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Technics Digital Ensemble Sx Pr54 Owners Manual

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Page 61

Part III Sequencer
Sequencer Play
Play back your recorded performance.
1.Press the SEQUENCER PLAY button to turn
it on.
The display looks similar to the following.
2.After pressing the SONG button, use the
∧ and ∨ buttons to select a song num-
ber for playback.
3.Use the balance buttons below the display to
show “PLAY” above the track numbers you
wish to have played back.
Highlighted track numbers indicate tracks that are
already recorded. Only highlighted track numbers can...

Page 62

Part III Sequencer
You can have specified measures played back
1.On the SEQUENCER PLAY display, specify
“PLAY” for track numbers you wish to have
played back.
2.Press the CYCLE button.
The display looks similar to the following.
3.Use the START MEASURE ∧ and ∨ buttons
to specify the beginning measure number.
4.Use the END MEASURE ∧ and ∨ buttons to
specify the ending measure number.
The measure in which the END command has been
stored can also be specified....

Page 63

Part III Sequencer
Here is the way to assign a name to your recorded song.
1.On the SEQ MENU display use the SONG
∧ and ∨ buttons to select a song.
2.Press the NAMING button.
The display looks similar to the following.
3.Use the buttons below the display to assign a
Set the character input position with the POSITION but-
tons, select the characters with the alphanumeric buttons
and repeat name assignment. 
Switch from upper to lower case letters with the ABC,...

Page 64

Part III Sequencer
Song Select
You can select a desired song from the list of recorded songs.
1.On the SEQ MENU display, select RECORD
2.On the RECORD & EDIT display, select
• The display looks similar to the following.
3.Use the SONG SELECT  and  buttons to
select a song.
 The total amount of memory used for the current song is
shown as a percentage (%) to the right of the song name.
 If the NAMING button is pressed, the NAMING display
 To optimize...

Page 65

Part III Sequencer
7.Press the REC STOP button at the point you
want to stop recording.
 Punch recording stops immediately.
 You can also begin punch-in recording by playing the
 You can specify the punch-in/punch-out points with the
Pedal. (Refer to page 120.)

You can also set the punch-in and punch-out
points beforehand, so that recording automati-
cally begins and ends at the specified points.
1.On the PUNCH RECORD display, press the

Page 66

Part III Sequencer
The display changes to the STEP RECORD input display
similar to the following.
If you selected the track to which the CHORD part has
been assigned, the display changes to the STEP
RECORD: CHORD display. (Refer to page 67.)
If you selected the track to which the RHYTHM part has
been assigned, the display changes to the STEP
RECORD: RHYTHM display. (Refer to page 69.)
If you selected the track to which the CONTROL part has
been assigned, the display changes to...

Page 67

Part III Sequencer

 Correcting the data
1.In the STEP RECORD mode, specify the track
you wish to correct.
2.Use the MEAS buttons to go to the measure
you wish to modify. Use the CURSOR buttons
to move the cursor to the point ( 
∗ ) you wish
to edit.
The data stored at that point is shown on the display.
When multiple data is stored at one point, different data is
displayed in order each time a CURSOR button is
pressed. When a chord is recorded, a different note in the
chord is...

Page 68

Part III Sequencer

 Example of storing a chord progression
1.On the SEQ MENU display, use the SONG
∧ and ∨ buttons to select the song
number. Then select RECORD & EDIT.
2.On the RECORD & EDIT display, select STEP
The display changes to the PART SELECT display.
3.Using the balance buttons below the display,
select the track to which the CHORD (CHD/
APC) part has been assigned.
The display changes to the STEP RECORD: CHORD
input display similar to the following....

Page 69

Part III Sequencer
Chord data
When the chord name is displayed at the cursor
position, you can press the DELETE key to
erase the data and then store a new chord.
If you do not erase the displayed data before entering new
chord data, the new data is inserted at this point, and the
displayed data is merely shifted by the note value of the
new chord.
Rests can also be erased. Each time the DELETE key is
pressed, the rest is erased in units of 
Œ × 1. The ‰  rest is
erased last.

Page 70

Part III Sequencer
Track Assign
Each SEQUENCER part is already assigned to a track number. However, you can use the TRACK
ASSIGN function to assign parts to tracks as you wish.
1.On the SEQ MENU display, use the SONG
∧ and ∨ buttons to select the song
number. Then select RECORD & EDIT.
2.On the RECORD & EDIT display, select
The display looks similar to the following.
3.Use the TR  and  buttons to select the
4.Use the TRACK ASSIGN ∧ and ∨ buttons to...
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