Trillium Panther 1032 Electronic Key Telephone System Technical Service Manual
Trillium Panther 1032 Electronic Key Telephone System Technical Service Manual
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Chme&on~ liXtpliC8~ Procedures Service ‘1.. . . . . . . . . . Manual 1:; 7 ’ I Circuit Wonductor 66-BIock SO-Pin 25 Pair Function Station Jackt Terminal Connector Cable* voice (tip) @een (GN). ‘. 1 26 whiti$Aue voice (ring) red CRD) 2’ 1 ,t blue/white data @P) black (BK) 3 27 white/omnge data mwi9 yeIIow (Y-L) 4 2 orangdwhite I voice (tip)’ grc-cn(GN)~’ ” ‘5 28 white/green voice (ring) reMW 6 3 . green/white data (tip) black (BK) 7 29 white/brown data(ring) Mow WI 8 4 brown/white voice (tip) griiq (i3-q -” 9 ‘: 30 white/slate voice (ring) red P-W 10 5 slate/white data (GP) black @IQ 11 31 red/blue data w-%) yellow 02) 12 6 * bIu&d voice (tip) green (GN) .’ ‘. 13 32 v&x (ring) red/orange red CW 14 7 : orange/red . : aa @PI black (BK) 15 33 Wg=n data b-&T) yellow (YL) 16 8 Peed voice (tip) green WI 17 34 red/brown voice (ring) red WI 18 9 . brown/red . . I black (BK) 19 35 I data (ring) -< yelIow (YL) .. 20 IO SWd voice (tip) greert(GN) ‘~21 -‘36 bIac&blue. : _ voice (ring) -rcd(RD) ... 22 11 :. blue/black data (tip) black (BK) .23 37 - bIack!/o&ge &Jfa m-49 ,yeIIow(YLJ .. 24 12 orange/black I’ voice’(tip) _ green (GN) :‘25 -. 38 ’ black/green ‘39 40 41 voice (ring) =doiD) 26 13 . gxen/ilack data @PI bIack (BK) 27’ 39 bIs.ck/bsown data 6-b) yellow CfJ4 28 14 _ bro+m/bIack voice (tip) greeri (0 ‘29 40 black/slate voice (ring) rd(RD) 30 15 slate/black ha (U’P). 31 41 black (EN) . . yellow/blue 32 16 blue/yellow . t Use matching color codes for the 4conductor station wiring cables. * The first color listql is Ihe predominant color; the second color listed is the tracer or stripe color. Statidn WiriBgTabIe (Stations 34 through 41) ..****..--...- . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-......-.......-...-...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . ..- . . . . . . . . . . . . .._....I......“..“..“.” . . . . ..I.............. . . . . . . . . . . *...a . . . . . . “...“...” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “” . . . . . . ...” ,..*..*....... *........-.. .-..... “““......,,....a.....“...” . . . . . . . “...“..~~:::::::;::::::::::::=:::~~:~-~:~::::::::::::::~~~:~~~~ FY”nther I()32 : -_ iFjll&lUM-:. .& ,.- iQe p-8 I : .: Telephone ,I . . ; .-. .; ,,... .’ I qstem,g. ;;,+ ,. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~:~:~~::~:::~::~~ :::::::::” ,::: “;.s :::: “:= :::: =;: :::: z”::r,.” :::;::::::: :““:::::::::*1”“‘...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...-“..” . . . . . . ..I...................... ., 4 7 ‘I . . . . . . . a... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..“..,.. . . . . . --“.“-.~.-“....“...“,...“~..” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “.I_. .’ :. ‘. ‘. ,, ._ ‘_ -’ : : ;; .: :,_ ,; _.-.- ;. .. : r .:.;;;; ,, y-.:. _. .s,. :, ;,, c‘ .L_ .; ,-I. ;‘. y: ,. .:., i; :-:. I_ : ,-, “I ..,-r .,> -,~: ,,. ),. ;.- :_ .: ;,:..p (. ,, T. :, :‘::,‘ :’ i, ;-,7’.b, ‘,_‘- : . ,~. ; i .. 1: -. .,:: ,.‘ --i: =-,; : ,_ .! ,.. .:>. (. ‘. ,, ,:“._ ; -. .L.. .., . . - .:. ,;:,;:.: : ::-,y::I:j-’ ._ .i ;‘.-. .., .’ ? ,.::>:- ,, .).‘. i . . . .: 2; .,:_ -,- :. .- i,‘.; , i .‘. .+:;.: ., :- , ;, .,, .,_ . . .-;- ,,.: ~:.,. ._.’ ,,* -: .,+.- 1 1. r ‘. :;.;: ,+.;;:yc>.: __ ;,. ;., “., ..-‘:; ..,,, .:. i !. ‘. : .-~*i&~;~.~f;z.~ ,“., ,i . . . . . : ; / :;i:: ‘,:.,‘. ‘, .,y:.,.: :,; _,.. .- .:.-: .-, :. ‘. :;; . ,, .I ..’ .I. - _:,_ : r,&&y,r;+;.-c’ ,:;:~,~~,~,~-~s~,~;r~~.-~~~~~~-~-~.~.~~~~” - _ .z”-’ -& ,,., ,.,,,,.---l~~,,.:;.mr.~-;--r P..I i.. “‘.I~‘...--- __ _ ._.. *,,d,... -,;. :.:g+... , _ . . . --1 -.

