Tascam Cd Rewritable Recorder CD-RW900 Owners Manual
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1-Introduction TASCAM CD-RW900 21 5−Recording The sampling frequency for CDs is 44.1 kHz. The CD- RW900 will always record (and play back) CDs at this frequency. H o w e v e r, i f re c o rd i n g t h ro u g h a d i g i t a l c o n n e c t i o n (either coaxial or optical) and the source has been re- corded at a frequency other than 44.1 kHz, or is being played back at a non-standard speed using a varispeed unit (more than 1% away from the standard), the CD- RW900’s internal frequency converter: SRC (Sampling rate convertor) will automatically convert the incoming frequency to 44.1 kHz. To set the SRC Press the MENU key and select the SRC? option in the REC sub-menu (refer to “Operation basics” on page 14). Rotate the MULTI JOG dial and select ON. Press the MENU key or push the MULTI JOG dial to enter and return to normal mode. N O T E When the SRC function is off, receiving digital signals, the display shows the REC indicator flashing while re- cording or recording standby mode. The digital signals other than 44.1kHz cannot be re- c o r d e d w h e n S R C i s o f f . T h e e r r o r m e s s a g e N o t Fs44.1k! will appear on the display. Frequency conversion Before you start recording using the CD-RW900, make sure that you understand the following key points: ≠ Once you have recorded on a CD-R disc, the data cannot be erased from it. ≠ You can add tracks to an unfinalized recordable d i s c . O n c e fi n a l i z e d , a C D - R d i s c i s “ fi x e d ” a n d behaves in the same way as a pre-recorded disc. Finalized CD-RW discs, however, can be erased, re- freshed and re-recorded. Input selection To select the input to be recorded, press the INPUT SELECT key on the main unit. Repeated presses of the key cycle through the follow- ing options: ANALOG Analog OPTICAL Optical digital in COAXIAL Coaxial digital in In the case of either the coaxial or optical inputs being selected, the appropriate indicator: COAXIAL or OPTI- CAL, lights on the right of the screen. If the analog signal is selected, the ANALOG indicator lights on the right of the screen. Analog recording level The level of the analog signals received at the ANALOG IN jacks are controlled with the INPUT controls. When recording analog signals, set the digital volume to 0 dB. Digital recording level The level of the digital signal may be controlled using the digital volume menu, as de- scribed below. 1 Call up the VOLUME option in the REC sub-menu (refer to “Operation basics” on page 14). Push the MULTI JOG dial to enter the function on. 2 Rotate the MULTI JOG dial to adjust the input vol- ume between -54dB and +18 dB (relative to the original input level). There is also a -‹ setting which represents a com- plete signal cut. The display shows Vol> ---dB for the -‹ setting. 3 Press the MENU key or push the MULTI JOG dial to enter the setting and return to normal mode. Input monitoring When the unit is in record ready, or record mode, the input signal is output from the OUT jacks (digital and analog), allowing you to hear the input signal. 1 Press the RECORD key on the front panel or the re- mote control when a recordable disc is not inserted. The word Monitor appears on the display to show that the output signal is an echo of the input signal(s). 2 Exit the monitor mode by using the STOP key.

