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Toshiba Satellite Pro Te2300 Manual

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    TE2300 Ve r s io n  1Last Saved on 21.05.2003 10:04
    ENGLISH using TE2300_Onine.dot –– Printed on 27.05.2003 as  
    G-1TOSHIBA TE2300 
    If your computer is stolen
    G. Appendix G 
    Internal Modem Guide
    This appendix describes how to install and the remove the internal 
    Do not disassemble the computer beyond the steps described in this 
    instruction or touch any components not specifically described. 
    Installing the modem board 
    The internal modem is preinstalled. The following is for information only. 
    To install the modem board, follow the steps below. 
      1.  Save your data, quit Windows and turn off the power. 
      2.  Disconnect the AC adaptor and any other peripheral devices. 
      3.  Turn the computer upside down and remove the battery pack. 
      4.  Remove one screw securing the modem cover and remove the 
      5.  Remove two screws, which you use later to secure the modem 
      6.  Seat the modem board. 
      7.  Connect the modem board cable. 
      8.  Secure the modem board with two screws removed in step 5. 
      9.  Seat the modem board cover and secure it with one screw. 
    10.  Install the battery pack. 
    TOSHIBA TE2300 
     Users Manual 7-G-1 
    TOSHIBA TE2300 
     User’s Manual G-1  
    TE2300 Ve r s io n  1Last Saved on 21.05.2003 10:04
    ENGLISH using TE2300_Onine.dot –– Printed on 27.05.2003 as  
    G-2TOSHIBA TE2300 
    Internal Modem Guide
    Removing the modem board 
    To remove the internal modem. 
      1.  Save your data, quit Windows and turn off the power. 
      2.  Disconnect the AC adaptor and any other peripheral devices. 
      3.  Turn the computer upside down and remove the battery pack. 
      4.  Remove one screw securing the modem cover and remove the 
      5.  Remove two screws securing the modem board. 
      6.  Lift out the modem board. 
      7.  Disconnect the modem board cable. 
      8.  Seat the modem board cover and secure it with one screw. 
      9.  Install the battery pack.  
    TE2300 Ve r s io n  1Last Saved on 21.05.2003 10:04
    ENGLISH using TE2300_Onine.dot –– Printed on 27.05.2003 as  
    H-1TOSHIBA TE2300 
    Internal Modem Guide
    H. Appendix H 
    ASCII Character Codes
    This appendix shows the American Standard Code for Information 
    Interchange (ASCII) on the following pages. The characters in the IBM 
    char column appear on your display when you type the corresponding 
    ASCII code (as described in Chapter 5, The Keyboard). The characters 
    that are printed, however, depend on the software you are using. For most 
    software, the printed output for decimal codes 32 to 128 will match your 
    screen display. 
    TOSHIBA TE2300 
     Users Manual 8-H-1 
    TOSHIBA TE2300 
     User’s Manual H-1  
    TE2300 Ve r s io n  1Last Saved on 21.05.2003 10:04
    ENGLISH using TE2300_Onine.dot –– Printed on 27.05.2003 as  
    H-2TOSHIBA TE2300 
    ASCII Character Codes
    ch ar
    00 000 000 NUL
    01 001 1 SOH
    002 02 2 STX
    003 03♥3 ETX
    004 04♦4EOT
    005 05♣5ENQ
    006 06♠6ACK
    007 07•7BEL
    008 08 8 BS
    009 09 9 HT
    010 0A 10 LF
    011 0B 11 VT
    012 0C 12 FF
    013 0D 13 CR
    014 0E 14 SO
    015 0F 15 SI
    016 10 16 DLE
    017 11 17 DC1
    018 12 18 DC2
    019 13 !! 19 DC3
    020 14 ¶ 20 DC4
    021 15 § 21 NAK
    022 16 22 SYN
    023 17 23 ETB
    024 18↑24 CAN
    025 19↓25 EM
    026 1A→26 SUB
    027 1B←27 ESC
    028 1C 28 FS
    029 1D↔29 GS
