TomTom Urban Rider 3 Manual
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Finding alternative routes10. 21 Find- ing alterna- tive routesOnce you have planned a route, you may want to change something about the route, with- out changing your destination. Reasons for changing a route Maybe for one of these reasons: • You can see a roadblock or a line of traffic ahead. • You want to travel via a particular location, to pick someone up, stop for lunch or fill up with petrol. • You want to avoid a difficult junction or a road you don’t like. Change route Tap this button in the Main Menu to change the currently planned route. Avoid roadblock Quick Menu option! Tap this button if you can see a roadblock or a line of traffic ahead. You then have to choose how much of the route ahead you want to avoid. Choose from the different options. Your Rider recalculates your route avoiding the section of the route for the distance you selected. Don’t forget that once a new route is calculated, you may have to turn off the road you are on very soon. Calculate alternative Quick Menu option! Tap this button to calculate an alternative to the route already planned. Your Rider calculates another route, starting from your cur- rent location. Apart from the roads near your position and near your destination, the new route uses totally different roads to reach your destination. This is an easy way of calculating a totally different route.
22 Travel via... Tap this button to change your route so that it passes a particular location, perhaps to pick someone up on the way. When you do this, a marker is shown on the map for the location you choose to travel via. You choose the location you want to pass in the same way as you choose a destination. So you can select from all the same options, for example: Address, Favourite, Point of Interest and Point on map. Your Rider calculates a new route to your destination that passes the location you chose. Unlike your final destination, your Rider does not inform you when you pass by this location. Using this button, you can only travel via one location. If you want to pass more than one, use an Itinerary. Plan route Tap this button to plan a new route. When you plan a new route, the old one is deleted. Clear route Quick Menu option! Tap this button to delete the current route. Change waypoint Quick Menu option! Tap this button to go to the next or previous waypoint in your current Itinerary.
Recording your route11. 23 Recordi ng your routeAbout recording your route There are several reasons why you may want to record a route. You may be on the riding holiday of a lifetime and want to share the route with fellow bikers or you may simply wish to build a collection of your favourite routes. When the recording of a route stops, two files are created. The first file is a GPX file that holds very detailed information and can be viewed with software such as Google Earth. T h e s e c o n d f i l e i s a n I T N f i l e t h a t c a n b e s hared with other TomTom users and can be used to drive the route again using the Itinerary feature. Advanced users can also download GPX files from the internet and convert them to ITN files for sharing and riding using the Itinerary feature. Starting route recording Important: You need at least 5Mb of free space on your Rider before starting to record a route. Quick Menu option! To start recording your route, do the following: 1. Tap the screen to bring up the Main Menu. 2. Tap options. 3. Tap Start recording. Tip: You can also select Record my GPS location in Quick menu preferences. You can then tap Start recording in the Quick Menu in the Driving View. As your TomTom Rider moves along on your bike, it records your position every few sec- onds. During recording, you can continue to use your Rider as normal. You can safely turn your device off and on during recording. About GPX files Contents A very detailed recording of where you have been on your route, including any off-road locations. Location GPX folder on your TomTom Rider.
24 Using the file There are several things you can do with your GPX file: • Connect your Rider to your computer and view the file using software such as Google Earth. Note: While viewing your recording, you may notice that the recorded GPS locations do not always correspond with the roads. This can happen for several reasons. Firstly, your device tries to keep the files small and this can cause a slight loss of data precision. Sec- ondly, your device records the actual data from the GPS chip for an accurate representa- tion of where you’ve been, rather than what you see on your screen. Thirdly, the software with which you view the recording may have the maps misaligned. • Share the file with friends by sending it using email or the internet on your computer. Receiving a GPX file If you receive a GPX file from a friend or download one from the internet, your Rider can convert it into an Itinerary. You can then use the Itinerary to follow the route with naviga- tional instructions. Converting a GPX file into an Itinerary To convert a GPX file into an Itinerary, do the following: 1. Connect your Rider to your computer 2. Place your GPX files in the GPX2ITN folder on your device. 3. Disconnect your device from the computer. 4. Turn your device on. Each file is then converted into an ITN file. You can convert up to 50 files in one batch. 5. When the conversion has finished you can load your Itinerary. In the Main menu, tap Itinerary planning, then Options and Load Itinerary. About ITN files Contents This file contains less detail than the GPX file but it allows you to retrace your route using the Itinerary feature of your device. The ITN file can contain a maximum of 48 locations but that is enough to recreate a route accurately. Location ITN folder on your TomTom Rider. Using the file There are several things you can do with an ITN file: • You can load a recorded route onto your Rider so you can travel that same route again and get navigation instructions. • Share the file with other TomTom users by sending it using a Bluetooth connection. To do this, tap Itinerary planning in the Main Menu, followed by options and Send/ Receive files Receiving an ITN file If you receive an ITN file, you can load it using your Rider.
25 You can receive an ITN file from a friend using Bluetooth, download one from the internet or receive one using HOME. Loading an ITN file To load an ITN file, do the following: 1. Tap the screen to bring up the Main Menu. 2. Tap options. 3. Tap Itinerary planning. 4. Tap Options. 5. Tap Load Itinerary. Tip: After loading a scenic route, if you are asked for a route type, select Shortest route to give you the closest representation of the original route.