1-Introduction 22 TASCAM CD-RW900 5−Recording Basic recording 1 Load a recordable disc into the unit. As the disc loaded, the display shows TOC Reading., with the period flashing. 2 Press the INPUT SELECT key to select a recording source (see “Input selection” on page 21). If a digital source is selected, and the connection or the signal are improper, the error message D-IN UN- LOCK! will appear on the display. 3 P re s s t h e R E C O R D k e y. T h e u n i t e n t e r s re c o rd ready mode, as shown by the REC and READY indi- cators on the display. N O T E A s t h e u n i t e n t e r s r e c o r d r e a d y m o d e , t h e d i s p l a y shows the Now OPC (Optimum Power Control) occa- sionally, as the unit prepares to record on the disc. To adjust the level of the source, following the guide- lines in “Input selection” on page 21. N O T E The red OVER indicators on the meters should never light. Unlike analog equipment, digital audio units pro- duce extremely unpleasant sounds when distorted, and there is no “headroom” after the 0 mark. If recording digitally from a commercially-produced CD, the volume set in the menu should be 0 dB. This will maintain all the dynamic range of the source CD without clipping. Only boost the signal if the source is exceptionally quiet. An analog signal input at nominal level, with no cut or boost from the volume controls, is equivalent to a read- ing of −16 dB on the meters. 4 Press the PLAY key to start recording. Pressing the READY key stands by recording tem- porarily. To restart recording, press the READY key or PLAY key again. 5 Press the STOP key to stop recording. W h e n re c o rd i n g s t o p s , t h e d i s p l a y s h o w s P M A Writing (Program Memory Area) flashing for a few seconds as the unit writes to the disc. N O T E ≠ During the PMA Writing is shown, any key cannot be used. ≠ To confirm the total recording time, use the REC TIME opyion in the SYSTEM sub-menu (refer to “Op- eration basics” on page 14). C A U T I O N Do not vibrate the unit or turn off the power when the unit writes to the disc, otherwise, recording fails. When in record or record ready mode, repeated press- es of the TIME key cycle through four different time modes: ≠ Elapsed track time (no display light indication) ≠ Remaining track time (REMAIN is lit in the display) ≠ Elapsed disc time (TOTAL is lit in the display) ≠ Remaining disc time (TOTAL and REMAIN are lit in the display) Time display while recording Full disc If recording a long program, when there is no space remaining on the disc for recording, as shown by the above time display, just before the end of the disc is reached, the unit starts a fade-out over four seconds (the display shows Fade Out). When the fade-out has finished, the display shows Disc Full!. Press the STOP key to exit. If the disc is a CD-RW, the final track can be erased, if required (see “Erasing” on page 26) and the disc then finalized. If the disc is a CD-R, it must be finalized prior to use (see “Finalizing” on page 25).

1-Introduction TASCAM CD-RW900 23 5−Recording Advanced recording Fade-in and fade-out recording At the beginning and end of recording, fade-in and fade-out effects can be performed. 1 During stop or recording standby mode, set the op- eration using the following menu options on the REC sub-menu (refer to “Operation basics” on page 14). FADE IN? The length of the fade in to the normal level can be set between 1 and 30 seconds in 1-second incre- ments (default setting: 3 seconds). FADE OUT? The length of the fade out into complete silence can be set between 1 and 30 seconds in 1-second incre-ments (default setting: 3 seconds). The display shows Fade Out>XXs or Fade In>XXs. 2 In recording standby mode, press the FADER key on the remote control. Recording begins and the sound fades in. After the preset fade-in time, the sound is at normal level. 3 During recording, press the FADER key on the re- mote control when you wish to fade-out the sound. Fade-out begins with Fade Out flashing on the dis- play then the unit enters recording standby mode. 4 Press the STOP key and the PMA writing will begin. N O T E F a d e - i n o r f a d e - o u t f u n c t i o n c a n b e o p e r a t e d o n l y pressing the FADER key on the remote control unit. Synchronized recording basically means that recording will begin automatically when a signal is received, and will stop when the signal ends. Use the SYNC REC key to select the synchronization mode. The synchronization mode determines the auto- mated start and stopping of recording when a signal is received. D u r i n g s t o p o r re c o rd i n g s t a n c b y m o d e , re p e a t e d presses of this key cycle through the fol-lowing modes: ≠ Sync ALL: The SYNC indicator lights up. ≠ Sync 1: The unit stops when a selected track is fin- ished and the SYNC indicator flashes ≠ Sync OFF: Turns Sync recording function off After the synchronization mode is selected, the record ready mode must then be entered (you cannot reverse the order of these steps). Starting playback of the source automatically starts re- cording on the CD-RW900 if Sync ALL or Sync 1 has been selected (see “Sync recording” below) and manual record start is disabled. If Sync OFF is selected, the re- cording must be started manually. Synchronaized recording Sync recording 1 While recording standby mode, press the SYNC REC key repeatedly to select Sync ALL or Sync 1. 