--v-v- tireis / (:.. j “-.-.““....““...-“1 I............ * I..... - . . . . . - . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-........-........’ . . ...” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..“......-...... _I . . . . . ..-......................... . . . . . . . . ..-..............-. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-. I”..” .,-.....................” . . . . . . . . . . ..I... - . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *.*...-..* . . . . . . . . . ...” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...*. ,...... ~ . . . . “,......_U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,,..... .I.... . . . . , . . . . . ..............................” .................,....................,..- -:.;:j ..‘-‘--\.- . ! , STEP 4 CONDUCTING THE INITIAL SYSTEM AND STATION TESTS ‘. i Lift the handset and press the line 2 key: dial tone is heard; if your Set has an accompanying DSS/ BLF Unit, the station indicators for yaw Set and for yolci DSS/BLF Unit go ON; the tntercom indica- tor ‘goes OFF; and the line 2 indicator WINKS slowly. ~i\lo~ES 1. If the indications described below- do not occur, refw to the Troubleshooting section. 23 the Sh4DR unit is to be insta.lIed, it should be installed p&t to conducting these tests. See step 11. a Connect the KSU power cord to the surge piotector previousfy instaIled at the 110 V ac power outlet: ihe recessed STATUS indicator goes ON (with a slight flicker) indicating that the KSU is operative. b.. Set KSU smirch 4 BATIZRY to Oh! ::r I .,‘~~y, use a paper Clip or other pointed objz . :’ .~“, , : ,,* .., ,,;. :-.. : _, r.,. ‘...., ;,’ ,i’,q. ,,:I. :,.: .-. .::. ,..,I’ -1 -. ... I-;; :c.;L;..p,jr .~ ;>. :: ;:,;,.. ( : _. I : ,_,,, :;:s.-‘... . ..,--i:-

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. . . . . . _ . . ...” . . . . . -.... . . . . . -.1_-_.-...- . . . . . . . . . . ..___. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . :......,..I ,,,.” .,...-... (.?‘.“.,.., . . . . . . . . . . -..... _ . . . . . . . . ..~ .-.----------------- .~.. CO1 ,.nhx[ion -j-$xg-hi p~?~-~ti*&s S&-vice ‘. Mam.lal ;;;,g~.; . . .--.- !‘,

_.____................~..,.. ._ : . * : -.j :3*. / STEP 8 CONNECTING THEEXTERNAL ’ PAGING IiSQ~IPkiEf’iT Epipment Connection ‘- I. :. P&g Test NOTE if the indications described below do not . occur, refer b the Troubleshooting section. ! a At any station, pick up the ha&set &d press the lntf9com Key: the lnfrcom indicator WTNKS slowly; if your Set has an accompanying DSS/BLF ’ Unit, ,the station indicators ,for yau Set and for your ;’ a. Connect one end of the cable (not suppkd) into the exte@ paging equipment’s input jack. b. ‘_ Connect the other end, which terminates in a l/8- inch mini-jack (phono, not stireo or attenuator), into the KSU connector I&eIed PAGE. i p’ DSS/BLF Unit g&ON: and a continuous tcne is heard h Dial 99: a double tone burst is heard over the exter- _ nd paging Ioudspeaker. c Make a test announcement the test announcement is heard over the extemaI paging loudspeaker. . CL Hang up the handset: all indicators go OFF; and &e external paging loudspeaker falls silent ._.*..,..II....-.-.---~...... ..*..........4..a.*..*......*.......... ..“““.“.....“-.“...“....Y.....I”.....~...’..l~.~*....~I..1.......t....“..I”..~.“Y..Y”.....*,,~..~.*.......~.1...........1*11~~~~~~~~~~,.~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..LI........*..f.......“.*-...~.r...................~.“........r*........““......~“‘1...‘.........**.~......~~.....~~.........~..*......~~~~~~~~~. n ‘.f A -A-

