Vodavi Discovery Acd User Guide
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:RUNLQJ ZLWK 5HSRUW 7HPSODWHV8WLOL]DWLRQ 5HSRUWV LVFRYHU\ $& 8VHU *XLGH ,VVXH -XQH Extension Utilization Profile Report To configure an Extension Utilization Profile Report (refer to Figure 19), perform the following steps: Figure 19: Extension Utilization Profile Report Dialog Box 1. Click-on the Report Template button from the toolbar. 2. Select Utilization Reports from the drop down template selection box and click-on Change . 3. Select Extension Utilization Profile Report under the report items, then click-on Edit Item . You can also change, delete, or rename an existing template. 4. The Configure Extension Utilization Profile Report Template dialog box displays. From the Extension Name pull-down box, select the extension that you wish to report on. 5. Select the titles you would like to show in the report by clicking-on the relevant boxes. 6. Determine the Profile Interval. Profile reports are suitable for daily use (on hourly resolution). Define the maximum amount of intervals. 7. Select all other options you would like to show in the report by clicking-on the relevant boxes.

:RUNLQJ ZLWK 5HSRUW 7HPSODWHV $FFRXQW &RGH 5HSRUW ,VVXH -XQH LVFRYHU\ $& 8VHU *XLGH 8. When completed click-on OK, then either add more reports to the template or run the report. Account Code Report An Account Code Report provides historical call statistics data for each account code within a selected account code group. This type of report can be used to measure success rates on sales promotions and advertising strategies. To configure an Account Code Report (refer to Figure 20), perform the following steps: Figure 20: Account Code Report Dialog Box 1. Click-on the Report Template button from the toolbar. 2. Select Standard Reports from the drop-down template selection box and click-on Change. 3. Select Highlight Account Code Report under the report items, then click-on Edit Item. You can also change, delete, or rename an existing template. 4. The Configure Account Code Report Template dialog box displays. From the Account Code Group pull-down box, select the group that you wish to report on. Define the way you want the report to identify the account code. 5. Select all other options you would like to show in the report by clicking-on the relevant boxes.

:RUNLQJ ZLWK 5HSRUW 7HPSODWHV&RQWHQWLRQ 5HSRUWV LVFRYHU\ $& 8VHU *XLGH ,VVXH -XQH 6. When completed click-on OK, then either add more reports to the template or run the report. Contention Reports Contention Reports are utilized to show how much time specific resources (line or agent/individual or group) are unused during pre- specified periods of time. Discovery ACD presents this information in two ways: Standard and Profile. Standard Contention Report A Standard Contention Report provides the percentage of time a variable number of members in a group were simultaneously free or busy. This report can be requested to compare performance among several groups or within a single group. To configure this report (refer to Figure 21), perform the following steps: Figure 21: Configure Contention Report Template Dialog Box 1. Click-on the Report Template button from the toolbar. 2. Select Contention Reports from the drop-down template selection box and click-on Change. 3. Select Contention Report under the report items, then click-on Edit Item. You can also change, delete, or rename an existing template. 4. The Configure Contention Report Template dialog box displays. Make your selection from the Device Type pull-down box. Define the Device Name. 5. Specify maximum amount of items and column width, and indicate if you would like to see cumulative statistics.

:RUNLQJ ZLWK 5HSRUW 7HPSODWHV &RQWHQWLRQ 5HSRUWV ,VVXH -XQH LVFRYHU\ $& 8VHU *XLGH 6. When completed click-on OK, then either add more reports to the template or run the report. Contention Profile Report A Contention Profile Report provides historical time data for the percentage of time a variable number of members in a group were simultaneously free/busy. The interval time governing the time parameters can be configured from 1 minute up to 999 weeks. Profile Reports are suitable for daily use (on hourly resolution). A single report can analyze a line group, an extension group or an agent group. To configure a Contention Profile Report (refer to Figure 22), and perform the following steps: Figure 22: Configure Contention Profile Report Template Dialog Box 1.Click-on the Report Template button from the toolbar. 2. Select Contention Reports from the drop-down template selection box and click-on Change. 3. Highlight Contention Profile Report under the report items, then click-on Edit Item. You can also change, delete, or rename an existing template. 4. The Configure Contention Profile Report Template dialog box displays. From the Device Type and Device Name pull-down boxes, make your selections.