2 Set the signal detection threshold level. Use the SYNC LEVEL option in the REC sub-menu (refer to “Operation basics” on page 14). Rotate the MULTI JOG dial to adjust the level. The level can be set from -72 dB to -24 dB in 6 dB incre- ments. The default setting is -24 dB. Press the MENU key or push the MULTI JOG dial to enter and return to recording standby mode. 3 Input the source signal. Recording begins automatically when the source signal is detected. The source signal should be high- er than the adjusted threshold level. N O T E ≠ A f t e r t h e m o d e i s s e t , m o r e t h a n o n e s e c o n d o f signal under the adjusted threshold level is required to start recording automatically, otherwise, the unit does not begin recording even it detects the signals. S_LVL Start of recordinglevel time Noise level

1-Introduction 24 TASCAM CD-RW900 When audio signal is not detected more than five sec- onds, the CD-RW900 automatically will stop recording and enters record standby mode. N O T E In the Sync 1 mode, if the unit detects the signal which is under the adjusted level over five secondsd, the Sync recording mode will be canceled. 3 To c a n c e l t h e S y n c re c o rd i n g m o d e , p re s s t h e SYNC REC key and select the Sync OFF. Record- ing returns to normal and continues till you press the STOP key or the source signal stops. P re s s i n g t h e S T O P k e y s t o p s re c o rd i n g . O n c e stopped, the selected mode will be canceled. N O T E ≠ W h e n t h e S y n c 1 i s o n , a n d t h e R E A D Y k e y i s pressed, Sync recording stops and the setting will be canceled. ≠ When the Sync ALL is on, and the READY key is pressed, the unit enters recording standby mode with remaining the Sync recording setting. ≠ If you set the value only high-level signals trigger re- cording, remember that this will not record the start of a piece: ≠ Also remember that when recording from an analog source, the threshold should be set so that it is high- er than the “noise floor”. If the “noise floor” is higher than the threshold, a false start will occur: 5−Recording Automatic track division The trigger level can also be used to divide tracks if the A_TRACK (auto track) function is enabled. When this function is enabled, the unit automatically in- serts a track division in the recorded material. To enable or disable automatic track division: 1 Use A_TRK option in the REC sub-menu to set the mode on. The A.TRACK indicator at the top right of the display lights. 2 Rotate and push the MULTI JOG dial to select and enter the modes following: ≠ Level W h e n t h e s o u n d l e v e l h a s d r o p p e d b e l o w t h e threshold for more than two seconds, and sound has re-started, the track will be divided. Use A_TRK LEVEL option in the REC sub-menu. The trigger level is set to -24dB to -72 dB. ≠ DD (digital direct) When recording digitally from MD, CD or DAT, this m o d e d e t e c t s a t r a c k b o u n d a r y a n d d i v i d e s t h e track. However, when the DD mode is on, and if the analog source or non-DAT/CD/MD digital connections are detected, the track number will be increased by the setting level that you set in the Level mode. A_LVL At least 2 secondslevel time Track increment S_LVL REC readylevel time Five seconds S_LVL Recordsing startslevel time T h i s p a r t o f t h e t r a c k i s n o t recorded S_LVL Start of track is not registeredlevel time N o i s e i s h i g h e r than threshold

1-Introduction TASCAM CD-RW900 25 5− Advanced Recording Rec mute function The Rec mute function allows instant cut-off of the input signal, and records four seconds of silence on the disc. While recording is in progress, press the REC MUTE key on the remote contorl. The display shows the Rec Mute flashing, the meters stop displaying the current level and the monitored sound is cut. After about four seconds, the unit enters record ready mode. N O T E This function is only available from the remote control unit. Manually divide track While recording is taking place, press the RECORD key. The current track number is incremented by one. For details of automatic track division while record-ing, see “Automatic track division” on page 24. N O T E ≠ According to the “Red Book” (the specification for audio CDs), a track cannot be less than four sec- onds in length, and there can be a maximum of 99 tracks on an audio CD. Bear these limitations in mind when adding track divisions. ≠ This operation can not be applied during recording the track 99.

