Vodavi Discovery Acd User Guide
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*UDSK :LQGRZV&UHDWLQJ D FRPSRVLWH UHDO WLPH VFUHHQ LVFRYHU\ $& 8VHU *XLGH ,VVXH -XQH Figure 2: Composite Real Time Screen Graph Windows Discovery ACD also allows you the option of displaying certain device clients in a graph-window format. Graph windows use information from super groups – super groups must be set up in the Configurator. 1. Open the Configurator. Select the Edit Super Groups button for the device to which you wish to add a Super Group. 2. Click-on the next number on the...
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6WDWLVWLFV :LQGRZV &KDQJLQJ 6KLIW,QWHUYDO 7LPH &UHDWLQJ D FRPSRVLWH UHDO WLPH VFUHHQ ,VVXH -XQH LVFRYHU\ $& 8VHU *XLGH 8. Select the Device Type and in Device Name select the new Super Group. 9. When complete click-on OK, then resize the graph window as appropriate. Statistics Windows - Changing Shift/ Interval Time Advanced Statistics Windows can be used to show real-time displays at designated intervals. The daily/interval times on the real-time statistics can be amended to reflect the...
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6WDWLVWLFV :LQGRZV &KDQJLQJ 6KLIW,QWHUYDO 7LPH8VLQJ $OWHUQDWLYH /DEHOV LVFRYHU\ $& 8VHU *XLGH ,VVXH -XQH Using Alternative Labels The titles in all statistics windows can be changed to reflect the appropriate information. To change the titles in the darkened area of the Statistics Windows (as displayed in Figure 4), use the alternative label feature, and perform the following steps: Figure 4: Agent Statistics Window. For further information on any part of this window box, refer to Help by...
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/DUJH &KDUDFWHU :LQGRZV /RFN )XQFWLRQ ,VVXH -XQH LVFRYHU\ $& 8VHU *XLGH 2. Create a new Real-time Statistics window (or you can change the properties of an existing statistics window). 3. Open up the properties for the window by clicking-on the icon or right-clicking the window. 4. In the Displayed Parameters box select the parameters you want to show in the window. 5. In the same box, select the parameter of which you wish to change the name. With the parameter highlighted, click-on the...
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6WDWXV :LQGRZV$ODUPV &RQILJXUDWLRQ LVFRYHU\ $& 8VHU *XLGH ,VVXH -XQH 3. Select the same device type as the window containing the parameter. 4. Select the same device name. 5. In the parameter list select the relevant title, i.e. Agent number, Agent name (short), Agent Name (long). Status Windows Alarms Configuration With Discovery ACD, audible and visual thresholds can be configured to help alert managers of particular situations and address immediate issues. The alarm feature can be set up...
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6WDWXV :LQGRZV $ODUPV &RQILJXUDWLRQ ,VVXH -XQH LVFRYHU\ $& 8VHU *XLGH Figure 6: Alarms Configuration Dialog Box. For further information on any part of this dialog box, refer to Help by pressing the F1 key on your keyboard. 1. Select Setup , then Alarms from the pull-down menu. 2. From the Alarms Configuration dialog box (refer to Figure 7), click-on Audible Alarms to enable the alarms. Figure 7: Alarms Configuration Dialogue Box. For further information on any part of this dialog box, refer...
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:KDW LV WKH 5HSRUWHU+RZ RHV WKH 5HSRUWHU :RUN LVFRYHU\ $& 8VHU *XLGH ,VVXH -XQH 4. To apply a filter select the device you wish to filter. Now select the filter group and remove the ticks on the alarm thresholds you do not want to be audible. 5. When complete click-on OK, and then Close. What is the Reporter? The convenience and flexibility of Discovery ACD goes beyond an extensive set of user-configurable real time displays, visual feedback, audible and visual alarms, and color-coded...
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5HSRUW &RQFHSWV DQG 7HUPLQRORJ\ HYLFHV ,VVXH -XQH LVFRYHU\ $& 8VHU *XLGH Report Concepts and Terminology To understand the Discovery ACD Reporter, it is vital to understand some of the key concepts and terminology used in the product. Reference is made to devices, templates, shifts and filters, which are all described in this section. Devices Discovery ACD treats lines, DIDs, extensions and agents as devices. Create “groups” and “super groups” of devices; a group is simply a collection...
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5HSRUW &RQFHSWV DQG 7HUPLQRORJ\HYLFHV LVFRYHU\ $& 8VHU *XLGH ,VVXH -XQH Table 1: Devices Device Description Lines In the context of Discovery ACD, a line represents either one of the external trunks connected to the switch being monitored, or one of your network tie lines connecting the monitored switch to an external switch. Each line can handle one telephone call at a time. Calls are denoted as incoming or outgoing calls depending on whether it was originated outside or inside the...
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5HSRUW &RQFHSWV DQG 7HUPLQRORJ\ 6KLIWV ,VVXH -XQH LVFRYHU\ $& 8VHU *XLGH Shifts Before a report can be created, the user must program the appropriate shifts into the Discovery ACD Configurator. In addition to being used to create reports during real working shifts, other shift times can be used to allow the user to better understand what happens outside normal working hours, or perhaps at certain times of the week (for example, on Mondays) or at certain times of the day (such as during...