estimote the correct opert-ure-shutter speed combinotion. A photo-electric exposure meter is, however, morerelioble especiolly in difficult lightconditions or with subiects of extremebrightness ronge. -t5- www.orphancameras.com

The Prontor-SVS shutler with exposure vqlue scole corries shutter speeds from I tol/soo s€cond, os well os o B setting for time exposures. lt is MX-synchronized forflosh (see poges 24 to 27). For oll shots without flosh it is immoteriol whether thesynchronizing lever is set to M or X.The Prontor-Svs shutter must be tensioned before every exposure even whenset to oB. To do thot, pull the tensioning lever upwords os for os it will go (seeillustrotion). When set to 8, the shutter opens on pressing the releose buttonond remoins open os long os the button is kept depressed.The operture ond speed controls ore coupled. The relotion between exposure timeond lens opening is expressed in terms ofexposure volues. The exposure voluerequired depends on the prevoiling lightconditions when toking the pictUre; settingthe exposure volue on the shutter olwoysprovides the correct combinotion of opert-ure ond exposure time. A series of suchcorrect combinotions (e. g. 1/do second otf/5.6, 1/so s€cond of f/8, ,/.tt second of f/ll)olwoys corresponds to one qnd the sqmeexposure volue setting. -16- { www.orphancameras.com

t Setting the Exposure Vqlue Pull the operf ure lever slightly outwords, ondset it so thot the red index mork engoges in theserroted rim exoctly on the exposure voluenumber you hod reod off your exposure meter(see top illustrotion). lf necessory, turn theshutter speed ring ogoinst the movement of theoperture lever so thot the lotter con engogeeven the end numbers of the exposure voluescole when oppropriote. This sets iust one of the mony.possible operture-speedcombinotions (e. g. l/so second of t18, for o exposurevolue of ll - see bottom illustrotion). lf o foster shutterspeed is required, simply turn the shutter speed ring tothis speed; thot outomoticolly opens up the lens opertureto correspond to the shorter exposure time. Conversely,the shutter speed ring con be used to odiust the opert-ure, which simultoneously chonges the shutter speed tosuit. ln-between exposure volue seftings CIre olso possiblefor speciolly occurote exposures with colour film.-17 - www.orphancameras.com

Setting the Exposure Vqlue (continued) A given exposure volue setting, however, does nol permit the use of every singleoperture ond shutter speed morked on the shutter. On turning the shutter speedring either the operture scole or the shutter speed scole reoches the limit of itsmovement. Beyond thot no further operture-speed combinotions ore then possibleof the sqme exposure volue.Note: When the speed index (the red line on the shutter speed ring) reoches thefeft-hond end of the speed scole of 8, the shutter opening ond closing is nolonger controlled outomoticolly by the mechonism. With the exposure volueunchonged, expose for 2 seconds in this cose.If you hqve obtoined the operlure-speed combinqlion from qn exposure melerwithout exposure vqlues, the operture ond speed must be set seporotely on theshutter. First turn the shutter speed ring until the red index on if is obove therequired speed morking. Then odiust the operture lever until the pointer indicotesthe qppropriote operture number. The settings ore now coupled to on exposurevolue, ond con be odiusted together qs olreody described.Aperture ond speed setlings wilhouf on exposure meter: In principle proceed os describedobove, but you will hove to esiimote the-correct shutter sileed ondoperture setting. Toovoid wrong settings, pleose note the order: first odiust the shutter speed, ond then theoperture.-18- www.orphancameras.com

Setting the Self-Timer The deloyed oction mechonism (self-timer)built into the Pronto ond Prontor-SVSshutters ollows you to include yourself inyour pictures without hoving to qsk otherpeople to press the button for you. After setting the shutter speed ond opert-ure (or the exposure volue), ond thedistonce, tension the shutter in the usuolwoy. On the Pronto shutter then pull thered self-timer lever sidewoys os for osit will go (see top i I lustrotion). On the Prontor-SVS shutter simply set the syn-chronizing lever to the green dot morked V.On the Prontor-SVS (but not on the Pronto) thesetting of the lever con be chonged ogoin ifdesired without moking on exposure.On pressing the releose button, the shutter willnow open outomoticolly ofter o deloy of obout7 to 10 seconds. Note: The self-timer connot beused with the shutter set to B. -19- www.orphancameras.com