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TomTom Start 40 User Manual

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Page 71

Note: If you want to report a map change of a type not shown in the menu, use the Map Share 
Reporter at tomtom.com. 
7. Follow the instructions for your chosen type of map change. 
8. Select Report. 
The marker for the marked location is removed from the map. 
9. Connect your START to MyDrive Connect to send your map change report to TomTom and 
receive map changes from other TomTom users.  
Types of map change 
There are several types of map change available. 
Note: If you want to report a...

Page 72

Turn Restriction 
Select this option to report incorrect road turn restrictions. 
1. Press and hold to select the location of the map change on the map view. 
2. Select the pop-up menu button to open the menu. 
3. Select Report Map Error from the pop-up menu. 
4. Select Turn Restriction. 
5. If the incorrect junction is shown, select Select another junction.  
6. Select the approach direction. 
The map rotates so that the direction you are coming from is shown at the bottom of the 

Page 73

About RDS-TMC 
The Traffic Message Channel (TMC), also known as RDS-TMC, transmits traffic information as a radio 
signal and is available free of charge in many countries. 
TMC is not a TomTom service, but is available when using the TomTom RDS-TMC Traffic Receiver. 
Note: TMC is not available in all countries. To check the availability of TMC services in your 
country, go to tomtom.com/5826. 
TomTom is not responsible for the availability or quality of traffic information provided by TMC....

Page 74

The symbols are in the order that they occur on your route. For traffic 
incidents, the symbol for each incident alternates between showing the 
type of incident and the delay in minutes. Select a symbol to see more 
information about a stop, an incident or a speed camera. If a symbol is 
shown on top of another symbol, selecting the symbols zooms in on the 
route bar to show each symbol separately. You can then select a symbol. 
The total time delay due to traffic jams, weather, and other...

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The colour of the incident indicates the speed of traffic relative to the maximum allowed speed 
at that location, with red being the slowest. The stripes on the traffic jam are also animated to 
show the speed of the traffic, where appropriate.  
For a complete list of incident types, see Traffic incidents. 
Tip: You see weather symbols on the map if there is bad weather such as heavy rain or snow.    
2. Traffic incident on your route but in the opposite direction of travel. 
3. Traffic...

Page 76

Slow traffic 
Unknown accident 
Unknown incident 
Lane closure 
Road closure 
Weather symbols: 
Approaching a traffic jam warning 
A warning is given as you approach a traffic jam. You are warned in several ways:  

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 A warning symbol is shown in the route bar. 
 The route bar zooms in to the start of the traffic jam. 
 Your distance to the start of the traffic jam is shown in the route bar. 
 The colour of the road on the route bar changes to orange or red, 
depending on the severity of the traffic jam. 
 The background colour of the route bar background changes to red if 
you are driving too fast towards the traffic jam. 
 You hear a warning sound. 
To change the way you are warned, select...

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As you approach an exit or junction, the lane you need is shown on the screen and in the instruction 
Tip: To close the lane image, select anywhere on the screen. 
To turn lane images off, select the Settings button in the Main Menu, then select Appearance. 
Switch off the Show previews of motorway exits setting.  
Time-dependent speed limits 
Some speed limits change depending on the time of day. For example, you may see the speed limit 
near schools decrease to 40 km/h or 25 mph...

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About speed cameras 
The Speed Cameras service warns you about the following camera locations: 
 Fixed speed camera locations. 
 Average speed camera locations. 
 Speed enforcement zones. 
 Red light camera locations. 
 Traffic restriction cameras. 
The Speed Cameras service also warns you about the following safety hazards: 
 Accident blackspot locations. 
Note: Your new TomTom START comes pre-loaded with speed camera locations. To keep these 
camera and hazard locations up-to-date,...

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Symbol shown on 
Symbol shown in 
route bar 
Average speed cameras - these types of 
cameras measure your average speed between 
two points. You are warned at the start and end 
of the average speed check area. 
While you are driving in an average speed check 
area, your average speed is shown, instead of 
your current speed. The distance to the end of 
the area is shown in the route bar. 
Speed enforcement zones - these zones can 
contain multiple speed cameras.  
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