Vivitek Dw866 User Manual
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— i — Ver.:1 Copyright This public ation, inclu ding all p hoto gr aphs, illustratio ns an d so ftwa re, is p rotected un der i nter natio nal copyright l aws, wit h all rights r eser ve d. Neithe r this ma nu al, no r a ny o f the mate rial co ntaine d h er ein, m ay be reproduced without written consent of the author. © Copyright 2012 Disclaimer The in fo rmatio n in this document is subject to change without n otice. Th e man ufacture r makes no rep rese ntations or wa rra nties with res pect to the contents her eo f an d specifically disclaims any implied war ra nties of me rcha ntability or fitn ess for a ny particula r pu rp ose. Th e man u factur er r eser ves the rig ht to re vis e this publicati on a nd to m ake chan ges fro m time to time in th e conte nt her eo f wit hout o blig ation o f the manufacturer to notify any person of such revision or changes. Trademark Recognition Kensingto n is a U.S. register ed tra dem ark o f ACCO Br and Co rp orati on with issue d re gistrations a nd pending applications in other countries throughout the world. HDMI, the HDMI Logo, and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or register ed tr ad emarks o f HDM I Licensin g LL C in th e Unite d States an d othe r count ries. All other prod uct names used in this manual are the pro perti es of their respecti ve owners an d are acknowledged.

— ii — Important Safety Information Important: It is strongly recommended that you read this section carefully before using the projector. These safety and usage instructions will ensure that you enjoy many years of safe use of the projector. Keep this manual for future reference. Symbols Used W arning symbols are used on the unit and in this manual to alert you of hazardous situations. The following styles are used in this manual to alert you to important information. Note: Provides additional information on the topic at hand. Important: Provides additional information that should not be overlook ed. Caution: Alerts you to situations that may damage the unit. Warning: Alerts you to situations that may damage the unit, create a hazardous environment, or cause personal injury. Thro ug ho ut this man ual, comp on ent p arts a nd items i n the OSD men us ar e d en oted i n b old fo nt as in t his example: “Push the Me nu button on the remote control to open the Ma in menu.” General Safety Information Do not open the unit case. Aside from the projection lamp, there are no user-serviceable parts in the unit. For servicing, contact qualified service personnel. Follow all warnings and cautions in this manual and on the unit case. The projection lamp is extremely bright by design. To avoid damage to eyes, do not look into the lens when the lamp is on. Do not place the unit on an unstable surface, cart, or stand. Avoid using the system near water, in direct sunlight, or near a heating device. Do not place heavy objects such as books or bags on the unit.

–iii – Projector Installation Notice Place the projector in a horizontal position The tilt angle of the projector should not exceed 15 degrees, nor should the projector be installed in any way other than the desktop and ceiling mount, otherwise lamp life could decrease dramatically, and may lead to other unpredictable damages. Allow at least 50 cm clearance around the exhaust vent. Ensure that the intake vents do not recycle hot air from the exhaust vent. W hen operating the projector in an enclosed space, ensure that the surrounding air temperature within the enclosure does not exceed operation temperature while the projector is running, and the air intake and exhaust vents are unobstructed. All enclosures should pass a certified thermal evaluation to ensure that the projector does not recycle exhaust air, as this may cause the device to shutdown even if the enclosure temperature is with the acceptable operation temperature range. 15° -15° M ininum 500mm (19.69 inch) M ininum 500mm (19.69 inch) M ininum 500mm (19.69 inch) M ininum 500mm (19.69 inch) M ininum 300mm (11.81 inch) M ininum 100mm (3.94 inch)

— iv — Verify Installation Location To supply power, the 3-blade (with earthing lead) socket should be used to ensure proper grounding and equalized ground potential for all of the equipment in the Projector System. The power code provided with the Projector should be used. In case of any missing item, other qualified 3-blade (with earthing lead) power cord can be used as substitution; however, do not use 2-blade power cord. Verify if the voltage is stable, grounded properly and there is no electricity leakage. Measure total power consumption which should not higher the safety capacity and avoid safety issue and short circuit. Turn on Altitude Mode when located in high altitude areas The projector can only be installed upright or inverted. W hen installation the bracket, make sure the weight limit is not exceed and firmly secured. Avoid installing near air conditioner duct or subwoofer. Avoid installing at high temperature, insufficient cooling and heavy dust locations. Keep your product away from fluorescent lamps to avoid malfunction caused by IR interference The VGA IN connector should be connected to the VGA IN port. Note that it should be inserted tightly, with the screws on both sides securely fastened to ensure proper connection of the signal wire for achieving optimal display effect. The AUDIO IN connector should be connected to the AUDIO IN port and CANNOT be connected to AUDIO OUT or other ports like BNC, RCA; otherwise, it will lead to mute output and even DAMAGE the port. Install the projector above 200cm to avoid damage. The power cord and signal cable should be connected before power on the projector. During the projector starting and operating process, DO NOT insert or remove the signal cable or the power cord to avoid damaging the projector. Cooling notes Air outle t Make sure the air outlet is 50cm clear of any obstruction to ensure proper cooling. Air outlet location should not be in front of the lens of other projector to avoid causing illusions. Keep the outlet at least 100cm away from the inlets of other projectors The projector generates a massive amount of heat during use. The internal fan dissipates the heat of the projector when shutting down, and such process may continue for a certain period. After the project enters STANDBY MODE status, press the AC power button to turn off the projector and remove the power cord. DO NOT remove the power cord during the shutdown process, as it may cause damage to the projector. In the meantime, the delayed heat radiating will also affect the service life of the projector. The shutdown process may vary depending on the model used. W hatever the case may be, be sure to disconnect the power cord till after the projector enters the STANDBY status. Air inle t Make sure there is no object blocking air input within 30 cm. Keep the inlet away from other heat sources Avoided heavy dust area