    030 1E▲30 RS
    031 1F▼31 US 
    TE2300 Ve r s io n  1Last Saved on 21.05.2003 10:04
    ENGLISH using TE2300_Onine.dot –– Printed on 27.05.2003 as  
    H-3TOSHIBA TE2300 
    ASCII Character Codes
    ch arSort
    032 20 space 32
    033 21 ! 33
    034 22 “ 34
    035 23 # 35
    036 24 $ 36
    037 25 % 37
    038 26 & 38
    039 27 ’ 39
    040 28 ( 40
    041 29 ) 41
    042 2A * 42
    043 2B + 43
    044 2C , 44
    045 2D - 45
    046 2E . 46
    047 2F / 47
    048 30 0 48
    049 31 1 49
    050 32 2 50
    051 33 3 51
    052 34 4 52
    053 35 5 53
    054 36 6 54
    055 37 7 55
    056 38 8 56
    057 39 9 57
    058 3A : 58
    059 3B ; 59
    060 3C < 60
    061 3D = 61
    062 3E > 62
    063 3F ? 63
    064 40 @ 64
    065 41 A 65
    066 42 B 66
    067 43 C 67
    068 44 D 68
    069 45 E 69
    070 46 F 70
    071 47 G 71
    072 48 H 72
    073 49 I 73
    074 4A J 74
    075 4B K 75
    076 4C L 76
    077 4D M 77
    078 4E N 78
    079 4F O 79
    080 50 P 80
    081 51 Q 81
    082 52 R 82
    083 53 S 83
    084 54 T 84
    085 55 U 85
    086 56 V 86
    087 57 W 87
    088 58 X 88
    089 59 Y 89
    090 5A Z 90
    091 5B [ 91
    092 5C \ 92
    093 5D ] 93
    094 5E ^ 94
    095 5F _ 95 
    TE2300 Ve r s io n  1Last Saved on 21.05.2003 10:04
    ENGLISH using TE2300_Onine.dot –– Printed on 27.05.2003 as  
    H-4TOSHIBA TE2300 
    ASCII Character Codes
    096 60 ’ 96
    097 61 a 97
    098 62 b 98
    099 63 c 99
    100 64 d 100
    101 65 e 101
    102 66 f 102
    103 67 g 103
    104 68 h 104
    105 69 i 105
    106 6A j 106
    107 6B k 107
    108 6C l 108
    109 6D m 109
    110 6E n 110
    111 6F o 111
    112 70 p 112
    113 71 q 113
    114 72 r 114
    115 73 s 115
    116 74 t 116
    117 75 u 117
    118 76 v 118
    119 77 w 119
    120 78 x 120
    121 79 y 121
    122 7A z 122
    123 7B { 123
    124 7C 124
    125 7D } 125
    126 7E
    127 7F 127
    128 80 Ç 67
    129 81 ü 85
    130 82 é 69
    131 83 â 65
    132 84 ä 65
    133 85 à 65
    134 86 å 65
    135 87 ç 67
    136 88 ê 69
    137 89 ë 69
    138 8A è 69
    139 8B ï 73
    140 8C î 73
    141 8D ì 73
    142 8E Ä 65
    143 8F Å 65
    144 90 É 69
    145 91 æ 65
    146 92 Æ 65
    147 93 ô 79
    148 94 ö 79
    149 95 ò 79
    150 96 û 85
    151 97 ù 85
    152 98 ÿ 89
    153 99 Ö 79
    154 9A Ü 85
    155 9B ¢ 36
    156 9C £ 36
    157 9D ¥ 36
    158 9E Pt 36
    159 9Fƒ36 
    TE2300 Ve r s io n  1Last Saved on 21.05.2003 10:04
    ENGLISH using TE2300_Onine.dot –– Printed on 27.05.2003 as  
    H-5TOSHIBA TE2300 
    ASCII Character Codes
    160 A0 á 65
    161 A1 í 73
    162 A2 ó 79
    163 A3 ú 85
    164 A4 ñ 78
    165 A5 Ñ 78
    166 A6 a 166
    167 A7 o 167
    168 A8 ¿ 63
    169 A9 169
    170 AA 170
    171 AB 171
    172 AC 172
    173 AD ¡ 33
    174 AE « 34
    175 AF » 34
    176 B0
    177 B1
    178 B2
    179 B3
    180 B4
    181 B5
    182 B6
    183 B7
    184 B8
    185 B9
    186 BA
    187 BB
    188 BC
    189 BD
    190 BE
    191 BF
    192 C0
    193 C1
    194 C2
    195 C3
    196 C4
    197 C5
    198 C6
    199 C7
    200 C8
    201 C9
    202 CA
    203 CB
    204 CC
    205 CD
    206 CE
    207 CF
    208 D0
    209 D1
    210 D2
    211 D3
    212 D4
    213 D5
    214 D6
    215 D7
    216 D8
    217 D9
    218 DA
    219 DB
    220 DC
    221 DD
    222 DE
    223 DF
    TE2300 Ve r s io n  1Last Saved on 21.05.2003 10:04
    ENGLISH using TE2300_Onine.dot –– Printed on 27.05.2003 as  
    H-6TOSHIBA TE2300 
    ASCII Character Codes
    Dec Dec
    ch a rSort
    224 E0α
    225 E1 ß 83
