Vivitek Dw866 User Manual
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— 72 — HDMI Q & A Q. What is the difference between a “Standard” HDMI cable and a “High-Speed” HDMI cable? Rec e ntly, HDM I L ice ns i ng, L L C a n n o u nce d t h at ca b le s wo ul d b e test e d as St an d a r d o r Hi g h- Speed cables. ˙St a n d ar d ( o r “c at e g or y 1 ” ) HDM I c a bl es h a ve b e e n te ste d t o pe r fo r m at s p e e ds o f 7 5M hz o r up to 2.25Gbps, which is the equiva l ent of a 720p/108 0 i signal. ˙ Hi g h Sp e e d ( o r “c at eg o ry 2 ” ) HDM I c a bl es ha ve b e e n t est e d t o p e r fo rm a t s p ee ds o f 3 40 M hz o r up to 1 0. 2 G bp s, whic h is th e h ig h est b a n d wi dt h c ur r e ntl y a va i l a bl e o ve r a n HDM I c a bl e a nd c an su cces s fu lly h an dl e 1 0 80 p si g na ls i nc lu d in g th os e at i ncr e as e d c ol o r d e pt hs an d/ o r inc r e as ed r e fres h ra tes fr om t he S o u rc e. Hig h-S p e e d c a bl es a r e a ls o a bl e to acc om mo d at e higher resolution displays, such as W QXGA cinema monitors (resoluti o n of 2560 x 1600). Q. How do I run HDMI cables longer than 10 meters? Th e r e a re m a ny HDM I A do pt e rs wo rki n g o n HDM I so l uti o ns t h at e xte n d a c a bl e’s e ffec ti ve dist a nc e fr om t h e ty pic al 1 0 m et e r r a n g e t o m uc h l o ng e r l e n gt hs. Th es e c om p a ni es ma n u fact u r e a va r i ety o f so l uti o ns t h at i nc lu d e act i ve c a bl es ( acti ve e le ct ro n ics b uilt i nt o ca bl es th at b oo st a n d ext e n d th e c ab l e’s si g n al ), r e p e at ers , a mp li fie rs as we ll as CA T5 / 6 a n d fiber solutions. Q. How can I tell if a cable is an HDMI certified cable? All HDM I p r o duc ts a re re q ui r e d t o b e c e rti fi e d by t h e ma n u fact u r er as p ar t o f t h e HDM I Com p li a nce Te st S pe ci fic at i on. Ho we ve r , t he r e m ay b e i nst anc es wh e re c a bl es b ea r in g t h e HDM I l o g o a r e a va i la b le but ha ve no t b ee n p r o p er ly t est e d. HDM I L ic en si n g, L L C acti ve ly in ve st ig at es t h es e ins ta nc es t o e ns ur e th at t h e HDM I tr a d em a rk is p ro p e rly us e d in t h e ma rk et. W e rec o mm e n d t h at c o ns um e rs b uy th e ir c ab l es fr om a re p ut a bl e s o u rc e a n d a company that is trusted. For more detail information check

– 73 – SPECIFICATIONS Specificat ions Mode l D863 DX864 DW 866 Displa y type TI DMD 0.55” TI DMD 0.65” Re solution XGA 1024x768 W XGA, 1280x800 Proje ction dista nce 1 ~ 10 m Proje ction scre e n size 25.6” ~ 308” 27.1- 302.2 Proje ction le ns Manual Focus/Manual Zoom Zoom ra tio 1.2x 1.1x Ve rtica l ke ystone corre ction +/- 40 steps Proje ction me thods Front, Rear, Desktop/Ceiling (Rear, Front) Da ta compa tibility VGA, SVGA, XGA, SXGA, SXGA+, UXGA, W UXGA@60hz, Mac SDTV/EDTV/ HDTV 480i, 576i, 480p, 576p, 720p, 1080i, 1080p Vide o compa tibility NTSC (M, 3.58/4.43 MHz), PAL (B,D,G,H,I,M,N) SECAM (B,D,G,K,K1,L) H-Sync 15, 30 – 91.4 kHz V-Sync 43 – 87 Hz Sa fe ty ce rtifica tion FCC-B, cUL, UL, CE, C-tick, CCC, KC, CB, EAC, NOM, SASO, PSB Ope ra tion te mpe ra ture 5° ~ 40°C Dime nsions 285 mm (W ) x 261 mm (D) x 130 mm (H) AC Input AC Universal 100-240V Pow e r consumption Normal:250W ,