–v – Power Safety Only use the supplied power cord. Do not place anything on the power cord. Place the power cord where it will not be in the way of foot traffic. Remove the batteries from the remote control when storing or not in use for a prolonged period. Replacing the Lamp Repl acing the lamp can be h azar dous if do ne incor rectly. See Replacin g the Projection Lam p on pa ge 63 for clear and safe instructions for this procedure. Before replacing the lamp: Unplug the power cord. Allow the lamp to cool for about one hour. Caution: In rare cases the lamp bulb may burn out during normal operation and cause glass dust or shards to be discharged outward from the rear exhaust vent. Do not inhale or do not touch glass dust or shards. Doing so could result in injury. Always k eep your face away from the exhaust vent so that you do not suffer from the gas and brok en shards of the lamp. Cleaning the Projector Unplug the power cord before cleaning. See Cleaning the Projector page 66. Allow the lamp to cool for about one hour. Regulatory Warnings Befo re i nstalling and using t he p roj ector, re ad th e r eg ulatory notices in the Re gul ator y Compli ance on page 79. Important Recycle Instructions: Lamp (s) inside this prod uct contain mercury. This pro duct may contain other electro nic waste that can be h azar do us if not disp osed o f p rop erly. Recycle or dispose in accord ance with local, state, or fede ral Laws. Fo r mor e inform ation, contact the Electronic Ind ustries Alliance at W W W .EIAE.ORG. For lamp specific disposal information check WWW.LAMPRECYCLE.ORG. Symbol Explanations DISPOSAL: Do not use household or municipal waste collection services for disposal of electrical and electronic equipment. EU countries require the use of separate recycling collection services.

— vi — Main Features Lightweight unit, easy to pack away and transport. Compatible with all major video standards including NTSC, PAL, and SECAM. A high brightness rating allows for presentations in daylight or in lit rooms. Supports resolutions up to UXGA at 16.7 million colors to deliver crisp, clear images. Flexible setup allows for front, rear projections. Line-of-vision projections remain square, with advanced keystone correction for angled projections. Input source automatically detected. About this Manual This man ual is inte nde d for en d use rs an d descri bes h ow to i nstall an d o per ate th e DLP pr ojector. W here ve r possibl e, rele va nt in for mation—such as a n illustration an d its description—has b een ke pt on one pag e. This p rinter-frie ndly for mat is both fo r you r con ve nience an d to hel p sa ve p ap er, the re by protecting the environment. It is suggested that you only print sections that are relevant to your needs.

–vii – Table of Contents GET TING ST ART ED .................................................................................................................................. 1 PA CKING CHECKL IS T.................................................................................................................................. 1 Standa rd Accessories.......................................................................................................................... 1 Option al Accessories............................................................................................................................ 1 VIEWS OF PROJECTOR PA RTS ..................................................................................................................... 2 Front-rig ht Vie w ................................................................................................................................... 2 Top vi e w—On-scre en Displ ay (OSD) b uttons and LE Ds ......................................................................... 3 Rea r vi e w ............................................................................................................................................ 4 Bottom vie w......................................................................................................................................... 5 REMOTE CONTROL PA RTS .......................................................................................................................... 6 REMOTE CONTROL OPERA TING RA NGE......................................................................................................... 8 PROJECTOR A ND REMOTE CONTROL BUTTONS .............................................................................................. 8 Inserting the Rem ote Contr ol Batteries .................................................................................................. 9 SET UP AND OP ERATIO N........................................................................................................................ 10 STA RTING A ND SHUTTING DOWN THE PROJECTOR ........................................................................................ 10 SETTING A N ACCESS PA SSWORD (SECURITY LOCK)...................................................................................... 12 ADJUSTING THE PROJECTOR LEV EL............................................................................................................ 14 ADJUSTING THE ZOOM, FOCUS A ND KEY STONE ............................................................................................ 15 ADJUSTING THE VOLUME .......................................................................................................................... 15 ON-S CREEN DISPL AY (OS D) M ENU S ETTINGS...................................................................................... 16 OSD MENU CONTROLS ............................................................................................................................ 16 Na vig ating the OS D ........................................................................................................................... 16 SETTING THE OSD LA NGUA GE .................................................................................................................. 17 OSD MENU OV ERV IEW ............................................................................................................................ 18 IMA GE MENU .......................................................................................................................................... 21 Adva nced F eatu re.............................................................................................................................. 22 Colo r Ma nag er ................................................................................................................................... 23 COMPUTER MENU ................................................................................................................................... 24 VIDEO/AUDIO MENU................................................................................................................................. 25 Audio ................................................................................................................................................ 26 INSTA LLA TION I MENU .............................................................................................................................. 27 Adva nced F eatu re.............................................................................................................................. 28 INSTA LLA TION II MENU ............................................................................................................................. 29 Adva nced F eatu re.............................................................................................................................. 30 Factory Reset .................................................................................................................................... 39 Status ............................................................................................................................................... 39 MEDIA OV ERVI EW .................................................................................................................................. 40 FEA TURES.............................................................................................................................................. 40 MEDIA MENU .......................................................................................................................................... 40 MENU S ETTINGS .................................................................................................................................... 41 MEDIA ................................................................................................................................................... 41 VIV I DIS PLA Y .......................................................................................................................................... 42 SETTINGS............................................................................................................................................... 43 System .............................................................................................................................................. 43 Video ................................................................................................................................................ 43 Photo ................................................................................................................................................ 44 Audio ................................................................................................................................................ 44 W ifi ................................................................................................................................................... 45 USING T HE MEDIA .................................................................................................................................. 46 INSTA LLING VIVI DIS PLA Y ......................................................................................................................... 46 ViVi Display r eq uire ment .................................................................................................................... 46 To install the utility:............................................................................................................................. 47 MA KING CONNECTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 50

