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    Chapter 14: Command Line Configuration
    The following command will synchronize the live system with the new confi\
    # config -r serialconfig
    Note:  Supported serial port baud-rates are ‘50’, ‘75’, ‘\
    110’, ‘134’, ‘150’, ‘200’, ‘300’, ‘600’\
    ‘1200’, ‘1800’, ‘2400’, ‘4800’, ‘9600’, '1\
    9200', '38400', '57600', '115200', and '230400'.
    Supported parity values are 'None', 'Odd', 'Even', 'Mark' and 'Space'.
    Supported data-bits values are '8', '7', '6' and '5'.
    Supported stop-bits values are '1', '1.5' and '2'.
    Supported flow-control values are 'Hardware', 'Software' and 'None'.
    Additionally, before any port can function properly, the mode of the port needs to be set. Any port can be set to run in on\
    of the five possible modes (refer Chapter 4 for details): [Console S\
    erver mode | Device mode | SDT mode | Terminal server 
    mode | Serial bridge mode]. All these modes are mutually exclusive.
    Console Server mode
    The command to set the port in portmanager mode:
    # config -s config.ports.port5.mode=portmanager
    To set the following optional config elements for this mode:
    Data accumulation period     100 ms
    Escape character    %  (default is ~)
    log level     2  (default is 0)
    Shell power command menu      Enabled
    RFC2217 access    Enabled
    Limit pot to 1 connection      Enabled
    SSH access    Enabled
    TCP access     Enabled
    telnet access     Disabled
    Unauthorized telnet access      Disabled
    # config -s config.ports.port5.delay=100
    # config -s config.ports.port5.escapechar=%      
    # config -s config.ports.port5.loglevel=2    
    # config -s config.ports.port5.powermenu=on
    # config -s config.ports.port5.rfc2217=on
    # config -s config.ports.port5.singleconn=on
    # config -s config.ports.port5.ssh=on
    # config -s config.ports.port5.tcp=on
    # config -d config.ports.port5.telnet
    # config -d config.ports.port5.unauthtel
    Device Mode
    For a device mode port, set the port type to either ups, rpc, or enviro:
    # config -s config.ports.port5.device.type=[ups | rpc | enviro]
    For port 5 as a UPS port:
    # config -s config.ports.port5.mode=reserved
    For port 5 as an RPC port:
    # config -s config.ports.port5.mode=powerman
    For port 5 as an Environmental port:
    # config -s config.ports.port5.mode=reserved  
    Chapter 14: Command Line Configuration
    SDT mode
    To enable access over SSH to a host connected to serial port 5:
    # config -s config.ports.port5.mode=sdt
    # config -s config.ports.port5.sdt.ssh=on
    To configure a username and password when accessing this port with User\
    name = user1 and Password = secret:
    # config -s config.ports.port#.sdt.username=user1
    # config -s config.ports.port#.sdt.password=secret
    Terminal server mode
    Enable a TTY login for a local terminal attached to serial port 5:
    # config -s config.ports.port5.mode=terminal
    # config -s config.ports.port5.terminal=[vt220 | vt102 | vt100 | lin\
    ux | ansi]  
    The default terminal is vt220
    Serial bridge mode
    Create a network connection to a remote serial port via RFC-2217 on port 5: 
    # config -s config.ports.port5.mode=bridge
    Optional configurations for the network address of RFC-2217 server of and TCP port used by the RFC-2217 
    service = 2500:  
    # config -s config.ports.port5.bridge.address=
    # config -s config.ports.port5.bridge.port=2500
    To enable RFC-2217 access: # config -s config.ports.port5.bridge.rfc2217=on
    To redirect the serial bridge over an SSH tunnel to the server: # config -s config.ports.port5.bridge.ssh.e\
    Syslog settings
    Additionally, the global system log settings can be set for any specific port, in \
    any mode:
    # config -s config.ports.port#.syslog.facility='facility'
    'facility' can be:
     local 0-7
    # config -s config.ports.port#.syslog.priority='priority'
    'priority' can be:
    Chapter 14: Command Line Configuration
    14.1.2 Adding and removing Users
    Firstly, determine the total number of existing Users (if you have no existing\
     Users you can assume this is 0):
    # config -g config.users.total
    This command should display config.users.total 1. Note that if you see config.users.total this means you have 0 Users 
    Your new User will be the existing total plus 1. So if the previous comma\
    nd gave you 0 then you start with user number 1, if 
    you already have 1 user your new user will be number 2 etc.