    226 E2Γ
    227 E3Π
    228 E4∑
    229 E5σ
    230 E6µ
    231 E7ϒ
    232 E8Φ
    233 E9Θ
    234 EAΩ
    235 EBδ
    236 ECϕ
    237 EDφ
    238 EEΕ
    239 EFΛ
    240 F0Ξ
    241 F1±
    242 F2≥
    243 F3≤
    244 F4⌠
    245 F5⌡
    246 F6÷
    247 F7≈
    248 F8
    249 F9
    250 FA
    251 FB√
    252 FCη
    253 FD
    254 FE
    255 FF 
    TE2300 Ve r s io n  1Last Saved on 21.05.2003 10:04
    ENGLISH using TE2300_Onine.dot –– Printed on 27.05.2003 as  
    I-7TOSHIBA TE2300 
    ASCII Character Codes
    I. Appendix I 
    Wireless LAN
    This appendix is intended to help you get your Wireless LAN network up 
    and running, with a minimum of parameters. 
    Card specifications 
    Form Factor ■ Mini PCI TypeIII 
    Capability ■ IEEE 802.11 Standard for Wireless LANS 
    ■ Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) certified by the 
    Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance 
    Network Operating 
    System ■ Microsoft Windows® Networking 
    Media Access 
    Protocol Data Rate ■ CSMA/CA (Collision Avoidance) with 
    Protocol Acknowledgment (ACK) 
    ■ 54/48/36/24/18/12/9/6 Mb/s (Revision A) 
    ■ 11/5.5/2/1 Mb/s (Revision B) 
    ■ 108/96/72/48/36/24/18/12 Mb/s 
    (Turbo Mode) 
    Radio characteristics 
    Radio characteristics of Wireless LAN cards may vary according to: 
    ■ Country/region where the product was purchased 
    ■ Type of product 
    Wireless communication is often subject to local radio regulations. 
    Although Wireless LAN wireless networking products have been designed 
    for operation in the license-free 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz band, local radio 
    regulations may impose a number of limitations to the use of wireless 
    communication equipment. 
    TOSHIBA TE2300 
     Users Manual 9-I-7 
    TOSHIBA TE2300 
     User’s Manual I-1  
    TE2300 Ve r s io n  1Last Saved on 21.05.2003 10:04
    ENGLISH using TE2300_Onine.dot –– Printed on 27.05.2003 as  
    I-2TOSHIBA TE2300 
    Wireless LAN
    Refer to the sheet Information to the User for regulatory information that 
    may apply in your country/region. 
    R-F Frequency ■ Band 5 GHz (5150-5850 MHz) (Revision A, 
    Tu r b o  M o d e )  
    ■ Band 2.4 GHz (2400-2483.5 MHz) 
    (Revision B) 
    Modulation Technique  Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum  
    ■ CCK, DQPSK, DBPSK (Revision B) 
    16QAM, OFDM-64QAM (Revision A, 
    Tu r b o  M o d e )  
    The range of the wireless signal is related to the transmit rate of the 
    wireless communication. Communications at lower transmit range may 
    travel larger distances. 
    ■ The range of your wireless devices can be affected when the antennas 
    are placed near metal surfaces and solid high-density materials. 
    ■ Range is also affected by “obstacles” in the signal path of the radio 
    signals that may either absorb or reflect the radio signal. 
    Supported frequency sub-bands 
    Subject to the radio regulations that apply in your country/region, your 
    Wireless LAN card may support a different set of 5 GHz/2.4 GHz 
    Consult your Authorized Wireless LAN or TOSHIBA Sales office for 
    information about the radio regulations that apply in your country/region. 
    Wireless IEEE 802.11 Channels Sets (Revision B) 
      Frequency Range Channel ID  2400-2472 MHz 
     1  2412 
     2  2417 
     3  2422 
     4  2427 
     5  2432 
     6  2437 
     7  2442 
     8  2447 
     9  2452 
     10  2457* 
     11  2462 
    * Factory-set default channels  
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