— viii — LAN Con nection................................................................................................................................. 50 W iFi Conn ecting ................................................................................................................................ 52 Con necting a USB Device .................................................................................................................. 54 DIS PLA Y MEDIA ....................................................................................................................................... 56 Vie win g Photos .................................................................................................................................. 56 Vie win g Mo vies.................................................................................................................................. 57 Music ................................................................................................................................................ 58 Office vie wer...................................................................................................................................... 60 SUPPORT ED M EDI A SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................. 61 SUPPORTED PHOTO FORMA TS .................................................................................................................. 61 SUPPORTED MUS IC FORMA TS ................................................................................................................... 61 SUPPORTED MOV IE FORMA TS ................................................................................................................... 62 SUPPORTED DOCUMENT FORMA TS ............................................................................................................ 62 MAINT ENANCE AND S ECURITY ............................................................................................................. 63 REPLA CING THE PROJECTION LA MP............................................................................................................ 63 Resetting th e Lam p ............................................................................................................................ 65 CL EA NING THE PROJECTOR....................................................................................................................... 66 Clea nin g the Le ns .............................................................................................................................. 66 Clea nin g the Case ............................................................................................................................. 66 US ING THE KENS INGTON® LOCK & US ING THE SECURITY BAR......................................................................... 67 Using the Ke nsingto n® Lock................................................................................................................ 67 Using the Secu rity Ba r........................................................................................................................ 67 TRO UBLES HO OTING.............................................................................................................................. 68 COMMON PROBL EMS A ND SOL UTIONS ......................................................................................................... 68 TIPS FOR TROUBL ES HOOTING.................................................................................................................... 68 LED ERROR MESSA GES ........................................................................................................................... 69 IMA GE PROBL EMS.................................................................................................................................... 69 LA MP PROBL EMS..................................................................................................................................... 70 REMOTE CONTROL PROBL EMS .................................................................................................................. 70 AUDIO PROBL EMS ................................................................................................................................... 71 HA V ING THE PROJECTOR SERV ICED ........................................................................................................... 71 HDM I Q & A........................................................................................................................................... 72 SPECIFI CATIO NS.................................................................................................................................... 73 SPECIFICA TIONS...................................................................................................................................... 73 PROJECTION DIS TA NCE V S. PROJECTION SIZE ............................................................................................. 74 Projection Distance an d Size Tab le ..................................................................................................... 74 TIMING MODE TA BL E................................................................................................................................ 76 PROJECTOR DIMENS IONS ......................................................................................................................... 78 REG ULAT ORY COMPLI ANCE ................................................................................................................. 79 FCC WA RNING ....................................................................................................................................... 79 CA NA DA ................................................................................................................................................. 79 SA FETY CERTIFICA TIONS .......................................................................................................................... 79 APPENDIX I............................................................................................................................................. 80 RS-2 32 C PROTOCOL............................................................................................................................... 80

– 1 – GETTING STARTED Packing Checklist Carefully unpack the projector and check that the following items are included: DLP PROJECTOR W ITH LENS CAP Standard Accessories REMOTE CONTROL (W ITH TW O AAA BATTERIES) RGB CABLE POW ER CORD CD-ROM (THIS USER’S MANUAL) QUICK START GUIDE WARRANTY CARD Optional Accessories W IFI DONGLE CARRYING CASE Contact your dealer immediately if any items are missing, appear damaged, or if the unit does not work. It is recommend that you keep the original packing material should you ever need to return the equipment for warranty service. Caution: Avoid using the projector in dusty environments.