    To add a user (with Username=John, Password=secret and Description  =mySecondUser) issue the commands:
    # config -s config.users.total=2 (assuming we already have 1 user c\
    # config -s config.users.user2.username=John 
    # config -s config.users.user2.description=mySecondUser
    # config -P config.users.user2.password
    NOTE: The -P parameter will prompt the user for a password, and encrypt \
    it. In fact, the value of any config element can 
    be encrypted using the -P parameter, but only encrypted user passwords and system passwords are supported. \
    If any other 
    element value were to be encrypted, the value will become inaccessible a\
    nd will have to be re-set.
    To add this user to specific groups (admin/users):
    # config -s config.users.user2.groups.group1='groupname'
    # config -s config.users.user2.groups.group2='groupname2'
    To give this user access to a specific port:
    # config -s config.users.user2.port1=on
    # config -s config.users.user2.port2=on
    # config -s config.users.user2.port5=on
    To remove port access:
    # config -s config.users.user2.port1=''  (the value is left blank)
    or simply:
    # config -d config.users.user2.port1
    The port number can be anything from 1 to 48, depending on the available\
     ports on the specific Console Server.
    For example assume we have an RPC device connected to port 1 on the Conso\
    le Server and the RPC is configured. To give this 
    user access to RPC outlet number 3 on the RPC device, run the 2 commands\
    # config -s config.ports.port1.power.outlet3.users.user2=John
    # config -s config.ports.port1.power.outlet3.users.total=2 (total number of users that have access to this \
    If more users are given access to this power outlet, then increment the \
    'config.ports.port1.power.outlet3.users.total' element 
    To give this user access to network host 5 (assuming the host is confi\
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host5.users.user1=John
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host5.users.total=1 (total number of u\
    sers having access to host)
    To give another user called 'Peter' access to the same host:
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host5.users.user2=Peter
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host5.users.total=2 (total number of u\
    sers having access to host)
    To edit any of the user element values, use the same approach as when add\
    ing user elements i.e. use the '-s' parameter. If 
    any of the config elements do not exist, they will automatically be cr\
    To delete the user called John, use the delete-node script:
    # ./delete-node config.users.user2
    The following command will synchronize the live system with the new confi\
    # config -r users  
    Chapter 14: Command Line Configuration
    14.1.3 Adding and removing User Groups
    The Console Server is configured with a few default user groups (even\
     though only two of these groups are visible in the 
    Management Console GUI). To find out how many groups are already present:
    # config -g config.groups.total
    Assume this value is six. Make sure to number any new groups you create \
    from seven onwards.
    To add a custom group to the configuration with Group name=Group7, Grou\
    p description=MyGroup and Port access= 1,5 
    you’d issue the commands:
    # config -s config.groups.group7.name=Group7
    # config -s config.groups.group7.description=MyGroup
    # config -s config.groups.total=7
    # config -s config.groups.group7.port1=on
    # config -s config.groups.group7.port5=on
    Assume we have an RPC device connected to port 1 on the console manager, and the RPC is configured. To give this group 
    access to RPC outlet number 3 on the RPC device, run the two commands be\
    # config -s config.ports.port1.power.outlet3.groups.group1=Group7
    # config -s config.ports.port1.power.outlet3.groups.total=1 (total number of groups that have access to thi\
    s outlet)
    If more groups are given access to this power outlet, then increment the\
    element accordingly.
    To give this group access to network host 5:
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host5.groups.group1=Group7
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host5.groups.total=1 (total number of \
    groups having access to host)
    To give another group called 'Group8' access to the same host:
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host5.groups.group2=Group8
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host5.groups.total=2 (total number of \
    users having access to host)
    To delete the group called Group7, use the following command:
    # rmuser Group7
    Attention: The rmuser script is a generic script to remove any config element from config\
    .xml correctly. However, any 
    dependencies or references to this group will not be affected. Only the \
    group details are deleted. The administrator is 
    responsible for going through config.xml and removing group dependencies and references manually, specifically if the group 
    had access to a host or RPC device.