:RUNLQJ ZLWK 5HSRUW 7HPSODWHV&UHDWLQJ D 1HZ 5HSRUW 7HPSODWH LVFRYHU\ $& 8VHU *XLGH,VVXH -XQH 5. Select the titles you would like to show in the report by clicking on the relevant boxes, and determine the Profile Interval. 6. Define the maximum amount of intervals. 7. Select all other options you would like to show in the report by clicking-on the relevant boxes. 8. Indicate if you would like cumulative statistics included in the report. 9. When completed click-on OK, then either add more reports to the template or run the report. Creating a New Report Template In order to create a new report template, perform the following steps: 1. Access the Discovery ACD Reporter by clicking-on the Reporter icon on the toolbar, or by selecting File>Discovery ACD Reporter from the menu bar. The first time Discovery ACD Reporter is selected, it will take a few seconds to open, thereafter the toggle between the two modules is immediate by clicking-on the Reporter and MIS icons (refer to Figure 23). Figure 23: Discovery ACD MIS and Reporter Toolbars 2. To create a new report template, select the Report Template icon on the toolbar (refer to Figure 23), or select Set- up>Report Templates from the menu bar. 3. Enter a new template name in the Report Template dialog box by typing over the existing name. Note that the Change button becomes an Add button when a new name is entered. Click-on the Add button to register the new template name. 4. The template name may not be the text you want on the printed report. Enter the report title you want at the top of the printed report in the Print Name box.

&RPSLOLQJ D 1HZ 5HSRUW &UHDWLQJ D 1HZ 5HSRUW 7HPSODWH ,VVXH -XQH LVFRYHU\ $& 8VHU *XLGH 5. Each of the report items default to those of the last selected report template. You may choose to delete these items and add some of your own. To delete an item, select it by clicking-on it with the left mouse button, then click on the Delete Items button. To add an item, click-on the Add Item button and select an item from the drop-down list that is displayed. 6. Note that when a new item is added to the Report Items list, it appears on the line above the one that is highlighted. Use the Cut, Copy, and Paste Item buttons to change the order of the report items so they will be printed in the order you desire. 7. Once an item has been selected to appear in the report, you may edit it to ensure it is going to show relevant information. To edit a selected item, click-on the Edit Item button, then use the drop-down lists and check boxes to define the parameters of the report item. 8. Once you are happy with your report items, click-on OK and close the Report Templates window. You are now ready to compile your report. Compiling a New Report Discovery ACD compiles new reports based on user-defined parameters. You select all the parameters, including the desired period. With Discovery ACD, * your reports can include information from the very first day it was installed if needed. Before creating a new report, prepare a suitable report template as described above, then perform the following steps: 1. To compile the report, click-on the New Report icon (refer to Figure 24) on the toolbar or select File, New from the drop- down menu. If you have to create a number of Report Items that need to be identical except for the device name, it is best to create the first one and edit it. Next, use the Copy Items and Paste Items buttons to create multiple copies of the report item, then edit each one in turn to change the device name. * Discovery ACD will compile reports in 31-day increments leading back to the first day of installation. Discovery ACD Plus will compile any time parameter.