:::::::::::::::n:::“-;:-::::::::---::-:::::: :::;:;::: --::::.i:::-r;;;;;;;:;::;;3;;-:::;;::’:::; ::;: ;:::;;~::n;;:i::i:;i;:~:~~~:.~:::-=:~:~~:~::::~:~::::~::; :::: ::::::::::;:;:::~~.---- ..I...... . . . . . . . . . . i Cor&tion Technical Pro..eahres Seryice jblanual k ‘I /- -7 :: ’ ;I STEP 9 . . .’ :’ Lsucj Bell Test CONNECTING ‘. AN EXTERNAL LOUD BELL Equip$ent Connection Connect a 2conductor cable between terminals 49 and SO of the 66bIock (the’violet/sIate pair in the 25pair cabIe that connects the KSU connector IablIed STATIONS 10 TO 17.LOUD BELL to the 66-b&k) and an external dry con- tact interface unit, such as the WheeIoch I$&! 24-24 (not suppIied). Connect an external Ioud bell or qther sounding device to the dry contact interface unit. - -.’ ‘7 - :- FjOTES 1. If fie indications described below do not occur, refer to the Trcubleshooting section. 2. The factory preprogrammed condition for the loud bell is both day and night bell. If you are installing a new system, the loud bell should ring on all incoming calls. ‘. 3. SF Feature Programming for detaiIs on how to program the Ioud bell. a..‘:. Have someone call in on outside line 1: the line 1 ., indicator FLASHES $0~1~; and the external loud . bell rings. h At any station, pick up the handset and press @re line 1 key: the line 1 indicator WINKS slowly; if . your Set has an accompanying DSS/BLF Unit, the station indicators for your Set and for your DSS/ .: . . BLF Unit go ON; a connection is made with the”. ,I,’ -. outside tiler, and the loud bell stops ringing. ’ .,! d. Hang up the handset: all indicators go OFF; and the loud bell remains silent I ..*.------*-.*. . . . . -..-.a I... . . . . . . . . . --- . . . . . . . . . ..” . . . . . . . . . -- . . ..I.. . .._......” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._....*......................-.-.........-................... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-_..-...._.... **-**-*--**..*.. . . ..I *-..*.*.*.-* . . . . . * .I... .,..I... . . . . . ..a..“.” . . . . . ...” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “...” . .._._...” . . . . . ^ ,........ . . . . . . . ..“.._.. . . . . . . . . ..-...... ..-.- ..-.. “I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...” -.-.--_: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..._.” &.;nther 1032 ‘.. . . . . &ge,D+f y, c,._ _: . . pl\IUM \Jt reiepnone : Syitems~ :::::::~‘::+::: :::: ::““:::::::y*:. :;l:“:x-... . . . ..I................-..... “_i . . . . . . . . . . ..~...~......................................~......... - . ..-.........-.......... I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-.......-.-.......-.... -..... ..*. 7” . ..-.-..... * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...” . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - -..-.-.-.. .” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...” . . . . . . . . . ...” _........” . . . . . ‘. -.;:,+: ;:: .. ; . . . . ,.t ‘..’ __ .: ~. .-..- :I -’ ._. .., -’ :, _‘..-‘,_. : - ..i :‘...A ;’ .y_ -‘:,*.;! -: .: ,. I- _,_. ; .., ‘:,..z -, : .; j ,..:. : -:,- : ‘, >‘. .’ -...,~. .,,;,.~.~~.~,~~‘~~:c*;.~~~;~~ $&:=y*j.j;.>;~;. ,+; y.-...c . . . _ .:lr*i. .*-^y: ._ ‘-- & ‘;. _ .’ .... ,:_ 1:. ‘. .. . .k i>::;+>&,:,.- _,L .,,__ . . __ __ __ . . i::.j :;.:. :.. ,:7. .._ ...~,~,-.-r-;ll”‘.~ -l-r.., ;&I -,,.., _ . . ..-I ,,_. -- .,-...- ;:i-; 1.:-. ,. ”