    The following command will synchronize the live system with the new confi\
    # config -a  
    Chapter 14: Command Line Configuration
    14.1.4 Authentication
    To change the type of authentication for the Console Server:
    # config -s config.auth.type='authtype'
    'authtype' can be:
    To configure TACACS authentication:
    # config -s config.auth.tacacs.auth_server='comma separated list'  (\
    list of remote authentiction and authorization 
    # config -s config.auth.tacacs.acct_server='comma separated list'   \
    (list of remote accounting servers. If unset, 
    Authentication and Authorization Server Address will be used.)
    # config -s config.auth.tacacs.password='password'
    To configure RADIUS authentication:
    # config -s config.auth.radius.auth_server='comma separated list'  (\
    list of remote authentiction and authorization servers.)
    # config -s config.auth.radius.acct_server='comma separated list'   \
    (list of remote accounting servers. If unset, 
    Authentication and Authorization Server Address will be used.)
    # config -s config.auth.radius.password='password'
    To configure LDAP authentication:
    # config -s config.auth.ldap.server='comma separated list'  (list o\
    f remote servers.)
    # config -s config.auth.ldap.basedn='name'   (The distinguished nam\
    e of the search base. For example: dc=my-
    # config -s config.auth.ldap.binddn='name'   (The distinguished nam\
    e to bind to the server with. The default is to bind 
    # config -s config.auth.radius.password='password'
    The following command will synchronize the live system with the new confi\
    # config -r auth  
    Chapter 14: Command Line Configuration
    14.1.5 Network Hosts
    To determine the total number of currently configured hosts:
    # config -g config.sdt.hosts.total
    Assume this value is equal to 3. If you add another host, make sure to i\
    ncrement the total number of hosts from 3 to 4:
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.total=4
    If the output is config.sdt.hosts.total then assume 0 hosts are configured.
    Add power device host
    To add a UPS/RPC network host with the following details:
    IP address/ DNS name
    Host name   remoteUPS
    Description   UPSroom3
    Type   UPS
    Allowed services   ssh port 22 and https port 443
    Log level for services  0
    Issue the commands below:
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host4.address=
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host4.name=remoteUPS
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host4.description=UPSroom3
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host4.device.type=ups          
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host4.tcpports.tcpport1=22
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host4.tcpports.tcpport1.loglevel=0
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host4.udpports.udpport2=443
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host4.udpports.udpport2.loglevel=0
    The loglevel can have a value of 0 or 1.
    The default services that should be configured are: 22/tcp (ssh), 23/tcp (telnet), 80/tcp (http), 443/tcp (https), 1\
    494/tcp (ica), 
    3389/tcp (rdp), 5900/tcp (vnc) 
    Add other network host
    To add any other type of network host with the following details:
    IP address/ DNS name
    Host name   OfficePC
    Description   MyPC
    Allowed sevices   ssh port 22,https port 443
    log level for services   1
    Issue the commands below. If the Host is not a PDU or UPS power device or a server with IPMI pow\
    er control then leave the 
    device type blank:
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host4.address=
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host4.description=MyPC          
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host4.name=OfficePC
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host4.device.type=''  (leave this valu\
    e blank)
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host4.tcpports.tcpport1=22
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host4.tcpports.tcpport1.loglevel=1
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host4.udpports.tcppport2=443
    # config -s config.sdt.hosts.host4.udpports.tcpport2.loglevel=1
    If you want to add the new host as a managed device, make sure to use th\
    e current total number of managed devices + 1, 
    for the new device number. 
    To get the current number of managed devices:
    # config -g config.devices.total  
    Chapter 14: Command Line Configuration
    Assuming we already have one managed device, our new device will be devi\
    ce 2. Issue the following commands:
    # config -s config. devices.device2.connections.connection1.name=192\
    # config -s config. devices.device2.connections.connection1.type=Hos\
    # config -s config. devices.device2.name=OfficePC
    # config -s config. devices.device2.description=MyPC
    # config -s config.devices.total=2
    The following command will synchronize the live system with the new confi\
    # config -hosts
    14.1.6 Trusted Networks
    You can further restrict remote access to serial ports based on the sourc\
    e IP address. To configure this via the command line 
    you need to do the following:
    Determine the total number of existing trusted network rules (if you ha\
    ve no existing rules) you can assume this is 0
    # config -g config.portaccess.total
    This command should display config.portaccess.total 1 
    Note that if you see config.portaccess.total this means you have 0 rules configured.