26 TASCAM CD-RW900 Unfinalizing CD-RW discs If a CD-RW disc has been finalized, it is possible to erase the Table of Contents in the following way: 1 W ith the finalized disc loaded and the unit in stop mode, press the ERASE/DEL key on the front panel or the ERASE key on the remote control. Rortate the MULTI JOG dial or press the SKIP keys on the remote control to select UNFINALIZE?. Push the MULTI JOG dial or press the ENTER key to confirm. If you do not want to proceed with the unfinalizing process, press the ERASE/DEL key on the front panel or the SKIP keys on the remote control. 2 The display shows Sure? If you do not want to proceed with the unfinalizing process, press the STOP key. 3 To start the unfinalizing process, press the MULTI JOG dial or the ENTER key again. When unfinalization has been chosen, the display shows the Erase flashing and the remaining time. The unit starts counting down from a time shown on the display. 4 When finalization has been finished successfully, Complete appears on the display, yet the TOC will go off. 6-After recording Finalizing This section deals with the actions taken after record- ing: finalizing for CD-R and CD-RW discs, and erase operations for CD-RW discs. Once finalized, CD-R discs are truly final—no more can be recorded on them. By contrast, CD-RW discs can be “unfinalized” using the CD-RW900, i.e. their TOC can be deleted, and if there is space, further ma- terial can be recorded on them. Even if the disc is full, tracks can be erased following the unfinalize process, and new material can be recorded. As has been explained earlier (“Finalizing” on page 7), in order for a disc to become a standard CD, it must have a Table of Contents (TOC) written to it. This process is known as finalizing. An unfinalized disc can always be distinguished on the CD-RW900 by the TOC indicator under the disc type on the display being un-lit when the disc is inserted. To finalize a disc: 1 Load the unfinalized disc, and the unit in stop mode, press the FINALIZE key. The display shows FINALIZE? If you do not want to proceed with the finalizing process, press the FINALIZE/INS key on the front panel or the FINALIZE key on the remote control. 2 To start the finalizing process, push the MULTI JOG dial or press the ENTER key on the remote control. The display shows Sure? If you do not want to proceed with the finalizing pro- cess, press the STOP key. 3 W h e n fi n a l i z a t i o n h a s b e e n c h o s e n , t h e d i s p l a y shows the TOC flashing and the remaining time. The unit starts counting down from a time shown on the display. 4 When finalization has been finished successfully, Complete appears and the TOC will be lit on the display. N O T E During the process of finalizing, any key operation is not accepted.

TASCAM CD-RW900 27 Erasing tracks This operation erases the specified track and all sub- sequent tracks from a recorded CD-RW disc. 1 During stop, press the ERASE/DEL key on the front panel or the ERASE key on the remote control. Se- lect the ERASE TRACK? rotating the MULTI JOG dial or pressing the SKIP keys on the remote con- trol. To c a n c e l t h e o p e r a t i o n a t t h i s p o i n t , p re s s t h e ERASE/DELor the ERASE key again. 2 Push the MULTI JOG dial or press the ENTER key to enter the function. The display shows Erase XX-XX (the number of the first track and last track to be erased). Rotate the MULTI JOG dial or press the SKIP key to change the track numbers you desire to erase. To c a n c e l t h e o p e r a t i o n a t t h i s p o i n t , p re s s t h e ERASE/DELor the ERASE key again. 3 Push the MULTI JOG dial or press the ENTER key to operate the function. The display shows Sure? To c a n c e l t h e o p e r a t i o n a t t h i s p o i n t , p re s s t h e STOP key. 4 Push the MULTI JOG dial or press the ENTER key again to proceed the operation. The display shows the Erase flashing and the re- maining time. The unit starts counting down from a time shown on the display. N O T E Once the operation is proceeded, the STOP key cannot function. Please confirm before the operation. 5 When the tracks have been erased, Complete will appears on the display. Erasing a whole disc When you want to erase a whole disc (all the tracks on a disc), follow the procedure below: 1 During stop, press the ERASE/DEL key on the front panel or the ERASE key on the remote control. Se- lect the ERASE DISC? rotating the MULTI JOG dial or pressing the SKIP keys on the remote control. To c a n c e l t h e o p e r a t i o n a t t h i s p o i n t , p re s s t h e ERASE/DEL or the ERASE key again. 2 Push the MULTI JOG dial or press the ENTER key to enter the function. The display shows Sure?. To c a n c e l t h e o p e r a t i o n a t t h i s p o i n t , p re s s t h e STOP key. 3 Push the MULTI JOG dial or press the ENTER key again to proceed the operation. The display shows the Erase flashing and the re- maining time. The unit starts counting down from a time shown on the display. N O T E Once the operation is proceeded, the STOP key cannot function. Please confirm before the operation. 