Browse Map12. 26 Browse MapTo look at the map in the same way as you might look at a traditional paper map, tap Browse map in the Main Menu. You can move the map by touching the screen and sliding your finger across the screen. 1. Scale bar 2. Marker Markers point to your current location, your home location and your destination. The marker shows the distance to the location. Tap a marker to centre the map on the location pointed to by the marker. 3. Options button Tap this button to select whether POIs, favourites, names and coordinates are shown. 4. Cursor 5. Find button Tap this button to find specific addresses. 6. Cursor button Tap this button to plan a route to the cursor position, create a Favourite at the cursor position or find a Point of Interest near to the cursor position. 7. Zoom bar Zoom in and out by tapping the glove-friendly buttons.
TomTom Map Share™13. 27 TomTo m Map Share™With TomTom Map Share, you can correct errors on your map and share those correc- tions with other people in the TomTom Map Share community, as well as receiving cor- rections made by others. If you find a street that has recently been blocked to traffic which was open before, you can use Map Share to correct your map and then share the correction with other Map Share users. You can use Map Share to send and receive map corrections during the first year after the map’s release date. This means that one year after the release date, you will no longer be able to send or receive map corrections for that version of the map. You will still be able to make corrections to your own map for use on your own device. Note: TomTom Map Share is not available in all regions. For more information, go to Map corrections There are two types of map correction: • Corrections that are immediately shown on the map. These include, changing the traffic flow of a street, blocking or renaming a street and adding or editing POIs. This type of change is immediately shown on your own map. You can hide these cor- rections at any time in the Map Share preferences menu. • Corrections that are reported to TomTom but not shown immediately on your map. These include, missing streets, errors in motorway entrances and exits and missing roundabouts. This type of correction is investigated by TomTom and once verified, is included in the next map release. These corrections are therefore not shared with the Map Share commu- nity.
28 Making a map correction Important: For safety reasons, you should only mark a location when you are driving. Do not enter the full details of an error while you are driving. Receiving the latest map updates When you connect your TomTom Rider to your computer, TomTom HOME automatically downloads any available map corrections and sends any changes you have made, to the Map Share community. There are several types of corrections which can be set in the Correction preferences menu. Marking a map error while on the move Important: For safety reasons, you should only mark a location when you are riding. Do not enter the full details of an error while you are riding. If you notice an item on your map that needs attention, you can mark the location using the Report button and then enter the details when you are no longer riding. To show the Report button in the Driving View, do the following: 1. Tap options in the Main Menu then tap Quick menu preferences. 2. Select the checkbox next to Mark location of map error. 3. Tap Done three times. The Report button is shown on the left-hand side of the Driving View. If you already have other buttons selected as part of the Quick Menu, you see the Quick Menu button in the Driving View instead. After you mark a location, you can add more information about the change when you open the Map corrections menu. For example, you are driving to a friends house and you notice that the name of the street you are on is different from the one on your map. To report the change, tap the Report Correct a map error 1. Tap options in the Main Menu then tap Map corrections. 2. Tap Correct a map error. A list of possible map corrections is shown. 3. Select the type of correction you want to report. Note: If you tap Add missing POI or Other you will be asked for some additional information before the next step. 4. Select the method you want to use for selecting the location of the correction. 5. When you have found the location, tap Done. 6. Enter correction or confirmation of correction now.
29 button and your Rider will save your current location. You can then send the correction to TomTom Map Share when you have finished your journey. TomTom Map Share community To join the Map Share community, do the following: 1. Tap options in the Main Menu then tap Map corrections. 2. Tap Download corrections made by others. 3. Tap Join. When you connect your Rider to your computer, TomTom HOME downloads new correc- tions and sends your corrections to the Map Share community. Important: Connect your device to your computer regularly and use TomTom HOME to check for new updates. Correction preferences The correction preferences set the way TomTom Map Share works on your device. You can set the following preferences: • Use the trust level slider to choose the types of corrections from the Map Share com- munity you want to use on your maps. • Decide if you want to share your corrections with others. • Show or hide the report button in the Driving View. To set your preferences, tap options in the Main Menu then tap Map corrections. Accepting map corrections You can set the type of map corrections you want added to your map. To do this, tap Cor- rection preferences in the Map corrections menu. There are four levels of corrections that you can choose. The level changes when you move the slider: •TomTom - only accept changes made by TomTom. •Trusted sources - accept changes made by TomTom and by trusted users who have been verified by TomTom. •Many users - accept changes made by TomTom, by trusted users who have been ver- ified by TomTom and changes made by a high number of Map Share community mem- bers. •Some users - accept changes made by TomTom, by trusted users who have been ver- ified by TomTom and all changes that have been made by Map Share community mem- bers.
30 Types of map correction There are several types of correction that you can make to a map. To make a correction to your map, tap Map corrections in the options menu then tap Cor- rect a map error. The following types of corrections are shown. (Un)block street Tap this button to block or unblock a street. You can block or unblock the street in one or both directions. For example, to correct a street near to your current location, do the fol- lowing: 1. Tap (Un)block street. 2. Tap Near you to select a street near your current location. You can select a street by name, a street near your Home location or a street on the map. 3. Select the street or section of a street you want to correct by tapping it on the map. The street you select is highlighted and the cursor shows the name of the street. 4. Tap Done. Your device shows the street and whether the traffic is blocked or allowed in each direction. 5. Tap one of the direction buttons to block or unblock the flow of traffic in that direction. 6. Tap Done. The next time you connect your device to TomTom HOME, your cor- rections are shared with the TomTom Map Share community. Reverse traffic direction Tap this button to correct the traffic direction of a one-way street, where the direction of traffic is different to the direction shown on your map. Note: Reverse traffic direction only works for one-way streets. If you select a two-way street you will be given the chance to block/unblock the street rather than changing the direction.