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TomTom Start 40 User Manual

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Page 81

For example, to change how you are warned when you approach a fixed speed camera, do the 
1. Select Sounds & Warnings in the Settings Menu. 
2. Select Cameras. 
3. Select Fixed cameras. 
4. Select one of the following warning options: 
 Always. 
 Only when speeding. 
 Never. 
5. Select the back button. 
Tip: To turn off all audible warnings, select Settings, followed by Sounds & Warnings and then 
switch off Speed camera warnings. 
Updating locations for cameras and hazards...

Page 82

About danger zones 
The Danger Zones service warns you about danger zones on your route when you are in France. 
Since 3rd January 2012, it has been illegal to receive warnings about the position of fixed or mobile 
speed cameras when you are driving in France. To be compliant with this change in French law, 
speed camera locations are no longer reported but instead areas of danger are indicated as danger 
Important: Outside of France, you receive warnings about speed cameras. Inside...

Page 83

 While you are driving in a zone your distance to the end of the zone is shown in the route bar. 
To change the way you are warned about danger zones, select Sounds & Warnings in the Settings 
When you first start using your device, warning sounds are played for these types of zones: 
Symbol shown on 
Symbol shown in 
route bar 
Danger zone - this type of warning is only given in 
You are warned at the start and end of the danger 
Traffic jams -...

Page 84

About My Places 
My Places provides an easy way to select a location without the need to search for the location each 
time. You can use My Places to create a collection of useful or favourite addresses. 
Tip: The terms favourite and place mean the same thing - favourites are places that you go to 
The following items are always in My Places: 
 Home - Your home location can be your home address or somewhere you often visit. This 
feature provides an easy way to navigate there. 
 Work...

Page 85

 Zoom in on the map at the location you want to select. Press and hold to select the loca-
tion, then select the home or work location symbol. 
 Select the Search button and search for a location. Select a location to set as home or work. 
Select Set home location or Set work location. 
Setting your home or work location using the map 
1. In the Map View, move the map and zoom in until you can see your home or work location. 
2. Select the location by pressing and holding the screen for...

Page 86

1. Open the pop-up menu and select Add to My Places. 
2. In the name bar, enter the name Home. 
Note: Home must have a capital letter H. 
3. Select Add. 
Your home location is changed to the new location.  
Adding a location from My Places 
1. In the Main Menu, select My Places. 
2. Select Add a new place. 
3. To select a location, do one of the following: 
 Zoom in on the map at the location you want to select. Press and hold to select the loca-
tion, then select the add location symbol. 

Page 87

Adding a location to My Places using search 
1. In the Main Menu, select Search. 
2. Search for a location. 
3. Select the location then select Show on map. 
4. When the map view shows the location, select the pop-up menu button. 
5. Select Add to My Places. 
The name of the location appears in the edit screen. 
6. Edit the name of the location so you can easily recognise it. 
7. Select Done to save your location in the My Places list.  
Adding a location to My Places by marking 
To mark a...

Page 88

Select Settings in the Main Menu, then select Appearance. 
On this screen, you can change these settings: 
 Display 
Select Display to change the appearance of the display. 
 Route bar 
Select Route bar to change the information you see in the route bar. 
 Guidance view 
Select Guidance view to change the information you see in the guidance view. 
 Automatic zoom 
Select Automatic Zoom to change how you view a junction as you drive. 
 Automatic map view switching 
By default,...

Page 89

 Night brightness 
Move the slider to adjust the brightness level of the screen during the night.  
Select Switch to night colours when dark to automatically switch to night colours when it gets 
Size of text and buttons 
Select Size of text and buttons to change the size of the text and the buttons you see on the 
Note: This feature is only available on devices with a 6 inch / 15 cm or larger screen. 
Drag the slider to change the text and button size to small, medium or...

Page 90

Arrival information 
Select Arrival information to change the following settings: 
 Show remaining distance 
Select this setting to show the remaining distance left to travel in the arrival information panel 
during navigation.  
 Show remaining time 
Select this setting to show the remaining time left to travel in the arrival information panel 
during navigation.  
 Switch between distance and time automatically 
Select this setting to control the automatic switching between remaining...
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