4 When the disc has been erased, Complete appears then Blank Disc will appear on the display. Refreshing a disc Refreshing the disc makes a disc usable again. This op- eration destroys all data on the disc. 1 Load the disc, and the unit in stop mode, press the ERASE/DEL key on the front panel or the ERASE key on the remote control. Select the REFRESH? rotating the MULTI JOG dial or pressing the SKIP keys on the remote control. To c a n c e l t h e o p e r a t i o n a t t h i s p o i n t , p re s s t h e ERASE/DEL or the ERASE key again. 2 Push the MULTI JOG dial or press the ENTER key on the remote control to enter the function. The display shows Sure? To c a n c e l t h e o p e r a t i o n a t t h i s p o i n t , p re s s t h e STOP key. 3 Push the MULTI JOG dial or press the ENTER key again to proceed the operation. The display shows the Erase flashing and the re- maining time. The unit starts counting down from a time shown on the display. 4 When the disc has been refreshed, Complete will appear on the display, and Blank disc shows up. 6-After recording Erasing

28 TASCAM CD-RW900 T itles can be given to the disc and the tracks on the disc, using the TEXT EDIT option on the TEXT sub- menu. N O T E After the title is selected and entered on the disc, and TOC lights up on the dis-play, if the power is turned off, the TOC will not be recorded onto the disc, and the titles will not be added. Follow the guidelines below to input titles on the screen. Operate them when in the text edit mode. It is more efficient to connect a keyboard for title input ( refer to “Title input by keyboard” on page 29). ≠ Select the type of character for input Press the DISPLAY key on the unit or the remote control to select from two different types of charac- ters. Lower case letters/code: no indication Capital letters/code: CAPS ≠ Input procedure Rotate the MULTI JOG dial or the SKIP keys on the remote control to get the desired characters on the display. Push the MULTI JOG dial or press the ENTER key on the remote control to enter. ≠ To move the cursor position Use the ∆/ ˙ key and the ˚/ ¥ key on the front panel, or the SEARCH key on the remote control. ≠ To delete characters Place the cursor on the character, then press the ERASE/DEL key on the front pane, or the ERASE key on the remote control. ≠ To insert characters Move the cursor to the location where you wish to insert a character, and press the FINALIZE/INS key on the front panel or the FINALIZE key on the re- mote control. ≠ To change a character Place the cursor on the character to be changed, then input the desired character. N O T E ≠ As with the TEXT menu, after the name is set, if the disc is tried to eject without writing TOC on the disc, the display will show Sure? Text!. If you want to eject the disc without TOC writing, press OPEN/ CLOSE key during the Sure? Text! is shown on the display. The text that have been edited or entered will be erased. ≠ The disc or track title of the fainalized disc cannot be edited. Unfinalizing (CD-RW only) is needed to oper- ate the title input function. Title input operation Disc title input 1 D u r i n g s t o p , s e l e c t t h e T E X T E D I T o p t i o n i n t h e TEXT sub-menu (refer to “Operation basic” on page 14). Text> Disc will appear. 2 Press the MULTI JOG dial or the ENTER key on the remote control. Now, you can input or edit the disc title following the guidelines above. 3 Press the MENU key to enter. If you want to cancel, press the STOP key. Track title input 1 D u r i n g s t o p , s e l e c t t h e T E X T E D I T o p t i o n i n t h e TEXT sub-menu (refer to “Operation basic” on page 14). 2 Rotate the MULTI JOG dial or repeatedly press the SKIP keys on the remote control to select the track number you desire to title. 3 Push the MULTI JOG dial or press the ENTER key on the remote control. Now, you can input or edit the track title following the guidelines above. 4 Press the MENU key to enter. If you want to cancel, press the STOP key. 7−Titling

TASCAM CD-RW900 29 Keyboard type setting The CD-RW900 must be set for the type of keyboard being connected. Set the type using the sub-menu KEYBOARD option on the SYSTEM sub-menu. Select US for an English- language keyboard, or JP for a Japanese-language keyboard. A computer keyboard can be connected to the IBM PC compatible PS/2 interface on the front panel to operate certain functions of the CD-RW900. It is particularly ef- ficient for title input. Title input by keyboard Titles can be input just like typing on a PC. ≠ To enter the Title Edit menu Press SHIFT + F8 to enter the Disc/Track Title Edit Menu. ≠ To select the type of characters for input Press CAPS to select or cancel upper case letters ≠ To input characters Character input is performed directly with the letter