    Your new rule will be the existing total plus 1. So if the previous comma\
    nd gave you 0 then you start with rule number 1. If you 
    already have 1 rule your new rule will be number 2 etc. 
    If you want to restrict access to serial port 5 to computers from a sing\
    le class C network ( say) you need to issue 
    the following commands (assuming you have a previous rule in place).
    Add a trusted network:
    # config -s config.portaccess.rule2.address=
    # config -s "config.portaccess.rule2.description=foo bar"
    # config -s config.portaccess.rule2.netmask=
    # config -s config.portaccess.rule2.port5=on
    # config -s config.portaccess.total=2
    The following command will synchronize the live system with the new confi\
    # config -r serialconfig
    14.1.7 Cascaded Ports
    To add a new slave device with the following settings:
    IP address/DNS name
    Description     CM in office 42
    Label   BL6-5
    Number of ports   16
    The following commands must be issued:
    # config -s config.cascade.slaves.slave1.address=
    # config -s "config.cascade.slaves.slave1.description=CM in office\
    # config -s config.cascade.slaves.slave1.label=BL6-5
    # config -s config.cascade.slaves.slave1.ports=16
     The total number of slaves must also be incremented. If this is the fi\
    rst slave being added, type:
    # config -s config.cascade.slaves.total=1
    Increment this value when adding more slaves.
    NOTE: If a slave is added using the CLI, then the master SSH public key will need to be manually copied to every slave device 
    before cascaded ports will work (refer Chapter 4)
    The following command will synchronize the live system with the new confi\
    # config -r cascade  
    Chapter 14: Command Line Configuration
    14.1.8 UPS Connections
    Managed UPS Systems
    Before adding a managed UPS, make sure that at least 1 port has been con\
    figured to run in 'device mode', and that the 
    device is set to 'ups'.
    To add a managed UPS with the following values:
    Connected via      Port 1
    UPS name    My UPS
    Description       UPS in room 5
    Username to connect to UPS  User2
    Password to connect to UPS   secret
    shutdown order     2   (0 shuts down first)
    Driver    genericups
    Driver option - option    option
    Driver option - argument   argument
    Logging     Enabled
    Log interval    2 minutes
    Run script when power is critical  Enabled
    # config -s config.ups.monitors.monitor1.port=/dev/port01          
    If the port number is higher than 9, eg port 13, enter:
    # config -s config.ups.monitors.monitor1.port=/dev/port13
    # config -s "config.ups.monitors.monitor1.name=My UPS"
    # config -s "config.ups.monitors.monitor1.description=UPS in room 5"\
    # config -s config.ups.monitors.monitor1.username=User2
    # config -s config.ups.monitors.monitor1.password=secret
    # config -s config.ups.monitors.monitor1.sdorder=2
    # config -s config.ups.monitors.monitor1.driver=genericups
    # config -s config.ups.monitors.monitor1.options.option1.opt=option
    # config -s config.ups.monitors.monitor1.options.option1.arg=argumen\
    # config -s config.ups.monitors.monitor1.options.total=1
    # config -s config.ups.monitors.monitor1.log.enabled=on
    # config -s config.ups.monitors.monitor1.log.interval=2
    # config -s config.ups.monitors.monitor1.script.enabled=on
    Make sure to increment the total monitors:
    # config -s config.ups.monitors.total=1
    The 5 commands below will add the UPS to 'Managed devices. Assuming ther\
    e are already 2 managed devices configured:
    # config -s "config.devices.device3.connections.connection1.name=My \
    # config -s "config.devices.device3.connections.connection1.type=UPS\
    # config -s "config.devices.device3.name=My UPS"
    # config -s "config.devices.device3.description=UPS in toom 5"
    # config -s config.devices.total=3
    To delete this managed UPS:
    # config -d config.ups.monitors.monitor1 
    Decrement monitors.total when deleting a managed UPS  
    Chapter 14: Command Line Configuration
    Remote UPSes
    To add a remote UPS with the following details (assuming this is our fi\
    rst remote UPS):
    UPS name   oldUPS
    Description     UPS in room 2
    Log status   Disabled
    Log rate     240 seconds
    Run shutdown script  Enabled
    # config -s config.ups.remotes.remote1.name=oldUPS 
    # config -s "config.ups.remotes.remote1.description=UPS in room 2"
    # config -s config.ups.remotes.remote1.address=
    # config -d config.ups.remotes.remote1.log.enabled
    # config -s config.ups.remotes.remote1.log.interval=240
    # config -s config.ups.remotes.remote1.script.enabled=on
    # config -s config.ups.remotes.total=1
    The following command will synchronize the live system with the new confi\
    # config -a
    14.1.9 RPC Connections
    You can add an RPC connection from the command line but it is not recomme\
    nded that you do so because of dependency 
    However FYI before adding an RPC the Management Console GUI code makes s\
    ure that at least 1 port has been configured to 
    run in 'device mode', and that the device is set to 'rpc'.