: I -...- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..--.. ._......_............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._1~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ :; I,,. . . . . . ., ‘I Cqnnectiqn :i: : : p~oc$du.es I:, . : ., < . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..“I . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . ..“................~.....~..............~.... “... .*.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~.::::::~:~::::~::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.~::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::: ::::::;:::::: ::::::::::::: :: ::::::::::: :: i.. ,’ wchnical .. Service cl Mam.pl ‘5 .’ 1 STEP IO CONNECTING THE OPX UNIT OPX Unit Connection NOT& , i. The OPX unit may be inst.clIed at aiy sfatioi location -?xce$t statitin 10. ; 2. See also Typical System Layoit Diag&n on page E-2. OPX Unit Test ,, NOTE If the indications described beIow do not . . occur, nfer io the TmubIe.shc&ng section. a Originating internal calis: i At the standard set connected to the OPX unit, pick up the handset: a continuous tone is beard. 6 ‘, ii . . Call another station by dialing its 2-digit num- bcr, such as 13: at the called station, repeated long tones are heard. a Mount t!e OPX unit next !o the de.sL-ed station Io- : cation, usihg the four screws supplied with the equipment b. PIug the small dc corinector into the OPX unitfs POWER connector and phig the wal1 connector into an unswitched, grounded 115 V ac outlet c Connect the modular cord (not supplied) between tie station wiring jack and the KSU jack oii the OPXunit * NqrE .. _ ‘. . . I: If the device to be Used is remotely Iocated (not to exceed 2 miles on a direct connection), II I .’ a 2conductor. W 11 jack can be mounted and wired to the remote device. .> Alternatively, the remote device zan be ac- cessed through a CO line (with no limits on --. dis@c~). FCC, r&s requiie that you tell the telco that t.h&OPX’s FaciIity-fnterface C& is ., OL13B and its Service Code is 9.OF.. - In eithei case, the 2-conductor cord iti step d will tfien be connect+ between the RJtl jack ’ and the TEL&k on the OPX unit d Connect a 2conductor cord between tie TEL jack on Ihe OPX unit and the 2-&e device t6 be tised , (such as a standard set, wsu[ering machine, or _ . modem). e If access to an outside lie is de&d in ihb evetit of a power failure, connect a spade-tc-modulti, 2- conductor cord between one of the incoming lines (in parallel with the normal system connection) and th6PFrjackontheOPXlInit -. -.. _. . f Set the A-b &itch on thd OPX tinit to A. stop; and. you. and the called party are coilrlected iv. Hang up the tit to terminate the call. h Receiving internalcalls: .,: .- ’ i Have someone place an inte;Tlal call to the sta- tion at which the OPX unit is insWed: your set rings. ;i. Pick up the handsetl the ringing stops; and you and the caIJ.ing party are connected. . . . . . . ! .>..:.; /!,. iii. Hang up the handset to terminate the call. y.‘.:” ,.,. :.:::;.. c Pladngoutside calls: _ ~ ::,:;‘ :; ;.. 1;; s;:,, I.:; ..,., __ ;. ‘i At the standard &t co&&ted to the OPX unit, +..: :;c , 1 . ” ., . pick up the.handsetz a continuous tone is- - !zsf:;; - ;$?:Z heard. .--ii. ,-Request o~kide line 1 by Wing ‘(Ii: an exter- “. ilaIdiaIto~eishear& . iii.: Complete the outside call by. dialing the de- .sired- number..Hang up, when finished, to I:,i {:. . ..” . terminate the catl. ‘,. ‘i. iv. Test’ acgss t&outside lines 2 through 9 and outside fine 10 (unless the optional Door 1 ‘: Answer Unit is install&) by repeating steps i : through iii above for outside liries 2 through 10. -’ -........-” . . . . . . . . . ..““.......““,” --___-. ---“..“......“..“...“.....L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a.“..,“.“..” “..1--‘.................... . . . . . . . . . ..I.... I..__ -.I . . . ..- ~.._” -... _...“I..“...-- . . . . ..-..... “..““.” .-....- I._ .-..,............,. I . . . . ...” ..