— 74 — Projection Distance vs. Projection Size Projection Distance and Size Table XGA D863 / DX864 D863 / DX864 IMAGE DIAGONAL IMAGE WIDTH IMAGE HIGHT PROJECTION DISTANCE FROM PROJECTION DISTANCE TO OFFSET-A (INCH) (INCH) ( CM ) (INCH) ( CM ) (INCH)( CM ) (INCH) ( CM ) ( MM ) 60 48 121.9 36 91.4 76.8 195.1 92.2 234.1 128 70 56 142.2 42 106.7 89.6 227.6 107.5 273.1 149.4 72 57.6 146.3 43.2 109.7 92.2 234.1 110.6 280.9 153.6 80 64 162.6 48 121.9 102.4 260.1 122.9 312.1 170.7 84 67.2 170.7 50.4 128 107.5 273.1 129.0 327.7 179.2 90 72 182.9 54 137.2 115.2 292.6 138.2 351.1 192 96 76.8 195.1 57.6 146.3 122.9 312.1 147.5 374.5 204.8 100 80 203.2 60 152.4 128.0 325.1 153.6 390.1 213.4 120 96 243.8 72 182.9 153.6 390.1 184.3 468.2 256 135 108 274.3 81 205.7 172.8 438.9 207.4 526.7 288 150 120 304.8 90 228.6 192.0 487.7 230.4 585.2 320 200 160 406.4 120 304.8 256.0 650.2 307.2 780.3 426.7

– 75 – WXGA DW866 DW866 IMAGE DIAGONAL IMAGE WIDTH IMAGE HIGHT PROJECTION DISTANCE FROM PROJECTION DISTANCE TO OFFSET-A (INCH) (INCH) ( CM ) (INCH) ( CM ) (INCH)( CM ) (INCH) ( CM ) ( MM ) 60 50.9 129.3 31.8 80.8 78.4 199.0 87.0 221.0 92.9 70 59.4 150.9 37.1 94.2 91.4 232.2 101.5 257.8 108.4 72 61.1 155.2 38.2 97 94.0 238.8 104.4 265.2 111.5 80 67.8 172.2 42.4 107.7 104.5 265.4 116.0 294.7 123.9 84 71.2 180.9 44.5 113 109.7 278.6 121.8 309.4 130.0 90 76.3 193.8 47.7 121.2 117.5 298.5 130.5 331.5 139.9 96 81.4 206.8 50.9 129.3 125.4 318.4 139.2 353.6 148.6 100 84.8 215.4 53 134.6 130. 6 331.7 145.0 368.3 154.8 120 101.8 258.6 63.6 161.5 156.7 398.0 174.0 442.0 185.8 135 114.5 290.8 71.5 181.6 176.3 447.8 195.8 497.2 209.0 150 127.2 323.1 79.5 201.9 195.9 497.6 217.5 552.5 232.2 200 169.6 430.8 106 269.2 261.2 663.4 290.0 736.6 309.6

— 76 — Timing Mode Table SIGNAL RESOLUTION H-SYNC (KHZ) V-SYNC (HZ) COMPOSITE / S-VIDEO COMPONENT RGB DVI/ HDMI NTSC - 15.734 60.0 O - - - PAL/SECAM - 15.625 50.0 O - - - VESA 720 x 400 37.9 85.0 - - O O 640 x 480 31.5 60.0 - - O O 640 x 480 37.9 72.0 - - O O 640 x 480 37.5 75.0 - - O O 640 x 480 43.3 85.0 - - O O 800 x 600 35.2 56.0 - - O O 800 x 600 37.9 60.0 - - O O 800 x 600 48.1 72.0 - - O O 800 x 600 46.9 75.0 - - O O 800 x 600 53.7 85.0 - - O O 1024 x 768 48.4 60.0 - - O O 1024 x 768 56.5 70.0 - - O O 1024 x 768 60.0 75.0 - - O O 1024 x 768 68.7 85.0 - - O O 1280 x 800 49.7 59.8 - - O O 1280 x 800 62.8 74.9 - - O O 1280 x 800 71.6 84.8 - - O O 1280 x 1024 63.98 60.0 - - O O 1280 x 1024 79.98 75.0 - - O O 1280 x 1024 91.10 85.0 - - O O 1280 x 960 60.0 60.0 - - O O 1280 x 960 85.9 85.0 - - O O 1400 x 1050 65.3 60.0 - - O O 1440 x 900 70.6 75.0 - - O O 1440 x 900 55.6 60.0 - - O O 1600 x 1200 75.0 60.0 - - O O Apple Mac 640 x 480 35.0 66.68 - - O O