and number keys. ≠ To move the cursor Use the cursor arrow keys ≠ To delete characters Delete key: deletes the character in the cursor posi- tion Back space key: deletes the character before the cursor position ≠ To insert a character Use the Insert key. ≠ To change a character Put the cursor on its position and input the desired character. Other keyboard operations The keyboard can be used not only for title input, but also to control the deck transports, perform editing functions and other operations. The list below shows the keys that perform various operations. Keyboard keyOperation F1 same as pressing the µ key F2 same as pressing the ≤ key F3 operates the Key control on or off F4 same as pressing the STOP key F5 same as pressing the PLAY key F6 same as pressing the READY key F7 F8 same as pressing the RECORD key F9 F10 same as pressing the REPEAT key F11 same as pressing the PLAY MODE key F12 same as pressing the PITCH key SHIFT + F1direct to the “ERASE TRACK?” SHIFT + F2direct to the “ERASE DISC?” SHIFT + F3direct to the “REFRESH?” SHIFT + F4 SHIFT + F5 SHIFT + F6 SHIFT + F7 SHIFT + F8 direct to the “TEXT EDIT?” SHIFT + F9 SHIFT + F10 SHIFT + F11 direct to the “UNFINALIZE?” SHIFT + F12 direct to the “FINALIZE?” CTRL + F1 Direct track search TRACK 1 CTRL + F2 Direct track search TRACK 2 CTRL + F3 Direct track search TRACK 3 CTRL + F4 Direct track search TRACK 4 CTRL + F5 Direct track search TRACK 5 CTRL + F6 Direct track search TRACK 6 CTRL + F7 Direct track search TRACK 7 CTRL + F8 Direct track search TRACK 8 CTRL + F9 Direct track search TRACK 9 CTRL + F10 Direct track search TRACK 10 CTRL + F11 Direct track search TRACK 11 CTRL + F12 Direct track search TRACK 12 CAPS select or cancel upper case letters å—œto move the cursor Delete Same as the DEL/CLR key Back space deletes the character before the cursor Insert same as the FINALIZE/INS key ESC cancel edit or title edit and finish Menu mode Enter same as theENTER key 7−Titling

30 TASCAM CD-RW900 Troublshooting SymptomPossible cause and remedy There is no power to the unit.Please check the power cord is properly plugged in. “Disc Error!” is displayed.The disc may be dirty. Please replace the disc. Playback is not possible.This may be due to condensation. In this case, remove the disc, turn the power on and wit a few hours, then try again. No sound is output.Confirm the connections with the audio system. Check the volume level, and proper amplifier operation. Recording is not possible.Confirm the connections with the audio system. Adjust the recording level. The disc may be for playback only. Please replace with a recordable disc. Noise or static can be heard.Please re-position the unit away from strong source of magnetism such as a television. The CD-RW900 does not retain settings. While settings are retained each time they are made, in some cases they will not be retained when the power is turned off too soon. To prevent this from happening, do not turn off the power right after making a setting. Error messages Message Details / response Can’t Rec!Cannot record. Either erase the contents of the disc (for a CD-RW), or use a different recordable disc. Disc Error! The disc has malfunctioned. Please replace with a new disc. Disc Full! No recording time remaining, or no recordable track is left on the disc. Text Full! No space to input the letters. Sure? Text! The text data is not written on the disc yet. Open the tray to cancel the text you enter or operate final- ization to write the data on the disc. Drive Error! There is a problem in the drive. D-IN UNLOCK! The digital input is not connected. Turn on the power of the equipment connected to DIGITAL IN. Not Audio! There is no audio signal from DIGITAL IN. Erase Error! An error occurred while erasing. Not Fs44.1k! The sampling frequency of the digital input is not 44.1 kHz. Please turn the SRC on. PGM Empty! There is no program. PGM Full! Now new programs can be created. Can’t Edit! Editing cannot be performed due to operational restrictions. Can’t sel! Menu selection cannot be performed due to selection prohibitions. Rec Error! There was an error during recording. Please re-record. No DIR!There is no directory that contains a file. Decode Err! The MP3 file cannot be played back. Format Err!The disc has been formatted that the CD-RW900 cannot read. Messages during operations MessageStatement Blank DiscA blank recordable disc has been inserted. CompleteAn operation such as finalize or erase has been successfully completed. Now OPC (OPC=Optium power Control) Calibration is being performed to operate recording properly. Disc RepairThe disc failed to write PMA is being repaired, and this operation will be a long- running. Please do not turn off the power of the CD-RW900 during this operation. PMA Writing (PMA=Program memory Area) The recorded content is being written to the disc. TOC readingThe table of contents data is being read. 8-Reference and specifications