-.................,...., r.r: ._-. “...“” ._..... I.” .___..- ..-.. “.-_ . . ..-1...........-........ i . . . . . “..“.,_ . . . . . ..-.- yyLLIUM ‘, ,..,.; . .._.___.._ “__ t,;.‘: :lt$harie .. .. Panther i-032 ;tems’z‘ ’ .. .. .- E~iii:~~.~~~“--...“.-..---.~- ‘. .p@)-‘i5 -__f .+....A :.. .-.-.......C1”.““....“.“~.~... . . . . . ........e.l..^-“.... . . . . . . “-.-...-l-.“.-...l-...“.-.---.~ -.--- -.-_A . . . . . . -- ..-. ~.“_...__..... . . . . -.-._.,- -........ ,...I . . . . . . . . “” .,........-....,.. ~nn”,l,u” ,_.,. “.. ..,_, ,. y’. --” :~=~-~:~= .- -..,.;,..’ .: ,-.. ._ _ :: ‘.., ” :. ‘.‘Ci : ;.. .’ ‘: - .I’, :. ,, ,... ,’ !’ .,,,“. -.. ,; r. ,. ,. . . : . ;.yy.: ,.?‘;: ,;..,::: ~ : .i,: ,f: :: .$ ~&$~,,: ,..~,ib,?,,~_ s,y-p ‘;” ‘_ . . . ,‘.... ‘. .,; ..- .> . .._

STEP 11 ’ ‘.: COI’JNECTWG WESMDRU’+iTI’ :; . (part number 90-0227 only) ._ CAUTION Power should not be appIicd!to the KSU when instaUi.ng the SMDR unit NOTj3S 1. At a minimum, pin 3 (Rcce$ed Data) and -pin 7 (Signal Ground) must be wired in the cable connecting rhe SMDR unit and the recording d&ice. 2. Also, depending on the characteristics of the recording device, other pins may need to be be ~ jumpered, ground&i, or raised - consult your recording device’s m&nic@ ma.nuaI or your recording device manufacmrer’s customer service. .: J.2) 3. See also the specifications on page C-l and the Typical System Layout Diagram on page Ec2-- -:; SMDR Unit jhstallatioh a Mount the S&fDR unit Mow the KSU on the ply: woodbackboard. b Connect the special nbbon cabIe (.suppIied with the SMDR unit) between the connector at the bottom :.. of the KSU and the connector at the top of the. SMDR unit. Connect an RS-232 cable bctwcen the connect& at the bottom of the SMDR unit and the recording de-, vice (terminaI or printer). Set. @e appm@iate baud rate switch (300,600, or 1200 bps) on ihe SMDR unit top match tie require- ments of your r&rding device. Set the BAVRY switch on the SMDR unit tn If noi performed already, go to Step 4 to apply power to the system and to conduct the initial sys- tem ~sts. When Step 4 is completed, return and perform the SMDR unit test procedure (found bdOW). “NOTE .: Ge time of’day, date, month, and year are all programmed into the SMDR from station 10. ST the operating Jnspuctions section. a Place an outside calI: verify that the +I! informa- t tion is recorded, as shown below. : - . :. : -. h _ Have someone piace an incoming call and -during . . the incoming call - enter an aEou.nt number (see . . . . operating InstructionS section): verify that the call _ information. and. account number is recorded, as shown below. . . .I,. Typical Outgoing Call Format (all recorded on one line) [monthJ/[date] [time of day] [length of call] [station] [not used] [telephone number] [outside line] [account] 07/23 02:25P 00:02:24 014 000 17145573300 TOO1 Typical Incoming Call Format (all recorded 06 one line) Imonthl/Idatel [time of day] [length of call] 07/23 03:&2P 00:11:53 [outside line] [seconds to answer] [starion] [account] TO03 029 011 A1234 ._ Z w .- SMDR’Frintout For.&& 1’ :’ iJ ,:,Finther 1032. ’ .. TRILLIUM - i dge l-J-16 .. .,: .?$s;l$; . ..-. *...-.- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . - .^.......... . . . . . . . . . ..-........-... ._.-.-._ ..-... * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-.. __ ..*... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-.-Wm.... . . . . . ..--..--I...-. . ..-.......-_-... - . . .._. . ...*-.. -..-.--.- ll-.l.-............-..-.. - --... --..-.. I............ - ..-.-- . ..I . ...,. ..,,...... U. . . . . -- . . . . -f..- . . . . . . .i ..,.. _. . .~l:.~P.-...-.