&RPSLOLQJ D 1HZ 5HSRUW3ULQWLQJ 5HSRUWV LVFRYHU\ $& 8VHU *XLGH ,VVXH -XQH 2. Define the period, range, over which you want to run the report. Enter the shift that the report is monitoring, then select the applicable report template. 3. When all details have been entered, click-on OK, then wait a few moments for your report to be compiled. On your newly compiled report, notice that the header contains information such as the shift name, the start and stop time and date, the creation date, the site name, and the template name. Also displayed is the number of pages in the report (useful to know before you print it). The toolbar provides the means by which you scroll through the pages of the report, and zoom-in for the details of the report using the magnification buttons. Figure 24: Reporter Toolbar On your report, notice that parameters which exceed your alarm threshold appear in red. If you are not using a color printer, these are printed in bold type for clarity. Printing Reports Discovery ACD provides the ability to print generated reports as needed. Reports can be printed either page-by-page, or all pages at once. To print a report, perform the following step: 1. While viewing the report you want to print, click-on the Print icon on the Reporter toolbar, or select File>Print from the drop-down menu. Filtering Data Using Shifts With Discovery ACD, you can select one or all of the parameters for your reports, including the time periods. Reports can reflect predefined shifts that represent working hours of different groups or specific time periods which there are recurring problems, such as Monday mornings and Friday afternoons. Once a shift has been created, you can compile a report (on a previously-created report template that defines the information

&RPSLOLQJ D 1HZ 5HSRUW $GGLQJ )LOWHUV WR 5HSRUW ,WHPV ,VVXH -XQH LVFRYHU\ $& 8VHU *XLGH required for the specified period) using data collected only during that shift. This is particularly useful for a manager who may need to find out what happened during a particular shift when a manager may not have been present. Adding Filters to Report Items To add a filter to a report item within a report template click the Filter button within the configuration dialog box for the report item. A Report Filter dialog box will now appear in which you should do the following: 1. Select an insertion point in the Filter Elements list box and click-on the Add Element button. In the dialog box that appears, choose the type of filter element required and click-on the OK button. 2. Next, double-click the newly-added filter element in the list box and in the dialog box that appears; configure the filter as required. Press F1 if you need help specific to the report element. 3. Repeat stages 1 and 2 if a combinational filter is needed. For example all calls associated with a specific DID number in addition to having a specific account code attached to them. 4. By default, the logical combination of the filter elements is the AND operator. This can be changed to an OR operator by selecting a filter element and checking the OR with previous box to insert an OR operator before the filter element. 5. Checking the NOT box can reverse the meaning of any selected filter element. For example all calls connected to a specific agent, becomes all calls not connected to a specific agent. 6. Click-on the OK button when finished assembling the report filter. When assembling combinational filters, note the order of precedence of the logical operators is NOT followed by AND, followed by OR. For example the logical expression: A AND B OR NOT C OR D AND NOT E actually means (A AND B) OR (NOT C) OR (D AND (NOT E)).

&RPSLOLQJ D 1HZ 5HSRUW([SRUWLQJ DQG ,PSRUWLQJ DWD LVFRYHU\ $& 8VHU *XLGH ,VVXH -XQH Exporting and Importing Data Discovery ACDPlus allows you to conveniently export reports in text format for use in popular spreadsheet software programs such as Microsoft Excel ®. To export data, perform the following steps: 1. First, create a folder on your computer to hold the exported file. Then, click-on the Export icon and save the file in that folder (you will be prompted to rename the file). 2. To import the file into a spreadsheet (into MS Excel, for example), select File, Open, then select Files of Type, to be Text Files. Locate the file to be imported, highlight it, then click-on OK. 3. Ensure that the data type is delimited, select comma as the delimiter, click-on Finish. The data should now appear in the spreadsheet. Saving Generated Reports Discovery ACD provides the ability to save and later recall any report generated. To save a report, perform the following steps: 1. Select File>Save from the drop-down menu. 2. Define the drive and folder where the report should be saved. 3. Name the report and click-on OK. Recalling a Saved Report To recall a previously saved report, perform the following steps: 1. Select File>Open from the drop-down menu. 2. Define the correct drive and folder where the report was saved, then select the report and click-on OK.

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