    To add an RPC with the following values:
    RPC type      APC 7900
    Connected via   Port 2
    UPS name   MyRPC
    Description     RPC in room 5
    Login name for device rpclogin
    Login password for device secret
    SNMP community   v1 or v2c
    Logging    Enabled
    Log interval      600 second
    Number of power outlets 4   (depends on the type/model of the RPC)
    # config -s config.ports.port2.power.type=APC 7900
    # config -s config.ports.port2.power.name=MyRPC
    # config -s "config.ports.port2.power.description=RPC in room 5"
    # config -s config.ports.port2.power.username=rpclogin
    # config -s config.ports.port2.power.password=secret
    # config -s config.ports.port2.power.snmp.community=v1
    # config -s config.ports.port2.power.log.enabled=on
    # config -s config.ports.port2.power.log.interval=600
    # config -s config.ports.port2.power.outlets=4
    The following five commands are used by the Management Console to add \
    the RPC to 'Managed Devices':
    # config -s config.devices.device3.connections.connection1.name=myRP\
    # config -s "config.devices.device3.connections.connection1.type=RPC\
    # config -s config.devices.device3.name=myRPC
    # config -s "config.devices.device3.description=RPC in room 5"
    # config -s config.devices.total=3
    The following command will synchronize the live system with the new confi\
    # config -a  
    Chapter 14: Command Line Configuration
    14.1.10  Environmental
    To configure an environmental monitor with the following details:
    Monitor name   Envi4
    Monitor Description   Monitor in room 5
    Temperature offset   2
    Humidity offset   5
    Enable alarm 1 ?   yes
    Alarm 1 label   door alarm
    Enable alarm 2 ?   yes
    Alarm 2 label   window alarm 
    Logging enabled ?   yes
    Log interval     120 seconds
    # config -s config.ports.port3.enviro.name=Envi4
    # config -s "config.ports.port3.enviro.description=Monitor in room 5\
    # config -s config.ports.port3.enviro.offsets.temp=2
    # config -s config.ports.port3.enviro.offsets.humid=5
    # config -s config.ports.port3.enviro.alarms.alarm1.alarmstate=on
    # config -s config.ports.port3.enviro.alarms.alarm1.label=door alarm\
    # config -s config.ports.port3.enviro.alarms.alarm2.alarmstate=on
    # config -s config.ports.port3.enviro.alarms.alarm2.label=window ala\
    # config -s config.ports.port3.enviro.alarms.total=2
    # config -s config.ports.port3.enviro.log.enabled=on
    # config -s config.ports.port3.enviro.log.interval=120
    It is important to assign alarms.total=2 even if they are off. 
    The following 5 commands will add the environmental monitor to 'Managed \
    To get the total number of managed devices:
    # config -g config.devices.total
    Make sure to use the total + 1 for the new device below:
    # config -s config. devices.device5.connections.connection1.name=Env\
    # config -s "config. devices.device5.connections.connection1.type=EM\
    D Unit"
    # config -s config. devices.device5.name=Envi4
    # config -s "config. devices.device5.description=Monitor in room 5"
    # config -s config.devices.total=5
    The following command will synchronize the live system with the new confi\
    # config -a
    14.1.11  Managed Devices
    To add a managed device: (also see UPS, RPC connections and Environmenta\
    # config -s "config.devices.device8.name=my device"
    # config -s "config.devices.device8.description=The eighth device"
    # config -s "config.devices.device8.connections.connection1.name=my \
    # config -s config.devices.device8.connections.connection1.type=[ser\
    ial | Host | UPS | RPC]
    # config -s config.devices.total=8         (decrement this value wh\
    en deleting a managed device)
    To delete the above managed device:
    # config -d config.devices.device8
    The following command will synchronize the live system with the new confi\
    # config -a  
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