– 77 – SIGNAL RESOLUTION H-SYNC (KHZ) V-SYNC (HZ) COMPOSITE / S-VIDEO COMPONENT RGB DVI/ HDMI 832 x 624 49.725 74.55 - - O O 1024 x 768 60.24 75.0 - - O O 1152 x 870 68.68 75.06 - - O O SDTV 480i 15.734 60.0 - O - O 576i 15.625 50.0 - O - O EDTV 480p 31.469 60.0 - O - O 576p 31.25 50.0 - O - O HDTV 720p 37.5 50.0 - O - O 720p 45.0 60.0 - O - O 1080i 33.8 60.0 - O - O 1080i 28.1 50.0 - O - O 1080p 67.5 60.0 - O - O 1080p 56.3 50.0 - O - O O: Frequency supported —: Frequency not supported * : Displayable level

— 78 — Projector Dimensions TEMPPOWERLAMP 2 6 1 m m (1 0 .3 ) 1 2 2 m m (4 .8 ) 1 3 0 m m (5 .1 1 ) 285mm ( 11 . 2 2 )

– 79 – REGULATORY COMPLIANCE FCC W arning This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his/her own expense. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the parties responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. Canada This class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Safety Certifications FCC-B, cUL, UL, CE, C-tick, CCC, KC, CB, EAC, NOM, SASO, PSB.

— 80 — APPENDIX I RS-232C Protocol RS232 Setting Baud rate: 9600 Parity check: None Data bit: 8 Stop bit: 1 Flow Control None Minimum delay for next command: 1ms Control Command Structure P1 P2 Pin no. Name Pin no. 1 NC 1 2 RXD 3 3 TXD 2 4 NC 4 5 GND 5 6 NC 6 7 RTS 7 8 CTS 8 9 NC 9

– 81 – Header code Command code Data code End code HEX Command Data 0Dh ASCII ‘V’ Command Data CR Operation Command Note: CR mean Carriage Return XX=00-98, projectors ID, XX=99 is for all projectors Return Result P=Pass / F=Fail n: 0:Disable/1: Enable/Value(0~9999) Command Group 00 ASCII Function Description Return Result VXXS0001 Power On P/F VXXS0002 Power Off P/F VXXS0003 Resync P/F VXXG0004 Get Lamp Hours Pn/F VXXS0005n Set Air filter timer n=0~999999 P/F VXXG0005 Get Air filter timer n=0~999999 Pn/F VXXS0006 System Reset P/F VXXG0007 Get System Status 0: Standby 2:Operation 3:Cooling Pn/F VXXG0008 Get F/W Version Pn/F VXXG0009 Get Alter EMail Pn/F VXXS0009n Set Alter Email [email protected] x P/F Command Group 01 ASCII Function Description Return Value VXXG0101 Get Brightness n=0~100 Pn/F VXXS0101n Set Brightness n=0~100 P/F VXXG0102 Get Contrast n=0~100 Pn/F VXXS0102n Set Contrast n=0~100 P/F VXXG0103 Get Color n=0~100 Pn/F VXXS0103n Set Color n=0~100 P/F VXXG0104 Get Tint n=0~100 Pn/F VXXS0104n Set Tint n=0~100 P/F VXXG0105 Get Sharpness 0~31 Pn/F VXXS0105n Set Sharpness 0~31 P/F VXXG0106 Get Color Temperature 0:Cold 1:Normal 2:Warm Pn/F VXXS0106n Set Color Temperature 0:Cold 1:Normal 2:Warm P/F